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The Last Age of Legend
The Last Age of Legend
The Last Age of Legend
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The Last Age of Legend

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After the apocalypse, in the time and space of bullying and mutilation, you and your friends are surrounded by despair, and will never turn back. You blame it all on betrayal and abandonment. So you've perfected your craft, and you've returned with the unexplainable ego of a traveler, and you've naively decided to make the world start over just

Release dateMar 16, 2024
The Last Age of Legend

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    The Last Age of Legend - Antwan Brookin

    Copyright ©2024 By Antwan Brookin,

    All rights reserved.

    No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction in which all events and characters in this book are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to actual people is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-7199-7

    Cover designed by Antwan Brookin

    Edited by Antwan Brookin

    ##Chapter 000 The Ruined Meal###

        On the ivory-white dinner plate, seven or eight pieces of cooked meat are neatly arranged in a mouth-watering array of red and white.

        The fork fell gently and rested on the edge of the plate, as if it could not bear to mar the rare artifact, even the soup, which was designed to radiate, was carefully avoided.

        You should try one of the new dishes here, Dick. She suggested softly, picking up her napkin with her black scale-covered arm and making a show of wiping the corners of her mouth and, in passing, the drooping tentacles around her ears, while she gestured to the plate again and tasted it gracefully, A slice of a teenage girl's belly wrapped in a line of a strapping man's gluteal muscles. Who would have thought they would go so well together? Wow, that flavor ...... is really layered.

        Gourmet narrowed her compound eyes, the wriggling of her chewing muscles clearly visible. She slurped again with exaggerated gusto, several tentacles merging together to form a fan that she fanned around her mouth, I can't stand it, I'm probably about to melt ......

        The one across the table was silent, his broad upper body leaning against the back of the chair, those compound eyes empty and dull, neither the soft, melodious tune in the air nor the food on the plate ever attracted his attention.

        What, did I get blood juice on the corner of my mouth? The female companion is still trying to show her charms.

        Well ...... no, you look perfect. Dick seemed to sober up. He slowly sat up straight and reached for his glass, shaking it gently. In the glass, the milky white liquid fluoresced in a circle.

        Claptrap is a new dish that can only please pretty ladies like you who yell about dieting all day long, not for us rude guys. He laughed twice in a self-deprecating manner and drained his drink in one go, turning his head to look at the waiter standing by, Can I have my dish up now? I'm afraid you're holding up business.

        The waiter flashed a professional smile and bowed slightly in greeting, his scales flipping back and forth as his tuxedo disguise instantly transformed into a warrior's suit.

        He raised his arm and waved it in the air, and the slaughter table had slid into the box through a conveyor channel in the wall.

        It was a metallic platform, and the so-called dish was the stripped young woman firmly stuck between the plywood that supported it on both sides. The platform tumbled from side to side as if to show that noble customer how fresh the dish was before it levitated and moved to its designated spot.

        She is indeed fresh.

        Aside from the steel hood controlling her mouth and nose, preventing her from making any noise, her limbs were still flailing and struggling in all directions, as if trying to grab the last straw in the air.

        Her efforts were in vain, however, as the splint was extremely securely fastened and had two automatic outriggers across it as it rolled her into a prone position, greatly restricting the movement of her shoulders and arms.

        The waiter walked up and stood still in front of the dish, turning back to wait for the customer's signal, a steel knife already in his hand at some point.

        Dick nodded, satisfied with the supply of authentic dishes, and then resumed looking across the table at his female companion.

        This is the stuff that suits me better. He said lightly, I prefer the freshly grilled way of cooking meat handed down from the Easterners to those messy new dishes.

        The female companion smiled a bit fawningly, Of course, you're a connoisseur at this, you're unmatched ......

        That's when the waiter got down to business decisively!

        The tip of the knife pierced the skin at the cervical vertebrae, then slashed downward, reaching all the way to the caudal vertebrae and dissecting the spine smoothly and accurately.

        Trembling, the fresh dish struggled violently, its head thrown back and its arms and legs fidgeting, but in no way could it affect the trajectory of the steel blade.

        The skin was broken open and the blood flowed down the pre-cut drainage slots in the lower back into the blood reservoir, the cleanliness of the whole cooking process was ensured, the waiter did possess superb craftsmanship.

        The bright red muscles on either side of the spine were sliced off in one piece, stacked several times, and finally threaded onto a long brazier, which was then placed over an open fire for firing.

        The aroma of the meat instantly permeated the room, and with the dying breath of the remaining portion of the dish, the whole atmosphere of the room was approaching the apex of happiness.

        Dick wrapped his napkin around his chest contentedly, but sighed without regret, It's just a shame that wild peas are so hard to find in our world anymore, or else they'd taste so sweet polished into crumbs and served with roast pork.

        Sweeter than me? The female companion pouted back, with a clear hint in her eyes.

        Unmoved, Dick slowly turned his gaze out of the window as he straightened the dishes. It was there that the rhythmic cry was coming up a little, Make war! Make war! Make war!

        Dick seemed to be getting a little excited at last. He tore off his napkin and put it back on the table, got up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window, raised his hand and gave it a little flick, and the ionized glass then caved in, and the yelling thus became even more deafening, almost approaching a mountainous roar, so that even the struggling of the dishes was completely silenced.

        Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there was an immense ring-shaped arena. The seats on all four sides were already filled with alien creatures. At this moment, they were all chanting as hundreds of thousands of compound eyes looked in unison towards the center of the arena.

        Right there on the flat metal ground, several human warriors in protective gear were making their way to their respective positions. It seemed that they were the main protagonists of this grand festival.

