The Knitter

Concha Socks


Concha Socks

“CONCHA SOCKS (meias de concha), which are still made in certain regions of north-east Portugal as men’s work socks, are an excellent example of the use of slipped stitches to produce two-coloured mosaic patterns. The socks are worked from the wrong side in purl,” explains Portuguese designer Rosa Pomar. “They are made from locally handspun 2ply wool in undyed colours.” The yarn Rosa used for her sample is no longer produced, so we have suggested an alternative.


To fit foot circumference: 21½cm (8½in) Actual foot circumference: 19cm (7½in) Foot length is adjustable within the pattern. Finished sock meas 3cm (1¼in) less than actual foot length.


Retrosaria Bucos Meia (4ply weight; 100% wool; 100g skeins)

A Brown; 50g

B White; 50g

Note: The above yarn is now discontinued.

We recommend the following alternative:

Retrosaria Mondim (4ply weight; 100% wool; 385m/421yds per 100g ball)

A Charcoal (307); 1 x 100g ball

B Natural (100); 1 x 100g ball


Set of 2mm (UK 14/US 0) double-pointed needles (DPNs)

Set of 2.5mm (UK

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