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Druid's Warrior
Druid's Warrior
Druid's Warrior
Ebook523 pages8 hours

Druid's Warrior

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About this ebook

Immerse yourself in the much-anticipated follow-up to "Druid's Child," the first book in the Druid's Legacy series. This epic fantasy adventure, "Druid's Warrior" continues the story of Adam, the Master Druid, as he fights evil sorcerers laying waste to the land. Along with Queen Novina of the Naylot nation and fellow companions from the lands of the Elves, Dwarves, and Giants, they engage in a final battle against the evil god Crough and his witch Mortova. The wicked Eastern armies, aided by a black dragon, lay siege to the Elves, Dwarves, Giants, and Men of the west in epic battles that will test their survival skills. Somehow, Adam must also rescue the legendary Druid Starwald, who is the key to victory in the war against the east. This epic fantasy adventure illuminates the battle between good and evil on every turned page.
Release dateMay 13, 2024
Druid's Warrior

Dale Bonifield

Dale Bonifield is a veteran author who resides in Fallbrook, California in northern San Diego County. "Druid's Warrior" is the second book in the Druid's Legacy Series. The third book in the series, "Druid's Saga," is still to come.

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    Book preview

    Druid's Warrior - Dale Bonifield

    Cover of Druid's Warrior by Dale Bonifield

    Books by Dale R. Bonifield

    The Druid’s Legacy Series:

    Druid’s Child

    Druid’s Warrior

    Druid’s Saga (coming)



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 1

    An eerie orange smoke filled the sky, obscuring the setting sun as Adam guided the great Eagleflyer, Regent, down toward the besieged city of West Demlin. From where he sat atop the magnificent bird, Adam could see the vast Eastern armies made up of black-clad Morgs spread out for miles on the flat plains that surrounded the city of man. The smoke that filled the sky came from the city, but from this distance Adam could not tell what, or how much of the city was burning.

    Behind him came Brun, Starwald, and Lendussa on their own Eagleflyers, having made the long two-day journey from Mautta a Morg, where Adam had defeated the evil god Crough, and had brought down the fortress that housed the horrible fire of death. In defeating Crough, Adam had been able to extinguish the flame, but now war raged throughout the western lands.

    As Adam used mindwaves to communicate with his majestic Eagleflyer, he guided the great bird toward the coast, intending to fly closer to the deep blue waters of the Sea of Man, thereby avoiding being seen by the Morg hoard upon his approach to the city. The other Eagleflyers instinctively followed Regent out over the waters. The smoke from the burning city was caught in the eastern winds, and the sky over the water was clear as they circled and prepared to land in the middle of the city of West Demlin.

    Starwald’s great bird had caught up to Regent and he flew not thirty feet away to Adam’s right. The young Druid looked over at his mentor and nodded his intention to begin the descent into the city. Starwald nodded back and began to descend along with Adam and Regent. The other two Eagleflyers followed suit and the four mighty birds found an open clearing that appeared to be some type of open-air market to make their landing.

    Regent spread his mighty black wings with streaks of white throughout to slow his descent and landed gently on the dirt of the open clearing that Adam had spied from above. The other Eagleflyers did the same and all landed safely. Adam jumped from Regent’s huge back, making sure his mighty sword, Glimerding, swung around in front of him so that it did not accidentally cut the big bird.

    Surrounding the clearing were what appeared to be storefronts, warehouses, and several blacksmith shops, which gave the impression of a main town center. However, there were no people about even though it was mid-afternoon. Starwald and Brun dismounted and approached Adam, as the three looked about, somewhat surprised at the lack of anyone about.

    It’s finally good to get my feet back on the ground! shouted Brun as he walked up to Adam.

    Yes, I agree, said the young Druid. But we are very lucky to have had Regent and the others at our disposal. It would have taken a week if we were forced to walk here all the way from Torg Mautta.

    The harsh smell of smoke filled the air as Lendussa also dismounted his great Eagleflyer and joined the others.

    Sssss, that was horribles, slithered the Crathian soldier referring to the long journey.

    It is strange, but this city seems almost deserted, even though parts of it are actually burning, said Starwald, looking about.

    The structures that surrounded the clearing in which they had landed were standing, but one could see smoke rising from structures that were located closer to the wall that encircled the great city of man.

