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The Good Luck of Right Now
The Good Luck of Right Now
The Good Luck of Right Now
Audiobook7 hours

The Good Luck of Right Now

Written by Matthew Quick

Narrated by Oliver Wyman

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

From Matthew Quick, the New York Times bestselling author of The Silver Linings Playbook, comes The Good Luck of Right Now, a funny and tender story about family, friendship, grief, acceptance, and Richard Gere—an entertaining and inspiring tale that will leave you pondering the rhythms of the universe and marveling at the power of kindness and love.

For thirty-eight years, Bartholomew Neil has lived with his mother. When she gets sick and dies, he has no idea how to be on his own. His redheaded grief counselor, Wendy, says he needs to find his flock and leave the nest. But how does a man whose whole life has been grounded in his mom, Saturday mass, and the library learn how to fly?

Bartholomew thinks he’s found a clue when he discovers a “Free Tibet” letter from Richard Gere hidden in his mother’s underwear drawer. In her final days, mom called him Richard—there must be a cosmic connection. Believing that the actor is meant to help him, Bartholomew awkwardly starts his new life, writing Richard Gere a series of highly intimate letters. Jung and the Dalai Lama, philosophy and faith, alien abduction and cat telepathy, the Catholic Church and the mystery of women are all explored in his soul-baring epistles. But mostly the letters reveal one man’s heartbreakingly earnest attempt to assemble a family of his own.

A struggling priest, a “Girlbrarian,” her feline-loving, foul-mouthed brother, and the spirit of Richard Gere join the quest to help Bartholomew. In a rented Ford Focus, they travel to Canada to see the cat Parliament and find his biological father . . . and discover so much more.

Release dateFeb 11, 2014

Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick (aka Q) is the New York Times bestselling author of several novels, including The Silver Linings Playbook, which was made into an Oscar-winning film, and The Good Luck of Right Now. His work has been translated into thirty languages and has received a PEN/Hemingway Award Honorable Mention. Q lives with his wife, the novelist-pianist Alicia Bessette, on North Carolina's Outer Banks.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Bartholomew Neil is a reclusive and compassionate 39-year-old man whose mother has just passed away from brain cancer. Now he has to find a way to channel his silent grief and move on with his life. Although he is a deeply reflective and book-smart, he is also socially awkward and he seems to be autistic. This may explain why he still lived with his mother and never had a job or any friends, and also why he writes letters to Richard Gere after his mother's death. His unique grieving process allows him to grow up and try to become his own person, and throughout is sprinkled with some very hilarious and some very sad moments.

    Bartholomew's thoughts are so simple and yet they really put things into perspective for the reader. Anyone can relate his intermittent words of wisdom (mostly borrowed from his mom and the Dalai Lama) to their own circumstances. The "Good Luck of Right Now" theory is a clever touch. However I struggled to believe that Bartholomew could be so smart at times and at other times so sincerely obtuse, but I guess that was supposed to be a part of his growing and learning/social ineptitude. Those around Bartholomew seemed to contribute to his awkwardness by treating him like a baby and withholding things from him, which seemed unnecessary because I think he could have handled more. The Richard Gere device was quirky and interesting but I got a little tired of it after a while. Still, the ending wouldn't have been the same without it.

