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Rule of nine
Rule of nine
Rule of nine
Ebook265 pages3 hours

Rule of nine

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Through the ages of the Earths life there have been many changes and many expressions of energy in the form of millions of different life forms, but before life forms there were just cycles of the elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Something happened to enable the elements to collaborate giving birth to 3D life forms. The existence of the homosapien is a relatively recent one.
This story highlights the balance between mans destruction - through greed - of his own possibility for survival vs a necessary action - dictated by the planet itself - to rescue the very same chances of survival and a continuation of all life here on Earth. Mans technology is a crucial part of the Earths plan to fix the problem, that same technology being a great part of the cause of her destruction. A small group of people find themselves in a partnership which could make or break the future of life on the planet. From different extremes of modern social perspective they come together as a team. The tiniest of objects is at the centre of their quest and an even tinier adversary - their constant enemy.

PublisherWill Rumfitt
Release dateOct 16, 2012
Rule of nine

Will Rumfitt

I am a middle aged bloke, a father, a Trombonist and have just discovered the joy of writing. I've read hardly any books in my life as I've been mostly engrosed in music and my children so I doubt if I have any 'writer' influences. I do like reading articles on physics and other sciences and have done quite a bit of that. My ideas have mostly come from bed time stories I made up for the kids when they were growing, but I've put more of a serious slant in them and researched much subject matter to make sure I get the facty bits as right as I can. I would love to recieve comments/criticism/reviews etc so feel free to tell me . . . Rule of Nine (the Dance) is on the way.

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    Rule of nine - Will Rumfitt

    The greatest respect you can pay to nature is to be true to yourself. The greatest respect you can pay to yourself is to be true to nature.

    Many a millennium have passed since this time, this time of pre-migrant life, a time when the earth flourished with static life forms, things forming, growing, living and dying . . . during each lifespan of a given form – the recycling of atoms was the over-view of all life, the order of the day, another life, the mother life . . . included in it – any element or matter of which a life-cycle could be activated and sustained by the energy of our sun and the collaboration of the elements.

    It was given that all life-force was a manifestation of energy, it was also given that the key to its sustainability was that no single branch of the energy’s manifestation could be prioritised, and so the cycle and re-cycle system was the unspoken law, all life was one life.

    A wondrous game began, the energy of which can be best understood from the perspective of children, playing – innocent, intentionally inquisitive – intimately honest and helplessly optimistic, sometimes cruel, but each moment, each ‘now’ being rich with an infinite possibility of ‘now’s’, the perception of which – at this time – was universal and ethereal, entering into the physical where anything – it would seem – was possible.

    Of course we cannot really fully understand such a pure environment of consciousness, incessantly seeking out new possibilities, unhindered by ego and time, and yet in nature it is still that way today. One cannot be sure of how but it would seem that the collaboration of the elements, water-fire-air-earth happened in such a way that they each gave the others a bit of themselves – later to have stories of gods and deities written by man in their wake – they were to lend themselves to be a part of what none of them could create on their own.

    Something amazing was achieved, after many millions of years of existing in harmony – which included a balance between what we would class as a paradise utopian existence and catastrophic destruction – in the terms of the planet at this time though it was all just a manifestation of the energy of the universe.

    In this place of infinite possibility there were frequent meteor collisions, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, all on a scale only imaginable to us today . . . in fact it is suggested by certain schools of biological theory that some life-forms came to exist on the planet by physically entering the earth’s atmosphere riding a comet or meteor . . . the spores of certain strains of the mushroom family are said to be resistant to the environment in the earth’s outer atmosphere, raining down spawn and spores from space, maybe having been trapped in ice or perhaps travelling as cosmic particles . . . Magic.

    * * *

    It is an interesting fact that the human digestive system cannot digest the matter of mushroom; it always leaves the body as it leaves the mouth to enter the throat. If you were to swallow one whole it would reappear the same as if it had rite of passage through this tube we call the human body, with an apparent immunity to the fate which meets most other things biological which pass through, as if it just isn’t noticed by our systemic acids and digestive sensors. With exception only to the protective skins on some fruits, the mushroom family is fairly unique in this way.