        It's the finals of the Fresh Meat Rodeo, it happens every year, what's there to get excited about?

        The female companion followed lazily, with a hint of displeasure in her words. By the look on her face she seemed to be pouting, except that the cuticles of her lips were so sharp that it was hard to relate to what was called sexy.

        Indeed there's nothing to get excited about, Dick said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, but I hear there's a genius in this year's Fresh Meat, and they generally think it's going to be one of the tightest finals ever.

        He pointed to one of the fighters in the grounds and patiently explained, See, that's the guy on the east side. He seems to be pretty good, and it's rumored that even our invasion team fighters are no match for him.

        Do you think I'm a layman?

        The female companion hummed softly and took a step forward, her dark fingers skillfully outlining the phantom screen on the glass wall. It showed a frontal headshot, and next to it were the corresponding statistics: 37 wins and 0 losses!

        It was a young face, just around 20 years old, yellow skin, black hair, expressionless, with a slightly furrowed brow. He looked a little weak, but that was nothing more than an illusion, his excellent battle record had long since spoken for itself.

        No. ECM 9527, an Oriental variety, is this year's big hit.

        The female companion narrated with her almost professional level, But in a big game like the finals, there's no guarantee that it won't be a big hit. There is such a suspicion that in this final, those eleven other fresh meat fighters participating in the battle will most likely silently strike at him first before going to fight each other. In that case, he would definitely be the first to go down.

        Dick let out a surprised whoop, I'm surprised you know about this, did you bet on it too?

        The female companion didn't reply, just stuck out that black snake-like tongue and licked the corner of her mouth:

        Judged by fresh meat standards, he still qualifies as a handsome man. I'd really like to taste what his abs really taste like. With your power as Chief Commander it should be easy to fulfill my request, right?

        Well, if he's really been set up by nefarious means, I can accommodate you. Dick's attitude seemed as cold as ever, but he reluctantly took his female companion's shoulder, while his mouth murmured, Why is it that there are twelve people in the finals this year, that number always gives me a sense of distraction.

        The female companion slanted a glance at Dick, but didn't pick up on it, still returning her attention to the arena.

        The watchers on all sides had quieted, and the miserable dish in the box had ceased its struggles.

        At that moment, the loudspeaker blared a solemn command:

        Fresh Meat Rodeo Annual Finals, now open!

        Before the words could dissipate, the eleven contestants, both male and female, silently surrounded a fan shape. Unsurprisingly, they did collectively focus their attacks on that big favorite.

        As the battle energy erupted, auras of different colors appeared on the sides of those 11 people, and within the auras, strange monsters were taking shape - one was a huge tiger with a very mechanical feel, one was a tall and slender banshee, and one was a creepy eight-legged reptile... ...The most eye-catching of all was the huge monster that was a hundred meters tall and had a whale's head and body!

        The illusory forms, known to the Dominators as Monster Barbies and to the Fresh Meat as Awarenesses, are combat forms developed by a small number of talented Fresh Meat Gladiators. "The reason for the creation of Monster Barbie is unclear, and for the Dominators, who have dominated the planet for over six hundred years, it is the only remaining mystery of the human race.

        The meatheads believe that Monster Barbie is a godsend, the key to reversing their destiny and regaining their freedom. But that is just a myth, and the rulers are confident that they can control this little doll-like trick, because they have more power and more high-tech weapons. In addition to this, it seems that the human beings, prompted by their selfishness, have put more of their natural power into fighting with each other.

        As it is at the moment, in order to survive, they have resorted to a despicable, but most correct strategy.

        Boos rang out from the sidelines, and already a good portion of the spectators were getting up and yelling to express their displeasure, as they wanted to see a fair share of pandemonium.

        Dick, on the other hand, cocked his head as if he saw something unusual.

        So this is what he looks like ......

        Dick muttered darkly as he switched the phantom screen over to focus on the big hitter's face, zooming in a little.

        Surprisingly ...... the situation is not right! Caretakers, launch an attack! Stop them!

        He suddenly yelled, pressing the comm button at the first opportunity to give orders to the guards on the sidelines, while his arm snapped out and a light dart with a streak of light bullets slammed out!

        The reaction of the guards was still half a beat slower, and the panicked artillery had only let out two bursts before an extremely intense pillar of light had risen to the sky around the body of the Greatest Hit!


        Decretin raged, his fists repeatedly pounding the comm buttons with a deafening growl:

        Kill! Kill them, all of them!

    ### Chapter 001: The Wilderness Cemetery ###

        Landing in 1 minute and 33 seconds, the polymerization of the form was complete, and the sharp pain and choking sensation that had entered the marrow of the body gradually disappeared.

        Ahem, uh! Cough! Whew ......

        Finally, the traveler exhaled his first breath in full since coming to this world.

        He struggled for a moment to straighten up, and instead flopped to the ground, his arms barely holding his body together, but shaking inexorably, as if gravity was too strong to resist at the moment.

        The power of the glare caused by the hyper-energy blast was still present, and vision was still blurred, as if two immensely thick clouds of black fog were being drawn away from the retina in one fluid motion.

        Against that dark background, however, a vague point of light was spreading in shaking, and seemed about to become clear.

        It was like a spotlight at the side of an arena, and like several fists clenched together that had exploded with awareness energy ......

        There were a few voices that were far away and near, as if they were swirling in the infinite black sea along with that point of light, but they rang unusually true in the mind.

        We've done enough steaks on the dinner plate, that shouldn't be the destiny of mankind!

