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Timeshifted In Love
Timeshifted In Love
Timeshifted In Love
Ebook282 pages4 hours

Timeshifted In Love

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Thomas Hartley, a charming and well-educated gentleman from 18th-century London, accidentally finds himself transported to the bustling streets of modern-day New York City. Disoriented and overwhelmed by the unfamiliar world around him, Thomas's life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Stella Moretti, a successful and driven marketing executive.


Stella, initially skeptical of Thomas's claims, soon finds herself drawn to his old-world charm and chivalrous manner. As she helps him navigate the complexities of the 21st century, from technology to fashion, an unlikely romance blossom between the two. Thomas, captivated by Stella's intelligence and compassion, begins to question the rigid societal conventions of his own time, while Stella learns to open her heart and prioritize her personal life.


However, their budding relationship is not without its challenges. Thomas struggles to reconcile his traditional values with the modern world, while Stella grapples with the demands of her career and the fear of vulnerability. As they face the realities of their different time periods and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their path, Thomas and Stella must decide whether their love is strong enough to withstand the test of time.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Timeshifted In Love

Amanda JT Hannah

With her debut novel "Latte Love Miracle," Amanda JT Hannah has emerged as a promising new voice in the world of heartwarming fiction. Born and raised in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, Amanda's love for storytelling blossomed at an early age, fueled by her passion for the written word and her keen observation of the world around her. Amanda's journey as a writer began as a hobby, where she would escape into the realms of her imagination, crafting stories that captured the essence of love, resilience, and the beauty found in everyday moments. It wasn't until she discovered her talent for weaving captivating narratives that she dared to dream of becoming a published author. "Latte Love Miracle" is a labor of love, born from Amanda's fascination with the cozy world of coffee shops and her belief in the transformative power of human connection. Drawing inspiration from her own experiences and the people she's encountered, Amanda has crafted a heartwarming tale that resonates with readers seeking solace, hope, and a reminder that love can triumph over even the most daunting obstacles. With a writing style that seamlessly blends descriptive prose, witty dialogue, and emotional depth, Amanda has a gift for creating relatable characters and immersive settings. Her ability to capture the nuances of human emotion and the complexities of relationships has earned her praise from early readers and critics alike. Beyond her talent for storytelling, Amanda is driven by a desire to inspire and uplift her readers. Through her writing, she hopes to ignite a sense of possibility and encourage others to embrace the magic of love and the courage to pursue their dreams, no matter the challenges that may arise. As a debut author, Amanda JT Hannah has already established herself as a promising talent in the world of contemporary romance and women's fiction. With "Latte Love Miracle" as her first step into the literary world, readers and industry professionals alike eagerly anticipate her future works, which are sure to captivate hearts and minds with their warmth, authenticity, and celebration of the human spirit.

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    Book preview

    Timeshifted In Love - Amanda JT Hannah

    Timeshifted In Love

    Copyright © 2024 by Amanda JT Hannah

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    First Edition : May 2024


    Chapter 1: A Twist in Time

    Chapter 2: Chance Encounter

    Chapter 3: A Helping Hand

    Chapter 4: Adapting to a New World

    Chapter 5: Unexpected Connections

    Chapter 6: Unraveling the Past

    Chapter 7: The Time Travel Expert

    Chapter 8: Blossoming Love

    Chapter 9: Career Crossroads

    Chapter 10: Secrets and Scandals

    Chapter 11: Unraveling the Corruption

    Chapter 12: Adapting to the Modern World

    Chapter 13: Balancing Priorities

    Chapter 14: Time Travel Revelations

    Chapter 15: A Helping Hand

    Chapter 16: Family Bonds

    Chapter 17: Art and Soul

    Chapter 18: Temporal Threats

    Chapter 19: The Hartley Legacy

    Chapter 20: A Love Across Time

    Chapter 1: A Twist in Time

    In the heart of the Hartley family's stately London estate, Thomas Hartley found himself ensconced in his father's private office, hunched over an antique desk. His attention was wholly consumed by the mysterious artifact before him, a stark contrast to the room's grandeur. The office was a testament to the family's wealth and prestige, with towering bookshelves lined with leather-bound volumes, plush armchairs, and an ornate fireplace that cast a warm glow across the space.

