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Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20
Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20
Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20
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Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20

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Samurai Squadron and the Triton are joined by powerful allies as the war for the Rose System intensifies. As Ronin, Dame and Breaker lead the first strike and fade attack on the blockade around the capital planet of Rodus, they prove one frightening fact: starfighters will lead the war.
This is the kind of combat thousands of pilots in the oppressive Order of Eden fleet have been craving, one where drones are made useless thanks to advanced scrambling and security breaches, making flesh-and-blood talent important again. Zealots to the end, the Order and Citadel pilots are spoiling for a fight and will celebrate a bloodbath.
This is the war Ronin and the pilots of Samurai Squadron didn't want, but are prepared to fight. The struggles ahead promise to be greater than any they've known but they won’t be alone. Great ships from Haven Fleet, the British Alliance, Nafalli Tribes and several scrappy Privateers are already arriving.
While everyone else fights for freedom, glory or supremacy, Remmy Sands is sent on a mission with a small crew aboard the Raven. He hopes that by returning artefacts he found far beneath Rodus' surface he can bring a powerful new ally to Samurai Squadron's side. No one knows much about Planet Grace, but everything suggests that they have strange, promising technology and they may be receptive to the right plea.
The fate of an entire solar system hangs in the balance as void warriors clash in the unforgiving, infinite black.

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20

Randolph Lalonde

Born in 1974, Randolph Lalonde has worked in customer service, sales, played drums for several heavy metal bands you've never heard of, dealt blackjack in a traveling casino, and serviced countless computers. He's also owned businesses in the design, printing, collectible and custom computer fields.He completed writing his first novel in the fantasy adventure genre at the age of fifteen and has been writing ever since.He self published his first novel;Fate Cycle: Sins of the Past in 2004 and after taking a break has begun to release his work again starting with the Spinward Fringe series.Randolph Lalonde's Ebooks have been legally downloaded over one million times to date. He has made just enough to keep writing full time from sales. He is deeply grateful for his following of readers and strives to improve his skills to better entertain them. The Spinward Fringe Space Opera series has proven to be his most popular offering.

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    Samurai Squadron III - Randolph Lalonde


    A Formal Greeting

    The Garden Halo ringed the Rose System, and even centuries of mining had barely diminished the resources within. Ancient dust surrounded and permeated the massive asteroid belt, often catching the white light from the Rose Star and turning it gold. The thick particulate also served as a hiding place that behaved like a thick but narrow nebula.

    It was the perfect hiding place for the fleet gathering around the Triton. Remmy looked from the view through the large transparent metal window as the Nafalli ship moved in to dock. He focused on the debarkation room. It was one of the main airlocks aboard the Triton with doors large enough for full-sized cargo containers. Dents and scrapes had been fixed and every surface was polished to a shine, reviving the original pale gold and black finish.

    Iruuk and his father, Alaka, flanked the airlock doors in silver armour that made the tall tree tribe Nafalli look like they were made of metal. It followed the shape of their fur without compressing it like an intelligent skin.

    The rest of the crew wore their long coats over military vacsuits and carried sidearms. The armour and weapons were ceremonial. If violence broke out, it would shock everyone, especially since they’d sent someone ahead to represent them already.

    Somehow Remmy had been given the honour of standing behind Jacob Valent, who was shoulder to shoulder with Minh-Chu. To Remmy’s left was Captain Stephanie Vega, another officer he didn’t feel he measured up to. I hear the warriors we’re about to meet have made something using hunting trophies, she whispered to him.

    Really? he replied in an almost inaudible whisper. Heads and captured weapons?

    Ash just said we’d see them as soon as we walked in, Stephanie replied. I’m hoping to see Rapsu skulls.

    Dark, Remmy said with a little smile that she shared for a moment. Could be anything, but I’d take a good look at that. Wonder if we’ll see any preserved heads from Order officers?

    Alaka’s head jerked towards him, and he stared for a moment before returning his attention back to the airlock.

    Probably not, that’s a little too barbaric, right? Remmy said, not whispering as softly.

    Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, Stephanie said before mouthing; They have really good hearing.

    The airlock finished equalizing the pressure between the Triton and the Rassaaga. The light above it turned green and the display showed the environmental conditions. Metre-thick doors began to slide aside. Iruuk, Alaka, Jacob Valent and Minh-Chu Bu started walking as soon as there was enough room for them to pass.

