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Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales.
Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales.
Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales.
Ebook34 pages15 minutes

Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales.

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A children's story of a dog named Oscar on an adventure that is sure to keep children reading and want more. Will be a series that your children will enjoy keeping up with the adventures of Oscaar the alien dog and his squirell friends. There is a real dog named Oscar that came from the pound and lives a fun and adenturous life with his humans. With a little bit of science fiction.

PublisherJenny Brown
Release dateMay 13, 2024
Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales.

Robert House

The author has raised three children that have all loved bedtime stories. The boy was more interested in this book about monsters and aliens. So what would we expect from a little boy with an active imagination. We all live in America and enjoy the freedom of writing.

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    Oscar’s Cosmic Tail Tales. - Robert House

    Once upon a time, in the quaint little town of Willow Wood, there roamed a scruffy stray dog named Oscar. His fur was a patchwork of browns and grays, and his tail had a perpetual kink at the end. Oscar was an oddball, even among the other strays. But he had a secret—one that would change his life forever.

    One crisp autumn morning, Oscar woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar alley. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, and the distant laughter of children echoed through the cobblestone streets. But Oscar’s stomach growled, and he knew he needed to scrounge for food.

    As he trotted along, his keen nose led him to a bustling park. There, perched on a low branch, were three chatty squirrels: Nutty, Hazel, and Acorn. They were the self-proclaimed guardians of Willow Wood Park, and they took an immediate liking to Oscar.

    Hey there, scruffy, Nutty said, flicking her bushy tail. Lost, are ya?

    Oscar nodded; his eyes wide with curiosity. The squirrels chattered among themselves, sharing stories of lost pets they’d helped reunite with their families. They decided to assist Oscar in finding his way back home.

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