    At times amusing and enlightening, at times corny, at times kinda boring, I would recommend this book to people who are fans of Matthew Quick's other novels or anyone looking for a light, entertaining quick-read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Actually enjoyed the main character; however, got bored reading a book of letters to Richard Gere.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Richard Gere? Really?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Engaging story and lovable, vulnerable characters reminding us that we all have a driving need for connection and community, and flawed as we are, we can all help each other muddle our way through.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting story told in letters that were written by a 38-year-old man who still lives at home with his mother and who pretends to be Richard Gere in order to calm her during her last days of dementia ridden cancer. In addition to pretending to be him for his mother, he also writes him to explain what he is doing. During the course of the novel it becomes evident that our protagonist named Bartholomew Neil has some mental health issues and struggles to succeed in life. All he has ever done is take care of his mom. When his mother dies, he finds it confusing that his parish priest has decided to defrock himself from the Catholic Church and move in with Bartholomew. We see through his summaries of his therapy sessions that his life goal is to have an age-appropriate friend and have a drink in a bar. This is accomplished when he meets Max. Max also has some mental health issues and can't complete a sentence without using the word the middle of every other word. Max has a sister named Elizabeth but whom Bartholomew has coined the girlbrarian. These four characters go on a journey of self discovery in order to try to meet Bartholomew's real dad and for Max to finally see cat Parliament. As I said, it's an enjoyable story with an interesting point of view. It would prompt me to look further into more of this author's work.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed reading this book. Just a lovely story. Sad in places, but overall positive and uplifting.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This novel is by Matthew Quick, the author of Silver Linings Playbook. Like that novel, this one features odd, broken characters who find a way to be whole by banding together. The story is told through letters written by Benjamin, the main character, to Richard Gere. Richard Gere is an imaginary friend for Benjamin, but he helps Benjamin find in his way in a world that he doesn't understand. He gives him courage when needed, and allows the world to see that Benjamin is a big-hearted man who simply needs to find his place. I loved the characters. I loved the way that Quick shows them as individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. This is a novel that gives you hope for the world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Though I never read anything else by this author I did see "Silver Linings Playbook" and enjoyed that a lot, so I wanted to check out the author's writing style. A quick read (how apropos) that dealt with mental illness in a way that neither demeaned the sufferers nor downplayed its problems. I'm now anxious to go back and read other books in this author's repertoire.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Easily among the top 3 epistolary novels addressed to Richard Gere I've ever read - no qualification.

    The thing I like about Matthew Quick (having read this and The Silver Linings Playbook) is the realism he brings to characters and situations. I don't think a single one of the people who populate his works could be classified easily via archetype or caricature. Each of them is a living, breathing (FLAWED) human.

    It's the kind of writing that can be difficult to read, if only because it seems awkward to be intruding on someone else's life in so personal a way. But it's definitely worth making your way through.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Read this one for 52 weeks 52 books online group this is 2014 week 9.