    Remmy fell in step and nearly jumped out of his skin when Alice ran up behind him, using his shoulder to help her stop. I slept in, she said, straightening her long coat. Iruuk and Alaka looked over their shoulders at the same time and shook their heads, waving their considerable muzzles in her general direction before stoically looking where they were going again.

    The cargo hold of the Rassaaga had been adorned with banners set on tall wooden stands. Warriors stood in front of the ones flanking the centre. Some of them wore plated power armour while others were shining in the same high-tech metal skin suits.

    The banner in the centre belonged to the Unified Clans of the Haven System. It featured a five-clawed paw in black on a white background. The sides of the plank that were visible had the names of the families who wanted to be represented by the banner and the leader it stood for.

    Many textured furs and skins were brought together to form a fifteen-metre-long path that led from the airlock to the people who waited to meet the delegation from the Triton. I think these are the trophies, Stephanie said almost inaudibly, looking straight ahead.

    I’m very impressed, Remmy replied, making sure that he sounded earnest.

    You were hoping for preserved exotics and weapons, Alice whispered from behind. Could have told you they like their rugs.

    Makes sense. I hear Nafalli are decorating human bedrooms for luxury credits back home, Stephanie said.

    I should get them to do my quarters, if I ever see them, Remmy added.

    I could reassign them, Stephanie teased.

    Don’t you dare. I’ll get a day off someday. I have so many plans.

    The rug didn’t stop there but joined with a singular lizard skin that Remmy marvelled at for a moment because it was at least twenty metres long and fifteen wide. Its thickness was enough to make it as good as a short dais.

    In the middle stood Lymeen Dulth, who wore the traditional wraps of a War Matron. The red and black strips of cloth were meticulously, loosely wrapped around her limbs and then the rest of her body. The intricate tying and weaving of them tricked his eye a little, suggesting that there were images in the patterns.

    In front of her was a shorter Burrower Tribe Nafalli who was dressed in similar white wrappings. Beside him stood Ashley Lamport in a long, slender silk dress adorned with a long silver dragon with a crocodile-like head that wound around the shimmery black material. A large, five-cylinder firearm hung off her hip in a holster that was affixed there without straps. Remmy found himself thinking of Tammy, her twin sister, as he saw the smile that she sent at Minh-Chu and then the rest of the group as they walked up the carpet.

    Lymeen Dulth gave a little nod, and all the warriors to her left and right retracted their helmets at the same time, filling the hold with the sounds of sliding metal for a second. Then, straightening and looking to his left and right, the short Nafalli in front of her announced; You may be at ease, warriors. We greet friends today. Then he repeated the phrase in common Nafalli, filling the space with the sounds of short barks and long vowels. Remmy loved the language, but couldn’t get a handle on learning or speaking it.

    The guests reached the edge of the thick lizard skin that served as a short dais and stopped. Ashley sobered then, the edges of her mouth and eyes still affected by gladness, and gestured towards Jake’s group. You see? I have brought you resolute warriors with good hearts. These chieftains represent thousands of fighters who are all blooded many times over. Will you ally with them?

    This was a formal greeting that came out of an ancient story from one of their oral traditions. Remmy didn’t have to make a note to remind him to ask about it. He’d try to find a Nafalli who was willing to share after his next mission was over.

    Who are they? By what deeds are they known? Lymeen Dulth asked so everyone could hear. She knew them all, some better than others, but there were warriors in her alliance who wanted the declaration of an alliance to conform to tradition.

    Remmy was all ears as Ashley used each of her party’s names and an event that she carefully chose from each of their histories to introduce them. No one knew what she’d chosen because she didn’t have much time to finish her preparations. Jacob Valent, hero of Haven Shore. Minh-Chu Bu, Hero of the Blue Belt. Stephanie Vega, hero of the Rega Gain Resistance. Remmy Sands, hero of the River of Woe. Finally, I present Alice Valent, the Seer. Destroyer of the Overlord Two Base Ship.

    Remmy was surprised that Ashley chose a moment from his life that was both a great success and the beginning of a terrible failure. The urge to go back to the pit where City Thirty-Five once was so he could scan and dig for the cube that contained Simon’s consciousness was still fresh. Hearing Alice introduced as a Seer was interesting too. He wondered what she and the rest of the group thought of Ashley’s choices.

