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Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax?
Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax?
Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax?
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Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax?

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Most, of us, began our lives being taught Santa Clause, flying reindeer, egg-laying Easter bunnies, the tooth fairy, etc. which of course, are pure fabrications, but it begs the question; upon getting older did the lies cease, or did they simply grow larger? It do

PublisherDoug Huffman
Release dateMay 10, 2024
Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax?

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    Religion, Humanities Great Hope or Angelic Hoax? - Doug J Huffman


    This work is dedicated to the miraculous and supernatural spiritual "awakening" announcing the imminent arrival of our Creator’s glorious Kingdom (Eden) to this Earth! I humbly thank our Creator for lifting the spiritual veil to finally see and share in the greatest revelation in millennia; His unveiling of His pre-arranged plan for mankind in this time!

    I would like to also thank my late father for his shining example of dedication to truth and faith; a major pillar in my love of truth.

    My amazing father gave me a true spiritual foundation (many miraculously answered prayers) which established my connection to the Spirit World and the Bible. The faith he was instrumental in establishing within me, prepared me for the announcing of the end of this age and the dawning of the new!

    One of the actions he inspired me, was to read the Bible. We had some wonderful Bible story books, which had been written by a man in our church, who stuck as close to the scriptures (beginning with Genesis) as possible, only simplifying the language for young people. I read and re-read those books until I all but had them memorized. I am eternally thankful!

    There were two great lessons I learned. First, the Creator ordained a plan for mankind from before the creation of the Earth, and from which He has not deviated. Leviticus 23 has that outline (Feasts) of the physical rehearsals of those human harvests, which have been unfolding Spiritually exactly as planned (rehearsed) and precisely on time!

    The other great lesson is how His chosen People, Israel, were to be a righteous example to the Gentile world of how to live and discover the true Creator. Unfortunately, rather than leading the world to the Creator and His Torah, they repeatedly embraced the pagan gods and practices, to literally become worse than the pagans to whom they were to be the righteous example.

    Consequently, they were turned over to their enemies (to cause them to repent and return) over and over and over. Since human nature does not change, we find ourselves once again on that threshold! This dedication and book is the knowledge paving the return to our Creators!

    It truly is the great awaking just before the impending destruction of Nemisis! Websters Dictionary tells us one of the meaning of "Nemisis is Just punishment by one who imposes it".


    This life is full of little things that hint of a much bigger picture if we are only awake enough to notice. Some of them are incredibly shocking in how obviously they’ve been hidden right in front of our faces! Of one thing we can be sure, our awesome Creators did not leave any part of their Creation (and Plan) to happenstance. Even free will and supposed coincidence are not here by chance!

    With that in mind, I open this work by loosely relating a story from a book I read as a teenager, I don’t recall the name, but it’s author was the late Robert Heinlein and was about a small community of people placed on a spaceship to travel to and colonize another planet in a distant star system.

    Unfortunately, the lack of wormhole technology made the trip a several generation endeavor. So, the ship was designed to be self-contained to provide all the living needs for the many generations involved. Unfortunately, early in the voyage, there was a falling out between those with the responsibility of the more mundane functions and those monitoring the higher functions, such as the helm and the ships progress.

    An ensuing battle resulted in a nuclear explosion, rendering the bridge and upper levels uninhabitable. Consequently, those parts of the ship were made off-limits, and gained the label "forbidden zone". Fortunately, the designer of the ship foresaw the possibility of such an event and made the ship completely automated. After a generation or two, the reason for the forbidden zone’s off limits (radiation) was lost and became a thing of superstition! Ironically, the surviving scientists became the religious leaders with sudo-science as their god!

    A large part of that superstition was the result of the societal outcasts and the banished escaping, to the forbidden zone, to hide, die and/or became deformed by the residual radiation. Consequently, those parts of the ship gained the concept of monster land, making it even more frightening and formidable.

    As the generations passed and considering there were no windows on the lower levels, the people literally lost the knowledge they were on a spaceship flying through space. Of course, they also lost the knowledge of planets and the new world they were traveling to colonize.

    As time passed, a teenage boy, in his curiosity, discovered a way into the forbidden zone. By this time, the radiation had dissipated to a tolerable level and he ended up befriending one of the mutants living there. Of course, the few surviving mutants had discovered the bridge (control room) with all the windows and had come to understand they were actually on a spaceship!

    Naturally, the boy attempted to tell his friends and family the shocking truth, but was called terrible names and demonized for it. But, eventually he persuaded his little girlfriend to go with him and see for herself!

    Ironically, the ship had just arrived at the new world, but due to the peoples fear of the forbidden zone, not to mention to accept the insane idea of being on a ship, they were completely unwilling to entertain even the possibility!