    There, I see someone approaching, said Adam, pointing down one of the dirt streets that stretched toward the northern wall.

    I think you’re right, but it is a group of men that approaches I believe, said Starwald.

    Brun drew his sword as the group approached.

    You there, stop! yelled the first soldier to come into view, also holding his sword in his left hand. Behind him came a group of about twenty soldiers, all running at a slow pace toward the companions.

    Stay your course! yelled back Brun, stepping in front of the other three, lifting his sword in a menacing manner.

    The advancing soldier slowed his pace and approached at a walk. He wore the black leather outfit of a Bourn soldier and sheathed his sword as he came to a stop several feet away from Brun.

    What has happened here? demanded Brun.

    Who are you, and what is your intent in landing here in West Demlin? returned the man.

    I am Lord Brun, son to the King of Bonar, and rightful heir to the rule of this city as well as Bonar, returned Brun, in a voice that bespoke of power and confidence.

    Lord Brun! I did not recognize you! It has been many years since any of us have seen, or even heard of your whereabouts. Accept my apologies, sir. I am Captain Williams of Bonar at your service! returned the man with a look of relief.

    Captain Williams! Why, are you the same sergeant Williams who once served within the King’s guard in Bonar? inquired Brun.

    Yes, sir, I am that person, but now a Captain and in charge of our evacuation from this city. It is burning, and controlled by the enemy, I’m afraid, he replied.

    Captain Williams, it is good to see you, said Brun as he also sheathed his sword and approached the man, taking his hand and shaking it with gusto.

    Lord Brun, you have not been seen for almost fifteen years. What fate has befallen your life?

    We have been busy securing our future. I travel with the great Druid Starwald, and the young Master Druid Adam, along with the Crathian named Lendussa. We return now from the east where we have done battle with Crough, said Brun, motioning to the two Druids who stood behind the man.

    What has happened here? asked Brun again, as Adam and Starwald came closer. Even Lendussa was curious as to the answer to Brun’s question.

    I am sorry, my Lord, replied Captain Williams. The enemy breached the eastern walls of the city two days ago and began setting fire to certain areas within the city. Most of the city’s residents have already retreated north toward Naylot, but two regiments under my command still battle the enemy here within the city, trying to slow their advance and give our comrades, women, and children time to retreat north. We saw your great birds fly overhead and land and were not sure whether you were friend or enemy, he explained.

    Brun turned and looked at the two Druids and Lendussa, shaking his head in frustration at the apparent loss of West Demlin.

    Starwald stepped forward, placing his hand on Brun’s shoulder. Captain Williams, you and your men are valiant warriors to slow the enemy, but we could see from above that there are thousands of the enemy just east of the city’s walls. You must flee as well, said the Master Druid.

    Yes, believe me, Masted Druid, that is our plan; we were just trying to slow them down a bit, replied the soldier.

    Suddenly, yelling broke the relative silence and down the dirt street from which Captain Williams and his men had appeared, there appeared a mass of Bourn soldiers and enemy Morg soldiers in the heat of battle. The Bourn soldiers were clearly outnumbered by at least five to one and were slowly retreating toward where the companions and Captain Williams and his squad of twenty soldiers stood.

    Prepare for battle! yelled the Captain, whose attention was completely focused on the approaching battle.

    Adam stepped forward and placing his hand on the Captain’s soldier, said Let me be of assistance, Captain.

    Without waiting for an answer, the young Druid strode forward past the squad of Bourn soldiers and down the street toward where the battle was taking place. As he approached, he could see that there were about a hundred Morgs, dressed in their black leather, battling what appeared to be another squad of Bourn soldiers, maybe twenty in number. Both sides used their swords in battle, and the Morgs clearly had the momentum as the Bourn soldiers eased up the street toward where Adam stood.

    As they approached, the young Druid seemed to rise in stature, and a blue glow outlined his frame as he drew the mighty sword Glimerding from his side. The Bourn soldiers were now being pushed right past Adam, but he stood his ground. As the first of the Morg soldiers came upon the young Druid, Adam became a blur in motion and swung his sword with such force and quickness that the first few Morgs to come upon him were beheaded before they could either advance or defend themselves. The ferocity of Adam’s attack made the other Morgs stop in their footsteps, and even back down.