    Lymeen Dulth drew her hood back and nodded. I am honoured to join these leaders. Come and sit with us as friends and allies.

    Instead of joining her on the thick lizard skin, they all went around it to another patchwork path of treated hides that led to a semi-circular seating area. It was padded with thick furs, adorned with hammocks of different heights around it and poles with platforms on them. The Nafalli warriors found their places outside the circle of furs piled on the deck, leaping up to perches and pulling themselves up onto hammocks as easily as he would sit on a sofa.

    As soon as Remmy sat down on a lush rug, a tickle started at the back of his nose and he barely had time to cover a loud sneeze. Several of the Nafalli laughed. One of them extended the mirthful moment by saying something in his language that was translated by his command and control bracer. His nose only knows artificial things.

    He laughed along with them a little, nodding when a young tree tribe Nafalli who was wrapped in white bands gave him a tissue. Thank you. A glance at Minh-Chu, who was sitting next to Ashley, smiling at him, inspired Remmy to amuse the crowd. He took a deep breath, buried his nose in the cloth tissue, and blew it as loudly as he could before making a show of wiping his face.

    Many of the warriors belly laughed, while a few regarded him with surprise. Doesn’t that hurt? one of them asked from behind.

    He looked and saw that it was one of the younger warriors there. He still looked skinny in his armour. Feels pretty good, actually. Our noses aren’t as sensitive as yours.

    Lymeen Dulth drew everyone’s attention to her throne-like pile of furs. Now we don’t have to pretend to be strangers. I’m happy to know that your family is safe, Jake.

    Jake nodded and replied; Thank you. I was surprised to find out that you were coming in person. I thought you were running for government.

    I already have, Lymeen replied as Ashley nodded. The Nafalli Matron went on. I stepped away from Haven Government when the Tribes approached me. They needed a unified voice if we were going to join you in a war that may reach beyond the Edwyn Cluster. Our goal is to help you defeat them here so we can pursue them out there.

    The Order is the diseased part of your species, said a booming voice. A male Nafalli who sat to her right straightened a little. It must be cured or cut away.

    This is Raanir, the leader of my War Council, Lymeen said, gesturing at the white and brown striped Nafalli.

    I confess that I’m more honoured to meet Alaka Murlen and his son. Half my warriors added beam cannons to their array of weapons thanks to you, and I’ve watched stories about your battles. I hope serving humans hasn’t been a hardship.

    These humans remind me of the friends I lost on Pandem, Alaka said. They are good, even though they have a deeper love of their own culture than I was used to.

    I understand, Lymeen said with a little smile.

    Why weren’t they introduced like we were? Remmy asked Stephanie in a whisper.

    They were already accepted by the tribes before they left the Haven System, she replied. They had a much longer ceremony where they had to prove that their family was worth joining them.

    It was a glorious day, Alaka said, leaning towards them. Every member of my family, even the eleven who are still nursing now and then, joined the Tribes. My family is much larger now, and one of my older daughters is beginning a promising round of courtships.

    Congratulations, Remmy said as Alaka straightened up and found a hammock to settle in.

    Eleven? How old are they? Remmy mouthed at Stephanie.

    She kept her amusement mostly hidden as she nodded. Only out of the pouch a few months now. You should see the videos. It’s the biggest litter known on this side of the Iron Head Nebula.

    Oh, his poor mate, Remmy whispered back, cringing.

    Alaka sat up in his hammock and said; She’s actually quite proud. The days of their birth were very happy ones.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend, Remmy replied, seeing that many heads were turning in his direction.

    Careful, or he’ll challenge you, Minh-Chu told him. Ready to take him on in unarmed combat?

    There was a long, quiet moment, and then the older Nafalli, Alaka included, burst into laughter. Ashley nudged him and shook her head.

    I know, he wouldn’t. I couldn’t resist, Minh-Chu said, gesturing in Remmy’s direction. Look, he almost gave his armour’s plumbing a workout.

    The laughter intensified and, before it was over, one of the eldest Nafalli who was wearing a scarred metal battlesuit said; This will be a good alliance.

    There was a buzz of comments that translated into a quick scroll that revealed agreements from every end of the circle. Lymeen spoke then; My warriors are ready, and thanks to our technological and social alliances, our ships are equipped and prepared. The mission counter is already running.