    However, there is something of an influence from mushrooms on the chemistry of a human nervous system, brain and body, and though there appears to be little impact on the physicality of the mushroom during its journey through the human body – apart from the breaking of its flesh by teeth – there is definitely an impact made on the human anatomy by some species of mushrooms – on a physical and neural level.

    * * *

    Having said that – the life forms which occupied earth all those aeons ago were static, It is not true though that within those life forms – which consisted of root feeding plants, trees and algae – there was no free movement. There evolved minute swimming pigmented forms that move by lashing flagella or ‘arms’ which sprout from invaginations on their surface – a bit like a hair from a follicle – unlike hair though, these little arms have the function of movement and thus the attribute of propulsion, a function the likes of which had – quite likely – never existed in this universe before.

    These little swimmers are cells without a cell wall and are present both in plants and animals, they exist mostly in pairs, and their dominant and dynamic characteristic is that they photosynthesize light – they are conduits for energy, like transformers, turning AC into DC. Tiny animals – with little arms. How they came about and where they came from are questions which can only be hypothesized, they evolved, they are called Euglenoids, a species, some with no arms, some with one and some with two.

    Certain schools of theoretical biology suggest that when the planet was coming together from the dust of the forming universe, the first ’life particles’ were trapped in the depths of the earth’s mass, inactive and inactivated, remaining there until millions of years had passed and until the earth’s geological status allowed them to surface through under water volcanic activity, where they collaborated with light particles, and a new dance of the elements began.

    Euglenoids vs. Plasmoids

    So . . . The Cambrian period, the earth was by this time bustling with plant life and had moved on to embrace fungi. . . Animal life had not yet developed – unless you count Euglenoids as animals (this is a matter of scientific debate as no fossils have been found from before this period).

    From space the evident blue and green reflected light particles made the earth look different from all of the other planets – making it the talk of the universe (so to speak), energies were drawn to it. Whilst the atmosphere and gases, minerals and elements and the magnetic field which prevails on the planet made it possible for energy to manifest itself by growing in solid three dimensional forms, not just any energy could enter through the atmosphere and even less embrace and be embraced by the prevalent conditions of the planet.

    However, though many energies from all corners of the galaxy would pass near to and through our solar-system, very few seemed to be able to settle . . . that was how it was for many thousands of years until the arrival of unique rogue energy, the exception . . . this energy – unrecognised on the earth – made a plump for habitation on this rich planet . . . enter the Plasmoids.

    The Plasmoids expressed a ruthless characteristic, like bacteria they were of a hardly visible size and yet their effect on the planet was unstoppable, everything they came into contact with was influenced and morphed into a dense, silvery solid replica of its former self and suspended in that state. There would be no more growth. Life forms had no defence, they didn’t stand a chance.

    The Euglenoids put up some resistance in the form of trying to cohabit but it was futile as the Plasmoids had a supra DNA so influential that everything these tiny cosmic cousins of the Euglenoids touched turned to shiny plasma, before ten years had passed the entire planet shone silver with the reflection of every light particle that graced it’s presence, domination was inevitable.

    This would have been the end-fate of life on Earth except for one thing . . . the Earth – at its core – still molten and powerful, where a type of consciousness which belongs to all planets resides, unlike the consciousness we speak of on an individual and egotistical level but not so very different – spoke it’s voice . . . the element of fire from the core made the last stand by sending a powerful signal, a bid to call for help.

    The Plasmoids three-dimensional form held to every shape of life and matter which had been present before its arrival, every tree, plant, mushroom and Euglenoid was petrified in suspended animation, the rocks and the water too, a planetary torpor, nothing on earth could resist the expression of the Plasmoids, and nothing on earth grew or moved any longer. The call for help was a signal and the now silver planet was the beacon, the message rode the astral airwaves for many light years, but at a speed greater than that of light, time was not an obstacle, it was not even relevant. Absolute now is not subject to the linear wave-like nature of time.

