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The Blood of Senbralni
The Blood of Senbralni
The Blood of Senbralni
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The Blood of Senbralni

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When tragedy strikes the Night Kingdom, the youngest Zarder, Delma, and her Bond Amblomna are considered the only ones capable of stopping the Fire Queen for good. After all, Amblomna has a strange gift: she can speak to the rain, and the rain listens.

Unfortunately, the spirit in the rain has no intention of helping Amblomna find the Fire Queen, and he does not intend to reveal the real reason why Amblomna was chosen.

Meanwhile, Senrae has once again been forced to stay behind and leave the heroics to other Onizards. While this troubles him, not knowing the identity of his enemies within the Sandleyr is far more troubling. A shy Child of Fire named Delgrafi seems to have more knowledge of the tragedy than she should, yet she acts as if she is trying to protect him from something.

Only one thing is certain; he must discover Delgrafi's secrets if he has any hope of protecting his friends and family.

The Blood of Senbralni binds them all together...but will it be their undoing?

Release dateOct 3, 2012
The Blood of Senbralni

Sara Jo Easton

Sara Jo Easton drew the first Onizards when she was bored in math class (in her defense, it was the second day in a row of graphing a plane). Over a decade later, she has attended college for Journalism and has traveled extensively. Times may have changed since she first started writing novels in the 8th grade, but she would still get bored in math class if she had to spend two days in a row graphing planes.

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    Book preview

    The Blood of Senbralni - Sara Jo Easton

    Chapter 1

    Iraeble listened to the wind howl through the trees as he walked carefully down the path to the training grounds. The sand beneath his feet was slightly dry, but he could feel moisture in the air around him, and the creatures that lived in the forest were unusually silent. He could tell a storm was coming soon, and with it would come Father Rain.

    His friend Amblomna and her Bond, Delma, claimed that when the rain fell over the Sandleyr, an Onizard appeared and danced among the raindrops. This Onizard was apparently nearly invisible to those who could see him, but Amblomna said he talked to her and called himself Father Rain. Iraeble sensed that he was one of the few Onizards who truly believed her story; he could tell by the way her tone changed when she spoke of him, as if she were talking about some terrible secret instead of an Onizard she claimed was a friend. At times, he had to admit that he did wonder about Amby’s sanity, but only until he next talked to his Grandma Rulsaesan. Besides, there was no time for any more doubts; Amblomna had said that Father Rain promised to meet him, and he had the nagging sense that this was an important meeting.

    Irae sighed. He guessed it had to be mid-afternoon now, but he couldn’t tell for certain; he never saw anything but darkness. He was born without the gift of sight that others took for granted; some said it was because his mother was too young, but he had no way of knowing that for certain. He could not remember her, only Delculble, the Onizard that had called him son and taken him under wing. Iraeble had strong doubts that he was truly related to the Child of Wind who raised him, but his father was so full of love that Irae did not question him.

    Delculble often said that Irae had gifts that would aid him one day, but he didn’t truly believe this. He had been told his hearing was exceptional, but without sight the powers of speed he inherited were utterly useless. Under the advice of several high-ranking Children of Earth, he had decided to declare himself a non-nature.

    Irae didn’t really mind being a non-nature; it gave him freedom to stay out of the Sandleyr gossip that was becoming more and more obnoxious of late. Besides, with his status as a nobody in the Sandleyr he could learn truths that no high-ranking Onizard would ever comprehend. One day, when he was barely old enough to be considered an adult, Grandma Rulsaesan told him a very important and terrible secret; Amblomna was not really Uncle Delden and Aunt Ranse’s daughter.

    Unless someone had been hiding under the Watchzard rock the entire four years Amby had been alive, they would have heard about the scandalous affair between Deldenno, son of Rulsaesan, and Ransenna the disgraced Child of Earth. The Fire Queen had kidnapped them, along with Idenno the Watchzard, and their rescuers arrived only to watch Idenno die from the Fire Queen’s flames. The two of them had become joinmates shortly after returning to the Sandleyr with Amblomna’s egg.

    According to the popular tale, the two of them were enjoying each other’s company while the Fire Queen slowly killed Idenno. Iraeble had not understood what this meant until Amby ran to him one afternoon sobbing about being called an illegitimate whelp, which was apparently barely above being a non-nature in the esteemed opinions of the gossips who stood around all day harassing innocent Onizards. She only cheered up when he reminded her that they could be whelps together.

    The wailing of the gossips never seemed to cease, even though Ransenna and Deldenno led an extremely private life, never giving them a cause to complain other than Amblomna existing. To them, Ransenna was a virtueless Onizard who failed the Code of Earth, and Deldenno had fallen so far from his esteemed family line!

    But Amblomna was not really Uncle Delden and Aunt Ranse’s daughter. Rulsaesan wouldn’t say more, but from the way she spoke, it seemed that Amby’s true parentage had something to do with her seeing things others didn’t. That was the same day that Rulsaesan confirmed that Father Rain was most assuredly real, and a good spirit who was not ready for the stars.