    It just hit two hours, Stephanie replied with a nod. The British Alliance ships are in position, orbiting Rose Eight. The Order is already responding, putting ten capital ships into position between them and the inner worlds. The rest are spreading out in high orbit around Rodus, trying to create a blockade.

    We will jump to the second planet in the system and attack the minimal forces there. My gunners could use some target practice, Raanir said. Only the Rassaaga will go.

    That’s wise, Jake said. No reason to reveal your main ship.

    The transports are scheduled to leave Rodus. They’re loading up now, Alice said. We’re pretty sure that the Order will try to jump them as soon as they finish leaving the outer atmosphere and point their noses towards the Haven System.

    That’s when the strike team will intercept their forces, Minh-Chu added.

    This will be a good day. Fifteen thousand people will be liberated from Rodus, along with their President and his entire staff, Lymeen Dulth said.

    Remmy recalled what he saw about the hard-partying president and his terrible entourage. He wouldn’t see it as a great loss if he didn’t make it, but the refugees who wanted to go to the Haven System were another story.

    I hear you will be leaving as soon as the mission concludes? Lymeen asked as she regarded him.

    I’m afraid so, Remmy said. I won’t even be around for the entire mission. I’m carrying precious cargo out of the system. I’m taking a million souls home.

    I understand we’re here to do battle, Lymeen started, giving several of her warriors time to whoop or growl before she went on. I do envy the adventure you’re about to go on though. No one I’ve met knows much about the Grace world or its people.

    I wish I could stay and fight alongside you, Remmy said with a shallow bow from his seat.

    Protecting the innocent is the most honourable calling, Alaka said with a nod of respect.

    Just don’t take too long, or the war will be over by the time you get back, Alice teased.

    Chapter 1

    The Raven’s Master

    Remmy hadn't seen the inside of the Triton’s tail since the last refit. It was a spiny docking structure with a large hallway running down its length. Its style paid tribute to the shape of the ship, which looked like a giant Stingray. This was the final version that had been updated in the Haven System. The earlier versions were made with a completely opaque hull. The new version made him smile a little as he looked at the reinforced semitransparent metal walls. The Clever Dream, Raven and two other corvettes were moored along its length, leaving room for a few more ships. Beyond that, he could see the dusty asteroid field outside.

    Everyone who entered the docking tail would face a test that could defeat a lot of wannabe spacers. It could feel like the docking tail led straight out from the back of the ship into space.

    Some people were never meant to be spacers. Before he left Freeground he had never met someone who wasn't born in space or wasn’t prepared to be there. Eventually he would learn that there were a lot of people like that, people who would be immediately struck down by vertigo and most likely start vomiting if they didn't immediately retreat from a transparent hallway, suspended from the back of a ship so that you could see space in almost every direction. Confronted with the dark infinity, the glow of a nebula, a field of stars, or surrounded by a dusty asteroid field, a huge percentage of people would have an immediate physical reaction to losing their horizon.

    Remmy only had a moment to think about this, and to admire the view of the hallway extending forward as he got out of the transit car. The ride there had been a quiet one. Jake, Alice, Iruuk, Alaka and he were all busy attending to last-minute details before they took off on a mission that was more important than the Order may ever know.

    As they disembarked from the transit tube an urgent call came in on his Command and Control unit. It was Chief Shamus Frost. As soon as he started talking, Remmy realized that sending the call to the small holographic projector on his wrist was a mistake. He walked along with the Valents and the Murlens as Frost spoke to him. Captain, I'd like to have a word with you about Nigel. He's a smart lad, but he's been through a lot, aye?

    I know his history. I'm happy to have him aboard, Remmy replied. Jake and Alice looked amused as they glanced at him over their shoulders, while Iruuk regarded him with wide eyes as he loped along at his side.

    They continued down the long docking corridor as Frost went on. I understand you've had training, and you earned your spot as Captain of the Raven, but I'd like to remind you that not all of your crew think the same way, or have the same vulnerabilities, you understand. I'm not saying Nigel’s soft, he's not that, but he's recovered from someone else being in his head, from torture like you and I couldn't imagine. You must have confidence in him because he's on your crew, and that's the right thing right there, but I'm saying he might need special consideration on occasion. Not that you should worry, he'll do his duty, but you should always mind the cost with Nigel, you never know, there's a nice lad in there.