    Filled with a full cast of flawed characters. You want the best for Bartholemew who takes care of his mom whose brain has been ravaged by cancer. He m u st pretend to be Richard Gere for her until she dies. In dealing with her death he continues to write and talk to Richard. It takes a deflocked priest, a girl abducted by aliens, and her brother with Tourettes to help him find his way.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Read this over thanksgiving on my e-reader. Unfortunately my notes are gone, (and my memory not what it once was) but I liked it a great deal. I like the idea of the good luck of right now.ebpc
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I purposely waited a couple of days after I finished it before writing this. The more I thought about the overall tenor of the story and how it ends, the more I liked it. This is not a story with a traditional happy ending. Nor is the main character (or any of the characters for that matter) someone for whom you would have a tremendous amount of empathy or admiration. They are simply average people trying to get along as best they can. And the author shows you the simple beauty of that.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is very endearing. You learn through the main character's letters to Richard Gere, about this man's struggles to find his place in the world after his mother's death. He is mentally underdeveloped, though you're not told how - whether it is autism just simple-minded-ness, but his innocence is endearing. You figure things out before he does, but that doesn't frustrate you. He tries to help his priest, Father McNamee, his grief counselor, Wendy, and his new friends, Max and Elizabeth, but has varying degrees of success. You root for each, (even though Max says fuck about every sentence, which can be a bit trying). It combines the philosophy of Buddhism, the religion of the Catholic church - but just the good parts- and the idea of the good luck of right now - that whatever bad luck you are having means that someone else is having excellent luck. and that where you are is where you are suppose to be. So you have to accept the bad things, in order to practice compassion, so that others can experience happiness, as the world needs to be in balance. It is a good life philosophy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent "quirky" book from Matthew Quick. The Good Luck of Right now is the witty poignant story of Bartholomew Neil's attempt to move on after losing his mom to brain cancer. He is a forty year old that may be on the spectrum and is now on his own. His story is told through letters that he pens to Richard Gere. The book is rich with well developed characters that are as equally flawed as Bartholomew if not more so. It is so refreshing to read something so original!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I won a signed copy of this book from Goodreads. I love the movie Silver Linings Playbook but had never read anything by Matthew Quick. This book was great and I will definitely be reading more of his books. It was sweet and funny and filled with quirky characters that you wanted to see succeed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Bartholomew is a strange and lonely man and I sort of wish I knew him. When his mom dies he is adrift and starts writing letters to Richard Gere (his mom's favorite actor). The letters chronicle his meetings with a grief counselor, the angry man in his gut, his crush on the Girlbrarian and his friendship with her foul mouthed brother. Bartholomew loses his mom but gains a family in this quirky sad silly strange book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is another of those books I would not have read if it had not been chosen by the library book club to which I belong. It is trite and sentimental, the type of book that appeals to those who don’t like to be challenged in their reading.This is an epistolary novel. The narrator, Bartholomew Neil, writes a series of letters to Richard Gere, his mother’s movie idol, after his mother’s death. He has no friends so choses to have Richard Gere as his confidant as he tries to find his way through life without his only real friend. He relates all that happens to him, including his encounters with a group of misfits with whom he eventually takes a road trip to Canada.A major problem with the book is this gang of misfits; there is not once character who could be described as normal. So many dysfunctional characters (a grief counsellor who is in an abusive relationship, an alcoholic bi-polar priest, a man who fears being abducted by aliens and who cannot say two words without one of them being an expletive, a woman traumatized by her childhood) made it very difficult for me to connect with anyone. Bartholomew is not only a misfit, but he behaves inconsistently. At times he seems like a naïve, sensitive soul, almost a holy innocent; at other times, he is very observant and eloquent. Sometimes he seems a high-functioning autistic, but then he yearns for social contact. He describes himself as “fatherless + fat + jobless + Mom is your only friend” (182). Is he just a middle-aged Momma’s boy?The novel becomes more and more bizarre. By the time the pilgrimage to Montreal and Ottawa takes place, I was losing patience. Then, conveniently, Bartholomew is befriended by a fairy god-father in the guise of a “well-dressed and tall Canadian” (278). The use of a rescuer destroys any pretenses this book might have had as a bildungsroman or a journey of self-discovery.The sentimental philosophy espoused by Bartholomew is further evidence of the book’s shallowness. He adopts his mother’s belief that if something bad happens, “something good happens – often to someone else” (153), so he must be grateful for both the good and the bad. This Pollyannaish feel-good attitude will appeal to those who love self-help books. My book reviews tend to be lengthy; the fact that this one is fairly short is telling. There is not much to say. The book is superficial so it is not possible to discuss it in any depth. It is fluff that will appeal only to a non-discriminating reader.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There was excessive quirk going on here--an entire novel narrated by a stunted shut-in via letters to Richard Gere?