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Spellbound Forever (Book 2 of "Enchantment In Paradise")
Spellbound (Book 1 of "Enchantment in Paradise")
Ebook series2 titles

Enchantment In Paradise Series

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About this series

Susan finally meets her soul-mate, a handsome, buffed Nigerian in the Marine Corps. It becomes a steamy interracial romance but later, he has second thoughts about a permanent relationship and Emily is called away to her coven for an indefinite period of time. When it seems like Susan and Robert have both lost their mates, they seek adventure and romance with strangers away from home.

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

It was a scotching August day as Susan and Robert made the five hour trek to Southern California. After checking into the motel, they proceeded to see the sites, the first of which was Disneyland. They especially enjoyed the wild rides as they both laughed together and sometimes Susan would scream. She remembered back when she and Lonny had their adventure in Honolulu and were certain that it was with love. Now here they were in the literal sense like children enjoying the wildest of rides. Susan was trying to forget about her loss of Lonny and likewise, Robert felt the same believing that he would never again see his wife, Emily. Then, they went to Huntington Beach where after a stroll on the sand, Robert rented a sailboat for a relaxing cruise to enjoy the evening sunset. All of this fun was like a major distraction from the disappointment of Emily’s departure and Lonny's parting company with Susan. As time went by, it seemed like less and less of a struggle to forget their broken romances. The image of Lonny was no longer in Susan's mind and likewise Robert was no longer haunted by the memory of Emily's beauty and magic. The resentment of her leaving offset the emotional pain and the resentment was relaxing his guilt. Whenever the image of Emily did come to his mind, it was with the accompanying thought that she was gone for good. All her talk about love for this family and that she would return means nothing now. I will never fall in love again and I hope my daughter will likewise protect her heart, he thought, assuming that Emily would in fact, never return.

It was still very warm this August afternoon as Susan and Robert were sailing just off the Coast of California, and he was in shorts and a tank top and she was in a bright red thong bikini. He could not keep his eyes off of her beautiful and shapely suntanned legs, especially whenever she crossed or uncrossed them. She noticed that her pretty legs were catching his eyes and in appreciation of the attention she said, “I'm glad that you're checking me out, it means you think I'm cute. Well, let me tell you this, you're damn cute, too and there's a lot of sexy looking people around this vacation spot that would like to meet us. What do ya say we get a little better acquainted with some of them, if ya know what I mean?”

The beautiful, warm weather continued, and midway through their week long adventure they planned to go to the neighboring town of Buena Park to see the famous berry farm that has grown to be a fabulous amusement park. They had heard so much about it and Susan was overwhelmed with excitement. She had packed the skimpiest orange satin bikini she owned and she was inspired to wear it. Although she did not yet know with whom it would be she was now hoping for some intense love making. She thought to herself, I think some strange stuff will be a nice distraction for my dad and myself, a lot of fun, too. She wanted to do everything she could to enhance the sexual activity that she just knew was waiting out there for them.

Release dateSep 24, 2018
Spellbound Forever (Book 2 of "Enchantment In Paradise")
Spellbound (Book 1 of "Enchantment in Paradise")

Titles in the series (2)

  • Spellbound (Book 1 of "Enchantment in Paradise")


    Spellbound (Book 1 of "Enchantment in Paradise")
    Spellbound (Book 1 of "Enchantment in Paradise")

    Susan is a sexually frustrated young woman. Her few experiences have been unfulfilling, and she aches for satisfaction. Then at a homecoming party for her brother on leave from the Marines, she meets her soulmate—his best buddy, a handsome, buffed Afro-American. It’s instant attraction and lots of lust. Mom’s sorcery nudges their romance along. ~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~ They felt the glances of onlookers who appeared to view them as the ideal couple; he even noticed that the beauty of his companion was catching the eyes of so many other men and she likewise could see that Lonny with his fabulous physique and handsome face were turning heads and catching eyes. People vacationing in Waikiki are there to have a good time and there was not a hint of disapproval of this racially mixed union. They dashed out into the warm, blue water of the Pacific Ocean here so close to the Equator. They swam around, floated and did the backstroke, laughing like children as they frolicked in the water. When the waves are still fairly calm in the morning, there are usually native Hawaiians on the beach offering surfing lessons. “How about a surfing lesson, Miss Susan?” he asked her. “I would wager that you’ll be able to stand up on your first try,” he assured her. “Well, I don’t know about that, but I’m certainly up for a challenge,” she answered. There on the sand the instructor taught her how to stand up on the board when ready after the swell. Then, the three of them paddled out to sea about a hundred yards on their respective boards to wait for the swells. When the first swell came, Lonny started paddling and Susan did also at the prompting of the instructor. Lonny stood up immediately to sail safely to the shore, but Susan was right behind him standing up also and was able to keep her balance. When they got to the shore, they jumped into each other’s arms as they were both elated that Susan made it on her first ever try. Susan felt very secure in the arms of this huge, handsome man. They went back out into the water and did the same over and over until Susan could time the swell without any prompting. After about two hours of this vigorous sport, they were pretty tired and hungry. They went to lunch. After lunch, the couple continued to enjoy the beauty of the beach, the hot sand beneath their feet, the view of the surfers riding the more serious waves and all the unknown but happy faces from the mainland and other parts of the world enjoying their vacations. They returned to their hotel room in mid-afternoon. After entering the room, Susan took him by the hands as they faced each other and said, “Okay, this is our second afternoon in this room and I now consider it a sacred place. Are you ready to continue to go beyond the physical and into the spiritual; are you as anxious to get there as I am? Perhaps, you have been there before but I have never been, and I am here with the man I want to take me there.” “Yes...yes,” he answered to her questions and added, “l will do my best to get us both where we want to go.” She still wanted to be the guide through their journey as she said, “Let’s lie down on the bed beside each other, you on your back. I want to look at your handsome physique again.” She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest as she said, “We did some pretty nice touching yesterday and this morning but what’s coming is going to be more intense. We’ll continue to take it slowly, but I assure you that our first time to make love completely is coming soon. Think about how many times you’ve thought of it today and yesterday and you are wondering if I can really deliver what I have promised. We’re going to find out. Yesterday and this morning was only foreplay, now it’s for real. Can you take my top off for me?”