    That, of course, only deepened the mystery. Everyone knew that good Onizards went to the stars when they died. Who was this Father Rain, anyway?

    Iraeble did not have long to ponder the origin of Father Rain, for the grass beneath his feet told him that he had arrived at the training grounds, where he was supposed to meet Amblomna. But he could not hear her gentle footsteps in grass in front of him, and he could not sense the quiet but firm call of her telepathic voice. Either she was on the other side of the hill, or she was not there.

    But someone else was.

    Iraeble lifted his ears and turned about, as he heard something moving. It was far too big to be Amblomna; at least, that was what he judged from the sound of the footsteps. The sound of shuffling wings told him that it was an Onizard, so he decided to call out to him or her.

    Good afternoon, sir or ma’am. What brings you out here?

    The stranger’s footsteps stopped. How did you know I was here? she asked, her telepathic voice slightly harsh in tone. Your back is turned to me!

    Iraeble quickly corrected this problem. I am sorry, ma’am. I could hear you, but since I cannot see, sometimes I confuse the direction I’m supposed to be looking in. I suppose this is one of those days, with the storm that is coming. The wind always distracts me when a storm is coming. Particularly since he was daydreaming about drifting through the air with Amby, whenever she arrived.

    Hopefully it will not come too soon, the other Onizard said, and there was a slight whooshing sound and a shift in the air. It sounded like she was moving her tail about somehow. Why does Rulsaesan send a blind Onizard on patrol?

    She didn’t. I am simply waiting for Amblomna, Iraeble said, hoping that would be enough to get the strange woman to leave him alone. Most people did when they learned of his association with her.

    Amblomna? The tone of her voice showed the frown that Iraeble couldn’t see. That is an unusual name. Why would someone name their child beloved of the lost in our ancient words?

    Lady Ransenna said it was to honor the memory of Lord Idenno, Iraeble said, though he wondered how this stranger had never heard of Amby.

    He is greatly missed, the strange Onizard said, her voice softening as she spoke. That was a tragic loss. Doubtless all hate the Fire Queen even more now.

    Some say that she didn’t mean to kill him, Iraeble said. I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is true, I can’t hate her for an accident. I hate her because she nearly killed Amby’s Bond.

    The stranger did not speak for a few seconds, and the silence was uncomfortable. Amblomna’s Bond is human, I suppose?

    Of course. How could you not know of Zarder Delma, adopted daughter of Zarders Jena and Bryn? I am told Leyrque Rulsaesan made a big announcement when she Bonded Amblomna and chose to make the Sandleyr her home.

    I don’t pay attention to Rulsaesan’s announcements, the other Onizard scoffed. I don’t approve of her as Leyrque.

    Strange, Iraeble said. Everyone I’ve talked to before has mentioned how much they love her.

    I am a bit unusual, the stranger said. So your friend Amblomna is Ransenna’s daughter?

    Yes, ma’am, Iraeble frowned. You really don’t leave your leyr much, do you?

    I do when it suits my needs, the strange Onizard said. Iraeble could hear her moving, but he did not know where she was going. Amblomna is your good friend?

    Yes, ma’am, Iraeble said, feeling the blood start to rush to his cheeks. She is my dearest friend.

    Would she miss you if you were gone?

    Of course, but that doesn’t matter, Iraeble said. I wouldn’t leave the safety of the Sandleyr and the paths I know.

    You will now, the stranger said.

    Before Iraeble had time to react, the sound of movement through the air combined with a sharp strike to his head. He fell down, trying to stay awake to warn someone, anyone of the danger that had come to the Sandleyr. He was thankful that Amby was late, but irate that he hadn’t realized who he had been talking to the entire time. How stupid!

    Perhaps, before this is over, you will have another reason to hate me, the Fire Queen said. Then Iraeble’s darkness combined with utter silence as he lost consciousness.

    Chapter 2

    Amblomna shivered from the night’s chilling cold, scanning the area around her for any sign of Irae. It just didn’t make any sense; they had agreed to meet there this afternoon, and he had never shown up! She didn’t want to abandon him, but Father Rain had agreed to meet with them, and it was difficult explaining to him that she couldn’t find her best friend.

    Irae was definitely nowhere in sight; he wasn’t in the field of the training grounds, and he wasn’t behind the great hill. He wasn’t even near the remains of Delma’s village or at the Sandleyr in his leyr asleep like he sometimes was in the hours before nightfall. Too much time had passed for him to be simply late; something was terribly wrong.

    The Child of Earth sighed; wherever he had gone, he had disappeared without any warning to her, and that was not like him at all. She hoped that wherever he was, he was warmer than she was at the moment; when he got back, she’d have to yell at him for being so silly. There were a lot of bad things out there in the wilderness that could hurt him, like unicorns or mushrooms or maybe even the Fire Queen! Come to think of it, other than dealing with the Fire Queen, that sounded slightly interesting.


    Amblomna leapt back in surprise at hearing another voice, shaking in fear as she saw nothing but a silhouette of an Onizard near the path to the Sandleyr. There was light behind the other Onizard, seemingly coming from her tail, so she was probably a Child of Fire. With Irae missing, she feared the worst, and lifted up her own tail in self-defense.