    There was at that time – by convenient and miraculous coincidence – a vast free-floating family of rocks passing close to our galaxy, these rocks were the remnants of a big bang in another universe and another time-span, they carried no DNA but did have consciousness. The rocks were of a nature unknown anywhere in this universe, their density was so great that a rock the size of a golf ball was equal in weight to a lump of iron the size of a medicine ball, these rocks were called ‘Genesians’ and they answered the call of the Earth.

    It took many of our years for the Genesians to reach the silver planet, on arrival they orbited the Earth forming an evenly spaced layer – thousands of feet above and around the globe – imagine the Earth looked something like a mirror-ball at this time with gaps between the rocks allowing some reflected light to sparkle through – communication between the rocks and the Earth’s core-consciousness was underway. When the time was right, the agreement made and the pathways forged, the rocks all descended at the same time . . . the initial impacts were catastrophic, a sacrifice which was necessary and the only chance for the continuation of life on Earth.

    The only way to describe it is that the Earth gave permission for the rocks to form a mobile configuration by the creation of a kind of activation code formed at a point of balance between the two consciousnesses which – when applied – allowed the rocks to move freely, to roam the planet though the corridors of energy flow with the purpose of touching all infected matter. . . . the Genesians where so dense that they were resistant to the effects of the Plasmoids and thus created a reversal of their effect, balancing and neutralising the dominant DNA. Eventually the Plasmoids dissipated into the Earth’s atmosphere and mingled harmlessly with the particles of the planet.

    The Genesians had done their job knowing that the magnetic and gravitational conditions on Earth would not allow them to leave, a one way trip. And so, on the Earth was created a dimensional vortex in the area we now know as the Bermuda triangle where the Genesians could exist on the planet, but on a dimensional over-tone which gives them their own world, in a layer of reality in which only the Genesians could exist, untouchable . . . where they exist to this day.

    This is for most purposes a happy ending, but there are two legacies . . . the first is obvious, the resting place of the Genesians, a non ageing rock life-form whose existence is afforded on the Earth by everlasting universal agreement. . . the second legacy is that – also by universal law – when one energy has influenced another – an imprint is left. Earth was left tainted by the faintest mark of the Plasmoids, you see the Plasmoids were not ‘bad’, there is no good or bad, they just corrupted everything they touched in their own favour, and it’s what they did.


    A breeze is an easy thing. . .even pleasant. When you think of a breeze you could be picturing a sunny day, perhaps on a beach, warm, comfortable, the gentle soothe of moving air, not particularly directional, offering up the smell of the sea to you whilst simultaneously drawing your breath into partnership with it. Just a feeling, carefree and blissful . . . you could be walking on green hills and wondering where the beauty comes from, that feeling of a gentle breeze on the surface of your skin changes the way you see things, like someone is walking with you who makes everything wonderful . . . for you.

    Although a breeze is a type of wind, it’s influence allows you to be elevated in a way which gently opens parts of the mind, familiar, like distant memories – the feeling of which you can not quite place.

    Gusts can be un-nerving, especially when the sun is out and in the stillness you relax, then a strong gust feels menacing as if provoking you into readiness for the unexpected.

    A strong wind is often said to ‘blow away the cobwebs’ (an expression one could take to mean ‘removing or leaving behind unnecessary thoughts and needs or memories’). Always moving, leaving no trace of itself but the previously loose but now detached jetsam of the natural and unnatural world – only leaving an impression of having been there.

    A Tornado – on the other hand – comes and goes, holds no blame and does not discriminate, leaving a signature of destruction in its wake, dismantling everything it possibly can.