  • Spellbound Forever (Book 2 of "Enchantment In Paradise")


    Spellbound Forever (Book 2 of "Enchantment In Paradise")
    Spellbound Forever (Book 2 of "Enchantment In Paradise")

    Susan finally meets her soul-mate, a handsome, buffed Nigerian in the Marine Corps. It becomes a steamy interracial romance but later, he has second thoughts about a permanent relationship and Emily is called away to her coven for an indefinite period of time. When it seems like Susan and Robert have both lost their mates, they seek adventure and romance with strangers away from home. ~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~ It was a scotching August day as Susan and Robert made the five hour trek to Southern California. After checking into the motel, they proceeded to see the sites, the first of which was Disneyland. They especially enjoyed the wild rides as they both laughed together and sometimes Susan would scream. She remembered back when she and Lonny had their adventure in Honolulu and were certain that it was with love. Now here they were in the literal sense like children enjoying the wildest of rides. Susan was trying to forget about her loss of Lonny and likewise, Robert felt the same believing that he would never again see his wife, Emily. Then, they went to Huntington Beach where after a stroll on the sand, Robert rented a sailboat for a relaxing cruise to enjoy the evening sunset. All of this fun was like a major distraction from the disappointment of Emily’s departure and Lonny's parting company with Susan. As time went by, it seemed like less and less of a struggle to forget their broken romances. The image of Lonny was no longer in Susan's mind and likewise Robert was no longer haunted by the memory of Emily's beauty and magic. The resentment of her leaving offset the emotional pain and the resentment was relaxing his guilt. Whenever the image of Emily did come to his mind, it was with the accompanying thought that she was gone for good. All her talk about love for this family and that she would return means nothing now. I will never fall in love again and I hope my daughter will likewise protect her heart, he thought, assuming that Emily would in fact, never return. It was still very warm this August afternoon as Susan and Robert were sailing just off the Coast of California, and he was in shorts and a tank top and she was in a bright red thong bikini. He could not keep his eyes off of her beautiful and shapely suntanned legs, especially whenever she crossed or uncrossed them. She noticed that her pretty legs were catching his eyes and in appreciation of the attention she said, “I'm glad that you're checking me out, it means you think I'm cute. Well, let me tell you this, you're damn cute, too and there's a lot of sexy looking people around this vacation spot that would like to meet us. What do ya say we get a little better acquainted with some of them, if ya know what I mean?” The beautiful, warm weather continued, and midway through their week long adventure they planned to go to the neighboring town of Buena Park to see the famous berry farm that has grown to be a fabulous amusement park. They had heard so much about it and Susan was overwhelmed with excitement. She had packed the skimpiest orange satin bikini she owned and she was inspired to wear it. Although she did not yet know with whom it would be she was now hoping for some intense love making. She thought to herself, I think some strange stuff will be a nice distraction for my dad and myself, a lot of fun, too. She wanted to do everything she could to enhance the sexual activity that she just knew was waiting out there for them.


Houston Cei

Houston Cei is a retired Dietary Manager with a Master’s Degree in Theology. He is not a fundamentalist but loves the Bible as literature but not necessarily inerrant and that there are dangers in strict literal interpretations. Is it inspired by God? Probably, but so is The Grapes of Wrath or maybe even Enchanted for the Weekend. His favorite biblical character is King Solomon who is traditionally attributed for the writing of The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Houston enjoys writing erotica with strong storylines and interesting characters. His fictional characters seem to him like real people and he feels their sorrows and their joys. Although some fans of erotica want to read of sexual encounters early in the stories, Houston’s style usually involves a buildup of actions that lead to intense sex. He asks his readers to be patient as the stories always lead to graphic descriptions of meaningful sex, and hopefully the reader is not left wanting more...until the next time. This author writes to entertain and makes no moral judgments about sexual acts even when involving areas of taboo.

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