    "I know, he’s a great guy and I have faith in him as a Combat Technician,’ Remmy said reassuringly.

    I’m trying to say that I’m hoping that you understand some people soldier differently than others, Frost said, growing more insistent.

    ‘That’s not what I learned in Basic Training,’ was what Remmy wanted to say, but he held his tongue and listened. Alice and Jake, who were out of the pickup radius of his comm-con, were only looking more amused.

    If I hear you've overextended him or put him in the middle of hazard when he has no right being there, like that damn firefight on the Locon again, where you are strapped to his back and he had to carry your arse around, then we'll have more than words when you get back, you understand?

    This isn't an appropriate conversation, or how you should be addressing him, Iruuk said, surprised.

    Seeing that Alice was doing a good job of containing herself, but Jake was actually snickering, Remmy tried to focus on Frost. The man had a reputation that came from questionable deeds extending well back from his history with Jake. Frost took a moment to address Iruuk, his holographic head turning towards him. You can keep your opinion to yourself, young fur beast.

    Alice covered her mouth and doubled over, unable to stop herself from laughing As Iruuk boggled and backed away so he was out of the call’s range. Remmy forced his brow down and clenched his jaw in an effort to look serious before replying to Frost. He understood that it was a serious conversation, inappropriate as it was, but no one else seems to be taking the pep talk seriously except for Alaka. Don't worry, like you said I have officer training, I know what I'm doing, and I like Nigel. I won't tell him to do anything that he can’t handle. This is an exploration mission, it'll be fine.

    Frost's eyes widened for a moment, and he leaned forward, forcing the hologram to focus in on his eyes and nose, making them almost comically large. This is family I'm talking about. Family I didn't think I had until not too long ago. Thought they were all dead if I’m being honest. I was the one who brought him here, so I feel responsible for him. I'm passing that on to you, so he'd better come home safe. I hear you jinxing the whole thing, too. I’ve seen so many missions go sideways when someone said ‘it’ll be fine.’ Good luck, keep your wits about you. The call ended and Frost’s head disappeared.

    I don't understand what's so funny, Alaka said, shaking his head slowly.

    You know, I couldn't put my finger on what's so funny about that either, Jake said, straightening. But something about him giving Remmy shit in advance just tickled me.

    I nearly died when he called you fur beast, Fur Face, Alice said. She turned and gave Remmy a surprise hug before telling him. Good luck on the expedition. Record everything, I wish I was going with you.

    I wish we could take the whole Triton team to Grace, but I realized that just sparing me and the Raven crew is a stretch, considering what we're getting into. Remmy said.

    I know you won't take longer than we have to, and you'll make the best impression possible for us with whoever you find on Grace. No pressure, Alice said as she continued on to the ramp leading to the Clever Dream’s airlock.

    I requested to temporarily transfer to your crew so I could go too, but I’m needed aboard the Clever Dream, Iruuk said, earning a slightly irritated look from Alice. What? It's going to be interesting.

    You’d just leave me for an exploration mission? Are we drifting apart? Are we having trouble here? Alice teased.

    Represent us well, Remmy Sands, Alaka said with a slow shallow bow before he turned and strode down the docking corridor to his ship. A cargo transport car passed below their feet, accelerating towards the Triton proper behind them, rattling the deck as it passed.

    That left him with Jake, who still seemed a little amused. So, can you... Remmy started to ask.

    Jake nodded and held a hand up. I'll talk to Frost. I think after seeing the footage of Nigel in real combat with you strapped up to his back it hit him that his nephew’s actually a soldier. You just concentrate on the mission to Grace. Don't worry, you're just introducing yourself and going there to drop their ancestors off. Or relations. Or whatever those are. The most important thing is that you gently hand that hot potato on and make a good impression. Just remember, you can tell them you're from the Triton, that your ship is part of Samurai Squadron. Just don't tell them that I happen to own it. If you can get a little help from them, or find out what they have to trade, that's more than I can ask for.

    Right, share details that will help them trust me and drop the delicate cargo off. Oh, and don't make us all look like violent invaders or profiteers. I'll do my best and get back here as fast as I can. Good hunting out there, Boss, Remmy said.

    Thank you, and remember, Nigel is a special little lad, Jake said as he pointed for emphasis.

