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Live On the Air
Live On the Air
Live On the Air
Ebook40 pages37 minutes

Live On the Air

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About this ebook

It's the late 1980s, and Mike Pattison has spent his life in the closet. As a young doctor working at a small emergency room, he's resigned himself to staying there. But a voice on late-night radio keeps grabbing his attention. Will DJ "Sam Spade" be the one to convince Mike put his fears aside and live?

This shamelessly romantic short story (10,000 words) features longing, lust and two sexy men looking for their happy ending. Due to strong language and sexual content, it is intended for adult readers only.


“What's your name, doc?”

“Mike,” I said.

“What’s your favorite station?”


“Have a great night, Mike,” he said.

“Yeah, I will.” I hung up the phone and thought about what Ted had said. A face for radio. No guy who sounded that great was working overnights in a little community like ours without a face for radio, right? They would've put him on in the mornings, or at least drive time, to charm people when they did live appearances. Maybe he had a hook nose or had been horribly scarred in an accident or something. I tried to picture the guy in a wheelchair, with a prosthetic arm and leg, anything to get me away from the electric purr of his voice.

It didn't help.

PublisherMona Midnight
Release dateMay 5, 2013
Live On the Air

Mona Midnight

I'm a child of the 80s who loves ebooks because they remind me - just a little - of all the cool technology I wanted from Star Trek. I believe fiction can be fun, moving and sexy.

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    Live On the Air - Mona Midnight

    Live on the Air

    Mona Midnight

    Copyright 2013 Mona Midnight

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    For you to really get this story, you need to understand a few things. First, that this is a story from ancient history; the 1980s. Back then, you listened to music on the radio, with real live people spinning the tunes. You could call in and ask them to play a song, and sometimes they actually would. No Pandora, no iTunes.

    Second, that I was young, and lonely, and gay. This was before gay marriage, before Ian McKellen came out. Long before I came out. It was a lot more dangerous to be gay back then.

    And third, that this story is about how I fell in love with a voice.

    So like I said, it was the eighties, and I'd just gotten my medical degree. My first job out of residency was the graveyard shift at the local emergency room, at a small New England hospital twenty miles down the road from the medical school where I earned my MD—if you broke your finger, you'd go to the little hospital, if it was your neck you'd land at the big one. The community was pretty rural but I didn't mind that. I grew up out in the middle of nowhere; a bustling college community was a big city in contrast. I still hadn't quite gotten over living somewhere with pizza delivery. I'd liked my apartment and the town, and I knew both the hospitals well; I didn't feel any real need to move back home. Honestly, I hadn't really wanted to.

    I liked the ER, and I'd started wondering if I wanted to stay there. The nurses rotated, but we had a few regulars I got along with well. They were smart and good at their jobs, and they didn't mind goofing around when the night was slow and we didn't have much else to do. We had the radio on most of the time. Usually we settled on WROQ, the only local station that went all night with a live DJ. When I first got there, the DJ was terrible; some mopey old dude who probably remembered being on the air during World War II and seemed to be pissed that the station wasn't still playing swing. We tolerated him, because there wasn't anything better on, but we loved to complain about him. Yeah, we could've played a cassette, but then we started arguing over what to play. The radio was easier.

    I worked Tuesday through Saturday,

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