    Eight of the enemy died at Adam’s hand in a mere ten seconds. Adam did not hesitate and leapt into the Morg hoard, sword swinging from side to side and cutting those within reach into shreds of Morg flesh.

    Suddenly from behind, blue flashes of bright energy flew past Adam and into the Morg army, incinerating any Morg that was unfortunate enough to be in its path as Starwald came up behind the young Druid to aid in the battle. Adam continued to fight his way into their midst, not letting any enemy blade or thrust get near to him. As the blue flashes of power continued to fly by, the Morgs were now beginning to retreat. Fully a third of their number lay dead in the street. But before they could form an organized retreat, Brun, Captain Williams, and his men were upon them, laying waste to their attempt at a defensive stand. Even Lendussa, with his short sword, pounced upon the enemy. Within minutes it was over, the entire Morg contingent of over one hundred lay dead in the street.

    Bourn legion! shouted Captain Williams in a victorious yell.

    The blue glow about Adam’s body disappeared and he returned to his normal size, surveying the scene. Glimerding was sheathed at his side.

    Very well done! added Starwald as he too slumped a bit at having released so much energy in the quick but intense battle.

    The men of Captain Williams and the retreating squad of about twenty surrounded the two Druids and Brun and shouted their appreciation and relief at the help of the companions.

    Quickly, we must re-form, and make sure that no other Morg squads are headed this way! commanded Captain Williams, taking charge of the situation.

    Brun, Adam, and Starwald let the Captain direct his men, as he ordered smaller squads to spread out in all directions away from the battle site, and down various streets, fanning out into the city.

    I’m afraid we will encounter many more Morg patrols such as this one, he said to the companions. I hope to hold them at bay for at least another day.

    Starwald, Adam, and Brun moved a few feet away to let the Captain conduct his orders, and his men.

    This development is distressing, said Starwald to Adam and Brun. The enemy has progressed much faster than I had thought possible. It is time that we act accordingly. As I was engaged with the Druid fire, I could see what was happening throughout the western lands. The struggle is immense and widespread. Adam, you and Brun must stay here and help to evacuate the rest of the soldiers from this city toward Naylot. We will need every one of them alive to help in the battle. I must take an Eagleflyer and reach the Elven nation, for they may very well hold the key to ultimate victory. I will take Lendussa with me, as he has a part to play in the days ahead, explained the Master Druid.

    Are you sure, Umps? questioned Adam, not feeling at ease with splitting up with the great Druid, who had just displayed his awesome powers.

    I’m afraid so, my boy. But you are now a Druid yourself, and quite capable of handling any situation which might arise, said Starwald.

    Adam nodded, knowing that the older Druid was right. He was powerful, and these soldiers needed him.

    Without further delay or discussion, Starwald led Lendussa over to where the Eagleflyers had been waiting patiently during the battle.

    You know what you must do, Adam! he yelled back to Adam, nodding his encouragement. And with that, he and Lendussa boarded their respective Eagleflyers and ascended into the smoky sky above and headed north toward Elvenland.

    That was quick, said Brun.

    Starwald knows what needs to be done, replied Adam. Now it is up to us, my friend, to gather what remains of the Bourn fighters within this city and begin an organized retreat to Naylot.

    I did not expect this would be the case after our victory at Mautta a Morg, replied Brun, somewhat dejectedly.

    Yes, I know uncle. We have won a great battle with the evil one. Now we must win the war with his army. Let’s go, said the Druid in a resolute tone of voice.

    Chapter 2

    The sun had disappeared, and the smoky air made dusk feel stifling to Brun as he and Adam approached Captain Williams. The man was almost as tall as Brun, and extremely muscular, which made him look quite a bit younger than he actually was.

    Captain, we must evacuate the city and move north toward Naylot, said Adam.

    Yes, Master Druid, replied the man. Is that what I shall call you? he inquired.

    That’s fine, replied Adam. How many men remain here in West Demlin?

    At least ten thousand, scattered throughout the city. The enemy has been breaching the walls with their patrols for the past two days, setting fires that burn out of control as you can see. But for some reason they have not sent a significant force into the city, explained Captain Williams.

