More from NZ Hot Rod

NZ Hot Rod8 min read
Posies Flathead Flyer
NEW Zealand is a small country, far away from the “hot rod motherland” of the good old USA. It never ceases to amaze me what shows up on our shores. For years, we have read about famous hot rod builders in America and their amazing creations; many ha
NZ Hot Rod7 min read
Keep on Touring
THERE'S a first time for everything, and this feature of Straw's Tourer is the first, even though his Keep On Tourin' hot rod has been in and out of the scene for 50 years. Straw's introduction to hot rodding was probably inevitable because he lived
NZ Hot Rod1 min read
The Way We Were
FLASHBACK This selection of photos were taken at Kerrs Road, Wiri, Auckland on 27th Dec 1970 by Allan Porter. They succinctly capture the essence of our pioneering past, plus a thin slice of Kiwi ingenuity and a look at the people on the day 54 years