    The artifact, an intricately carved wooden box, had been discovered a fortnight ago during a routine cleaning of the estate's attic. The box, measuring no more than a foot in length, was crafted from a rich, dark wood that seemed to absorb the light around it. Its surface was adorned with an array of peculiar symbols and intricate designs, each one more perplexing than the last.

    The symbols, etched deep into the wood, were unlike anything Thomas had ever seen before. They seemed to be an amalgamation of various ancient scripts, with hints of Egyptian hieroglyphs, Norse runes, and other esoteric languages that he couldn't quite place. The designs, meanwhile, were equally enigmatic - swirling patterns that seemed to move and shift before his very eyes, as if imbued with a life of their own.

    As Thomas ran his fingers over the surface of the box, he could feel a faint vibration emanating from within, almost like a heartbeat. It was as if the artifact was alive, calling out to him, begging to be opened and have its secrets revealed.

    Thomas, a well-educated gentleman with a keen interest in the arcane, had always been drawn to the unusual and unexplained. He had spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and obscure tomes, seeking knowledge of the mystical and the supernatural. When he first laid eyes on the artifact, he knew that he had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary.

    Master Thomas! a voice called out from the doorway, tinged with concern. It was Jameson, the family's loyal butler, who had served the Hartleys for decades. Is everything alright, sir? You seem quite engrossed in that peculiar box.

    Thomas looked up, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Jameson, I believe I may have stumbled upon something extraordinary, he said, his voice filled with wonder. These symbols, the craftsmanship... there's something special about this artifact. I can feel it.

    Jameson approached the desk, his brow furrowed as he eyed the box curiously. It certainly is intriguing, sir. But if I may be so bold, perhaps it would be wise to exercise caution when dealing with such unknown objects. We don't know where it came from or what its purpose might be.

    Your concern is appreciated, Jameson, Thomas replied, smiling reassuringly. But I simply cannot ignore the pull I feel towards this box. It's as if it holds the key to unlocking some great mystery, and I am determined to uncover its secrets.

    The butler nodded, his expression softening. I have no doubt in your abilities, Master Thomas. But please, do be careful. Your well-being is of the utmost importance.

    I will, Jameson. Thank you for your concern, Thomas said, touched by his butler's genuine care.

    As Jameson departed, closing the door softly behind him, Thomas turned his attention back to the artifact. He continued to examine the box, meticulously studying every detail and trying to decipher the meaning behind the cryptic symbols. He couldn't shake the feeling that this artifact held the key to something momentous, something that would change his life forever.

    Suddenly, without warning, the artifact began to emit a soft, pulsing glow. Thomas's eyes widened as the light intensified, growing brighter and brighter until it filled the entire room. He felt a searing pain course through his body, as if the artifact was somehow connected to his very essence.

    The world around him began to spin, faster and faster, until his father's office disappeared entirely. Thomas found himself engulfed in a vortex of swirling colors and indescribable sensations, his mind reeling as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

    With a gasp, Thomas felt the ground beneath him give way, and he plummeted into an abyss of endless light. As consciousness slipped from his grasp, he wondered if he would ever find his way back to the world he knew, or if this mysterious artifact had forever altered the course of his destiny.

    Thomas awoke to a cacophony of unfamiliar sounds and sensations. As he slowly opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a hard, unfamiliar surface, surrounded by a world he could scarcely comprehend. Towering buildings made of glass and steel loomed overhead, their surfaces reflecting the bright, artificial lights that illuminated the strange cityscape.

    He stumbled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the alien landscape. The air was thick with unfamiliar scents, a mixture of exhaust fumes, food aromas, and a myriad of other odors he couldn't quite place. Throngs of people, dressed in clothing that seemed impossibly strange and revealing, hurried past him, their eyes glued to small, glowing devices in their hands.