        You are the strongest Awareness Fighter, and no one but you can take on such a burden.

        Please, 9527! Go back and change all this, humanity should not be numbered with a string of numbers, we all need a real name!

        Slowly, the sound disappeared, vision also recovered a little, appeared in front of his eyes, is a small puddle of sewage pit, and the swaying point of light, but gradually manifested into a lonely half moon. The reflection in the sewage is dark and blurred, only vaguely reflecting a thin face, a messy short hair, and a not so strong body ......

        Pushing his hands hard through the muddy water, his body shook as he sat up on his back, expecting to receive more information as he panted heavily.

        It seemed to be just as planned; it was just nightfall here, and lacking the strong stimulus of sunlight, vision was being allowed to slowly adjust to its surroundings, while minimizing the chances of meeting hostiles that might be attacked in the worst physical conditions.

        As his vision faded from blur to clarity, he groped for an understanding of his situation:

        Tungsten gold gloves as well as knee and elbow pads were all lost, this was expected, because according to prior deduction, even the hardest metal could not be accurately recovered after molecular cleavage, not to mention that in the instant before the burst of energy, the ferocious guards also launched an artillery attack, and if not for those metal gauntlets that had played some role, I'm afraid that he would only be able to complete this unprecedented traverse in the form of a corpse.

        Luckily, the superbionic suit was still intact, only the cuffs and pants were torn, and it still served to keep the body warm and sheltered.

        But the pain in the left shoulder persists ......

        He reached out and touched it, and in turn gritted his teeth and pulled out a foreign object. It was a diamond-shaped hard piece, one corner of which was slightly torn, with some fluorescence, and felt hard to the touch, but not like metal. The traveler casually tossed the hard piece to the side, still recalling the scene in his mind.

        Yes, while the crossing was in progress, there had been a beam of light striking from the VIP box in the grandstand, and although he had dodged at the time, he had been struck in the shoulder. With that kind of reaction speed and striking maneuver, the attacker couldn't be anyone else, it was that senior commander of the invasion team - Dick Biffler.

        That ferocious fellow is the very culprit of the tragic fate of the entire human race!

        It was under his careful planning that a vibrant planet ended up in the hands of the devil, and an innocent species ended up as food on a dinner plate!

        He and his family are known for their deviousness and cruelty, and he has killed countless people from invasion to occupation to domination, making him the greatest executioner of alien invaders and public enemy number one in the mouths of fresh meat!

        But this time, the demon had missed, and he would surely pay dearly for it!

        The traveler clenched his fists, yet no sooner had the ambition filled his chest than the difficulty bubbled up first - he found that his energy indicators had decayed beyond expectation: muscle function had recovered by 15%, and the Awareness Energy Indicator ...... was only 0.7%!

        Time-traveling was bound to consume a lot of Awareness Energy, which the dead soldiers had expected, but attenuating it to the point of being close to normal was unexpected, possibly due to the effects of his injuries or something else that he still couldn't quite figure out.

        Luckily, the recovery of his eyesight went well, and in just a few minutes, his eyes were able to focus freely, which eased his anxiety a little.

        There are no lights in all directions, nor can we see any tall buildings that mark human civilization, the wilderness is vast, the night is low, and the wind rolls in the sand. ......

        It seems there was a slight problem with the landing site, as it was clearly not the intended suburb of Parris, and judging by the desert-like landscape, it wasn't even part of Europe.

        Probably an acceptable margin of error ...... he reassured himself, trying to be optimistic, Anyway, this is the Earth before the invasion, there's still a possibility to modify everything... ...

        His sight slowly retracted, and he then realized that he was leaning his back against a broken stone monument, and behind the monument was a half-meter-high stone chamber. Looking to the side, similar things were everywhere, and together they covered an area of about seven or eight hectares.

        A graveyard?

        The traveler furrowed his brow, hitching a ride on the corner of the stone monument and slowly rising. The handwriting on the stone tablet had long been blurred, only two numbers could be vaguely made out, which should be the so-called birth and death dates, and the owner of this grave had died sometime around 2003.

        Already in the 21st century?

        Things are not looking good, and the timing of this is significantly later than expected!

        An ominous feeling came over him and he winced, jerking himself upright.

        The predetermined landing time was the end of the nineteenth century, because at that point in time, atomic energy research was in its infancy, but no real direction had been found for that kind of powerful energy. The first plan of the Fresh Meat was to involve him in the research of atomic energy, to direct it with malice, and ideally to turn one of the two world wars into an outright nuclear war, in which case, of course, the whole world would be struck by near-destruction, but the foreseeable results would be positive-

        In addition to an arms race in space that will occur half a century earlier, military black technologies such as giant air and space motherships, nuclear-powered man-portable armor, high-frequency electromagnetic railguns, and laser cannons will have a chance to gain full momentum, and only if these hypotheticals ultimately become realities will mankind have a small chance of defending itself against that alien invasion that took place in the 1950s of the twenty-first century!

        But now it should have begun - that terrible conquest, which may be quietly drawing to a close somewhere!

        The sound of the whistling wind began to reach the ears in a real way, and was increasing little by little, which indicated that the sense of hearing had also been restored. But the timing was not quite right, for the soundscape that greeted the otherworldly visitor had nothing to do with warmth or melodiousness, but rather resembled the mournful trumpet of a ghost, and was chilling to the ear.

        Beyond the mournful sound of the wind, a strange noise came from all directions, as if the locked and ferocious prisoners were frantically banging against the iron gate: Clang! Clang! Clang!!!