    We can use the ten thousand. What would be the best strategy for retreat, in your opinion? asked the Druid.

    Both the northern and eastern walls have been breached. There is no easy way to retreat to the north that I can discern, he replied.

    What about the ships housed in the harbor at the southwestern port of the city? interjected Brun, obviously quite familiar with West Demlin even though he had not been within the city walls in almost twenty years. We could sail out into the Sea of Man, and approach Naylot from the sea.

    My men are not sailors, replied Captain Williams. However, they could learn to be very quickly if need be, I would think.

    Very well, said Adam, spread the word among your men to retreat to the harbor and we’ll take to the sea. Any idea if that area of the city is burning as well?

    I don’t believe it is, answered the Captain. The enemy has concentrated their efforts in the northern and eastern sections of the city. I can send runners from my squad to try and find the other squads scattered throughout the city.

    Have them meet us there no later than first light, interjected Brun. We must make haste to save as many as we can. Those that are fleeing on foot north of us will have to retreat faster. Is it possible to get a scout through the northern part of the city and get word to those fleeing that the city has been lost, and they must make haste? asked the man.

    I will see to it my Lord Brun, answered the Captain.

    I have a better idea, interjected Adam. Captain, do you have two men that would not be averse to mounting Eagleflyers to get the news to those fleeing much sooner?

    Yes, Master Druid. I’m sure any of my men here with me now would be open to such a mission, he answered.

    Fine, select your two most capable soldiers, and have them prepare to take flight immediately, instructed Adam, as he moved over to where two Eagleflyers remained stoically planted where they had landed. He placed his hand upon the folded wing of the great bird he had used to escape from the east and used a mindwave to explain his plan. The Eagleflyer gave a snort and seemed to almost shake his head up and down in understanding.

    After a brief explanation from Captain Williams, two of his men came forward, mounted the two remaining Eagleflyers and disappeared into the night sky.

    They should be safe, flying at night over the enemy, said Adam. Now we must move to the docks quickly and prepare the ships for travel. It should not take more than several days to get to the great harbor at Darney in Naylot. Captain, send your runners out now to all sections of the city.

    Yes, Master Druid.

    Not more than five leagues from where Adam, Brun, and Captain Williams made plans to flee the city, the evil sorcerer Cictak stood within his command tent, overlooking several detailed maps sprawled out on a large wooden table. The evil one was not an imposing figure and wore a white tunic and covered his bald head. He had deep-set eyes, one blue and one black, that were well hidden within the hood that covered his head. He was slightly bent over examining the maps. From his stature, one would never guess that he was the brother of Starwald.

    Beside him stood the Gremlin Growlam, and the General of the Troll fighting force, Trollman Tolar. Their command tent stood just a league outside the walls of West Demlin and was surrounded by the now roaring campfires of thousands of Morg soldiers that made up the vast Eastern army that besieged the city of man. This massive army had already plowed right through the southern plains of man, conquering and destroying the cities of Bo Zedar, Bo Camor, South Bon, and even the Kingdom of Bonar on their way to West Demlin. They controlled all the lands south of the city of North Bon and south of the rapid river, which bordered the southern lands of Naylot. More than fifty legions made up his huge army.

    Something has changed within the city, said Cictak to Growlam and Trollman Tolar. I can sense a presence that was not there this morning. We must make ready for a full attack on the city as soon as possible, he instructed the other two.

    Growlam, who actually stood a head above Cictak in height and wore an orange tunic, nodded his head in agreement. Our scouting parties have been successful in breaching the walls for more than two days, my Lord. We have routed most of the enemy within the walls, and the city is ripe for taking, he snarled. It already burns around the edges.

    Very well, let’s use the secondary units to lead the charge. No need to risk our primary units, or your men, Tolar, instructed Cictak.

    Trollman Tolar nodded his approval. He snorted and puffed out his chest as he looked at the maps along with the other two sorcerers. Tolar was large even for a Troll and had massive arms and legs that dwarfed the rest of his body, even though that was quite substantial also. He clearly stood two feet taller than Cictak or Growlam. His bald protruding forehead and large eyes gave his face a skeletal appearance and the two small horns that protruded from his head, like all Trolls, made him unpleasant to look at, even for Cictak.