    Disoriented and desperate for answers, Thomas approached a young woman who stood nearby, her attention focused on the glowing screen of her smartphone. Excuse me, miss, he said, his voice shaking slightly. I seem to be quite lost. Could you please tell me where I am?

    The woman looked up, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she took in Thomas's appearance. His 18th-century attire, complete with a tailcoat, breeches, and a cravat, stood in stark contrast to the modern fashion surrounding them. Uh, you're in New York City, dude, she replied, her tone a mixture of amusement and confusion. Are you, like, in a play or something?

    Thomas frowned, utterly puzzled by her response. New York City? I'm afraid I don't understand. And what do you mean by 'dude'?

    The woman laughed, shaking her head. Wow, you're really committed to this whole historical cosplay thing, huh? Look, I've gotta run, but good luck with... whatever this is. With that, she turned and hurried away, leaving Thomas even more bewildered than before.

    As he watched her disappear into the crowd, Thomas felt a growing sense of displacement and isolation. The world around him was a labyrinth of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and customs, and he had no idea how to navigate it. With a heavy heart and a mind full of questions, he set off down the bustling street, determined to find some semblance of familiarity in this strange new reality.

    As Thomas wandered the city streets, he found himself drawn to a lively street performance. A young man with a brightly colored mohawk and an array of piercings was beatboxing and rapping, his words flowing in a rapid-fire cadence that left Thomas utterly perplexed.

    Intrigued, Thomas approached the performer, waiting for a lull in the music before speaking. Excuse me, sir, he said, his voice raised slightly to be heard over the din of the city. I must say, I find your musical style quite fascinating. Pray tell, what do you call this form of entertainment?

    The performer paused, eyeing Thomas with a mixture of amusement and confusion. Yo, my man, this is hip-hop! Where you been living, under a rock?

    Thomas frowned, the reference lost on him. Hip-hop? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term. Is it a new form of poetry?

    The performer laughed, shaking his head. Nah, dawg, it's a whole culture! It's about the beats, the rhymes, the flow. It's about expressing yourself and keeping it real, you feel me?

    Thomas nodded slowly, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar slang. I see. And these 'beats' you speak of, are they produced by some sort of instrument?

    Yeah, you could say that the performer replied, grinning. It's all about the rhythm, the bass, the samples. It's like taking pieces of different songs and making something new and fresh, you know?

    As the performer launched into an explanation of the intricacies of hip-hop culture, Thomas found himself more and more intrigued. Though he understood little of the technical jargon, he could appreciate the passion and creativity that went into this strange new art form.

    Thank you for enlightening me, Thomas said, smiling genuinely. Your enthusiasm is truly infectious.

    The performer returned the smile, offering a friendly fist bump, which Thomas awkwardly reciprocated. Anytime, my dude! Keep exploring, keep learning, and stay open to new experiences. That's what life's all about!

    With those words of wisdom ringing in his ears, Thomas continued his journey through the city, his mind buzzing with new ideas and a growing sense of wonder at the marvels of this strange new world.

    As Thomas continued his exploration of the city, the weight of his situation began to bear down upon him. The constant barrage of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and experiences left him feeling overwhelmed and utterly exhausted. Seeking a moment of respite, he made his way to a nearby park, where he hoped to find a quiet spot to gather his thoughts.

    He settled onto a bench beneath a sprawling oak tree, its leafy canopy providing a welcome shelter from the chaos of the city. As he sat there, his head in his hands, he tried to make sense of the extraordinary circumstances that had brought him to this strange new world.

    Excuse me, sir, are you alright?

    Thomas looked up to see an elderly woman standing before him, her kind eyes filled with concern. She wore a simple, yet elegant dress and carried a small, well-worn book in her hands.

    I... I'm not entirely sure, Thomas replied honestly, his voice trembling slightly. I find myself quite lost and overwhelmed by all of this. He gestured vaguely to the surrounding city.