        He raised his head and looked at the lonely moon in the sky. The heavy clouds slowly moved closer, as if they were the dark, ferocious demons of the night, devouring the sky full of stars into their bellies, and even the half-silver disk was dimming under the cover of the thick clouds.

        Night of Despair, Starless and Moonless; Fierce Ghosts Walking Through, the End of the Century ...... A legend that has been widely circulated in later generations appeared in the traveler's mind, causing him to laugh bitterly, Is it even this time point?

        It's zombie outbreak season!

        Under the onslaught of an inexplicable virus, humanity's once-incredibly gracious forebears will crawl out of their graves, walk lifelessly, and kill without mercy!

        While the world called it a zombie apocalypse, the miserable survivors of the latter days knew very well that it was just a little trick by the invaders of the planet Kiata to create panic. It was just the beginning, and the real follow-up tactics were much more brutal and horrific than that.

        The strange noises became denser.

        In the corner, there had been the sound of an iron door being slammed open. Under the night, several dark figures stood upright between the tombstones, staggering on staggering feet to reveal their menacing appearance!

        The travelers had to evacuate, even though those zombies were actually very fragile, they were huge in number and had an unafraid energy - because they were already dead - and it was definitely not a sensible choice to tangle with those zombies at the moment.

        He leaned down and picked up a piece of rubble, judged the direction slightly, and sent his energy flying towards the southwest corner of the cemetery. There was a bit of light faintly visible in that direction, so he thought there must be a way out there!

        They're out!

        The zombies, twisted and ragged, had crawled out of their graves and were waving their broken limbs and arms, gathering from all sides. They were the likeness depicted in those sensationalized classics, the only difference was that they did not fear the sunlight, and the only way to destroy them was to smash their heads to pieces.

        They have no minds and act solely on their neurological reflexes, and will undoubtedly make the only alien on the scene the target of their collective attack!

        Three or four meters in front of him, a zombie's right eye socket was left with only a ghastly hollow, the left eyeball hung outside the socket but still flashed with a ferocious light, and his dry arm was held flat in front of him as he pressed up step by step.

        Without hesitation, the traveler stepped forward, dodging lightly with a slight sidestep before the dark nails were about to touch his throat, his wrist then raised.


        The rock hit the zombie's head cleanly!

        However, his current muscle strength had only recovered a small portion, and his force was obviously insufficient, that full force blow only smashed the zombie's body to a crooked position, but did not destroy its ability to move. Nonetheless, the precious time to break through was thus secured, and he broke through the zombie's encirclement with an arrow step, quickly approaching the target area at the cemetery's border.

        The conflict on this side attracted more zombies, which seemed to be hundreds at a rough look. They took one step and shook three times, and although their traveling speed was not fast, they were extremely stubborn, as if they were vicious wolves that smelled blood, and no matter what obstacles they encountered, they would continue this pursuit.

        The situation was a little bad, because only after sprinting with all his might for thirty to fifty meters, he was already a little exhausted, and from his previous observation, beyond the cemetery was an open desert area, even if he could temporarily break through the encirclement, to compete with the zombies for endurance on such a wide plain, he would undoubtedly end up losing due to the lack of physical strength!

        But the traveler didn't panic, because the opportunity to escape had presented itself!

        The point of light looked out earlier was the light from the front end of an iron box, and if judging correctly, the thing would have been the most popular mode of transportation of the day, the automobile!

        With a violent gasp, he finally rushed to the intended location, the car was humming and roaring in front of him, which meant that it was started well, except that its owner was not in its place, and according to the analysis of the situation, he was afraid that he was already in a bad way.

        As soon as he pulled open the car door, the traveler did not hesitate to sit in it, while quickly mobilizing the knowledge in his brain, the months-long malpractice before crossing the border was about to be tested in real combat.


        He remembered that the devices that drove the car would be under his feet, one being the gas pedal, which was responsible for moving forward, and the other being the brake, which was responsible for stopping.

        But ......

        Why are there three pedals?

        Hell no!

        ecm9527's heart went cold and he broke out in a cold sweat, It's a manual!

    ###Chapter 002: Angry Turkey Head###

        A dozen zombies took the lead and followed, surrounding the car, their fists frantically smashing against the tin with ear-splitting thumps.

        The car looked pretty sturdy, but it probably wouldn't last long, especially since two or three other zombies had climbed onto the hood and were trying to attack the front windshield.

        With his hands full, the engine hissed as he blasted it like a beast, but it didn't move forward even a millimeter.

        Automobiles were a mode of transportation that all his previous knowledge was only on paper, with no practical experience to speak of, as he was not even given the opportunity to step out of his training camp for the first 21 years of his life. Moreover, in the world occupied by the alien invaders, automatic flying machines were everywhere, and all other old machinery had been eliminated a long time ago, so there was no possibility for him to touch such antique-like machines with his own hands, so how easy would it be to get started easily?

        Seeing that the right window had been smashed out with cracks, it was feared that the narrow steel fortress would be lost in an instant!

        Spell it out!

        ecm9527 clenched his teeth, his eyes steeply rising in murderous anger, his palms groping for the door panel, wanting to find a wrench to open the door, and rushed out to have a grueling physical battle with that group of zombies. And just at this time, the ear suddenly came through a loud bang, a fire light across the sky, the front window of the zombie that sickening face, but also was blown to smithereens!

        Bitches, keep your filthy hands off my wife!

        With a loud chorus of curses, a silhouette came striding up.

        The man was holding a small, delicate weapon, presumably a legendary shotgun, as the heavy odor of nitrous smoke had burrowed down the cracked windows of the car, smelling unusually pungent.