    Consequently, only the two teenagers and a couple mutants were willing to board the shuttle prepared and programed to take them down to their new home world. Imagine the overwhelming dizzying feeling of no longer having walls or a ceiling for the first time in their lives!

    It’s quite an amazing story, especially considering it completely encapsulates the current state of humanity! You see, Earth is our spaceship and our destination, orchestrated and designed by our Creators has become lost in the passing millennia of time. Unfortunately, the keepers of the Creators Plan (Israel and the Jews) utterly failed in their obligation to preserve and teach the people just as those on the spaceship in the story.

    And, just as in the story, they replaced the truth with fables and nonsense!

    We can be assured, the Creator’s of our Earthship have not negated their Plans, prompting the big question; will we be courageous enough to accept the truth of our actual condition and leave this comfortable familiar existence for the new (spiritual) world (Eden) like the young people in the story? Or will we allow our fears and social programing to dissuade us from a destiny we can’t begin to imagine; again like most on that spaceship?

    The new world (Eden) is a new spiritual existence, but, to get there we have to believe and accept the truth the Creators have provided and follow Their protocols. Sadly, those guidelines (instructions) are a mostly forgotten and discarded set called the "Torah" (law) which literally means instructions!

    Whether we accept them or not, the Plan will be completed, with or without us! So, we have a choice; stay on our current Earth ship, in its perceived safety of familiar belief systems, or enter the forbidden zone (by the worlds religions) to the new world!

    It’s easy to look around and conclude this physical world and society is not any different from what it looks and feels like; exactly the mindset of those people on the spaceship. All they knew is what they could see and had been taught. But, just as on that ship, there are a courageous few who want more and are willing to brave the limits set by their society. And, I do mean "rise above" not "sink below" as is encouraged in this evil world! It seems there is no depth people are not willing to sink anymore!

    We live in a world that has morally parked in the stream, or is content to take the easy feel good morality of floating downstream with the current. Only the few truly courageous are willing to leave their comfort zone to swim upstream against the current. After all, who in their right mind would chance leaving their comfort zone to expend great energy to go somewhere unfamiliar? But then, that’s what courageous (and righteous) people do; they don’t follow the crowd; or should I say "lemmings"?!

    Again, there are clues all around that something is very wrong. It seems nothing we have been taught, when given any real thought, adds up to anything meaningful in the long run. It seems the only two choices we are offered is to do as we please and die, or do good and supposedly go to heaven. Unfortunately, religions’ heaven is an ethereal place whose location no-one knows or even what people do when they get there.

    Interestingly, and shockingly, the Bible does not teach we go to that ethereal place when we die at all! That’s something religion invented and Christianity adopted. But, the truth is still right there in that operations manual called the Bible, for anyone who dares look at it, honestly! It teaches of a "New" existence in a coming new Heavens and Earth!

    The "Tree of Life" in Genesis was (is) the ticket to immortality, but spiritual adversaries (led by the "Tree of the knowledge of good and evil") despise humanity, especially those who would lead man and womankind to that immortality! They have been and are doing everything in their power to keep from us that "immortal truth"!

    They have a plan, which simply put, is to get us and keep us "dead"! To accomplish this they have been deluging humanity with every conceivable falsehood and lie such as having an immortal soul and/or again, going to heaven when we die. After all, death is not really death if it only means we change places!

    It seems from the beginning, the natural inclination for humanity is to accept a lie over the truth! In fact, Hitler was said to have declared, "If you want people to believe you (and follow) tell them a lie" and the bigger the better!

    In my own observations, I have seen without a doubt, people really are more predisposed to accept "lies" versus truth! And, shockingly, humanity resists and actually fights the truth with the exception of a rare few. It is for them whom this book is written.

    Chapter 1

    Truth Versus Fiction

    After being locked away for the last two millennia by irreverent spiritual forces, the time for "the great unveiling" has finally arrived! This manuscript is the sharing of this re-awaking of "Biblical and Spiritual Truth".

    The reviving of immortal truth about our Earthship and programed destination, has once again been made accessible for those "who have ears to hear" and embrace true understanding of the emanate arrival of the New Garden of Eden (badly translated "Kingdom") here on Earth.

    That strange (and old) axiom "The truth is stranger than fiction" seems such an odd saying. After all, just how is it possible for the "truth" to be stranger than fiction? Hitler was banking on this truth when telling his people the monstrous lies he did. And, as the world witnessed, he was quite correct! His lies of the Third Reich were overwhelmingly embraced by the majority, only to eventually be exposed as the lies they were!

    That in mind, are we really so arrogant as to stand up and deny we are any different from the German people of the Weimar Republic of the 1930’s? After all, the majority of the population continues to vote for politicians who virtually, without fail, expose themselves as shameless liars in the end!

