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Stud and the Artist
Stud and the Artist
Stud and the Artist
Ebook34 pages30 minutes

Stud and the Artist

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About this ebook

Steve,our surfie hero,is rocked by the news that his girlfriend, Lisa, has been posted overseas in her work for a few months. Lisa is worried, Steve is shattered. And then when his friends take him out to a party a week after she leaves, he looks up from his drink and sees a woman and fate deals its card to Steve and Lisa, with devastating consequences. Join us for Stud's latest sexual adventure.

PublisherSexy Singles
Release dateMay 29, 2012
Stud and the Artist

Sexy Singles

Sexy Singles is a pen name of one of the world's most prolific and successful erotica writers. I love writing erotica, I love knowing it will please others, inspire them, or just plain titillate. I hope you enjoy my short stories. You can follow me on twitter for latest releases as well as regular free and discounted offerings to my ebooks. Feel free to add me as one of your favourite authors on your Smashword's profile. Thank you for your interest. ------------------------------------- Here are some recent reviews of my work... "Now this is a hot idea. Thank you for the enjoyment." "wow, This was hot im gonna try all of that" "For a fast read - great to read on the beach lol-- was pretty cool. If you closed your eyes you could actually feel what these men felt ( at the beach). Enjoy- happy reading!" "This is a realistic scenario that I bet many women face. I enjoyed the look at this subject matter. Thank you" "Love this short story, very hot and inspiring." "Smoking Hot!" "So far, the best representation of casual and loving cuckoldry. The sex is smartly written and the relationships are real. Worth the small cost."

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    Stud and the Artist - Sexy Singles



    Sexy Singles

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    Published by Sexy Singles

    at Smashwords

    Stud and the Artist

    Copyright © 2012 by Sexy Singles

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    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    Image licensed by Dmytro Tolokonov

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    This is volume number 6 in the Stud series of ebooks.

    For my other ebooks, please go to the end of this book.










    Lisa sat on the beach, alone; there weren't too many brave souls there on this cold October morning.

    She wasn't crazy or anything, she was just there waiting for her boyfriend, Steve, to come out of the water from his early morning surf.

    He was obsessed with his surfing and she thought maybe that would be a good thing over the next few months.

    She hadn't expected this day to arrive but that morning at work the boss had told her to go home and pack her bags - she was being sent to another one of their organization’s offices for a few weeks.

    She watched her man, the love of her life, step out of the water and run towards her. He threw down his board on the sand and gave her a big hug and a big cold, salty kiss.

    "Aggghhh, you are so freezing cold,

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