    He wore only a cloth about his waist and carried his intricately painted spear at his side. The Trolls were the only race in all the lands to still use a spear as their only weapon, and each Troll had his life’s story painted upon the wood of their shaft, which was always quite long. Tolar’s shaft was colorfully painted from the cold silver steel point to the other end, from which hung a leather strap tied into a loop which Trolls used effectively as a choking device on their victims.

    The large warrior grunted and left the tent to tend to his own men. They had already fought valiantly against the men of Bourn in the battles for the southern cities of man, losing at least a third of their number due to the fact that Cictak had always sent the Trollmen in with the first wave when attacking the southern cities. They were down to about two thousand warriors, but they were fierce in battle and a huge asset to the Eastern army.

    Once Tolar was gone, Cictak looked at Growlam. I’ve felt the presence of my brother. He was close at hand, perhaps within the walls of West Demlin. Now that feeling is gone. Let’s take the city tonight. We may find other pleasant surprises within its walls, instructed the Master sorcerer.

    Growlam nodded and left the command tent to spread the word among his Generals to roust the Morgs from their evening entertainment and prepare them for an all-out assault. It took several hours to spread the word throughout the huge encampment, and for the Morg warriors to prepare themselves to finally take West Demlin. Within the command tent, Cictak prepared for battle, for it was his plan to lead his army into the city himself.

    The docks within the city of West Demlin were vast indeed, as in normal times much trade flowed in and out of the city via the Sea of Man. The fires that burned brightly around the city had not reached the docks and the warehouses, buildings, and many taverns and houses of pleasure that surrounded the docks had not yet fallen prey to the enemy. As Brun, Adam, and Captain Williams ran down the road that led to the docks, they could see that there were plenty of merchant ships still docked, as at this time of year, the trading was light, and with the war going on, it was mostly nonexistent.

    The merchant ships in the harbor all looked the same; wide sailing ships that allowed merchants to load large amounts of cargo within the hold of a ship, and sail with a minimum crew. The more cargo and the fewer men to pay meant more money for the captains of the ships.

    Look at that, said Adam to the other two men as they stopped at the harbor’s edge. There must be thirty ships within the harbor!

    Yes, and these ships can accommodate many soldiers in their holds, Master Druid, added Captain Williams. I think we may be able to fit all my men on these ships, as long as we can organize them quickly.

    Just as he finished his thought, a huge explosion not more than a hundred feet away rocked them all and brought ringing to their ears.

    What was that? roared Brun.

    I fear the Morgs have advanced more quickly than we thought. That could only have been a fireball sent by a nearby catapult. They must be within the heart of the city, said Adam with a sense of urgency.

    Just then, several hundred Bourn soldiers, along with some men from the West Demlin armed force came running down the same street that the three companions had just traversed.

    Adam recognized the man leading them at a full run; it was Sergent Sunderman, one of the runners that Captain Williams had sent out to corral his men into retreat.

    Good work, Sergent. Quickly get these men into the dinghies at the water’s edge and begin boarding the ships in the harbor. Get them ready to sail as quickly as you can! ordered Captain Williams. We’ve no time to lose.

    Suddenly, more fireballs began to fall nearby, filling the night with a horrible roar of fire and loud sounds of destruction as the buildings in the harbor area crashed to the ground and began to burn with white and orange flames and a deafening roar that made the three companions think of the horrible fire of death, which Adam had successfully extinguished in his battle with Crough.

    Sergent Sunderman was a young soldier, not more than twenty years of age. He saluted his Captain’s orders and stopped to face Adam, Brun, and Captain Williams.

    Yes, sir, we shall immediately leave for the ships. Just a quick update sir…the Morgs have completely breeched the outer walls and are bringing up their large catapults to the edge of the city. They will be able to bring the entire city down now. And sir, they are not sending raiding parties; their entire army has descended upon the city, he added hastily before dashing off to instruct his men to shove off toward the boats in the harbor.

    Well, Adam, you were right. The Morgs come at us more quickly tonight than we could have guessed. We must hold the water’s edge until all our men are safely aboard! yelled Brun to be heard over the roar of the fires which were closing in on them. Smoke filled the air as the sound of burning wood echoed down the street.