        It seemed that the man was the owner of the car, and he was either a soldier or a bounty hunter, coming here late at night, supposedly on a special mission.

        He was indeed a capable fellow, and his shots were amazingly steady and unobtrusive, causing a zombie to fall into a heap of flesh with every blow. But he walks in a strange way, sending his hips forward within a few steps, as if the travel bag he carries behind him contains something alive that will bite him in the ass every chance it gets.

        In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so zombies surrounding the car were all blown to pieces, while the savior approached the door without incident, swapping magazines handily before more zombies gathered around, and also sparing a hand to pull the door handle.

        The doors were automatically unlocked, and he couldn't pull them open; that would have been the result of the impostor's haphazard pounding, so he knocked helplessly on the window:

        Can you let me in, friend? It's freezing cold out here, and there are demons out there, so you've got to have mercy on a bitter man like me.

        Uh ...... sure!

        ECM9527 pushed the car door twice with force, but it failed to open. The savior held his forehead in tears and stretched out his fingers to gesture inside.

        Is it this ...... or this?

        He pulled down a toggle in the direction it was pointing. The windshield wipers swung up, scraping down the shattered body of the front window, followed by the turn signals snapping and flashing ......

        Gently, gently, you mallet, you're going to play with her!

        The big hero looked a little annoyed, and if he hadn't had to keep firing at the zombies to be safe, he would have turned his gun around and aimed it that hard at the head by the car window.

        Left, a little left, press down!

        He yelled, his left hand flinging the gun in a succession of shots while his right hand drew the last magazine from his tactical suit:

        I'm running out of ammo, dear friend, do you want us to go down together?!

        The hustle and bustle inside finally came to a head, and although the doors didn't open, the windows came down.

        That was enough, and the big hero dashed off the last of his magazine of shells, poking his hand in and pulling the door open, shotgun and travel bag casually tossed toward the back seat.

        Make a nest, please!

        As he pleaded this, his ass had squeezed in nonchalantly, and if the bit inside hadn't shifted toward the passenger side fast enough, he'd almost been sitting in his arms.

        One hand from the waist pulled out a pistol to continue to shoot at the constantly advancing zombies, at the same time hands and feet, step on the clutch into gear, blast the gas, let go of the brake, the action of the big hero in a single breath, dashing and free. Only his angular face twisted and distorted, looked a bit hideous, at the same time full of obscene language more ruined his heroic image:

        Try this one, little bitch/bitch! This one's for you, bitch!

        The power of the pistol was, after all, too limited to blast the zombies' heads to pieces, and the lifeless monsters felt no pain at all, still pouncing on the car, on all sides, surrounded.

        But the car was already moving forward!

        The roar of the engine buzzed and shook the ears, and the tires rolled up a large amount of sand and dirt in the skidding, and this steel monster was really powerful, and even more zombies couldn't block the way. ecm9527 Now he was finally sure that he could get out of the danger, and his mind smoothed over a little.

        The big hero's appearance cleared up in the faint light of the car's dashboard.

        He was a strange guy, with shaved sideburns and messy reddish hair on the top of his head, whether he was born that way or dyed it, he looked like an angry turkey. His skin was slightly roughened from excessive exposure to the sun and was covered in a mess of tattoos, but it was clear that he was of the fair-skinned Western variety, and the tone of his voice proved it.

        At that moment, that same turkey head was busy turning his face around, his gray-green eyes slightly wary.

        Hey, pal, I need to trouble you about something.

        He raised an eyebrow while in his right hand he handed up a short furry stick, You bite on this.

        What for? I ...... I'm not very hungry.

        ECM9527 was uncertain, and the stuff was from an unknown source, so he couldn't be sure his digestive system could handle it.

        It's just a little bet, I'll bet it's a red light.

        Turkey Head smiled and raised his pistol, I don't need you to eat it down, just bite it. It's a rough world, we all have to be careful don't we?

        It's a stated threat, that means if you don't want to taste the bullet, you'll only have to taste it first.

        ECM9527 frowned, killing intent hidden in his eyes. However, he did not make a move, because he knew very well that as far as the situation at hand was concerned, he definitely could not escape from this roiling desert by his own ability alone, and only cooperation was the most correct course of action.

        He took a small bite of the short stick and the green light on the other end came on, followed by the barrel being retracted.

        Damn | I lost again! But thank goodness you're not infected yet and are a normal human.

        Turkey Head held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, driving the steel monster across the road while laughing and joking, What kind of person are you? Why did you come to this shit-hole of a place, don't you know that the Bangu Tomb Garden has been labeled as a Type 2 restricted area? You also led those zombies to my wife, look at what you have done to her, no three thousand dollars will definitely not be able to recover the original water spirit.

        ECM9527 smiled bitterly, still pondering in his heart how to respond.

        The situation at hand was more complicated, and Turkey Head's identity was not yet clear, so it would certainly be unwise to hastily reveal his true identity. And I'm afraid that the fake identity that was preset before crossing over is not quite appropriate either, because the current era is not right and that identity is obviously invalid.

        Although the turkey head looked as if he had disarmed his heart, he was full of temptation in his words, and the dick in his hand was still gripped tightly, so that if this answer did not satisfy him, he would surely say that he would turn the other cheek.

        Those zombies have great research value, you know that right? He decided to explain himself vaguely, coming up with an evasive tone of lust while thinking of prying some useful information out of the turkey head, This is a risky operation for us, for which we have paid a great price, but one that will surely have far-reaching implications for the survival of all mankind in the future.