    There’s no need to be afraid, dear; it’s Lady Delsenni.

    Amblomna kicked the ground in frustration. Of course it was Lady Delsenni; she had called Amblomna by her nickname, which very few Onizards knew and even fewer still used. Now her cursed eyes were probably lavender from the momentary fear she had felt. Hopefully they would soon return to their normal shade of brown, and she could show herself to others in the Night Kingdom.

    Your eyes are not a curse, Amblomna, Delsenni said, as if she had guessed Amblomna’s insecurities. She probably had; Delsenni had been a Child of Light for two decades now, and her powers of empathy were likely very strong even without the aid of looking closely into Amblomna’s eyes.

    Then why does everyone glare at my mom when they see them? Amblomna asked. I don’t want to be the cause of anyone’s pain.

    You aren’t, Delsenni said as she paced the remaining distance to Amblomna. People are simply stupid sometimes. They have frustrations of their own that they feel that they cannot express any other way than glaring at others for imaginary wrongs. Your eyes are simply too beautiful for their tastes, so they blame them on the Onizard you inherited them from.

    That’s completely silly! Amblomna exclaimed. I hate the people who do that!

    Of course it is, Delsenni said. But you can’t hate the people who wrong you. It doesn’t solve anything.

    Even if the one who wrongs you is the Fire Queen?

    Delsenni froze in place, and the neutral expression she normally held turned into what seemed to be a mixture of anger and sorrow. At first, she frowned, and her eyes formed into a glare as she looked at Amblomna for a long moment. Then she closed her eyes and bowed her head, as she normally did when she was about to cry.

    I am sorry, Amblomna said as she folded her wings to her side. I’m just frustrated that I cannot find Irae.

    Iraeble is missing? Delsenni asked. Are you sure he wasn’t just sleeping back at the Sandleyr? It’s not like him to leave you out here in the cold.

    We were supposed to meet out here today, Amblomna said. We were supposed to meet Father Rain! Iraeble wouldn’t miss that for some rest. Anyway, I already checked his leyr!

    And how long ago was that?

    Amblomna sighed. It has probably been several hours. I haven’t been keeping track of time.

    Then let us go back to the Sandleyr, Delsenni said. I promise that we’ll send out a search party if we don’t find him there. In the meantime, though, your Bond is watching over young Keegan, and she’ll probably need my help.

    You just want an excuse to dote on Jena and Bryn’s son, the Child of Earth said as she began to giggle. Keegan was a particularly mischievous little human; she guessed that was part of the reason why she sensed that her Bond Delma was so flustered at the moment. Of course, Iraeble’s disappearance wasn’t helping anything.

    Perhaps I do, Delsenni said as she turned toward the path and started walking. I consider him as much of a grandson as Xoltorble and Erfasfi, and grandmothers have every right to dote on their grandchildren. When you are a grandmother someday, you will probably be just as amusing to everyone around you as I must be to everyone around me.

    Amblomna shook her head as she followed behind the Lady of Night’s shadowy form. I don’t think I’m capable of being a grandmother.

    When I was your age, I didn’t either, the Night Child said before she paused to chuckle softly. Now I know I’m sounding old. How silly of me.

    When you were four, had you met Lord Mekanni? Amblomna asked.

    No, Lady Delsenni said. I was six, and he was Mekanno when I met him. It seems like we’ve both been several different people since then, but our love has persevered. A good Leyrque once told me that love would keep me strong when all strengths fail, and that advice has never failed us.

    And it never will, right Lady Delsenni? Amblomna said with much enthusiasm.

    Right, Amby, she replied as they reached the Sandleyr.

    Amblomna could make out the Watchzard rock and the flowering tree that grew beside it in memory of the fallen Lord Idenno, the hero who gave up his life for the lives of her parents, Xoltorble, and Zarder Bryn. She knew there was no way that he could have possibly known her egg was being formed within her mother at the time, but in a way she felt that he had given up his life for her as well. It made her feel as if she had a responsibility to live out her life for him. Father Rain told her it wasn’t necessary, that Idenno wanted her happiness, but that only made her realize all the more where she would be happiest.

    One day, I’ll be Watchzard of this Sandleyr, Amblomna said as she stared at the Watchzard Rock. Of course, Father has to be sure I’m ready for the job first. But I will be Watchzard, Lady Delsenni.

    No Child of Earth has ever been Watchzard, the Child of Light said, frowning as if she were considering something grim.

    Then I’ll be the first, Amblomna said.

    The Watchzard position is not to be taken lightly. No one knows now if the Fire Queen is alive or dead, and if she is alive, she could easily attack us at any time.

    Then I will be ready for her, the Child of Earth said, her claws digging into the sand. She didn’t like hearing about the demon that kidnapped her parents and killed Lord Idenno; Amblomna had heard enough stories from others about the Fire Queen to know she would want to fight her with all of her power.

    Delsenni sighed. Well, you have Mekanni’s training, at least. You were

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