    At any rate, one of Hitlers lies was the Jews were not human. Would we have believed that lie if we were a German living in that society? If you say "no" let’s not forget, large numbers of Christians once believed black and native American people were not human either! Was that any different?

    If you think such lies could never be sold and believed these days, you’d be wrong! Close to a majority (or the majority) of people have swallowed the monstrous lie that babies in the womb are not human either! That's the same lie virtually no-one would have believed 50 years ago!

    Considering truth being stranger than fiction; how is it possible? Well, it’s possible if most or all what we are taught growing up are falsehoods. After all, we as children believed whatever we were told! Being taught lies from the beginning (as children) as the foundation of truth, when confronted with the actual truth, it’s naturally viewed as "fiction"!

    To make that point; when most of us were little, we were taught a red-clad fat-man lives at the North Pole. Then, one night a year, this overweight white bearded man delivers billions of presents by, get this, climbing down chimneys!

    If you know anything about chimneys, most of them, are too small for even a large dog to get down, let alone a "fat" man! Of course, this is the dead of winter (Dec.25) which means a fire would normally be burning or at least hot coals in the fireplace.

    If that weren’t enough, there’s also the matter of the flying reindeer!? (Without wings, mind you) Just where do you suppose he found those? Would it be the same place he found the flying sleigh that could hold billions (thousands of train loads) of presents at once?!

    Hopefully you get the point of our absurd childhood teachings (lies) of this Santa Claus, without even mentioning the rabbit that lays colored eggs and the fairy that pays hard money for used human teeth!

    Most eventually realize the truth concerning such ridiculous teachings (lies) but the real point is "why"? Why on Earth would we begin shaping and molding our children’s lives and futures by teaching them fables versus truth?

    In fact, if we don’t wish our children to mature into lying adults, why in the world would we begin their life on a diet of lies? Oh yah, and then spend the next 15 years teaching them lying is wrong?! Hello; can’t say there’s nothing wrong with this picture! And, another thing; if we start out lying to our children, how can they ever truly trust us? Don’t we want their trust?

    That said, we do have a major clue as to the source of such foolish irrational behavior. We find it in the Bible book of Revelation, chapter 12. There we find a reference to the Devil (dragon) having deceived the whole world! Plus, we have the Hebrew Messiah telling the Pharisees they were "of their father the devil" who was the "father of lies"! (John 4:44)

    These scriptures are quite emphatic in their language, but few (if any) really believe it. You see, virtually everyone thinks they are exempt to the devil’s deception and have the truth. But then, how can a deceived person comprehend they are deceived?!

    Honestly, can we really believe deceptions are no longer taught after childhood (think politics) or have we just graduated to the next level of fables (lies) as adults? In fact, do you know any politicians who haven’t proven themselves to be liars to one degree or another?

    Bottom line, the majority of the population believes (even vehemently) whatever they were traditionally taught, regardless of the level of truth involved, which brings us to the overarching theme of this tome.

    Before going on, how interesting to find nestled right in the heart of the word "believe" is a lie! Just how much of what we in Western Christian culture believe, is actually true? Are we really foolish enough to believe our religious leaders (not to mention our political leaders and medias) are not lying to us? Sadly, more believe the lies then not! But again, believing lies is how most of us began this life!

    In regard to our religious leaders, how it is possible to have thousands of (supposed) Bible based sects (cults) that agree on very little? Obviously, if they all taught and followed the Bible, there would be only one church right?

    How incredibly ironic though, how the Bible they claim to base their beliefs upon states; "no prophecy (quoting-reading) of scripture is open to private interpretation" (II Peter 1:20).

    Of course, the thousands of Bible-based cults (sects) claiming to found their beliefs on Bible scripture, are in reality basing their beliefs upon different "private interpretations" the very thing their own scriptures forbid them to do! (II Peter 1:20)

    Again, if all churches were truly based upon Bible scripture, there could only be one Bible based religion, which means, the rest (if not all) are lying! It’s such amazing irony how every one of those thousands of Bible based denominations (as with the rest of the world’s religions) believes "they" are the one that’s correct!

    Obviously, the idea thousands of differing sects claiming to follow and base their beliefs on the Bible while all disagreeing, is absurd, which brings us back to the original point; are we big enough to admit we were lied too and accepted falsehoods?

    In this vein, one of my heroes was Galileo. With his improved design of the Dutch astronomer, Copernicus’s telescope in the early 1600’s, Galileo was able to see Jupiter’s’ moons. That break-through exposed a "false truth" the Earth is "heliocentric versus geocentric".

    Amazingly, none of Galileo’s scientist or clergy friends would accept what is now a self-evident, even though Galileo had them look through his telescope and see for themselves! And how shocking how the "flat Earth" belief is returning and growing like wildfire!