    As he spoke, more and more men appeared in the harbor district, coming from all streets that led to the harbor’s edge. They could see the plan for escape, and without hesitation, they filled dingy after dingy to full capacity as out in the harbor sails began to be unfurled and ships made ready to sail. Fortunately, there was a small breeze this night, but the fires burning within the harbor district were creating their own windstorms which would actually aid in their effort to escape.

    It had not taken fifteen minutes, and it seemed as if most of the men left in the city had made it to the harbor’s edge.

    Captain, have you accounted for all your men? yelled Adam.

    All but one squad that had been patrolling and fighting at the eastern wall, Master Druid. That force is at least three hundred strong, answered the soldier.

    Then we wait for them! yelled back the Druid.

    Prepare for battle! interrupted Brun as he pointed up the road they had descended to see a band of Morgs running toward them. There must have been several hundred of the black-clad warriors.

    Adam, Captain Williams, and about forty Bourn soldiers who had not yet boarded the dinghies turned to face the onrush.

    Adam pulled Glimerding and as he did, a blue glow encircled both the sword and his entire being, and he rose several inches in height and girth.

    Attack! yelled the Druid as he charged up the street to meet the enemy head-on. Close behind came Brun, Captain Williams, and the forty Bourn soldiers, all yelling at the top of their lungs and wielding swords, ready for battle.

    Suddenly, just fifty feet in front of the charging Druid, a huge fireball came down out of the dark sky and exploded in the middle of the street between the two armies. The force from the explosion knocked Adam and the others backward, and the heat wave seared the air over them, scorching their clothing and burning their exposed skin.

    The fireball had the same effect on the advancing Morg army, as they were stopped in their tracks and forced back up the street.

    That is no ordinary catapult fireball, shouted Adam as he picked himself up from the ground, ringing in both ears. That could only be the work of a Master sorcerer!

    Brun, who had picked himself up off the ground as well looked at the Druid. Cictak! he shouted to Adam.

    The young Druid nodded his head in agreement and peered through the fire engulfing not only the street, but also the buildings on both sides of the street, which were now tangled burning wrecks. Not knowing exactly what to do, he looked at Brun and Captain Williams for suggestions. But before any of them could speak, a great yell came up to them from one of the streets down to their left as a huge column of men came out of the darkness to join them. It was the last contingent from the eastern parts of the city that Captain Williams had referred to, and it had to consist of at least several hundred soldiers.

    The forty men who had followed Adam yelled their approval, welcoming their comrades!

    Adam took just a minute to make a decision.

    We now have enough men to make a concentrated and successful retreat, he said to Brun and Captain Williams. Captain, organize your men into squads and get them back down the street to the dinghies. Leave enough with me and Brun to defend the rear, he ordered.

    With that they all made an orderly retreat back down the street toward the harbor’s edge. Many of the men from the last squad were now in the harbor making their way to the ships, which by now were fully masted with sail, and ready to make their way out to sea.

    The buildings on either side of the road were now fully engulfed in flames and with the road destroyed by the fireball, the enemy was having difficulty in mounting a final attack. Some Morgs were getting through, but they were quickly cut down by Adam, Brun, and a small fighting force of Bourn men who guarded the retreat.

    As the last of the men boarded the final dinghies, Adam, Brun, and Captain Williams moved to board the last of the small boats still tied to the shoreline.

    Then Adam saw him. From up the street, coming through the fires in the road and surrounded by Morg soldiers came a smallish figure dressed in white robes. There was no mistaking who it was…the sorcerer Cictak bore down upon them. Before Adam could warn the others, the sorcerer raised his hand and let fly a small fireball that was headed right at them! Adam jumped from the dinghy, raised his sword and swung through the fireball, shattering it into a thousand small pieces of flame.

    Men in the other dinghies out in the water yelled their approval at the sight of Adam defeating the fireball.

    But Cictak was not done. He raised both hands and let loose two more fireballs, this time aimed at two of the other dinghies that were halfway across the harbor and almost to the ships. There was no way to stop them, and each fireball crashed into a dinghy, instantly exploding each of the small boats and killing the ten to fifteen men that were in each one. Adam roared in anger, unsheathed Glimerding and concocted his own blue glowing fireball that fired from the tip of the sword and flew toward Cictak.