    The woman nodded, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. I understand, she said, taking a seat beside him. This city can be a lot to take in, especially if you're not used to it. I'm Margaret, by the way.

    Thomas, he replied, feeling a sense of comfort in the woman's gentle presence. I must admit, I feel as though I've been transported to another world entirely.

    Margaret chuckled softly. In a way, I suppose you have. New York City is a world unto itself, with its own rhythms, its own language, and its own unique charm. But beneath all the noise and the bustle, there's a heart to this city that's truly special.

    As Margaret began to share stories of her own experiences in the city, Thomas found himself drawn in by her wisdom and warmth. She spoke of the incredible diversity of the people who called New York home, of the resilience and determination that seemed to be woven into the very fabric of the city.

    It can be overwhelming at times, Margaret said, but it's also a place of endless possibility. A place where dreams can come true, if you're willing to work for them.

    Thomas nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Thank you, Margaret, he said sincerely. Your words have been a great comfort to me.

    Margaret patted his hand, her smile widening. Sometimes, all we need is a little perspective and a friendly ear. Remember, Thomas, you're not alone in this. There are always people willing to help, if you're open to it.

    With those parting words, Margaret stood and made her way out of the park, leaving Thomas to ponder the wisdom she had shared. As he watched her go, he felt a renewed sense of determination to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that he had at least one ally in this strange new world.

    As Thomas sat in the park, his mind began to wander, drifting back to the life he had left behind in 18th-century London. He thought of his family, his friends, and the familiar comforts of home, feeling a deep ache in his heart at the realization that he might never see them again.

    In his mind's eye, he found himself transported back to the Hartley estate, just days before his fateful encounter with the mysterious artifact. He was sitting in the drawing room with his sister, Elizabeth, who had always been his closest confidant and dearest friend.

    Thomas, you spend far too much time cooped up in that study of yours, Elizabeth chided gently, her blue eyes sparkling with affection. One would think you were trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe itself!

    Thomas chuckled, shaking his head. Not the universe, dear sister, but perhaps a small piece of it. There's so much knowledge to be gained, so many secrets waiting to be uncovered. I simply cannot resist the call of discovery.

    Elizabeth sighed, reaching out to take her brother's hand. I understand, Thomas, truly I do. But don't forget to live in the present, as well. The world is full of wonders, not just in the pages of your books, but in the people and experiences that surround us every day.

    You're right, of course, Thomas conceded, squeezing his sister's hand. I shall try to be more mindful of that. And I promise, I won't let my curiosity get the better of me.

    As the memory faded, Thomas felt a tear slip down his cheek. Elizabeth's words echoed in his mind, taking on a new meaning in light of his current situation. He had been so consumed by his quest for knowledge that he had forgotten to appreciate the simple joys and beauties of the world around him.

    Now, stranded in a foreign time and place, he realized just how much he had taken for granted. The love of his family, the comfort of his home, the familiarity of his daily life - all of it had been ripped away in an instant, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

    Yet even as he grappled with his loss, Thomas knew that he could not simply give in to despair. He had to find a way to move forward, to honor the memory of his loved ones by embracing the new experiences and challenges that lay before him.

    With a deep breath, Thomas stood, squaring his shoulders and setting his jaw with determination. He would face this new world head-on, armed with the love and wisdom of those he held dear. And somehow, someday, he would find his way back to them, no matter what obstacles stood in his way.

    Chapter 2: Chance Encounter

    The gentle breeze rustled through the lush green leaves of the trees, carrying with it the distant laughter of children and the melodies of chirping birds. Thomas sat on a weathered wooden bench, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The park stretched out before him, a vibrant oasis amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets of modern-day New York City.

    He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of the fresh air, trying to find a sense of calm in the midst of his inner turmoil. The events of the past few hours played out in his mind like a surreal dream, from the moment he discovered the mysterious artifact in his family's London estate to his bewildering arrival in this strange new world.

