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Beyond Broken Promises
Beyond Broken Promises
Beyond Broken Promises
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Beyond Broken Promises

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Hidden behind a façade of normalcy, Ellie fought a silent war against the monstrous men who sought to control her. But when her carefully constructed world shatters, she is forced to transform from victim to hunter, from hunted to the one who lays the traps. In a world of opulent parties and shadowy back alleys, Ellie must become as ruthless as the predators she fights. She'll manipulate, scheme, and do whatever it takes to dismantle a sprawling network of corruption and exploitation. But as she delves deeper into the darkness, the lines between right and wrong begin to blur, threatening to consume her entirely. Can Ellie expose the monsters without becoming one herself? Will she find a way to protect her daughter from the chilling echoes of her own past? And in the aftermath of countless battles, can a woman forged in the fires of trauma ever find a way back to the light? This gripping thriller takes you on a relentless journey where the stakes are life and death, the villains hide in plain sight, and the price of survival is becoming as cunning as your enemies. It's a story that lingers long after the last page, forcing you to question the hidden battles waged around us, and the unimaginable strength it takes to fight them.

PublisherDanielle Long
Release dateMay 14, 2024
Beyond Broken Promises

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    Book preview

    Beyond Broken Promises - Danielle Long

    Chapter 1

    The air crackled with tension, the stale scent of old paperwork and desperation clinging to the cramped courtroom. Ellie Martin gripped the edge of the wooden bench, fingernails digging crescents into her palms. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a desperate bid to outpace the icy fear coiling in her gut. This was no ordinary court hearing; it was a fight for her life, or more accurately, for the life she desperately hoped to give her daughter.

    Across the room, her ex-husband, Thomas, sat with a practiced air of nonchalance. His perfectly tailored suit screamed of wealth and power, in stark contrast to Ellie's rumpled blouse and the anxious tremor in her hands. He caught her gaze, a smirk twisting his lips – a hunter relishing the cornered look in his prey's eyes.

    Ellie forced herself to look away. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Instead, her focus locked onto her daughter, Lily. A whirlwind of energy barely contained in a sunflower dress, Lily sat beside Ellie, swinging her legs and humming a tuneless song. Her innocent eyes were wide with boredom, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling through the stuffy room.  Every time Lily's gaze fell upon her, Ellie felt a surge of protectiveness wash over her. It was for Lily she had to be strong, for Lily she had to endure this ordeal, for Lily she would fight to the bitter end.

    All rise, the bailiff's voice boomed, snapping Ellie back to the grim reality.

    The judge swept into the room, his presence a stark reminder of the finality hanging in the balance. Ellie's stomach churned violently as the lawyers began their opening arguments. Each word of Thomas's attorney, a well-paid shark in a designer suit, chipped away at her resolve. They painted a distorted portrait of her – an unstable, unfit mother, her past mistakes magnified and twisted into grotesque accusations. Her own attorney's rebuttal felt weak, drowned out by the echoes of judgmental whispers from her past, the hasty escape from her marriage with nothing but a baby in her arms.

    A sob threatened to erupt from her throat. She bit her lip hard, a taste of copper flooding her mouth as she fought back the tears. It wouldn't do to break down in front of them, in front of Thomas. Instead, her gaze settled on the worn sketchpad tucked in her bag. Her fingers ached to pick up a pencil, to ground herself in the familiar rhythm of lines and shading. Art had always been her solace, a way to express the emotions that words often betrayed her in. But now, even the thought of drawing felt like a frivolous indulgence, a luxury she couldn't afford when her daughter's future was at stake.

    The hours seemed to crawl by, a tortuous blur of legal jargon and veiled attacks on her character. Her muscles knotted with tension, and a headache pulsed behind her eyes. The ache in her chest deepened as doubts clawed their way in. Had she truly done enough? Was moving to this small town, painstakingly building a life from broken pieces, enough to give Lily the stability she craved? Was it enough to protect her from Thomas's reach, from his smooth charm that hid a manipulative, controlling heart?

    Finally, the moment Ellie dreaded the most arrived – her time on the witness stand. Each step towards that cold, raised seat felt like walking a tightrope over a chasm. Thomas's smug gaze burned into her as she swore the oath, a silent promise to speak nothing but the truth. But the truth, Ellie knew, was a weapon easily twisted in the hands of a skilled manipulator like him. And for as long as she could, she'd grip that truth with everything she had, fight tooth and nail for the promise of a better tomorrow, not just for herself, but for Lily. Thomas's attorney, Mr. Carlson, a slick man with a predatory gleam in his eyes, approached the witness stand. His questions started innocuous enough – name, occupation, address. Ellie's answers were curt, her voice barely above a whisper. But then Carlson shifted gears, his tone taking on an accusatory sharpness.

