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Level Up Your Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Primers, #1
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Positive Reinforcement Primers Series

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About this series

Level Up Your Dog Training is written for the DIY-minded dog owner who believes in learning by doing.


The core of this book is the same pet manners curriculum that I teach to local dog owners every day. As you work through the exercises, you'll train your dog how to sit, lie down, come when called, leave it, stay, settle on a mat, walk politely on a leash, potty promptly when asked and more.


And in the process of teaching those behaviors to your dog, you'll pick up a few new skills yourself! You'll learn fundamental concepts of dog training such as the three ways to build any new behavior, how to train effectively with positive reinforcement, how to attach a cue to any behavior, how to level up the difficulty on your dog's skills and all the techniques you'll need to train a totally new trick from scratch without a recipe holding your hand.


If you and your dog both do your homework, by the end of the book, you'll know the basics of how to teach a dog anything (some assembly required).


Praise for Level Up Your Dog Training


"Level Up Your Dog Training is an accessible and personable guide for non-professionals to work toward professional results. With warmth and humor, Watson lays out not just step-by-step instructions, but background for why we do it this way."

Laura VanArendonk Baugh, KPA-CTP CPDT-KA

Author of Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out

Author of Social, Civil and Savvy


"The perfect book for the dog owner who wants to have a well-trained dog and also wants a peek into the science behind efficient training. As a dog trainer, I'm impressed at the seamless way Natalie Bridger Watson weaves together the practical and educational components of training. This is the book I've been wanting to recommend for my students who want to dig a little deeper into the why and how of training." 

Abigail Curtis, DVM CPDT-KA

Co-founder of International Dog Parkour Association

Co-owner of Adventure Unleashed Dog Training

Release dateApr 19, 2021
Level Up Your Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Primers, #1

Titles in the series (1)

  • Level Up Your Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Primers, #1


    Level Up Your Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Primers, #1
    Level Up Your Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Primers, #1

    Level Up Your Dog Training is written for the DIY-minded dog owner who believes in learning by doing.   The core of this book is the same pet manners curriculum that I teach to local dog owners every day. As you work through the exercises, you'll train your dog how to sit, lie down, come when called, leave it, stay, settle on a mat, walk politely on a leash, potty promptly when asked and more.   And in the process of teaching those behaviors to your dog, you'll pick up a few new skills yourself! You'll learn fundamental concepts of dog training such as the three ways to build any new behavior, how to train effectively with positive reinforcement, how to attach a cue to any behavior, how to level up the difficulty on your dog's skills and all the techniques you'll need to train a totally new trick from scratch without a recipe holding your hand.   If you and your dog both do your homework, by the end of the book, you'll know the basics of how to teach a dog anything (some assembly required).   Praise for Level Up Your Dog Training   "Level Up Your Dog Training is an accessible and personable guide for non-professionals to work toward professional results. With warmth and humor, Watson lays out not just step-by-step instructions, but background for why we do it this way." Laura VanArendonk Baugh, KPA-CTP CPDT-KA Author of Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out Author of Social, Civil and Savvy   "The perfect book for the dog owner who wants to have a well-trained dog and also wants a peek into the science behind efficient training. As a dog trainer, I'm impressed at the seamless way Natalie Bridger Watson weaves together the practical and educational components of training. This is the book I've been wanting to recommend for my students who want to dig a little deeper into the why and how of training."  Abigail Curtis, DVM CPDT-KA Co-founder of International Dog Parkour Association Co-owner of Adventure Unleashed Dog Training


Natalie Bridger Watson

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