    But the sorcerer had expected it and had concocted a shield spell in front of him which caused the blue ball of flame to explode and go in all directions. The bright flash blinded everyone for a moment as everyone paused to see what had happened.

    The slight delay was what the Bourn soldiers needed. They had all now boarded the ships and only Adam’s dinghy with Brun, Captain Williams, and ten of his men oared across the final waters of the bay and up to one of the merchant ships. They quickly boarded, and Adam stood at the railing, Glimerding held high, looking across the bay right at Cictak, who stared back, but chose to do nothing. Within minutes the breeze and the windstorm created by the fires had fully flushed the sails, and they were on their way out of the harbor and heading toward the open sea.

    Behind, the night sky was aglow as the once thriving city of West Demlin burned to the ground.

    Chapter 3

    Eclean’s Eagleflyer soared high over the tallest snow-covered peaks of the Shadow Mountains on its way to Elvenland. The Elven Prince had only been aboard a little more than a day and a night since leaving the final battle at Torg Mautta, but he was already planning his reunion with his father, the King of the Elves, and how he was going to break the news to him about Juliann. He was worried what the news of her death would do to the elder Elf, but he knew he must be the bearer of bad news.

    And yet, something else was eating at Eclean, and he tried not to think about it because it caused him a great amount of mental stress. The fact that his sister, Juliann, Princess of the Elven nation, had perished was bad enough, but he also felt a deep sadness at the passing of Drobe, the brave Dwarven Prince who had also died, trying to save Juliann on the castle walls of Torg Mautta.

    They had both been slain by the evil god Crough and his cohorts, but Crough was gone and his underlings that inhabited Torg Mautta were all dead or scattered. Still, what drove Eclean’s thoughts were his many discussions with Drobe in which they talked about trying to unite the Elf and Dwarf nations in a way that had never been possible in the history of the lands. They had formed a fast friendship on their quest to slay Crough, and they both felt that the two nations should be friends instead of ancient enemies only brought together recently as allies in their fight against the Eastern armies and Crough.

    In fact, Eclean knew deep down that this was his true destiny, to bring these two ancient and powerful peoples together in friendship. As an Elf, Eclean had the natural ability to communicate with all forms of animal life, and he had formed a partnership with his Eagleflyer, whose name was Spirit, as they flew through the chilly night sky on their way to Elvenland.

    As Spirit soared on the down drafts of the western slopes of the Shadow Mountains, Eclean made a decision that he must stop at Land’s Point to revisit King Droran and tell him the news of Drobe’s death before continuing on to Elvenland. At first hesitant, he talked himself into accepting this plan of action, and communicated to Spirit to head for Land’s Point, which was only several hours north of where they had crossed the Shadow Mountains.

    Eclean tightened the white cloak and hood that he wore as the great bird descended toward the ancient stronghold of the Dwarves. Land’s Point was a massive city sculpted into the western slopes of the Shadow Mountains and had been the home base of the Dwarven nation for thousands of years. It had withstood many wars, and many sieges, but had never fallen to an enemy. Every Dwarf ever born swore allegiance to the defense of Land’s Point, and the history it represented.

    Eclean had visited the city many years ago when Adam was a small child, where he had met with King Droran, and his two sons, Prince Drowork and Prince Drobe. Back then, it had been decided that Drobe would be the Dwarven representative to help protect and nurture Adam. Eclean smiled to himself as the fond memories of the years spent with Drobe in the Druid Mountains came rushing back to him. It was those years that had cemented a friendship and a bond that was as tight at kinship.

    But now Drobe was gone, and Eclean would have to be the bearer of the bad news to his father, and probably his brother, Drowork, as well. Eclean remembered well how Drowork had not been a friendly ally when they had first met, so he was apprehensive about another meeting with the large warrior Dwarf.