    Remmy laughed and started for the ramp that would take him to the Raven’s airlock. He stopped then and looked back. Wait, you're kidding right?

    Of course, don't worry I'll talk to Frost. Oh, one more thing, Jake said.

    Yes, Sir? Remmy asked.

    Ayan is hoping that you bring back as much cultural and technological information as you can from Grace. Don't overstep, but you could lay the foundation of a diplomatic bridge here, even though you're not representing Haven. I know you've got some social skills, trust them. Jake told him.

    I will, thanks Boss, Remmy started up the ramp to his ship, already thinking about the mission. They would make a quick stop near Rodus to drop a few things off, and then jump directly to the solar system where they would find Grace. The most frightening thing was the diplomatic part of the expedition, but he had an advantage. A telepath named Quan.

    Chapter 2

    Blockade Attack

    Ronin could feel the weight of his Archangel fighter as though it was on his shoulders. Based on the old Uriel fighter design from Sol Defence, it was originally a two seater. The redesign that upgraded it to the Archangel specification changed that and many other details. A last-minute delivery of a component that he secretly doubted would ever be finished, the first miniaturized Quad Drive with a real micro fusion system built in, was where the co-pilot’s chest would have been resting behind him. The power scale and resiliency of the ship was increased, and while each of the Archangels were technically prototypes again, this was a feature they were meant to have.

    Each Archangel could be configured in near limitless ways using different weaponry, reserve power, shield generators, sensor systems, and components that hadn’t been made yet. Ronin's flight was the heaviest. Outfitted as capital ship killers, they carried more mass, including two missile pods that he was itching to use. There were hundreds of millions of people trapped on Rodus, and the Order had shown that they were willing to attack and collapse an entire city, murdering civilians just because their leadership passively resisted.

    Today his business was war, and Ronin recognized the old feeling of moving towards a fight, knowing that it was one he could believe in. The timeliness of it, and the privilege of being well equipped made him feel like he was exactly where he should be. Revenge was an additional motivation for some of his pilots, and he was confident that it wouldn't interfere with their judgement. Even still, there was a lot of blood on the killing floor, and war only invited more. He was aware that war didn't care whose blood spilled, it only inspired the shedding. It was a thought that could encourage a few and demoralize the rest, so he kept it to himself.

    Vengeance wasn’t Ronin’s motivation. If he had to explain why he was fighting, it wouldn’t take long. If he did his job right today, the Triton wouldn't have to get involved in this fight. That, and the safe return of his pilots were the only things he cared about aside from the completion of his mission. There was a bigger picture reason behind his determination, a dream that was coming true for millions in the Haven System that needed to be protected.

    The second phase of the attack was underway. The Raven, under the command of Captain Remmy Sands, was finishing its faster than light jump right into Rodus orbit. Every fighter and every ship in the gathered alliance hiding in the asteroid belt on the outer edge of the system had a live, latency-free feed of what it was doing. That model of the Clever class corvette could expand its lower half to create cargo bays that would nearly double the length and more than double the width of the ship. It was fully extended, and the contents didn't factor into Ronin's mission, but what they had attached to the outer hull did.

    Haven Sciences sent a lot of new toys to them in a hurry. As soon as they were ready, they shipped thousands of transmission spikes. Each one was a highly durable, efficient communication device that used a nearby energetic dimension to send and receive transmissions to the Stellarnet Network. As an effort to reopen communications with most of the people on Rodus, the Triton crew loaded all of the five-centimeter-long spikes into drones after mounting each one onto a little rocket. The only thing those drones had to do was stealthily fly to Rodus and launch the spikes. If one of the unmanned ships was struck, it would send their payload down to the planet.

    Ronin watched as the Raven emerged into normal space between two of the Order of Eden ships near the equator. All the drones affixed to its outer hull launched immediately, spreading out and disappearing into space as they accelerated towards the planet.

    Starfighters and gunships flew after them, trying to pursue them based on their trajectory. They scanned the area ahead aggressively, possibly revealing the location of some of the drones.

    Go, go, Pixie, Ronin heard Carnie say under his breath over their communications link.

    The Order of Eden ships launched fighters and several destroyers responded immediately, moving to support the heavy cruisers. They expected a larger attack, and whoever was in command of the overall blockade of Rodus was more interested in catching the Raven than putting more distance between it and their assets. They were highly motivated to capture Haven technology. Ronin would feel the same way if he was on their side.

