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The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince
The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince
The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince
Ebook259 pages4 hours

The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince

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The Djinn race desperately needed to produce a more supreme species of their kind.  King Asmodeus and his only brother Prince Leviathan tried everything possible. They naturally tried breeding their created Djinn to other Djinn, only to create a species that was all strength and evil but absolutely no intelligence or obedience.  In a desperate move to create Djinn born with himself and Leviathan's intelligence and powers, Asmodeus started kidnapping runaway women from humankind for his male Djinn to breed. The half mortal-half Djinn offspring was indeed intelligent and obedient but lacked the power to look human as himself and Leviathan could. Asmodeus decides it is time for himself and his brother to procreate, he has found the perfect mortal woman to make his mate and Queen…

   Gabriella and Angeline, complete strangers that practice witchcraft, have no idea how their fates were intertwined. Gabriella, a high priestess of a lighter nature filled witchcraft, has been having very lucid dreams of a dark prince that seems to want to devour her inside and out. Angeline, a practitioner of black magic, has also been dreaming of her own dark lord.  Both mortal women have no idea they have been being watched and were carefully selected to be the mated brides of the Djinn King and Prince. In a struggle to fight the darkness of their own souls and get away from this fiery fate, both women will find it is not so bad to be loved by a beast…

PublisherAmie Taylor
Release dateMay 20, 2024
The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince

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    The Mortal Brides of the Djinn King and Prince - Amie Taylor


    THE DJINN GATHERED all around as king Asmodeus and prince Leviathan stood together at the massive throne of human skulls. Anxiously, they waited to find out why they had been summoned. Their beady, inhuman eyes notice that Asmodeus is in his human-like form, something only done when the king must venture to earth. This usually meant he would capture human women for them to breed with. The male Djinn begin to growl and drool like ravenous dogs at the thought of fresh slaves to devour sexually and create new offspring.

    Silence, Asmodeus shouts, his powerful voice booms- shaking the entire realm like an earthquake. His keen blue eyes glared impatiently at the Djinn as they slowly obeyed him. When all is completely silent, he continues.

    As you all know, Leviathan and I usually go to earth together and round up runaways from around the world. We bring those human women back here for you to procreate our race. Initially, we simply mated with our own kind, but the offspring always seemed to lack obedience. Mating with human women has indeed been significantly better, but it only lacks the power to take a complete human form. They always have some deformity that gives away their Djinn blood. When the time comes for our race to devour humanity and overthrow heaven, we will need an army of our kind that can pass as humans. I have decided it is time to use my own powerful seed to produce a superior race of our kind. Leviathan shall do the same if this works with another mortal woman.

    The female Djinn and concubines growl as their King's words reach them—their red serpent-like eyes filled with ravenous anger and jealousy. Leviathan’s massive growl abruptly stops the chaos.

    Asmodeus is king; whatever my brother says goes. Asmodeus has always left the task of multiplying our race to you all. He is right: we need an army that can fool humanity when restoring natural order. After many heated discussions between us, we have reached this conclusion unanimously. Before he finishes his declaration, I warn you all that if anyone murmurs a word of disrespect or dispute, I will end them immediately, Leviathan hisses. His tongue slithered between his sharp teeth at his last word and a deadly look in his red eyes.

    Asmodeus smiles at Leviathan and pats his broad shoulder in appreciation. Leviathan and himself were forged from fire together, but there was never a question between them about who the alpha was. Asmodeus was created to rule and Leviathan to be his right hand in all matters. Together, they used their skills and the brimstone from the fire to make the Djinn race. They wanted a family to quell the loneliness of darkness and fire that covered the universe. The nocturnal creatures were powerful and loyal but lacked the intellect that Asmodeus and his brother were blessed with. Asmodeus tried to convince Leviathan for eons that they needed more than one another to converse with. After a strange deity of light came forth and forced their race and themselves to the shadows, extinguishing most of the fires and flames that needed to be intensified. Asmodeus knows this is his chance to have both the superior race and a companion. He would never admit that he longed for a female who could challenge him in every way.

