More from Bloom Magazine UK

Bloom Magazine UK3 min read
Bloom Asks An Activist Gardener
What’s your earliest memory of being outdoors? They’re of my mum using nature as a way of captivating us as children, spontaneously pointing out birds or the texture of bark on a tree – she was a single mum of four and she had to keep us busy! My fir
Bloom Magazine UK1 min read
Nature Is Life
Since Bloom’s first issue in autumn 2018 this letter has begun with the line, Nature is … a beautiful beast; a mood transformer; a battery charger; the way in; space; freedom; the future; now; sustaining; transformative; rooting; playful; resilient;
Bloom Magazine UK4 min read
An Uncommon Purpose
It’s a wet Saturday in July and I’m standing in a soggy field near Cirencester, Gloucestershire under the type of steel-grey sky and stair-rod rain that sends even the hardiest folk running inside. I’m told the first day of the Land Skills Fair enjoy