    Sadly Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for the last couple decades of his life simply for obeying one of the very scriptures his Church taught; "Prove all things and hold fast to what is good-true" (I Thes. 5:21 KJ). It wasn’t until the 21st century before the "Church" finally acknowledged Galileo’s "truth". (Encyclopedia Britannica) What hypocrisy for Church hierarchy to not allow their laity to obey the very scriptures they teach!

    Again, regarding the truth being stranger than fiction; the Church’s teaching how the sun revolves around the Earth, was a real "no-brainer"! After all, all one had to do was watch the sun go around the Earth, right? But, Galileo taught the opposite. Would we have believed Galileo had we lived in that time?

    And, if we were in Galileo’s shoes, would we have proclaimed the truth we discovered, or remain silent in order to stay in good standing with our family, friends and religion? Would we allow the "lie" to be perpetuated, rather than face the political fallout of telling the truth as did Galileo?

    With that thought in mind, just how many seeming "no-brainer" false truths have we embraced today?

    All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident.-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) This quote was of Galileo’s discovery.

    With that bit of church history in mind, have the modern churches or religions changed since Galileo’s time? Have they stopped expecting (forcing) their laity to embrace falsehoods as truth?

    My personal experience has been a profound "NO"! In fact, if we can accept the Bible as "truth" the wisest man in Biblical history (Solomon) stated; "There’s nothing new under the sun"! (Ecc. 1:9 NKJ)

    That said, the next appropriate question is; why should we even care about truth? Why not just believe whatever we want? Does it really matter if we choose to believe in Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy?

    Well, if we are to believe and/or accept the scriptures to any degree, we have to take pause considering Revelation 21:8 tells us; "all liars will have their place in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone"! (NKJ) Do we really want to be labeled as liars in any way shape or form?

    That’s quite a harsh prophecy concerning the destiny of liars (the second- final death)! But, doesn’t believing and passing on lies (especially to our children) not qualify us as liars? Does "it’s for the children" really work here? If honest, we know that dodge is absurd!

    The bottom line here; all the problems of our world are connected to the "lying spirits". These lying demonic trans-dimensional entities teach people to love themselves and follow their feelings and lie like rugs about it! Exercising self-love (selfish and proud behavior) is the source of all evil (crime) including stealing, murder, and war!

    Unfortunately, all our behavior is also linked to the god, or gods we knowingly or unknowingly worship and devote ourselves (behavior) whether it be the god of lust, greed, selfishness, or even the god (gods) of murder!

    [To understand the gods and their origins, see "The Grand Trans- dimensional Delusion"]

    The true solution is to choose a righteous, loving, and merciful God. Of all the worlds’ religions, there is only one that even comes close to qualifying; the God of the Old Testament.

    Unfortunately, that God (YHWH-Yahwey) has been so maligned and demonized, most, even in Christianity, wouldn’t recognize Him if they tripped over Him! The main reason for that is again, improperly interpreting scripture. For that reason, virtually all those claiming to base their beliefs on the Bible, have virtually no clue what the Bible actually teaches!

    The sad reality is; the translators, when confronted with a variety of possible meanings (words) to draw upon, naturally chose the word or words best fitting their preconceived (traditional) belief system! Consequently, just as people in Galileo’s day refused to believe the Earth was round and revolved around the sun, virtually no one claiming to believe in the Bible today will accept what it actually says either!

    On top of the damage inflicted by the translators automatically choosing traditional meanings in the multiple translations (into different languages); those teaching (and reading) have been "programmed" to incorporate their own spin as well. Unfortunately, the confusion generated has birthed the most current trend in Western societies, which is to throw out the Bible altogether.

    But throwing it out makes no sense considering the Bible (when viewed objectively) deals with behavior and its consequences (both good and evil) from cover to cover. To throw away the Bible is the proverbial "throwing the baby out with the dirty bathwater".

    So, for the sake of those who "care" about human behavior and/or the Bible, we take our stand on its integrity. But, taking a stand with the Bible means first establishing and defining its credibility. That can be done to a large degree with ancient Babylonian and Israelite artifacts and/or fulfilled prophecies.

    There have been many studies done to that end, but I’m going another and lesser known direction to prove the supernatural origin of the scriptures; the absolutely impossible (humanly) Bible code discovered incorporated into the original Hebrew characters of the Torah thousands of years ago!

    Once again, I will ask this question to end this chapter; did we stop being lied to, or have we just gone to the next level of lies?

    The next chapter then, clearly establishes a concrete foundation, the Bible comes from an incredibly intelligent and non-human source!

    Chapter 2

    The Shocking Bible Code

    In spite of some problems noted in the last chapter concerning the Bible and those entrusted

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