    I have decided to take a mortal queen to increase our power and numbers. Before you all panic, Leviathan and I have chosen this woman very carefully. This woman is not a young runaway like the women you have been given. This woman is powerful in her own way, a high priestess of the old religion of witchcraft. Gabriella is strong-willed, smart, and beautiful. She will no doubt bear me strong children, Asmodeus insists proudly. He does not wait for his subject’s approval or reply. He shimmers himself to earth to start the process of winning over his chosen mortal mate.

    PART 1

    Asmodeus and Gabriella


    GABRIELLA STOOD BAREFOOT, wearing no more than a thin white silk nightgown. Her body trembled from the dampness of the darkened room she now found herself in. Her hair hanging just past her shoulders in soft waves of burnt brown was the only warmth she found. Her flesh was covered in tiny goose pimples, and her teeth chattered in her mouth as she looked with wide eyes to find she was in some basement or cellar in which there was no door to escape. Her mind became frantic as she tried desperately to remember how or when she arrived. The more anxious she became, the more her body trembled. She found herself close to hysterics as she ran like a cornered mouse from one end of the room to the next until she finally sank from being exhausted in the middle of the floor.

    Gabriella sobbed like a child with her head buried in her hands until a loud wolf's howl filled the room. Her head shot up; she was scared beyond any fear she had ever felt before. The tiny hairs on her arms and neck stood up, and she sensed danger. She looked everywhere her eyes could reach, seeing nothing but a thick mist that seemed to come from nowhere. She bit her lower lip to still it trembling, flinching, and her eyes grew wider still when, from the mist, she thought she had caught a glimpse of something large covered in fur as black as night. She squealed in terror as a ginormous flame shot from the basement ceiling, forming a ring of fire around her. She screamed for the Goddess to protect her now, fearing that all her past ills had come to haunt her, that the Devil had at last come to claim her soul.

    The hair stood on the back of Gabriella's neck again when the howl of a wolf filled the room. She grimaced as her entire body grew damp with perspiration drawn from the extensive heat of the flames that still circled her. She felt trapped as a fly would in a spider’s web, her eyes trying desperately to seek out the wolf, and it is where a bouts. Her breath stilled in her lungs when her eyes finally found what they had sought: a ginormous black wolf. The wolf paced back and forth just in front of her, the only barrier between them a thick ring of flames. The moment Gabriella gained some sense of control over her agonizing fear. She closed her eyes, hoping she would wake up to find this all one big nightmare.

    Gabriella opened her eyes, thinking she would find herself home and safe in her bed, not trapped in a ring of fire with a wolf hunting her like some lamb. She was sadly disappointed when she opened them and found it was anything but a dream. The flames began to part just where she saw the wolf pacing before closing her eyes. She stood fast upon her trembling legs, awaiting her doom. She was shocked beyond words when a man dressed in solid black came through the flames instead of the wolf. She stood frozen like some statue while watching him slowly approach her. She swore she had never seen a man as darkly handsome as this stranger, who, by each moment, grew closer and closer to her. Her fear began to subside, and her eyes raked over him with both caution and curiosity.

    The stranger is tall, lean, broad-shouldered, and strong, like some warrior in a romance novel. His hair was a deep auburn hanging just at the base of his neck, set off by his exceptionally light complexion. She looked him up and down before finally looking at his face, which had a slight beard in the same deep auburn as the hair upon his head. She was about to ask him where he came from and how it came to be that she ended up here until her eyes locked with his. His eyes were so blue that she could have been staring into the depths of heaven, she thought to herself as she stood mesmerized. She was thoroughly brought from her daze when he finally stood directly before her. Gabriella did not have a moment to think before pulling herself into a passionate kiss.

    Gabriella woke in her bed, her entire body ablaze with raw emotion and desire; her breathing was heavy, and her heart was pounding fiercely in her breast. She sighed, trying to regain her composure. It was a mere dream; this realization should have pleased her, yet she was vaguely disappointed. She ran, still trembling, her fingertips across her lips, pondering the memory of the dark stranger's kiss. She tensed as she tried to figure out how a man, she knew nothing about could affect her body and mind as he had hers in this mysterious dream. She shook her head in a failed effort to push these thoughts from her mind; after what must have been mere minutes yet felt like hours, she forced herself from the warmth of her bed.

