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Twice the Sass: Black Paw Wolves, #2
Twice the Sass: Black Paw Wolves, #2
Twice the Sass: Black Paw Wolves, #2
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Twice the Sass: Black Paw Wolves, #2

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About this ebook

Cursed by the Fates at birth, Tad and Tavy Olsen have until their twenty-fifth birthday to find the one true mate they must share for an eternity. With the deadline hanging over their heads, they finally catch the scent of their fated mate.


Will she accept them in time to save their lives, or will they prove to be too hot for one curvy female to handle?

PublisherMelanie James
Release dateMay 13, 2024
Twice the Sass: Black Paw Wolves, #2

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    Book preview

    Twice the Sass - Melanie James


    Sylvi Olsen sat wide-eyed and in disbelief. She had just given birth to the only set of identical twin males the Black Paw pack had ever known, but she knew her initial joy was too good to be true—for the Fates could never be trusted when it came to matters of the heart. She had no hope that her story would be any different.

    Her ancestors had warned her: What the Fates gave, they often took. She wanted to scream at the fates, to curse them, but she knew better than to mutter so much as a single peep. They had never been known to be the forgiving type and could demand an even steeper price.

    There was also the fact that there wasn’t a soul alive who had challenged the Fates and lived to tell the tale.


    She would keep her mouth shut. She would not curse them as she longed to do.

    Her boys needed her. They had to be her priority.

    That thought alone was enough to keep her mind and heart in check when it came to dealing with the Fates.

    Kirk wrapped his arms around his mate. We’ll find a way to save them. I will not allow the Fates to take either of our boys from us.

    You heard the prophecy, dear one.

    Gods, she wanted to weep just recalling the stupid prophecy.

    The words of the soothsayer rang in her mind:

    "With hearts of gold and silver

    One of light, the other of dark

    If by the eve of their twenty-fifth year, they haven’t found a single mate.

    One will be destined for an evil fate."

    What does that mean? That one is destined for an evil fate? Sylvi asked.

    I don’t know my love, but together we will figure it out.

    Slyvi held her boys tight, one in each arm, and swore to them and to the Gods they would find a way to save her boys.


    Tavy Olsen dashed through the desolate forest, searching for the origin of the sweet bouquet that lit his blood on fire and scorched his soul. His wolf, in full control, was on a mission more urgent than any he’d ever been on.

    His ears twitched as he paused to sniff the ground. A long howl sounded off in the distance, alerting him that his twin, Tad, was closing in on the scent they’d waited what felt like forever to find. Tavy raced toward his brother, knowing time was of the utmost importance.

    Hurry, brother. Failure is not an option. We have less than a week before the prophecy comes true, and I’m growing sick of the chase.

    Tad huffed. You think I don’t know what’s at stake? We’ve been tracking her for hundreds of miles. If we cross into another pack’s territory, shit is going to hit the fan. You know that, right?

    Of course, I know. Trust me, it’s all I think about most days. As for crossing into another pack’s territory, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, Tavy agreed, praying to Odin they’d catch their mate sooner rather than later. He didn’t want to think about the very real consequences if they failed to find her.

    The prophecy had been preached to them at every waking moment throughout their childhood, and well into adulthood. They had to find their mates before their twenty-fifth birthday or else the Fates would seriously fuck with them.


    It really didn’t sound like the kind of fun they had always sought out, and they’d really rather pass on it all together. So here they were once again, attempting to track down their mate.

    We lost her. Again. Tad confirmed their fear.

    The woman had managed to slip away once again.

    We have to find her. Our lives depend on it. Tavy’s frustration grew to epic proportions.

    They had been close to finding her once before, but she seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving a cold trail and no way to track her.

    The twins’ hopes were crushed once more.

    Now what? Tad asked

    Looks like it’s back to square one… again.


    Double fuck. Tavy shifted to his human form and glanced around at the landscape, his thoughts turning to the prophecy. He didn’t know how he would continue living if his brother Tad turned evil. He didn’t even want to think about it, but there it was, popping into his head with no recourse to stop it.

    Tad had always been the one with a pure heart and soul. He was the one who had kept them out of trouble—not to mention alive during their crazy teenage years.

    Tavy, on the other hand, had always been the hell-raiser, wanting to push every last boundary that had been set for them. And he did so happily. It was who he was.

    If only one of them could live a normal life, he prayed it would be his brother.

    Tavy’s thoughts had been dark and twisted for as long as he could remember. His warped desires were the very reason he and his brother had shared all aspects of life, including every sexual conquest.

    Tad kept him grounded in all things—his rock. His stability.

    When Tavy had learned that he and his brother were destined to share a mate, that part of his life had finally made sense. He’d had many opportunities over the years to hook up with various women on his own, but he had no desire to spend a night alone with them.

    Other males in the pack called him a pervert and a deviant. He, himself, believed there was something fundamentally wrong with him. How could he not be? He’d never met another male who had the strange need to share a potential lover with another man—let alone his own brother. Who the fuck does that?

    Tad, who didn’t seem to share the problem, had sensed his issue and found a woman who was more than willing to let them both have their way with her. Tavy’s jaw had hit the floor when Tad first plucked the idea from the deepest, darkest corner of his mind and made the suggestion. But he should’ve known Tad would be able to sense his needs. They had always shared a special bond that enabled each of them to know when something was wrong with the other. Not only that, their wolves were always in sync—almost as if they shared the same beast.

    That night had been the first time he’d ever experienced passion, love, and understanding. The act of sharing a lover with his brother was more erotic than he had ever imagined it could be… and he had imagined it many times.

    It wasn’t until

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