    As the sun began to rise from the east and cast eerie shadows on the western slopes of the Shadow Mountains, the city of Land’s Point came into view for Eclean, whose extraordinary Elven vision allowed him to see it from several leagues away. However, there was something else that came into view in the increasing daylight that Eclean did not like the look of. Even from this distance and height, he could see smoke rising from the plains around the base of Land’s Point, and the faint glow of what had to be thousands of bonfires. As Spirit continued to descend on the upward drafts of the western slopes of the Shadow Mountains, the picture below became clearer to the Elven Prince. In fact, there was a massive army spread out on the plains surrounding the base of the city of Land’s Point. And now, coming into view, Eclean could discern the black-clad outfits of what could only be a Morg army! The Dwarves were clearly at war with the eastern enemy.

    Sensing danger at the possibility of being seen, Eclean communicated with Spirit to climb high into the sky and out of view of anyone on the ground. Spirit responded to his thoughts and soared high enough to appear as no more than a wisp of cloud to anyone on the ground. Eclean communicated to the great bird to fly past the city and approach from the north, which would not be visible to the armies camped on the western plains beneath the massive city.

    Eclean clearly remembered the seven levels of the city; he needed to land near the top of the seventh level. That was where the King’s palace was, and that was where he would find Droran. He instructed Spirit to fly high until right over the city, and then drop straight down like a lightning bolt. In this way, he hoped to avoid any Dwarven hostilities directed his way, as they would not know who was coming at them.

    Bright sunshine, only obscured slightly by a brown haze coming from the bonfires on the open plains, reflected off the white walls that encircled the city of Land’s Point as Spirit shot down from above and at the last moment spread his wings wide to slow his descent, landing at the top of the mountain city, right on the seventh level where Eclean had instructed him to do so.

    But even before the Elven Prince could dismount from Spirit, a contingent of at least twenty-five Dwarven soldiers surrounded him and the Eagleflyer, with swords drawn!

    A larger Dwarf, whose beard was a mixture of dark brown and gray hair, approached Eclean, sword drawn.

    Step off that bird! he commanded in a threatening manner.

    Eclean could see that each Dwarf in this patrol bore the red cape of the King’s special command that he had remembered from his previous visit all those years ago. He raised his hands in a nonthreatening manner and dismounted from Spirit.

    I am Prince Eclean from Elvenland, and I bring tidings and news to the brave and good people of Land’s Point, sang the Elf in his most eloquent voice.

    The manner in which Eclean spoke seemed to relax the Dwarf, who was in charge of this patrol, and he lowered his sword a bit.

    By what right does a single Elf on a large bird dare to land within sight of the King’s palace in a time of siege and war? yelled the Dwarf.

    Eclean now noticed for the first time that this Dwarf patrol was not a ceremonial squad, but a battle-ready squad with swords and multiple knives attached to their outfits, and body postures that clearly indicated they were ready to kill at a moment’s notice.

    I bring news of Prince Drobe and of developments of the war in the east, sang the Elf, trying to calm the situation.

    As the Elf sang, another Dwarf broke through the circle of the squad of Dwarves and approached Eclean. The Dwarf that had spoken stepped back as the new Dwarf, who was clearly in charge, approached.

    Prince Drowork, we have captured this Elf… began the first Dwarf who had spoken to Eclean.

    The new Dwarf looked at him as he spoke, and he stopped mid-sentence.

    Eclean immediately recognized the name, and instantly knew that this was in fact Prince Drowork, the same Dwarf who had mistrusted him and his sister all those years ago.

    Well, we meet again! said Prince Drowork looking at Eclean and immediately recognizing him as well.

    Eclean bowed slightly, again trying to defuse a situation that had the feeling of getting out of control.

    Why do you come to Dwarfland in this time of war? grumbled Drowork in a threatening tone of voice.

    I bring news of Drobe, and the war in the east, Eclean sang again.

    The war in the east? We have war on our doorstep here at Land’s Point! exclaimed Drowork. And what of Drobe, where is he?

    Eclean looked the Dwarf in the eye, and sang, I must take this news to your father, King Droran.

    Drowork looked at Eclean, as if trying to gauge the Elf’s fortitude. Clearly, he did not care for his attitude and insistence on seeing the King.

    All right, I’ll take you to see my father, but note that he will not be overly pleased to see an Elf so easily penetrate the defenses of Land’s Point, grunted the Dwarf.

    With that he led Eclean into the main palace attended by a guard of four Dwarven warriors. Outside and somewhat unnoticed, Spirit took off into the sky and disappeared out of sight.

    The palace was much the

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