    Gabriella walked slowly across her room to her closet to find something to wear. She yawned a few times, stretched her arms, and opened the closet door. Her grey eyes scanned the contents of her closet with boredom as her hands fumbled through her slim selection of clothing. She smiled dreamy-eyed, reaching for her black hippie skirt and matching velvet sweater, the color triggering her dream once more. She could not stop the heat that rose to her cheeks no more than the memory of the solid black clothes her dark stranger wore in her dream. She ran her hands over the smooth texture of her clothing as she wondered what his hands would have felt like against her flesh. She groaned at where her thoughts had taken her as she swiftly pulled her outfit out of the closet. She walked back over to her bed and set her outfit out upon her silk blankets, and then slowly, she began to undress. She slid the straps of her nightdress down her shoulders, letting the fabric tickle at her flesh before pushing the gown down to her ankles. Her eyes grew wide in shock when they caught sight of the trim of her nightgown; it was roasted. She bent down, snatching the gown back from the floor, looking closer at the evidence she could not deny; her mind grew troubled, and she dashed from her bedroom to her altar.

    Gabriella stood in front of her altar where she was gathering up her deck of tarot cards being Wiccan; she knew immediately after seeing her nightgown singed there was magic being done over her. She grabbed her athame from her altar, sucked in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and cast a protective circle. She envisioned the Goddess's great light around her, circling her with her power and love.

    Hail Athena, queen of witches, Goddess of fate. Hail Odin, God of wisdom and sight, I call upon thee both, I invoke thee, she called over and over until she felt both the strength of the Goddess and God flowing through her veins. She lit both main candles on her altar, then lit an incense of Dragon's blood for wisdom and luck.

    Great mother Goddess, Great Horned God, show me whom it is that works this magic upon me, She called before setting her cards out upon the altar for her reading. She closed her eyes once more and concentrated on seeing deep into the meaning of her dream and who was behind it. She opened her eyes, feeling confident that her reading would reveal everything. Her eyes widened as the first main card in her reading was the Devil. She bit her lower lip, fearing dark magic was involved, and then she read on.

    Gabriella's hands shook as she finished her tarot reading; she slowly cleaned up the cards and replaced them in their box. Her mind was weary due to the not-so-good look at her future and the meaning of her dream. She raised her hands towards the sky again to ground her power and close her circle. After finishing everything necessary to cleanse her magical tools and ground all the powers used, she left her altar room. As she walked back to her bedroom to finish dressing, she decided she would pay a little visit to her old High priestess. She needed answers from an older, much wiser Wiccan before deciding on her next move.

    Hours later, Gabriella smiled as Anita opened her door with a look of happiness and concern on her older yet still unbelievably beautiful face. Her eyes met Anita’s brown ones, and she saw that she already knew her reason for coming. Anita’s next words confirmed this.

    Oftentimes, our dreams reflect our own fears or hopes, my sister; however, there are times when they are either sent to us as warning or hex. Gabriella nodded her head in understanding as Anita led her inside her home.

    I honestly was not concerned with my dream or its meaning, Anita, until I noticed my nightgown was marked by the flames in my dream, Gabriella confessed as Anita poured her a glass of wine. Gabriella took the wine with a nervous smile, swirled it around a few times, and raised the glass to her lips. She drank slowly to savor the sweet taste of the blackberry wine, Anita's homemade wine being one of a kind. After finishing off the glass and setting it softly on the sitting table beside her, she sat next to Anita on the sofa.

    Now, my dearest and most cherished Priestess and sister, tell me everything that happened in your dream and leave not even the smallest details out, Anita demanded.

    "I confess I was too frightened to recall any smells or feelings about the cellar I was trapped in, especially after hearing the fierce howl of a wolf. A few moments after the howl, a man in solid black came from the same direction. He just walked through the flames untouched and kissed me, stilling my breath and leaving me utterly speechless. Gabriella waited patiently to hear her views after telling Anita all the details she could recall.

    There is definitely meaning behind this dream child; it could be a past life trying to become known. I want you to do me this favor: if you are to dream this again, do a tarot reading on this dream and ask the Goddess for her aid. If so, do tell me what that reading revealed. Also, bring me the gown, and I shall use my gifts to see what I can find, Anita promised.

    Gabriella smiled weakly, I promise to do all you ask of me, She nervously bit her lower lip.

