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Claimed By Her Boss
Claimed By Her Boss
Claimed By Her Boss
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Claimed By Her Boss

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When her father's debts leave her vulnerable to loan sharks, a CEO's prim assistant surrenders to his indecent proposal and awakens a craving to be his good little girl.

Megan Redding's been harboring two secrets—her attraction to her CEO boss Rhys Waterstone, and her desperate need for a Daddy's firm hand. When loan sharks come calling over her father's gambling debts, Megan is forced to reveal both truths to the powerful executive.


To Megan's shock, Rhys not only pays off the dangerous debt but demands the price of spending an uninterrupted night with his assistant. As the evening unfolds, she discovers he shares her craving to explore a Daddy/little dynamic. What was meant to be one night ignites a possessive fire they can't extinguish.


Behind closed doors, the CEO indulges his natural dominance, pulling Megan into an increasingly intense bond, but when doubts about the depth of their feelings surface, they must decide if their newfound intimacy is a mere transaction or something deeper.


Can the billionaire and his cute little assistant handle unleashing their private desires on each other? And will Rhys's need to own his girl extend beyond the bedroom? Find out in this ultra-steamy tale of submission, trust, and sugarkink love.

Release dateMay 9, 2024
Claimed By Her Boss

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    Book preview

    Claimed By Her Boss - Erin Nova


    When her father's debts leave her vulnerable to loan sharks, a CEO's prim assistant surrenders to his indecent proposal and awakens a craving to be his good sub.

    MEGAN REDDING'S BEEN harboring two secrets—her attraction to her CEO boss Rhys Waterstone, and her desperate need for a Master's firm hand. When loan sharks come calling over her father's gambling debts, Megan is forced to reveal both truths to the powerful executive.

    To Megan's shock, Rhys not only pays off the dangerous debt but demands the price of spending an uninterrupted night with his assistant. As the evening unfolds, she discovers he shares her craving to explore a Dom/sub dynamic. What was meant to be one night ignites a possessive fire they can’t extinguish.

    Behind closed doors, the CEO indulges his natural dominance, pulling Megan into an increasingly intense bond, but when doubts about the depth of their feelings surface, they must decide if their newfound intimacy is a mere transaction or something deeper.

    Can the billionaire and his assistant handle unleashing their private desires on each other? And will Rhys's need to own his girl extend beyond the bedroom? Find out in this ultra-steamy tale of submission, trust, and sugarkink love.

    Chapter 1—Megan

    ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER pile of paperwork to sift through. I straighten my skirt and blouse, ensuring every crease is crisp, every button fastened. Professionalism is key when assisting Rhys Waterstone, CEO of Waterstone Enterprises. My heart flutters at the mere thought of him—those piercing blue eyes and the commanding presence that fills any room he strides into.

    I gather the stack of contracts requiring his signature and head toward his office, the rhythmic click of my heels echoing through the marble-floored lobby. Passing by the wall of windows, the city skyline glitters in the morning sun. My gaze lingers a moment too long before I force myself to look away. Daydreaming has no place here.

    At his office, I take a steadying breath and knock firmly on the heavy oak door.

    Enter. His deep baritone reverberates through the wood.

    I push open the door to find Rhys seated behind his imposing desk, eyes fixed on the computer screen before him. The morning light casts half his chiseled features in shadow, somehow making him even more striking.

    Good morning, Mr. Waterstone. I have the Kingsley contracts for your review. I approach his desk, the scent of his subtle cologne wafting over me.

    Those blue eyes finally meet mine, and for a moment, I’m certain he can read the longing in my gaze, but his expression remains inscrutable as he gestures for me to set the files down.

    Thank you, Miss Redding. I’ll need you to clear my schedule for the afternoon. An urgent matter has arisen that requires my undivided attention.

    Of course, sir. I nod dutifully, fighting to keep my hands from trembling as I input the change into his calendar.

    He stands then, rolling up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt to reveal toned forearms. My mouth goes dry as he moves to stand beside me, leaning over to examine the updated schedule. The faint scent of his shampoo mingles with his cologne, the combination utterly intoxicating.

    Excellent. You always were my most efficient assistant. His breath ghosts across my cheek, and I suppress a shiver.

    Straightening, he moves to retrieve his suit jacket from where it’s draped over the back of the leather sofa. I’ll be leaving for the day after our eleven o’clock meeting. Hold any calls unless it’s an emergency.

    I nod again, afraid my voice might betray the effect his proximity has on me. As he strides past, our arms brush, and the contact sends a jolt of electricity through me. I watch him disappear through the door, equal parts longing and frustration churning in my chest.

    How many more days can I endure this torturous attraction? The man consumes my every waking thought. I should be grateful for the job, the career opportunity assisting one of the most powerful CEOs in the city, but my silly heart yearns for something more, something forbidden.

    Shaking my head, I force the errant thoughts away and return to my desk. Emails, phone calls, scheduling—I lose myself in the familiar routine until it’s time for the morning briefing.

    The conference room fills with the dull roar of conversation as the department heads and senior staff filter in. I take my customary seat to Rhys’s right, notepad and pen at the ready. He arrives last, of course, the room falling silent as he strides to the head of the long, polished table.

    For the next hour, I’m all business, recording key details and action items as discussions range from quarterly projections to new property acquisitions. Rhys commands the room with an ease and authority that never fails to impress. His mind is as sharp as his tailored suits, missing no detail as he deftly navigates the complexities of this multibillion-dollar corporation.

    The morning briefing drags on, but I force myself to remain focused, dutifully recording notes as Rhys outlines upcoming initiatives. His voice is a rich, commanding timbre that makes even the most mundane topics sound captivating.

    Finally, the meeting concludes. I gather my things, preparing to return to my desk, when my phone begins vibrating in my blazer pocket. Frowning, I check the number—it’s an unfamiliar area code, but I answer regardless. Professionalism above all.

    Megan Redding speaking.

    A gruff, accented voice responds. We know who you are, Megan Redding. Your father owes us money. A lot of money.

    My blood turns to ice in my veins. I...I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong number.

    Don’t play dumb, sweetheart. The man’s tone is mocking. Your daddy racked up quite the debt with our boss. A hundred grand, plus interest. We want our money.

    I open my mouth, but no words come out. A hundred thousand dollars? How is that even possible?

    You got two days to get us the cash. His voice drops to a menacing growl. Or we’ll come collect...our way.

    The line goes dead, leaving me clutching the phone with a trembling hand. Panic grips my chest as I try to process what just happened. Loan sharks? After my father? This has to be some kind of mistake.

    I barely register Rhys approaching until he’s standing before me, brow furrowed with concern. Miss Redding? Is everything all right?

    Snapping back to reality, I quickly school my features into a mask of composure. Yes, of course. My apologies, Mr. Waterstone. I should return to my desk.

    He studies me a moment longer, those piercing eyes seeming to stare

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