        Such a statement wasn't really a lie, as it described the very intent of his time-traveling back here.

        Scientist, nerd? Turkey Fire harrumphed, Not Dappa Branch 13, then I'd kick your perverted ass off the bus in a heartbeat.

        Uh ...... I'm not allowed to reveal that to you!

        That pause in his retort was just right, as was his stubborn refusal, neither denying nor affirming that identity, and such a pedantic response convinced the turkey head all the more.

        Okay, okay, don't ask questions if you shouldn't know, I get that one.

        The turkey head chimed in and completely focused his attention on controlling the steering wheel.

        The gas pedal almost stepped into the floor, the car seems to fly, only just a bump rushed out of the zombies surrounded, not two minutes, the so-called Bangu cemetery as well as the ugly monsters in the cemetery, are thrown further and further away.

        The breakout was successful! ecm9527 secretly let out a breath.

        The turkey head in the driver's seat didn't look like he was in a bad mood, whistling triumphantly as he drove on, and twisting around to come over and extend his palm:

        Hey, nice to meet you, mysterious scientist, call me Yagi. What about your name, it wouldn't be off limits as well, would it?

        ECM9527 shook the calloused palm and returned the polite smile, You guessed right, but I decided to reveal this secret to you - I'm nameless and ...... uh, yes, my name is Wu Ming. I really have to thank you for this, Yaji.

        He'd almost forgotten the name he'd been assigned; after all, this world was different from the world of fresh meat, and surely he couldn't walk the earth with a meat species number alone.

        Don't be so polite, buddy Wu, who doesn't have a hard time?

        Yaji winked, Since you and I are destined to run into each other, we should extend a helping hand. However, my wife's damages can be counted on you, windows, paint repair, and some sheet metal ......3000 dollars, this is already a friend price. Do you that work of the salary are high scary, this money but is to right?

        ECM9527, who had just been given the new name of Wu Ming, nodded his head, but in his heart, he was secretly calculating where he should go to get the cash money to pay back this expensive small meaning. It was the first time he truly felt that the original world was actually this realistic.

        Yaggy turned on the car stereo, and heavy metal rock blared out, heady and exciting, and that rhythmic music was probably the only enthusiasm this real world expressed to its otherworldly visitors.

        In the darkness of the night, two columns of lights stabbed straight into the distance like sharp swords. The engine roared and the car sped east over the bumps!

    ##Chapter 003: Alternate Plans###

        The time at hand was 7:15 a.m., and the date: February 24, 2032, was clearly displayed on the car's center screen.

        Now Wu Ming can finally determine that the point of time to cross back later than expected more than 130 years, at this moment the world, is about to sink into the second zombie apocalypse quagmire, the chaos brought about by the horror will soon sweep the globe. This is not to mention, in a distant galaxy, hosted in the Kiata star invaders have already begun to prepare, it will not take twenty years, those ferocious behind the scenes will show their true face ......

        Time is too tight, if we want to make war technology realize leapfrog development, unless we can immediately trigger the Third World War, and force those scientists to bury their heads in the laboratory every day at gunpoint, exhausting their efforts and brains to research new types of weapons, so that human beings will continue to give full play to their creativity and imagination in the fight against each other, so that those war machines will become more ferocious and more terrifying than ever before!

        However, in the current world pattern, it is already difficult to fight a world war, and even small-scale regional conflicts are no longer in existence ......

        Of course, there is a backup plan, only that is much more difficult to implement, and could even be called clueless.

        In the history that the Fresh Meat had, when the alien ferocious creatures launched a full-scale invasion, the human army, which was obviously weaker in terms of technological power, was defeated in almost a single blow, but after that, the invaders still took close to half a century to completely occupy the entire Earth. The reason for this lies in a legend: a very small number of human resisters inexplicably possessed special combat abilities, which made them brave enough to fight against the immensely powerful alien creatures.

        Later generations of fresh meat fighters will be that ability to call the original realization of energy, but that original realization of energy has not been developed and utilized in depth, so that those who once existed in the super warrior ultimately still all defeated and died, failed to play a role in turning the tide.

        It is said that the sudden emergence of Primordial Enlightenment was inspired by a mysterious force, which was later called the Fountain of Primordial Enlightenment, and may have been controlled by the official government or a very powerful private organization, but for some unknown reason, the relevant research has been put on hold, as if the countless treasures had been sealed by the storehouse, and the owner did not remember to take out the key until the time of running out of ammunition and food. has not remembered to take out the key.

        Finding the location of the treasure trove and opening the doors to bring the gold and silver to light might be another way out, but that would be even more difficult than starting another world war ......

        Without mentioning those plans, an existential dilemma is now in front of Wu Ming - the flaws of the knowledge system.

        During the preparation process before crossing over, those fresh meat who were determined to die almost used all the underground resources to instill all the relevant knowledge collected into Wu Ming's brain by way of nerve conduction. However, under the mental blockade of the alien masters, the crystallized wisdom of mankind since ancient times has long been broken, most of the knowledge Wu Ming received was just some historical briefings, and the worst thing is that those knowledge downstream to the so-called Dark Age in which mankind is currently living came to a screeching halt.

        As a traveler, Wu Ming might be a bit more comprehensive in his knowledge than his contemporaries, but that advantage was really limited, because for the future, he was only clear about that tragic end, but had no way to give a precise answer.

        Presumably ...... will have to take one step at a time and see what happens.