    I did a reading once already, and in my reading, the Devil card was the center; next to that was fate, followed by the lovers and fertility card. She noted the frightened and concerned look in Anita's brown eyes when she told her that the three major cards in her reading were The Devil, The Lovers, the Wheel of Fortune, Fertility, and Fate. She had seen Anita's facial expressions enough to know what every one of them meant. This time, her face was somber, showing her age horribly, and her eyes were full of fear.

    What is it, Anita? I must know why you are looking at me as though I am in grave peril, Gabriella insisted.

    It is just that all those cards are dark when combined, my child, I just, I do not have a good feeling about this. I want you to go home, and not only your home but yourself bless your bed as well. Gabriella, I want you to bring me that gown as soon as possible; we must find out who has cast this darkness upon you and reverse it, Anita stumbled. Gabriella smiled nervously at her and promised once more to do as she asked, then stood and hugged her tight.

    I love you, Anita; I will see you soon.

    Back at her house, Gabriella thought of everything Anita had told her that day as she gathered the necessary tools for her cleansing ritual. She could not let go of the obvious fear she had seen in Anita’s eyes or how her voice was filled with concern. She began to wonder if she knew more than she let on. She tried to tell her mind to stop wondering as she gathered the last few blessing herbs she needed. She knew now was not the time to have these doubts that she must concentrate on her ritual. She set up her altar, placing white candles all around, marking north, south, east, and west. She let out a deep breath, closed her eyes, and picked up the salt and blessed water; in her mind, she asked the great goddess for her aid. Gabriella was ready to bless her home after concentrating and chanting to the great warrior Goddess Athena.

    By the powers of the air, may my home now be cleansed, blessed, and sanctified by the great Goddess herself. By the powers of fire, may my home now be cleansed, blessed, and purified by the great God himself. By the powers of water, may my home now be cleansed, blessed, and washed of all evil. By the powers of the earth, may my home now be cleansed, blessed, and protected by the great warrior Goddess Athena, Gabriella chanted.

    Spirits of the sacred flame, by all hollowed be thy name, I invoke thee, enter my home now and light the way. Give me loving peace and solid protection. Protect me from harm.  Gabriella sprinkled the blessed water and salt upon her floor; as she raised the vile again to douse herself, a flame of fire suddenly circled from nowhere. She dropped the vile in shock, and it shattered into tiny pieces on her bare feet. She prayed to the Goddess for help. Her entire house shook like thunder in the sky; the smell of charcoal and sandalwood filled the air. She cried out to the Goddess once again; this time, all the windows in her home flew open by themselves. The strong wind blew into the room with such might that it knocked her to her knees.

    Trying to remain calm, Gabriella fought against it, stood back up, bit her lower lip, and tried to call out to the Goddess again; the loud, thunderous cry of a wolf cut off her effort. She knew the blessing was in vain.


    Gabriella sighed and slipped under her silken sheets into the comfort of her bed. It had been an exceedingly long day with all the blessings she had given and the terrible realization that it was for nothing. She knew that whatever magic was used on her was far greater than hers. She was partly relieved and partly anxious about finally being able to go to bed. As she laid her head on her feather pillow and pulled her long brown hair to the side, she wondered if she would again dream of the dark stranger. She closed her eyes and remembered everything Anita had told her to do. She knew if she did dream of him tonight, she had to put all her fear behind her and search out any clues that may lead her to the dream's true meaning. As she thought of the worried look on Anita's face, she drifted off into a profound sleep.

    Gabriella stood barefooted again in her nightgown; this time, she was not in a cellar. She was out in the woods, the chill of the night air nipping at her face and hands, the wind blowing her long hair back and forth with such might it stung at her skin. She tried desperately to ignore the cold, focus on her surroundings without fear. She knelt, reached the trim of her gown, and tore a bit off to tie her wildly blowing hair from her face. Once she had her hair out of the way, her eyes roamed the area around her, trying to see through the mist that now covered the air.

    Gabriella walked slowly towards the deeper part of the woods, seeking something utterly unknown to her. She felt as helpless as a lamb hunted by some fierce animal as she paced through the woods. Her blood ran as cold as steel when she heard the wolf's howl. She froze in her tracks, closed her eyes, and reminded herself that she was in a mere dream and that no actual harm could befall her. The hair stood on

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