
Vitalizing the Local Community by Promoting Food Culture: Food and City Experiences, the Urban and the Rural, Food Systems and Urban Planning

The Development Background and the Current Situation

The Characteristics of a Planned City

Vitalizing the Local Community by Promoting Food Culture

The Old Downtown and its Neighbouring Areas Roundtable: Understanding Sejong Today

Food and City Experiences

The sense of having settled in a city is often marked by familiarising oneself with where best to procure food, both in terms of dining out and shopping for groceries. Of all cognitive urban theories, the daily ritual of consuming food can be considered one of the most significant ways of establishing an image of the city.

When I first moved to Sejong, it was not at all easy to buy ingredients. There was no problem when it came to buying a bottle of water or milk or ice cream, mainly due to the numerous ‘planned’ convenience stores or small mom and pop stores at each and every corner. However, the attempt to buy a certain type of apple or tomato would require diversion from this route. As a resident of Beomjigi village 10-danji, I had to take my car and drive to buy groceries at the large supermarkets in Cheotmaeul or Haengjeong town, which I found myself frequenting less and less. Not only was it quite

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