    The Raven flew away from Rodus, its main thrusters flaring as it accelerated as hard as it could. Particle beam weapons from the heavy cruisers lashed out, drawing a line of light through space that threatened to cut through the much smaller ship’s shields. Ronin counted down the time their Quad Drive would need to recharge for the next jump in his head, About three seconds, Breaker said on the Samurai Squadron strategic channel, thinking the same thing.

    The Raven's shields held as four beams caressed its shape, and Pixie rolled the vessel so its dorsal shields would have a second to recharge. A second later a split formed in the space ahead of the ship and it disappeared, starting its short jump to the solar system where they were told they would find planet Grace.

    The stealth drones did what everyone expected them to do. More than half were detected by the Order of Eden ships in the area, and every interception ship scrambled to stop them. The first that was struck by a point defence barrage launched its load of spikes in a sudden burst that sent them towards the atmosphere, where they rocketed like a darting school of fish with flame tails. Two then three more drones were destroyed in short order and only one failed to release its payload.

    From previous encounters where Haven Fleet and their allies used stealth and munitions of any kind together, the Order of Eden had learned that terrible things followed the appearance of that technology. Most of the ships began to scatter while a few were sent in to attack the stealth drones while powerful scanning waves were sent out from every ship in the area. By the time they discovered every one of these small, unmanned ships, several were already entering the atmosphere.

    It was a near certainty that a few hundred of the transmission spikes would make it into the hands of people in two of the larger cities on the planet’s surface. The other important part of the drones’ mission was accomplished as well. The ships in that area were well distracted, and there would be an opening for Samurai Squadron to wedge itself into.

    Ronin flexed his hands and laid them on to the controls. The dust on the edge of the asteroid field where he and his fellow pilots were waiting was thinning, they were almost out. Time to go. Let's show these new Order of Eden commanders what they can expect from us so we can surprise them with something completely different later. Good hunting.

    Twelve fighters from Samurai Squadron along with the Clever Dream and its sister ship, the Sky Queen moved out of the cloud in a loose formation. The last ship in the lineup was a gift from Jacob Valent’s fiancé, Ayan Anderson. The Reaper was an unfinished modified Clever class corvette that carried most of her gifts to the hidden fleet. It was a heavy gunship featuring seven dual railgun turrets that would be firing antimatter enhanced rounds. It was some of the most expensive ammunition in the fleet, and like the ship's name it was made to inspire terror and bring death. They also had solid metal rounds that they'd use until it was time to show the Order of Eden the full potential of the ship’s weaponry.

    The task group cleared the dust cloud and Jacob Valent, who was going by his old call sign, Hitman, started the countdown from the small bridge of his ship. Everyone in the squadron synchronized their navigational systems, and when it counted down to one, they each slipped into a rift in space and emerged back into normal space in the blink of an eye.

    Aboard the Super Carrier Salvation, Fleet Admiral Nathan Moore was looking through the support data from Iora. The supplies that were on their way from that system would be more than adequate, and he shuddered but found the report from the commanders there reassuring. They had met the requirement of the Edxi, sending them fifteen thousand prisoners from an unearthed detention facility. The detainees went into stasis before Iora was struck by the Holocaust virus and would wake whenever the Edxi needed them. It saved them from sending the worst of the Order recruits instead, and would for a few months, since the prison had nearly a quarter million inmates on ice.

    This was the true cost of holding them off, surrendering a growing number of humans to them every week. The intergalactic invader fleet was hidden, their research and development facility was hidden, and the one solar system that they had successfully invaded was a discarded ruin, offering no hints at where they had gone. It was a whole set of problems that would have to wait.

    Hurried footsteps warned that something urgent was about to be reported. He checked the status screens for the fleet gathered around Rodus quickly, saw that there was a new alert, and then deactivated the holographic displays around him so he could see Captain Prat face to face. His usual stony expression was disrupted by alarm. Report, Admiral Moore said.

    "The heavy cruisers Frontier Star and Lamplight are under attack. They were reacting to the launch of several small rockets after a corvette class ship called the Raven appeared nearby. The rocket attack avoided the cruisers, sending something to the planet surface using drones as a platform. They were using stealth technology but were discovered shortly after disappearing. The commanders of the heavy cruisers report that at least half of the drones

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