--and a predictable plot and yet, it still somehow worked. I wouldn't read it again, but I still enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I don't mind quirky but I thought this was juvenile at times. Not that it didn't have redeeming qualities but it wasn't a good choice for me.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Well...that wasn't good. I take that back. It is an excellent movie treatment and I am sure it will do some boffo box office. The book though, the book is pretty terrible.I knew nothing about this author until someone recommended this book and told me it was the guy who wrote Silver Linings Playbook. I was charmed by that movie and was looking for a light audiobook so I figured, "why not?"" Now I know why not. In looking for info on the writer I learned that until SLP he wrote YA, and that explains a lot. This is a YA book with characters in their 30's. Same plot as always. Misfit who feels totally out of synch with others and is abused and/or marginalized by others. Misfit person has adventures and ends up finding a tribe of misfits and finding love. Misfit is then healed and able to move forward, energized by his/her caring for the others in the new tribe. The ending was so sweet that it included a freaking fairy godmother (well, godfather) and rainbows and sunshine and unicorns. I gave this one instead of two stars because I am quite certain it will make a good movie, and that is worth something. Right here I am going to call for the triumphant return of Rainn Wilson for the lead and a move into dramatic work for Kristin Schall as the girlbrarian and Louie CK as her intellectually challenged profane felinephile brother. Anthony Hopkins is the priest, there is no substitute.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it, from the first word to the last.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I had high expectations after Silver Linings. However, I was disappointed. Bartholomew on his own was all right. I empathized with him. But then, I began to hate some of the aspects of his experience. The term "Girlbrarian", the f-this, and 'what the f- hey' every single time. It was unnecessary and divorced me from the point of the book. I already had figured out about the father, and skimmed the last section.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For me, not as potent as his YA books but still good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cute book written as letters from Bartholomew, the main character to Richard Gere, who Bartholomew sees as his cosmic advisor. Bartholomew did seem to mature and grow throughout the book, even though he was a 40 year old man who to this point, had never left home. Max, a character we meet about 2/3 of the way in has a potty mouth and the F bomb in every sentence quickly grew old.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a truly wonderful book. So sad and poignant, but also hopeful too. It's a book that made me feel happy and I was so grateful that I took the time to read it. The book is about Bartholomew Neil. Bartholomew is a 38 year old man who has never lived anywhere else but with his mother. He had attended school as a youngster but was bullied and made fun of throughout. He has never held a job. He is a man whose whole life was his mother. When the book opens his mother has just recently died from brain cancer and Bartholomew is trying to see his way through is grief with the help of the Catholic Church and in particular Father McNamee. He is working with a young grief councilor as well. None of these things is really helping him try to make sense of his mother's passing. Bartholomew is a simple soul and the world terrifies him, especially without his mother there to help him. He finds a letter in his mother's things that was supposedly sent by Richard Gere, and even though the letter is decades old, and is only a form letter requesting aid for Tibet, Bartholomew believes that Richard Gere can help him get on with his life. The book is made up entirely of letters that Bartholomew has written to Richard Gere. In each of these strangely intimate letters, Bartholomew unburdens himself and asks for help in trying to understand the so many things in the world that don't make any sense to him. Somehow Bartholomew teams up with the eternally drunk Father McNamee, the girl of his dreams whom he calls the Girlbrarian because she works in the library he frequents and her cat loving, foul-mouthed but kind and simple brother Max. All four of these damaged people set off on a journey together to Canada from Philedelphia in search of Bartholomew's father and the cat sanctuary in Ottawa which Max calls Cat Parliament. On this voyage Bartholomew finds his direction and the peace he has been looking for. This book hit a note with me and it was because of the wonderful characters that Matthew Quick has drawn. They are a motley crew yes, but they are so very real. I couldn't put the book down, and I highly recommend it. And I wondered as I finished what the real Richard Gere would have made of these letters if he had received them. I was also grateful to learn about the history of the Cat Sanctuary located in Ottawa on the Parliament grounds. A little piece of Canadiana that I wasn't aware of.