    Ms. Martin, he began, a patronizing note in his voice, you relocated to Willow Creek rather unexpectedly, didn't you?

    Yes,  Ellie admitted, her voice barely audible.

    With no notice to your then-husband, Mr. Thomas Harrington? Carlson pressed, a hint of a sneer in his words.

    I... I had to leave, Ellie stammered, the words catching in her throat. Images flickered in her mind– a shattered vase, furious eyes, the sting of a hand across her cheek.

    You abandoned your marital home, Ms. Martin? And took your daughter with you?

    Ellie's fingers tightened around the armrest. I was protecting Lily.

    Carlson scoffed. From what? Mr. Harrington is an upstanding citizen, a successful businessman. Surely you don't expect this court to believe he was a danger to your child?

    The room seemed to spin. Tears welled up, blurring her vision. She desperately wanted to scream, to reveal the truth – the nights spent huddled with Lily in her room, the whispered promises of escape, the frantic drive into the unknown. But to do so meant opening up her most painful wounds to the vultures of the courtroom. Worse, Thomas would find a way to use it against her.

    Your silence speaks volumes, Ms. Martin, Carlson declared, satisfaction dripping from his voice. Now, about your current employment. You work at an elementary school, is that correct? Isn't it true that working mothers often...shall we say, neglect their parental duties?

    Ellie's hands clenched into fists. She'd worked so hard to build a life for herself and Lily, taking on any job she could find. The insinuation that she was anything but a devoted mother ignited a rage she'd been desperately suppressing.

    Mr. Carlson, her voice rang out, clearer and stronger now. I am a single mother doing the best I can for my daughter. I provide for her, I nurture her, I love her. Your attempts to undermine me because I am a working parent are offensive.

    The judge's gavel brought a momentary pause to the proceedings. Carlson's smile tightened, but the flicker in his eyes betrayed a hint of surprise. He'd expected her to crumble, not fight back.

    Ellie sat a little straighter, summoning every ounce of courage within her. The day was far from over – grueling cross-examination, witness testimonies, legal arguments that would spin her head. But in that brief moment of defiance, something within her shifted. She wasn't the meek, scared woman who had fled her marriage. She was a mother, a lioness ready to claw her way towards a safe haven for her child – no matter the cost, no matter the shadows of a past that threatened to consume her once more.

    Chapter 2

    The drive back to Ellie's small, rented cottage was a nightmare journey punctuated by the relentless pounding of her heartbeat. Each mile, each flashing streetlight, brought a fresh wave of nausea as scenes from the courtroom replayed relentlessly in her mind. She saw Thomas's condescending grin, heard the veiled accusations of Carlson's voice, felt the weight of a judgmental world upon her shoulders. Sleep, she knew, would be a fleeting ghost that night, the lingering adrenaline keeping her a prisoner in her own exhausted body.

    As she pulled into the driveway, the cottage lights flickered to life, a beacon against the encroaching darkness. Stepping out of the car, her legs felt like jelly. A relieved gasp escaped her lips as a familiar figure emerged from the porch - Annabelle, her best friend and neighbor, stood bathed in the porch light, concern etched on her face. A steaming mug dangled from her hand, an unspoken offering of comfort.

    It's okay, honey. You're home, Annabelle's voice was a soothing balm to Ellie's raw nerves, a lifeline in the chaotic sea of her emotions. Let's get you inside and warm.

    Numbly, Ellie followed Annabelle into the cozy warmth of the kitchen. The familiar scent of chamomile tea, a constant in their shared rituals of friendship, filled the air. She sank into a worn armchair, every inch of her body screaming with tension.  Annabelle settled beside her, a silent, comforting presence. The silence stretched between them, not the awkward kind, but the silence born of profound understanding, a testament to the unspoken bond they shared.

    I hate this, Ellie finally whispered, tears fighting their way back to the surface. Making Lily relive it all, dragging her into this mess because I wasn't strong enough back then.

    Ellie, stop it. Annabelle's voice was soft but firm. You're not the one making her relive anything. Thomas is. You left to protect her, to protect yourself. Don't ever carry that guilt.

    Ellie stared into the swirling depths of her tea as if searching for answers in the swirling steam. But is it enough? Am I enough?

    Annabelle gently squeezed her hand, her touch a burst of warmth against Ellie's icy fear.  Ellie Martin, you are the strongest, most loving mother I know. Any child would be blessed to have you fighting for them.

    A sob tore itself free from Ellie's lips, and then she was crying in earnest, a release of all the pent-up fear and hurt she had bottled up for far too long. Annabelle held her close, their  tears mingling in unspoken solidarity.

    After the storm of emotions subsided, Annabelle nudged her with a fresh mug

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