    Thomas's heart raced as he grappled with the realization that he was no longer in the comfort of his own time. The 18th century, with its familiar sights, sounds, and customs, had been replaced by an overwhelming array of modern marvels and unfamiliar faces. He felt like a stranger in his own skin, a man out of time, desperately trying to make sense of his new reality.

    As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, a young woman jogged by, her presence pulling him back to the present moment. She moved with grace and purpose, her athletic form clad in sleek, modern clothing that seemed to embody the very essence of this strange new era.

    The woman slowed her pace as she approached Thomas, her curious gaze taking in his unusual attire and the pensive expression on his face. As she drew closer, Thomas couldn't help but notice her striking appearance. She was a woman in her late twenties, with deep, expressive brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with intelligence and warmth. Her dark hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, revealing a face that was both beautiful and strong, with high cheekbones and a determined jawline.

    She was dressed in form-fitting athletic wear that accentuated her lean, toned physique - a black tank top and leggings that hugged her curves in all the right places. There was an air of confidence and purpose about her, a sense that she was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it.

    As she came to a stop a few feet away from the bench, a friendly smile graced her lips, lighting up her face with a radiance that seemed to emanate from within. Hi there, she said, her voice warm and inviting. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but your outfit is incredible. Are you an actor or maybe part of a historical reenactment group?

    Thomas looked up, startled by her sudden appearance and unsure of how to respond. I... no, I'm not an actor, he stammered, his voice carrying the distinct accent of his native time. And I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the concept of historical reenactment.

    The woman's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. Oh, I'm sorry for assuming. It's just that your clothes look so authentic, like you've stepped straight out of a Jane Austen novel.

    She extended her hand, her demeanor friendly and open. I'm Stella, by the way. Stella Moretti.

    Thomas hesitated for a moment before standing and bowing slightly, his ingrained manners from another era taking over. Thomas Hartley, at your service, Miss Moretti.

    Stella laughed, the sound light and melodic. Please, just call me Stella. And there's no need for such formality. A simple handshake will do.

    As Thomas took her hand, he couldn't help but notice the warmth and strength of her grip. Stella was a striking woman, with a presence that seemed to radiate confidence, intelligence, and a zest for life. Her modern clothing and easy-going demeanor were a stark contrast to his own, highlighting the differences between their worlds, but also hinting at the possibility of a connection that could bridge the gap between them.

    Stella sat down on the bench beside Thomas, her curiosity piqued by his unusual manner and appearance. So, Thomas, what brings you to this park, dressed like a gentleman from another time?

    Thomas hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to this friendly stranger. It's a long and rather unbelievable story, I'm afraid.

    Try me, Stella said, her eyes sparkling with interest. I'm a good listener, and I've always had a fascination for the extraordinary.

    Taking a deep breath, Thomas began to share his tale, starting with his life in 18th-century London. He spoke of his family, his education, and his passion for learning and discovery. As he talked, Stella listened intently, her expression shifting from curiosity to wonder.

    That's incredible, Thomas, she said, leaning forward. Your knowledge of history and your way of speaking, it's as if you've truly lived in that era.

    Thomas nodded, a wistful smile on his face. That's because I have, Stella. I know it sounds impossible, but I am not from this time. I was born in 1750, and through a series of extraordinary events, I find myself here, in the 21st century.

    Stella's eyes widened, her mind grappling with the implications of Thomas's words. You're saying that you've traveled through time? How is that even possible?

    I wish I knew, Thomas replied, his voice tinged with both wonder and uncertainty. All I can say is that it involved a mysterious artifact I discovered in my family's estate. One moment I was in my own time, and the next, I awoke in this strange new world.

    As Stella listened to Thomas's story, her initial skepticism began to give way to a growing sense of amazement and concern. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and hear the authenticity in his voice. This was no mere act or delusion; Thomas truly believed he had journeyed through time.

    Thomas, I can't even begin to imagine how overwhelming this must be for you, Stella said, placing a comforting hand on his arm. To be suddenly thrust into a world so different from your own, it must be terrifying.

    Thomas nodded, his eyes

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