        There were too many things to think about in his head, making Wu Ming's spirit stay in a state of exuberance, with Turkey Head's chatter still ringing in his ears all the time, and despite his body's extreme exhaustion, that soft leather seat hadn't brought the slightest bit of sleep.

        The identity of the secret investigator of Dapa's thirteen divisions had been imposed on Wu Ming's head by Yaji, and he couldn't get rid of it even if he shook it off. It was probably for this reason that the turkey head was always chattering endlessly, seemingly wanting to hand over all the strange stories and oddities he had in his possession, as if this was the only way for the lower information to reach the upper level, and that he, as an ordinary citizen, would be considered to have done his duty.

        For the sector of Dappa, it was covered in the knowledge Wu Ming had.

        Dapa's full name is Advanced Research Project Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense, which was originally a special department of the most powerful military country, especially in charge of researching high-precision scientific and technological projects. But in the second half of 2020, due to the outbreak of the first large-scale zombie apocalypse, the boundaries between countries have been broken, and gradually formed a rice, Er, Shenzhou as the dominant Earth Alliance, hoping to gather the world's strength to resist the disaster, and Dapa has also been assigned to the headquarters of the alliance military, was elevated to the level of the world.

        In Wu Ming's knowledge base, there should only be twelve divisions in Dapa, and this thirteenth division that Yaji called it was thought to be an added institution that was dedicated to researching matters of dealing with the zombie apocalypse.

        This identity also called professional counterparts, if you want to test something else, Wu Ming is afraid that will have to call the brain is hard stuffed into the information, the answer may also be wrong, but if we talk about those zombies, right now in this world, I'm afraid that there will be no one more clear than him.

        In addition, since most of the staff of Dapa are nerds with weird behavior, that provides a good cover for Wu Ming's temporary inability to smoothly integrate into this world - perverted nerds, what's the point of knocking on a zombie's door in the middle of the night? It's only natural that he doesn't know how to operate a car as a means of transportation.

        Wu Ming's idea is quite correct, at this moment he is indeed like a nerd who does not eat earthly fire, because when driving a long distance, sitting in the passenger seat is the guy who chatters, lest the driver can not resist drowsiness and cause accidents caused by car wrecks and deaths, especially this road is also monotonous scenery, full of eyes of the roaming yellow sand.

        Unsurprisingly, Yahzee yawned and in hesitation finally stopped the car.

        Dude, I can't top that. Can you wake me up in five minutes? I need to take a little nap. He said shaking his head.

        Wu Ming looked at Yaji's eyelids that were about to droop and apologized, An hour, there's no danger nearby anyway, and I'm not in a hurry.

        But I'm in a hurry to deliver it.

        Yaggy lifted his hands and rubbed his face vigorously a few times, grabbed his water bottle and took a couple of gulps, I have to get back to Janet before noon or those vampires are sure to renege on their debt. Just five minutes or we won't make it in time!

        Wu Ming thought about it and suddenly popped out, Either that, you rest assuredly, I'll drive.

        Yahzee choked and sputtered, You've got to be kidding me, my wife's been through enough with you, don't you dare touch her again!

        Wu Ming revealed a smile, You're the one who said you wanted to get back to Janet before noon, the location is in the southeast of the former Al country, while we are now in the depths of the Sahara Desert, the distance is about 400 kilometers, and based on your previous average speed, if you want to arrive at that oasis town, the earliest time you can reach it will be 1:30 pm. Honestly, you can't even squeeze in the time to run off to the side to take a piss, and you do need to rest in your current state ......

        Ya Ji was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth, his eyes were round, staring at Wu Ming for a long time without being able to speak. He had long known that those guys in Dapa were all powerful monsters, but he could not have imagined that they would know everything about a town with a population of only two to three thousand.

        Wu Ming had already unbuckled his seatbelt, Don't worry, I'm sure I won't mess with her. Remember my identity? Not forgetting is the most basic skill for us freaks.

        Heh heh ...... Yaggy scratched his scalp and laughed twice while giving himself a piece of his mind, I'm really going to have to learn how to do that then, anyway, the road is wide here, so there's no fear of hitting anyone, and any damages are going to be on your head.

        After exchanging seats, Wu Ming didn't use a minute to get started, and except for the occasional deflating stutter when switching gears, his driving skills could be described as flawless for a beginner.

        Wu Ming's so-called unforgettable, obviously to cope with the rhetoric, in reality, the essentials of car driving has long been installed in his brain, although not comprehensive enough, but also outrageous only involves the automatic transmission models, but the two are related, after a few hours of observation, Wu Ming has long been understanding.

        Yaggy did give way, and should have grabbed whatever sleep he could, but he was clearly too stressed to look sleepy at all.

        Tighten up on the gas and watch ...... out for that sand trap! He screamed with a startled voice, not at all what one would call a competent chaperone.

        That's enough man, I'm steady here. Wu Ming was so distracted by the yelling that he almost caused the vehicle to go out of control, Keep in mind that I'll only be filling in for you for an hour, and I don't care if you're rested or not at that point, so I suggest that you take the time to close your eyes or you won't be able to blame me for delaying the big event.

        That was a good point, and Yaggy should really get a grip. He obediently closed his eyes, but it didn't take him more than two seconds to reopen them.

        Think about it differently, if you were me and being driven by a novice, would you be likely to get any sleep? He sighed in immense frustration, Tell you what, you come and ask me boring questions, in the tone of a police officer interrogating a prisoner, that way I'm more likely to get sleepy.

        Wu Ming shook his head hopelessly, Alright, Mr. Yaggy, please answer me positively, where are you from?

