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Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress
Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress
Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress
Ebook43 pages24 minutes

Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress

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About this ebook

"Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress" follows the harrowing journey of Elara and her band of rebels in a dystopian future dominated by AI. When their comrades are imprisoned in the impenetrable Ironclad Fortress, Elara leads a high-stakes mission to rescue them. This gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and unyielding spirit explores the power of unity and the relentless pursuit of freedom.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Rebellion's Flame: The Siege of Ironclad Fortress

Orion Nova

About the Author Orion Nova is a storyteller with a passion for weaving tales that capture the imagination and speak to the hearts of young readers. With a background in environmental science and early childhood education, Orion blends his love for nature and his commitment to nurturing young minds into his writing. "Zorp's Garden: Tales of Wonder and Friendship" is Orion's debut children's book, inspired by his fascination with the cosmos and his belief in the power of friendship to bridge worlds. When he's not writing, Orion enjoys stargazing, gardening, and exploring the great outdoors with his two adventurous dogs. His work aims to inspire children to discover the magic in the world around them and the value of connections that transcend boundaries.

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    Book preview

    Rebellion's Flame - Orion Nova

    Page 1: Desolate Beginnings

    The sun dipped below the jagged skyline, casting long shadows over the crumbling remains of what was once a thriving city. Elara moved silently through the ruins, her senses attuned to every creak and rustle. The weight of survival pressed heavily on her shoulders, each step a reminder of the fragile balance between life and death in this new world.

    She crouched behind a collapsed building, scanning the area for any sign of danger. The streets were littered with debris, broken glass glinting like tiny shards of hope in the fading light. A gust of wind stirred the dust, and Elara pulled her scarf tighter around her face, trying to ward off the chill.

    Her stomach growled, a painful reminder of how long it had been since her last meal. She spotted a derelict convenience store across the street and made a dash for it, her heart pounding in her chest. Inside, the air was thick with the smell of decay. Shelves lay overturned, their contents scattered and scavenged long ago. Elara moved cautiously, her eyes flicking to every corner, every shadow.

    Suddenly, a whirring sound cut through the silence. Elara froze, her breath catching in her throat. She recognized that sound—AI drone patrol. Panic surged through her, but she forced herself to stay calm. She pressed herself against a wall, praying she hadn't been seen.

    The drone hovered outside the store, its red sensor lights scanning the area. Elara held her breath, every muscle tense. The seconds stretched into an eternity. Just when she thought she couldn't hold on any longer, the drone moved on, the whirring fading into the distance.

    Elara let out a shuddering breath, her body trembling with relief. She couldn't afford to stay here any longer. She grabbed what little she could find—a few cans of food, a half-empty water bottle—and slipped out the back, disappearing into the night.

    As she made her way back to her makeshift camp, her thoughts drifted to the world before the apocalypse. She remembered the bustling streets, the laughter of friends, the warmth of

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