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Super Holy Popes
Super Holy Popes
Super Holy Popes
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Super Holy Popes

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Pope St. John Paul II and Mehmet Ali Agca:


Release dateMay 10, 2024
Super Holy Popes

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    Super Holy Popes - Gaby Kool

    Super Holy Popes


    Gaby Kool

    Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    And behold I am with you all days,

    even to the consummation

    of the world.

    Dedicated To

    Marco Antonio Rubio and Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio

    4 Books Compiled and written by Gaby Kool

    Three Holy Kings

    Super Holy Popes

    Holy Kings, Holy Queens, Holy Royalties

    Holy Kings, Holy Queens, Holy Royalties Volume II

    Table of Contents


    First Pope Saint Peter – Reign c.33 - c.64


    Pope Saint Leo I The Great – Reign 10/440 – 11/10/461


    Pope Saint Pius V - Reign 1/7/1566 – 5/1/1572


    Saint Gregory the Great’s Story – Reign 9/3/590 - 3/12/604


    Pope St. Gregory VII – Reign 4/22/1073 - 5/25/1085 (Deposed)

    CHAPTE 6

    Pope Saint Pius X – Reign 8/4/1903 - 8/20/1914 - Feast Day 8/21


    Pope Pius XII – Reign  3/2/1939 – 10/9/1958 –


    Pope St. Leo IX – Reign 2/12/1049 – 4/19/1054 Born in Bruno, Italy – Feast Day 4/1


    Pope Leo XIII – Reign: 2/20/1878 – 7/20/1903 – Workers Pope

    CHAPTER 10

    Pope Saint John Paul II – Reign 10/16/1978 to 4/2/2005



    To my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren: Nathalie,

    Carmen, Jo-Ann, Joey, Gabriella, Izabella, Caesar,

    Christian, Emma, Preston, Sunny, Brooklyn,

    Landon, Raphael, and Angelia

    From 33 AD to 2023 AD, we have 267 Popes in the Catholic Faith. Our Church has been Blessed with many Popes. I have selected in my book ten Popes who were holy Popes and who have excelled in their performance. "The Lord made St. Peter the visible foundation of his Church. He entrusted the keys of the Church to him. The bishop of the Church of Rome, successor to St. Peter, is ‘head of the college of bishops, the Vicar of Christ and Pastor of the universal Church on earth.’

    Prayer for the Pope

    Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, the Pope, a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.

    We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.


    As the history of these holy rulers of our Catholic Church has made an impact on me and has inspired me to pursue my Faith, I sincerely pray and hope my book will do the same for my readers. When I read how these popes became saints, I wanted to find out more about them. These holy popes are really super human beings. They spend day and night in prayer. They are highly intelligent, humble, kind, compassionate, faithful, and immensely loving to God. They also had a great concern for the welfare of their people. This book relates how these popes were, how they served their people and God, and the sacrifices and penances they endured.


    I have written about the Holy Kings, Holy Queens, Holy Royalties, Volume I and Volume II. In my midnight rosary prayer I was inspired to write also about our popes. With our 267 popes, it is easy to find many holy popes. Well! They are not really super popes. I thought it would be exciting to relate some of our super popes. My good and pious Mary Alondra and Carol Walsh of Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mesa and my good and reliable neighbor Thomas Tierney and my editors, my wife Yoka and my brother Ralph Khoe (editor) from Hawaii, and my family have been very supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging in reviewing my book. I thank them for their patience, generosity and friendship.


    First Pope Saint Peter – Reign c.33 - c.64 – Feast Day 7/29

    Born c. 4 AD in Bethsaida, Palestine (Israel)

    When Simon joined the apostles, he was thirty years of age. He was married, had three children, and lived at Bethsaida, near Capernaum. His brother, Andrew, and his wife's mother lived with him. Both Peter and Andrew were fisher partners of the sons of Zebedee. Peter's wife was a very able woman. For years, she labored acceptably as a member of the women's corps, and when Peter was driven out of Jerusalem, she accompanied him upon all his journeys to the churches as well as on all his missions. The documentation of this Apostle’s early life is sparse but not unimportant, as it enables us to form some estimate of the circumstances under which his character was formed and which prepared him for his great work. Peter is one of the only Popes mentioned in the Bible. He appeared in the New Testament under the names Simon and Simeon. The Act of the Apostles and the New Testament both discuss his life and times. Peter was originally a fisherman who saw Jesus heal his wife's mother. He had a brother named Andrew, with whom he often fished before and after becoming an apostle. Peter began following Jesus and was with him at the Last Supper.

    Saint Peter’s Family:Saint Peter (Simon) was the son of a man named Jonas, who was brought up in his father’s occupation as a fisherman on the sea of Tiberias. Of course, The occupation was humble but not, as is often assumed, menial or incompatible with some degree of high intellect. His family was probably of low status and comfortable circumstances. He and his brother Andrew were partners of John and James, the sons of Zebedee, who had hired servants. From various indications in the sacred narrative, we are led to conclude that their social position brought them into contact with men of education. In fact, the trade of fishermen, supplying some of the important cities on the coasts of that inland lake, may have been tolerably remunerative. At the same time, all the necessaries of life were cheap and abundant in the singularly rich and fertile district where the Apostle resided.

    That he was an affectionate husband, married in early life to a wife who accompanied him in his Apostolic journeys, are facts inferred from Scripture, while very ancient traditions, recorded by Clement of Alexandria (whose connection with the church founded by St. Mark gives a peculiar value to his testimony) and by other early but less trustworthy writers, inform us that her name was Perpetua. And the day her illustrious husband yielded up his life, she was thrown to the wild beasts in the arena at Rome during the time of Nero. Peter did not live, as a mere laboring man, in a hut by the sea-side, but first at Bethsaida and afterwards in a house at Capernaum, belonging to himself or his mother-in-law, which must have been rather a large one with 40 rooms since he received in it not only our Lord and his fellow disciples, but multitudes who were attracted by the miracles and preaching of Jesus, (Yoka and I during our Organized Pilgrimage visited this large house twice) It is certain that when he left everything to follow Christ, he made, what he regarded, and what seems to have been admitted by his Master, to have been a considerable sacrifice.

    Peter and his kinsmen were probably taught to read the Scriptures in childhood. The history of their country, especially of the great events of early days, must have been familiar to them as attendants at the synagogue, and their attention there was directed to those portions of the Holy Writ from which the Jews derived their anticipations of the Messiah. And so this man Peter, an as intimate of Jesus, as one of the inner circle, went forth from Jerusalem proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom with power and glory until the fullness of his ministry had been accomplished; and he regarded himself as the recipient of high honors when his captors informed him that he must die as his Master had died on the cross consistent with Christ, Peter was crucified in Rome.

    When Jesus gave Simon the name Peter, he did it with a benevolent smile; it was to be a sort of nickname. Simon was well known to all his friends as an erratic and impulsive fellow. True, later on, Jesus did attach a new and significant import to this lightly bestowed nickname. Simon Peter was a man of impulse and an optimist. He had grown up permitting himself freely to indulge in strong feelings; he was constantly getting into difficulties because he persisted in speaking without thinking. This sort of thoughtlessness

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