    Over and through the ages, peoples have believed the wind to be one of nature’s messengers, a carrier of wisdom, of spiritual knowledge, influencing the essence of reality across the hills and mountains, oceans and seas, conditioning the movements of the nomadic tribes since and before the record of history began. For those who knew how to receive and understand what the wind carried came a greater understanding of all things, for the mind must be truly open to receive such a thing.

    The absence of wind is betrayed in nature only by the rising smoke of a fire and perfectly vertical rainfall . . . both events have an air of stillness and beautiful simplicity, one which can evoke a feeling of serenity or vulnerability.

    * * *

    To the world of the Euglenoids – who once had characterised animalisation on this planet – the breeze was just one of many expressions of the natural world. The Euglenoids did not have sight – it is thought that the eventual development of sight in animals would have evolved from other perceptional senses which had existed previously, like the natural event which takes place in moisture when heated, it turns to vapour and rises, this is not a sign of any will on the part of moisture but still is the result of the influence of heat upon it . . . take the varying temperature fluctuations and the way atoms behave differently during the extremes of these conditions . . . a different texture being created on a surface of a thing when cold to that apparent when hot, particles being caused to cling tightly together or to be forced apart . . . the inception of these things to the Euglenoids is like the perception we talk of in visual, olfactory and other sensory perceptions, but more closely relating to the procession of the elements of life which had evolved thus far. The elements are the dictators and directors of all cycles, and the dimensional manifestations of the energy of the planet in any form – are the commodity.

    You see there were no predators as such in this time, just movement of energy. . . one things ‘life’ or ‘movement’ could bring about the beginning or the end of anothers.

    Life forms existing within other life forms, whole cultures of biological expression existing as part of the makeup of other life forms. . . but the Euglenoids had the ability to move freely, making them different to other life-forms.

    The trace of the Plasmoid legacy tipped the balance toward the acquisition of will to occur within the organism the Euglenoids occupied – this gave them the upper hand and the ‘sense’ to move away from conditions which threatened the familiarity of its surroundings or indeed to move closer to those surroundings which might be more beneficial to its survival.

    Life had entered into new territory – a territory which was going to bring about the possibility of what we understand as ‘choice’.

    Part 1


    you can talk about what is, what was or what might be, there is your version of these things which occasionally coincides with another’s . . . then there is what you think will be, in this there is involved the application of will, and that is the mechanism we use to create our reality, or does it just seem that way?

    Farming had been a way of life in this family for many generations. The farm, a small-holding of some twelve acres reduced from one hundred in recent generations, a farm nestled into the Shropshire countryside as if it were a clump of moss thriving in the only place natural circumstances would allow. Idyllic, two thirds the way up a south facing, gently sloping hill side on the top ridge of which was a public footpath that had been a thoroughfare for as long as there had been people to use it – although, it was eight miles to the east and twelve to the west to the nearest two villages. Many stories had lined the skulls of locals for hundreds of years, stories rife with magic and folklore.

    This – unbeknown to any individual living soul – had once been at the centre of a continent, having been submerged, risen, frozen and covered with intensely thick rain forest. Nothing currently apparent about the place resembled these descriptions. It is – however – a place of incredible natural beauty.

    ‘Coe’ had been born there and had lived these first six years of his life in the same place, he knew the area well, having spent his young childhood rolling down from the top of the hill and climbing the sparsely positioned trees which dotted the immediate landscape, his relationship with the land was an intimate one.

    The farm – apart from being self sufficient – no longer operated as a farm but more as a commune. Grandpa was Coe’s mum’s dad. Being the only son of doting parents Coe had been born into an environment full of love, everybody who knew him became attached to him in some way, he was quite unique, I mean. . . he was a daydreamer and that’s not uncommon amongst six year olds but he carried an air of contentment about him and a gently twinkling eye which could bring a tear to the surface of anothers.

    Evolution from farm to commune had been so gradual that the animals and the humans had become like a family . . . eight chickens who lived in an enclosure – roughly sixteen feet by ten – which was joined to the west side of the house, the

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