        Ex-enamite. He replied lazily, with the look of an inveterate criminal dealing with a detective, Janet is my birthplace, but the noble blood of the Enamorans runs through my veins.

        Wu Ming frowned a little, words like veins and blood made him uncomfortable, Then ...... talk about your family.

        In fact, the word family was also unfamiliar to Wu Ming, because in the world he grew up in, the so-called family did not exist at all, and all that each fresh meat could learn about was nothing more than their lineage and race. However, he was clear that in the world at hand, family was an essential topic for casual conversation.

        Family? Yaggy seemed to frown a bit too, but still put on the roguish scoundrel act, The first one to be introduced is the one you've got underneath you, a.k.a. my wife. How's that, is she hot enough to turn you on?07 Mustang gt500, the classic of classics, 500 horsepower, v8 engine, born to be a buxom chick that can't be fed.

        Ha, that's funny.

        It was an obvious backhanded comment, because Wu Ming almost snorted out loud. He exceptionally regretted asking from this unconstructive topic.

        But Yaggy was happy with these kinds of dirty jokes and still continued his introduction:

        The second one is my brother and best friend, who is hiding behind us and eavesdropping. He's on fire and ready to fire at any moment. Don't underestimate him, he's got 16 balls, and his madness is irresistible!

        That brother and best friend, which Wu Ming had long recognized, was the so-called m1216 semi-automatic shotgun, which, like this car, was described as an old antique. Considering the fact that their owners have been living in the poor countryside for a long time, it is also considered a normal phenomenon for them to continue to run around after nearly half a century of service.

        Don't you have a normal family member? Wu Ming really didn't want to get even remotely close to dirty jokes, and the tone of his question was not as polite.

        Yahzee suddenly fell silent.

        Just when Wu Ming had just assumed that he had fallen asleep, a low voice rang out:

        They all died out 11 years ago, for reasons I don't have to tell you should be able to guess ......

        This time it was Wu Ming's turn to fall into silence.

        Of course he could guess the reason: 11 years ago, just before the first zombie apocalypse outbreak, the defenseless human beings suffered unprecedented losses, economic depression, stagnant development, the population plummeted close to two thirds, many small and medium-sized towns and cities thus turned into dead cities ......

        But those are just the raw descriptions of later generations in summarizing the lessons learned, and only those like Yaghi who have experienced the disaster can understand the pain.

        I'm sorry, I just asked a stupid question. Wu Ming reached out his palm and pressed Yaji's shoulder, using it to express his apology.

        But I didn't expect the turkey head to heave a laugh, his shoulders shaking one after the other, and he couldn't stop it:

        Can you imagine that, in order to prevent necrophilia, their heads were actually blown apart by my own hands. How ridiculous is that? My dad Jill, mom Dooley, and three brothers and a sister ...... I did swear to kill them when I was a kid, but kids who love to make mistakes, who hasn't said that kind of harsh words, God knows why I have to make me fulfill my oath? You tell me, smart guy, am I a natural disaster?

        Wu Ming subconsciously shook his head, but suddenly reacted, his face suddenly becoming unusually cold:

        If you don't mind me asking one more time, would you have the nickname 'Ghost Calamity'?

    ### Chapter 004: The Ghost Plague ###

        Turkey Head slowly sat up straight, his bloodshot eyes looking straight at Wu Ming.

        His expression was icy cold, the corners of his mouth slightly slanted, and an intimidating light flashed in his eyes.

        However, Wu Ming was not frightened, because such a reaction made him more certain that his judgment was correct - Yaji was the Ghost Calamity; Turkey Head was the legendary hero!

        Stories of him have been circulating among the fresh meat, with different versions and variations, especially the descriptions of the hairstyles, which are colorful and anything goes. Only three traits were uniform and never diverged: the marksman who delighted in using outdated weapons, the unlucky man who always lost at gambling, and the bitter man who blew his loved ones' heads off with his own hands with tears in his eyes!

        Legend has it that Ghost Calamity was one of the first fighters in the world to develop the power of enlightenment. Of course, from the perspective of the future, his combat power is still flawed, even compared to those low-level enlightenment fighters, is not on the same level, if he has the opportunity to appear in the fresh meat arena, it is likely that he will be defeated in the first round of elimination, and ultimately reduced to a meal on a plate.

        Yet in the current era, he is a superhero because it was he who was the first warrior ever to take down an alien invader face to face!

        It was the most uplifting story ever passed between bred cages!

        Whenever the elders mentioned the beginning of the story in low tones, there was silence in all directions, and the fresh meat held their breath and clenched their fists as if they were standing behind the heroes, against the artillery flying across the sky, waiting for the furious heroes, in a place of despair, to deliver the fatal blow ......

        Even though on the outside he remained motionless, the Wu Ming deep inside was already ecstatic!

        This kind of overreaction had been far away from Wu Ming for a long time, and since realizing that he possessed the Awareness Energy talent within his body, and being chosen to be one of the Fresh Meat Fighters, and being locked away in the training camp all day long, he had learned to control his emotions. Yet at this very moment, when so close to the legend that the Fresh Meat had heard so much about, the irresistible nature was almost ready to burst out. Excitement, excitement, worship ...... all kinds of complex emotions blended together, making Wu Ming hate to throw away the steering wheel, hold the turkey head next to him and roar a few times!

        Turns out they're all real; those legendary resisters aren't exactly the self-congratulatory fictions of fresh meat!

        Wu Ming now abnormally hated himself for missing so much important information due to his skeptical mind. If he had really been able to sink his heart into those legends at that time, he would

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