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first, I did not know what to make of this book. A 39-year-old man, Bartholomew Neil, is overly attached to his mother, and he is grieving after her death. An errant priest, Father McNamee, off his meds and suffering from bi-polar disease, believed G-d once spoke to him but since has ceased. He has defrocked himself, and moved in with Bartholomew. He tells him G-d will now speak through Bartholomew instead. He will tell them how to go forward in life. He recommends that he has grief counseling and Wendy, not bound too tightly either, enters the picture and tells him to create life goals. She is in a terrible abusive relationship and is unable to help herself, let alone anyone else. At the counseling session Bartholomew attends, at her recommendation, he meets another rather dysfunctional, simple-minded 39-year-old young man, Max, bereft over the loss of Alice, who turns out to be a cat. Max is coincidentally the brother of a girl Bartholomew has eyed and loved from afar, Elizabeth, the girlbrarian at his local library. Bartholomew wonders, is this synchronicity? Max speaks mostly in curse words and believes his sister was abducted by aliens. Elizabeth is very skittish and depressed since she and her brother are about to be evicted from there apartment. There isn’t a “normal” character among them! Bartholomew’s only job, his whole life, was to care for his mother. He has no idea who supported them or how their bills got paid, they simply got paid. He believes his father was murdered. He is dysfunctional, his development seems arrested, he was bullied as a youngster, has never had a friend or female relationship, has an “angry man” (ulcer?) dwelling in his stomach. He yells at him and punches him, from the inside, when he is confused or unable to act. Bartholomew is an innocent; he thinks simplistically about all problems and sometimes, because he has no guile, he seems like the brightest bulb in this box of dim lights. He analyzes others and incidents with the most straightforward insights. He exhibits compassion and offers uncomplicated explanations about THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW. Bartholomew’s mother believed that in every event there was an opposite, so if you had misfortune, fortune would follow. When they were robbed and their home was trashed, she was grateful for, and enjoyed, the company and support of others. She thought that was THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW. When his mother dies, he discovers a letter from Richard Gere, hidden in her drawer, and although it is not a personal letter, but one that is mass produced to raise money for Tibet, he imbues it with greater meaning. The book is infused with Budhist messages and philosophical phrases. Bartholomew engages in a one-sided letter writing mission with Richard Gere, (alter ego, imaginary friend?) in which he seems to believe that they are friends, and Gere is his confidante offering needed advice and support. Either in his imagination or hallucination, Richard often appears to guide him. Bartholomew wants to help others. Is this a weakness? Sometimes his optimism seemed ludicrous and at others, wondrous. One could say he enjoys taking in strays. At the end, I wasn’t so much surprised by what happened, but I felt I could sum the whole book up by saying “will the real Richard please stand up?” All in all, it is a rather sweet and tender story about a group of characters that feel unloved and unwanted, unnecessary and useless. Together, will they find happiness? It does sound a little trite as I write the review, but the humor holds it together and the simplistic narrative doesn’t tax the brain. The conclusion is clear-cut, lemons turn into lemonade, Bartholomew is the quintessential caregiver and fairy tales come true. This odd bunch of misfits found each other and created a viable family which satisfies all their needs.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At thirty-nine, Bartholomew Neil still isn't ready to leave his mother's nest, but when he loses her to cancer, he's left with no other choice. His once-stable, once-routine world—of just him, his mother, and God—crumbles to pieces when one of his biggest role models, Father McNamee, consequently denounces himself from the Catholic church, and in turn, becomes more than just a religious father figure to Bartholomew, by becoming a human being.Convinced that his other beloved role model, Richard Gere, is watching over him now that God no longer is, Bartholomew begins a one-way correspondence; these letters are what make up the entire novel. This fantasy relationship he creates is the only thing that still connects him to his deceased mother, considering she was Richard Gere's biggest fan, and the sole belief that he is guiding Bartholomew as if they were old friends, leads to unexpected discoveries and profound self-inquiry.The unique narrator is what stood out to me, first and foremost. It is not a shock that Quick would write a protagonist who isn't quite normal—one who clearly suffers from a mental disorder, but internally, is the same as any and all of us: deeply, imperfectly human. Bartholomew isn't a grand hero, no, but he glows with sincerity and is a compassionate, warm character; his brilliantly observant and self-recognizing tone will capture the hearts of readers just as that of The Silver Linings Playbook did.Matthew Quick is skilled not only at providing perspective, but also at conveying the necessity of pretending—not out of delusion, but out of self-preservation—and the sheer magic of believing—whether through faith or through faithlessness. While the book is stylistically simple, it will make you think hard and think long; Bartholomew's introspection on religion, political correctness, and the nature of existence, will make your mind turn. There are moments where you'll disbelievingly relate, and resultantly be touched—fate—and the way the story proceeds rather messily, but falls into place, piece by piece—synchronicity—will provide immense comfort; this is a story for the soul. Whether through acts of God or through coincidence, Bartholomew's life changes gradually at the discovery of an unlikely cast of new friends, and through little achievements that propel him forward further than he could imagine; it is you, the privileged reader, who gets to go along for the ride.Pros: Requires deep thinking // Will make you reconsider the stigma of mental health disorders // Interesting perspective of a man's "delusions" // Casual, mellow style // Moves quickly; easy to read and keep reading // Story itself is synchronous as it comes into full circle // Distinct, unforgettable characters // Emotional, heartfeltCons: Plot isn't terribly exciting; it's more the details and Bartholomew's day-to-day observances that make it interesting // Rushed, inconclusive endingVerdict: Pensive, honest, and appropriately quirky, The Good Luck of Right Now meditates upon the power of correspondence, the catharsis of confiding, and the definition of believing. Through writing descriptive, intimate letters to his lifelong idol—the ultimate coping mechanism—Bartholomew learns about independence, acquaintance, and ever-burning hope—a remedy for both him, and for readers all around. Fans of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime will rejoice in Matthew Quick's newest novel for its genuine, thoughtful reflections and its propensity for happy outcomes in the tumbling-together of stray paths.Rating: 8 out of 10 hearts (4 stars): An engaging read that will be worth your while; highly recommended.Source: Complimentary copy provided by publisher via tour publicist in exchange for an honest and unbiased review (thank you, Harper Collins and TLC!).