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Merciful Murders
Merciful Murders
Merciful Murders
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Merciful Murders

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The eternal red roses, vibrant and fragrant, symbolize the everlasting nature of love, faith, and passion. With a heart filled with unyielding passion, our commitment persists until death parts us. Our love continues to flow, an unending stream that transcends mortality and endures even in the face of death.


Merciful Love

Death to Us Apart

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Merciful Murders

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    Merciful Murders - Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones

    Merciful Murders

    Demons or Angels

    Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones

    Copyright © 2024 by Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

    Dedicated to all healthcare providers, emergency responders, and other essential workers who tirelessly serve our communities, we thank you for your selfless dedication.



    Part 1The Beginning is always the End

    1.Grandma and Grandpa Johson

    2.Witness the Tears

    Part 2 Four Years Later

    3.High school Graduation

    Part 3 Some years Later

    4.A Boy to A Man

    5.Nurse James Russell Johson

    6.Nurse William Davidson Thompsom

    7.Love at first Sight

    8.Work Place

    9.First Dates

    10.Caregiver Miss Susan Anne Peterson and Life Susan Anne Peterson

    11.Houses of many Homes

    12.Miss Honeybee

    13.A friendship was created out respect

    14.The Coffee Shop Encounter

    15.Hours with Miss Honeybe

    16.The Phone Call

    17.A hug to Friendship

    Part 4 Old Ways must Die a new Life Began


    19.Life as Art Teacher

    20.Can't bare the Weight Anymore

    21.Basket Robins

    22.Thier Plan

    23.Last Goodbyes

    Part 5 Thier Fate was Sealed

    24.The final Goodbyes

    25.Thier Talk

    26.Merciful Love

    27.The Loving Heart the Passionate Soul


    29.Love Desire

    30.Flowers at hands Eternal Rest.

    Part 6 The ends is the only the Beginning

    31.A sick Mother

    32.His Choice

    33.the Crimmels

    34.Detective Criminologist Stamp Hoffman Black

    35.Law in Order

    36.The case Files


    About the author


    It was an age in which life held little significance, and tears were shed sparingly. The remnants of one's duty consisted of mere survival, surrounded by the ashes of one's own tears. Inside this bleak landscape, a darkness began to consume them, casting a shadow that threatened to engulf their soul. Yet, within that darkness, a glimmer of light flickered, shining dimly through the veil of despair.

    Part 1The Beginning is always the End


    Grandma and Grandpa Johson

    At the tender age of ten, James faced a series of challenging circumstances that profoundly impacted his life. His mother, a kind-hearted woman, worked part-time at a local daycare, often leaving James alone for long hours. James' father, on the other hand, was struggling with alcohol addiction, which made him unavailable to his son most of the time.

    However, James' father's addiction was not the root cause of the family's troubles. Two years earlier, the family had suffered a devastating loss when James' father's little sister, Penny, passed away tragically in a car accident. The loss of Penny had a profound impact on the family, leaving them reeling with grief and struggling to come to terms with the tragedy.

    The pain and trauma of Penny's loss had left James' father struggling to find healthy ways to cope with his emotions. The memories of his beloved sister were too much to bear, and he turned to alcohol as a way to numb his grief. Unfortunately, this only made things worse, as his addiction grew more severe with each passing day.

    Despite his father's struggles, James remained determined to improve his situation. He found solace in books and spent hours reading and imagining himself in far-off lands. Although he longed for his father's attention and support, he knew he had to be strong.

    Through it all, James remained resilient and determined to overcome the challenges that life had thrown his way. He knew he had a bright future ahead of him and was determined to make it a reality.

    Despite facing numerous challenges and difficulties from a young age, James was fortunate enough to have the steadfast support of his caring and devoted extended family. His Grandma and Grandpa Johnson, who were always there for him, provided him with a stable and nurturing home when his parents could not do so. They took on the responsibility of raising James and never once wavered or faltered in their love and support for him.

    James' grandparents were his caregivers and his most significant role models and mentors. They instilled essential values such as empathy, kindness, and perseverance and taught him to face life's challenges with resilience and grace. With their help, James navigated the many obstacles that came his way and emerged as a healthy and well-adjusted young child.

    His remarkable journey poignantly reminds us of the enduring power of family, love, and support in the face of adversity and hardship. James' experience is a testament to the fact that anyone can overcome even the most challenging circumstances and emerge stronger on the other side with the right kind of support.


    Witness the Tears

    Lunchtime was typical at Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's house, with homemade waffles and strawberry jam being the usual delicacies enjoyed. However, one day, an extra sense of excitement was in the air. It was James's 11th birthday, and his parents had come to celebrate their son's special day with him.

    As the festivities around the table filled with laughter, a distressing scene unfolded in the kitchen. Upon noticing Grandpa Johnson staring longingly at the waffles, Dad became increasingly concerned. His suspicions were soon confirmed as Grandpa Johnson began to drool and tremble. Dad gripped his father tightly and shouted in alarm, Someone called an ambulance!

    The sudden announcement surprised everyone, and the room filled with panic and confusion. As Grandma and Mom rushed to finish the plates full of waffles, the sound of shattering plates echoed through the air. It was clear that something was terribly wrong.

    Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mom swiftly returned to the house phone. In a hurried attempt, she dialed 911, her voice trembling with urgency. The call disconnected abruptly, leaving everyone in suspense.

    In the midst of the chaos, Dad remained focused on Grandpa Johson. His trembling intensified, and he clutched his father tightly, trying to stop the seizure that had taken hold. The urgency and concern etched on his face were undeniable.

    The sound of shattering plates continued as Grandma, unable to withstand the tension any longer, dropped her plate in her hands, shattering it into pieces. The sudden noise added to the chaos and heightened the sense of panic in the room.

    Just as all seemed lost, Grandma, driven by instinct and a relentless desire to save her husband, once again, Mom reached for the house phone. With a deep breath, she dialed 911, her voice loud and clear as she pleaded for assistance.

    The call connected, and the operator swiftly guided Mom through the following steps. Desperately, she conveyed the situation and pleaded for help. Anxiety and helplessness washed over her as she awaited the response.

    In the background, the scene in the kitchen remained chaotic. Dad continued to hold on tightly to Grandpa Johson, desperate to keep him calm and stable until the paramedics arrived. The sounds of shattering plates continued as Grandma tried to make sense of the situation.

    Minutes felt like hours as time seemed to stand still. The weight of worry and concern hung in the air, overshadowing the joyous celebration of James's birthday. The unimaginable was happening, and everyone was praying for a miracle.

    The call with 911 finally came to an end, and Mom hung up the phone, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and determination. She turned to her family, her voice filled with fear and reassurance. They're on their way, she said. We just have to remain calm and wait for help to arrive.

    As the minutes turned into what seemed like an eternity, the sirens of the approaching ambulance grew louder and louder. Relief washed over everyone as they realized help was finally arriving.

    The paramedics rushed into the house, their urgency palpable. They took charge of the situation, administering the necessary care to Grandpa Johnson and reassuring the family that everything would be alright.

    After hours of tension, Mom took control of Grandma's stress and broken plates and Dad's tears of pain as the paramedics rushed Grandpa to a nearby hospital for treatment after they controlled his seizures.

    A year after that incident, Grandpa Johson passed away, and the Johson family was torn apart after losing Grandpa Johnson and Aunt Penny. Growing up in a house of pain, I realized that I was born to help people after being put in a position to help my mom take care of Grams and Dad's grieving pain when Grandma Johson died at the age of 98. Dad was severely lost in alcoholism, and Mom put me into foster care, saying her last goodbyes to

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