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Ebook61 pages59 minutes


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H.E.A.T = Scorching hot sexy Doctors whose bedside manner will set you on fire and leave you wet! Hot Stud Doctors treat Horny Luscious patients who cum - Satisfaction Guaranteed. These are real patients with genuine medical ailments. But, it takes more than a prescription and a couple of pills to satisfy sensually-sick patients! Don’t you wish your doctor was one of the fabulous H.E.A.T. docs?

PublisherRose Hala
Release dateDec 15, 2011

Rose Hala

I am from New Zealand and married to a wonderful man. This month we celebrated out 23rd Wedding Anniversary. I have been writing since 2006. I write in a lot of different genres and also some poetry as well. I enjoy writing and it still surprises me how well my stories are received. It seems I have been blessed with a gift I didn't know I had until recently. I can only say a huge thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way. THANKS EVERYONE! Rose

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    H.E.A.T. - Rose Hala


    Rose Hala

    Copyright Rose Hala Dec 2011

    Smashwords Edition


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Hospital Emergency Administration Team:

    Dr. Ben B: Swiss; 32 years old. He is a fitness guru and has the body of Adonis and a perfect sculptured butt. He stands 5’8" in height and has shoulder length wavy brown hair. His deep voice, finely chiseled cheekbones and deeply cut dimples only add to his sex appeal.

    Field: Diagnostics: Head of the Accident and Emergency department.

    Dr. Sam Z: French; 33 years old. He has the look of a French playboy and stands 6" tall. His sexy French accent goes straight to the core and makes women melt. His smoldering sea green ‘come to bed’ eyes and killer smile would stop traffic. A deliciously defined, hairy – but not too hairy, chest make for the ultimate male package.

    Field: Orthopedist: Back surgeon.

    Dr. Carl M: Spanish; 33years old. The combination of all over natural tan and jet black curly hair give this hunk the look of a Spanish Matador. He stands 5’8in tall and his Spanish accent is hot enough to raise any woman’s temperature. His beautifully formed chest covered in black curls entices a woman’s fingers to wander. As for charm – this Latin Lover has an abundance of natural charm, and he knows it.

    Field: Dermatologist; skin allergies.

    Dr. David M: American; 32yrs old. He has a great physique, wonderful sense of humor and ever present smile. At 6’4" he’s the tallest member of H.E.A.T. He has a commanding presence and attracts attention where ever he goes. He is superbly handsome indeed, with his square chin, high cheekbones and full, sensual, just made for kissing, lips He has a softly spoken voice and a gloriously long tongue, which he knows how to use.

    Field: Thoracic surgeon; deals with the chest region.

    Dr Rick S: English; 33years old.

    He is debonair, much like James Bond, with his dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes and European accent. A tattoo of a Harley Davidson motorbike blazoned across his chest belies his debonair exterior. This badass doctor has a cleft in his chin, is bisexual but, given the choice, prefers guys.

    Field: Cardiologist: heart specialist.


    DR BEN: Cast On

    Ahhh! screamed Joanne as she fell. Oh, shit! Of all the stupid, idiotic things to do, slipping on her front path had to top the damn list. Now she was sitting on the ground clutching her ankle and spouting language that would have gotten her mouth washed out with soap in years past.

    Luckily, her cousin Lucia had witnessed the incident and rushed outside. Joanne! What the hell have you done to yourself? Are you ok? Stop bloody cussing like that! Joanne looked at her quizzically. Lucia thought about, then laughed at what she’d said.

    Ooh, I think I’ve sprained my ankle, and my hand hurts too. Joanne got to her feet with help then almost collapsed as sharp pain shot up her leg. She leaned heavily on Lucia, hopping awkwardly to the side of the house. Every hop jolted her foot, sending a wave of intense pain shooting directly into her brain with all the mercy of a blunt knife.

    I’ll fetch the car, Jo. It’ll be quicker if I drive you to the hospital.

    Yes, but please hurry. Hopping was definitely not a good idea.

    Joanne sat down in the car, then immediately sprang back up balancing awkwardly on her good foot.

    Oh yuk! Gross! She felt behind her and grimaced. Ooooh.

    What now? Lucia asked, rolling her eyes. What the hell could be wrong now?

    My knickers are wet. And, don’t look at me like that! When I fell, I sat down in a wet patch. Honest! Stop looking at me like that.

    OK, but it sounds like you had more than one accident here.

    Look, help me get em’ off. I can’t wear wet knickers. I’d rather go without. Besides, the doctor’s only going to look at my foot, no one will ever know. After removing the offending item, Lucia drove them to the hospital.

    Within half an hour they were sitting in the sparsely furnished hospital waiting room. Surprisingly, they were the only ones in the room and a nurse quickly showed Joanne to the cubicle where she was to be examined by the doctor. Lucia sat with her and both women took in a sharp, swift breath as the most

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