More from Love Embroidery

Love Embroidery9 min read
Place light-coloured and fine fabrics over the design and trace over it. For thicker or dark-coloured fabrics, a light source such as a window or lightbox makes this process much simpler. Choose a colour that will show up on the fabric. Use a perman
Love Embroidery3 min read
Butterfly Stitch-along
O ver the past six issues, the queen of thread painting, Emillie Ferris has taught us how to blend stitches seamlessly, just like a pro. In Parts 1-5, we’ve mastered four essential embroidery stitches using a rich palette of hues to capture the beaut
Love Embroidery4 min read
For the majority of the projects in this issue you will need the following items. There are different types available, so read on to choose the correct materials for each project. Fabric Thread Needles Scissors Embroidery hoop Transfer pens/pencils E
