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Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #2
Final Audition: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #3
Murder at the Paisley Parrot: Marshall James Thrillers, #1
Ebook series4 titles

Marshall James Thrillers Series

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About this series

Three times the danger: In this three-book collection, the Marshall James Thrillers come to life in one volume. Murder at the Paisley Parrot, Beautiful Corpse, and Final Audition bring Marshall and his story full circle, from the murders he'd been involved in against his better judgement back in 1980s Los Angeles, to his present life in New York City and how the past has never really left him. He longs to find the love of his life, LAPD homicide detective Mac McElroy, and inevitably begins to search for him. But searching means returning to a life he'd left behind, a life of drinking, bars, madness and murder. Read about them all and see where Marshall's journey takes him through these three stories ... and if you think he's finished when the last words are spoken, think again. Triple Threat will leave you wanting more.

PublisherMark McNease
Release dateDec 22, 2023
Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #2
Final Audition: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #3
Murder at the Paisley Parrot: Marshall James Thrillers, #1

Titles in the series (4)

  • Murder at the Paisley Parrot: Marshall James Thrillers, #1


    Murder at the Paisley Parrot: Marshall James Thrillers, #1
    Murder at the Paisley Parrot: Marshall James Thrillers, #1

    Time waits for no one, including Marshall James. Now 58 and living in New York City, Marshall has outlived the expiration date he was given with a cancer diagnosis three years ago. He beat the odds but he knows he may not beat the clock. So he's decided to tell a story or three about some murders he was involved in back in the day.The year was 1983. The bar was the Paisley Parrot in Hollywood, a gay, mob-run dive where people came to drink and few of them remembered the night before. Marshall loves his job as a bartender there. But one night, among the regulars, a killer arrives. Body by body, death by death, Marshall finds himself pulled into a web of murder, deceit and crime, with a psychopath waiting at the center of it all. Marshall falls for the cop who's investigating him, not knowing if their relationship will survive or even if he'll come out of this alive. Find out before last call comes around, in Murder at the Paisley Parrot.

  • Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #2


    Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #2
    Beautiful Corpse: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #2

    "It was 1984. Prince ruled the airwaves. The Los Angeles Olympics had come and gone, taking with it a spotlight that had shone harshly on the city's night crawlers and left them thankful for the the shadows. AIDS was spreading its dark, black, wings over us all, and I was a happy guy. At least I thought I was, until things took a sudden turn for the deadly." – Marshall James It's been over a year since Marshall James first became intimately familiar with murder. He's six months sober now and happily living with the love of his life, LAPD Detective Mac McElroy. Despite the coming storm of AIDS and its devastating toll on the world Marshall knows, his dark days seem to be behind him. Then one night he says the wrong thing, storms out in anger, and walks straight into a nightmare. Someone is setting him up to take the fall for a beautiful corpse. But who would do something so evil, and so planned? Within hours he finds himself running from the police and the mob, and running toward a killer he must apprehend before the only chance left is no chance at all.

  • Final Audition: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #3


    Final Audition: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #3
    Final Audition: A Marshall James Thriller: Marshall James Thrillers, #3

    In the third installment of the Marshall James Thrillers, Marshall has one more tale to tell, one last journey to take, back into a past that is inextricably connected to his present. Marshall decides to search for the man who had once been the center of his life: LAPD Homicide Detective Mac McElroy. Mac had told him all those years ago, when Marshall had his last showdown with death and the men who traffic in it, that he never wanted to speak to him again, and he hasn't. But is Mac still alive? Can Marshall find him? And what will be the end of their story if he does? Find out in Final Audition, as Marshall returns once more to a life he'd abandoned, only to find out it had never abandoned him. Along the way he introduces us to a Los Angeles long gone, a theater group where some dreams are nightmares, an innocent man whose life will hang in the balance, and evil determined to destroy him if it can.

  • Triple Threat: 3 Marshall James Thrillers: Marshall James Thrillers, #4


    Triple Threat: 3 Marshall James Thrillers: Marshall James Thrillers, #4
    Triple Threat: 3 Marshall James Thrillers: Marshall James Thrillers, #4

    Three times the danger: In this three-book collection, the Marshall James Thrillers come to life in one volume. Murder at the Paisley Parrot, Beautiful Corpse, and Final Audition bring Marshall and his story full circle, from the murders he'd been involved in against his better judgement back in 1980s Los Angeles, to his present life in New York City and how the past has never really left him. He longs to find the love of his life, LAPD homicide detective Mac McElroy, and inevitably begins to search for him. But searching means returning to a life he'd left behind, a life of drinking, bars, madness and murder. Read about them all and see where Marshall's journey takes him through these three stories ... and if you think he's finished when the last words are spoken, think again. Triple Threat will leave you wanting more.


Mark McNease

NEW! I'm now also writing under the name M.A. McNease, as well as my full name. Nothing up my sleeve, no sleight of hand, I just felt like something fresh. I'm the author of the Kyle Callahan Mysteries, three of which have been best sellers on Kindle. My Linda Sikorsky Mystery, 'Last Room at the Cliff's Edge', was called a winner by Publishers Weekly. I released 'Murder at the Paisley Parrot: A Marshall James Thriller' in 2017, with its follow-up, 'Beautiful Corpse' in March, 2020, and the third book, 'Final Audion' set for release in December, 2022. 'Black Cat White Paws: A Maggie Dahl Mystery' came out in 2018, followed by my supernatural chiller, 'A House in the Woods.' Maggie Dahl returned in 'Open Secrets' in 2022 and is currently resting up for a third adventure. I started the Mark McNease Mysteries podcast ( in 2020 to narrate my own mysteries and fiction, My short story 'Stop the Car' was selected as a Kindle Single and is now an audiobook narrated by the amazing Braden Wright. It was selected twice to be included in the Amazon Prime reading library. I have 9 audiobooks in total, available for your listening pleasure. Fasten your headphones! I've also won two Emmys for Outstanding Children's Program for 'Into the Outdoors', a television show I co-created that is now in its 21st year. I live in the New Jersey woods with my husband, Frank, and our two cats, Wilma and Peanut. You can find me at my website,, as well as on Facebook (MarkMcNeaseWriter) and Mastodon (

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