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The Promise of An Angel
The Promise of An Angel
The Promise of An Angel
Audiobook7 hours

The Promise of An Angel

Written by Ruth Reid

Narrated by Rachel Dulude

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Interrupting the ordered routine of the Mecosta County Amish settlement, an angelic visitor awakens Judith to a new faith.

All Judith Fischer ever wanted is to marry within her community and raise a family. She longs for the day when her parents will allow Levi Plank to officially court her.

But on the day Judith suspects Levi will ask her parent's permission, her younger brother Samuel has an accident under her charge. Rushing to Samuel's aid, Judith spies a strange man helping him; a man she later believes was an angel.

When she shares her conviction with her family and close friends, she is shocked to find that no one believes her, including Levi. In the days following the accident, the angel visits Judith with information that may guide her down the path of faith, should she choose to follow.

As her community slowly distances themselves, only one person is willing to stand up for her, the bishop's son, Andrew Lapp. But can he convince the settlement to listen to her? With a show of faith that flies in the face of her conservative upbringing, can Judith hold strong to the promise that there are even greater things in store for those who believe in God's miracles?
Release dateDec 10, 2019
The Promise of An Angel

Ruth Reid

Ruth Reid is a CBA and ECPA bestselling author of the Heaven on Earth, the Amish Wonders, and the Amish Mercies series. She’s a full-time pharmacist who lives in Florida with her husband and three children. When attending Ferris State University School of Pharmacy in Big Rapids, Michigan, she lived on the outskirts of an Amish community and had several occasions to visit the Amish farms. Her interest grew into love as she saw the beauty in living a simple life. Visit Ruth online at; Facebook: Author-Ruth-Reid; Twitter: @AuthorRuthReid.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fabulous book ! A story of hope, forgiveness, love and most of all faith!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There is a lot happening in this book! Judith has been in love with Levi for years, but her father refused to allow her to court until she turned 19. Now that day has arrived, but Martha, her 17-year-old sister, has eyes for Levi, too and during the family's barn rising, she begins to flirt with Levi, who enjoys the attention and flirts with Martha. Meanwhile, Levi's cousin, Andrew, who lost his fiancée a couple of years earlier, discovers that he is attracted to Judith. At the barn raising, Andrew gives Judith's young brother, Samuel, a nail and tells him that he will help him hammer the nail later. During the blessing over their meal, Judith sees Samuel on the barn roof and runs to the barn. Her calling to Samuel caused him to fall and as she runs around the barn, she finds an Englischer holding her little brother. The Englisher tells her that Samuel will be fine, then walks into the orchard, disappearing in a mist that only Judith can see. Apparently, Judith is also the only one to see the mysterious Englischer. When she tells everyone that she saw an angel, only Andrew believes her. Judith must repent and admit she made up the story about the angel or risk sent away and denied church membership.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I’m a junkie for Amish fiction—let’s just get that out there. So when the opportunity came up to read The Promise of an Angel, I was excited to read a new perspective on the Amish. At first I was a little surprised with the addition of the angel Tobias, especially when Judith began having real conversations with him. Amish beliefs are so strict that it was hard for me to imagine how talking to an angel was going to fit in with those beliefs. After getting more and more into the book, I realized Tobias represented Judith’s deep faithfulness in God. Why couldn’t the “elders” in the community see that?Family and community is the most important concept in the Amish lifestyle. So when Judith’s stories of the angel began to spread, the community banded together against Judith—just because the elders said they should. It surprised me the community would do that when she was only expressing her belief that God was speaking to her.Another surprise to me was the relationship between Judith’s sister, Martha, and Judith’s beau, Levi. I guess there are many sects of Amish but normally these teenage relationships are pretty hush-hush. Through the entire book, the boy-girl interactions were completely public. In addition, the way Martha was visibly treating Judith was a little startling to me—the envy, rudeness, and disrespect is so out of the ordinary for the Amish. Overall, The Promise of an Angel was a good summer read (I had the e-book version)—a story of faith, acceptance, and love with a couple twists and turns. I’m not sure if I’m going to read the next book in the series—guess we’ll have to wait & see what Ms Reid comes up with! I give The Promise of an Angel a 3 out of 5 stars.I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book touched me. It was a fantastic book of how sometimes God makes his faithful wait till he's ready to show his miracle. I read it feeling like I was Judith. She had been through a tragedy relying on God and no matter how many people thought she was looney she stood by her story. By the end of the book I was actually in tears {I rarely get that emotionally attached to a book}, but this story grabbed me in from the start. I loved Judith's character, her innocence, her strength, her faith a...This book touched me. It was a fantastic book of how sometimes God makes his faithful wait till he's ready to show his miracle. I read it feeling like I was Judith. She had been through a tragedy relying on God and no matter how many people thought she was looney she stood by her story. By the end of the book I was actually in tears {I rarely get that emotionally attached to a book}, but this story grabbed me in from the start. I loved Judith's character, her innocence, her strength, her faith and determination. By the end I could only hope that I get her kind of faith someday. Brilliant story. Amazing book. I will definitely recommend to everyone and read it again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ruth Reid is a FANTASTIC author! Her beautiful writing and her tender characters in this new, debut Amish novel was wonderful. I was instantly captured and taken on a whirlwind ride of faith, believing and love. All things that really create a wonderful Amish story. I truly loved Judith's story. She was known amongst their Amish community for telling stories to the little ones. So, when her little brother Samuel faces a tragedy and only she can see the angel that God sent, no one believes her. The Amish aren't supposed to speak of those things, but Judith just knows that the angel is real and that he is sending her a message about herself.....and about Samuel walking again. The trouble is, NO one believes her. It's a lot like the "boy who cried wolf" for this sweet Amish girl. Even the man of her dreams, Levi Plank, doesn't believe her. He's more interested in teasing and flirting with her younger sister. The only one amongst them that believes her is Levi's older cousin, Andrew. But, will he be shunned for believing in Judith? Or, will he help her keep her faith and stand true for what she believes in, and fall in love with her? This story was so much more than I ever thought it would be. It's truly a different take on the Amish life and outlook and it's a fresh new voice for us Amish lovers. I highly recommend this book with 5 stars and more, and am adding it my favorites list. I can't wait to see what Ruth Reid has in store for the next Heaven on Earth novel with Brush of Angels Wings!