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oh,my!I spent the first few pages of this book wondering if I would want to finish it. The people were so odd--all of them. Then I spent a couple of chapters wondering how Bartholomew would survive the loss of his mother when the people who were supposed to help him were all so much in need of help themselves. Then I stopped worrying and learned to love these people and their story.I am in awe of Quick's ability to tell this story with warmth, humor, and understanding. I read a library copy, not an ARC
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Here’s the thing about Matthew Quick: he’s an ace at writing an unreliable, disturbed narrator. (Note that I haven’t read all of his works; I’m judging this by Silver Linings Playbook and The Good Luck of Right Now.) The problem with that (for me, at least) is that I find it infinitely frustrating to read a book by a narrator that’s hiding something, not just from me, but from himself. It’s the literary equivalent of banging your head against a wall, and I don’t particularly enjoy it. (Exception to this: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I found it stunning the first time I read it, and it was just as strong when I re-read it last year.)Even though I find his narrators frustrating, there’s no denying Matthew Quick’s talent. He creates memorable, unique characters, and I enjoy watching things happen to them. His stories are sweeping and personal, all at once. The pain and struggles are universal, but the characters are still one of a kind and experience these things in their own ways.Here are a couple of trends I’ve noticed in both books which make me think that, even though he’s a gifted writer, Quick might need to branch out a bit in his settings and themes:main character is in denial/disconnect about a negative experienceM.C. is physically large and intimidating to othersMC has profound thoughts, but everyone around him assumes that his thinking is simplisticM.C.’s family feels the need to protect him from the worldabsent father/misunderstood by fathersetting: suburb outside of an industrial northeast cityNone of these elements makes for a bad story; I just like to see more diversity in an author’s body of work. This may be why I’ve stopped picking up Chuck Palahniuk’s stuff. If you like a very specific type of book, he cranks ‘em out. But if you want something new, look elsewhere. Is this the case with Matthew Quick? I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to read more of his stuff to decide.All in all: Not a bad book by any means, but with all the other excellent books out there, I wouldn’t be quick (ha!) to recommend this one.Note: I received a free review copy of this book via Goodreads's First Reads program.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Matthew Quick's last novel The Silver Linings Playbook was turned into an award winning movie. His newest book The Good Luck of Right Now gives us another wounded protagonist to root for. Bartholomew Neil is nearing forty when his mother dies from cancer. Having never held a job, lived on his own and with no friends, he is unsure of what to do next. He starts to puzzle things out in letters written to actor Richard Gere. (Mom's favourite) These missives are heartbreaking in their honesty. " I get sidetracked easily by interesting things, and for this reason, people often find it hard to converse with me, which is why I don't talk very much to strangers and much prefer writing letters, in which there is room to record everything, unlike real-life conversations where you have to fight and fight to fit in your words and almost always lose." Bartholomew and his mother were faithful church goers and he does find some solace from parish priest Father McNamee. But he's not too sure about his grief counsellor Wendy, although they do set a life goal for Bartholomew - to have a drink with a friend in a bar. What Bartholomew would really like to do is meet the Girlbrarian at the library he frequents every day. Bartholomew is a great believer of Synchronicity by Carl Jung. Some might call it coincidence or destiny. Bartholomew's mother had her own twist on it - "For every bad thing that happens, a good thing happens too - and this was how the world stayed in harmony." Whatever way you choose to look at it - Bartholomew's life seems to be full of coincidences that may help him find his place in the world. Quick has written another great book full of decidedly quirky characters and odd situations. I'm not sure why, but I am drawn to characters that are outside of the mainstream view of life. Their struggle to fit in and find a place for themselves. Most of all, it is their optimism, their steady one foot in front of the other, their acceptance of everyone that appeals to me. Bartholomew embodies all that. As he says..."Well, if there weren't weird, strange and unusual people who did weird things or nothing at all, there couldn't be normal people who do normal useful things, right?" The Good Luck of right now is an unusual narrative told from a decidedly different character - one that you shouldn't spend too much time analyzing or trying to fit into a mold. The situations and connections are just as different - but who's to say they couldn't happen? Just go with it - and see where Bartholomew ends up. I quite enjoyed The Good Luck of Right Now - maybe it was meant to land in my mailbox?! (PS There's one scene in the library involving a patron viewing questionable material - I was laughing out loud. As a employee of a public library, I can tell that Quick did not exaggerate this scene!)