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Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: The Reign of Luna Queen
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: The Reign of Luna Queen
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: The Reign of Luna Queen
Ebook248 pages3 hours

Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: The Reign of Luna Queen

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About this ebook

Kiara Middleton fully steps into her role as Luna Queen, having matured into her powers and accepted the responsibilities of her position alongside her mates, Kayden and Jayden. As her eighteenth birthday approaches, the true strength of the mate bond fully manifests, bringing with it unexpected challenges and powerful enemies who threaten the stability of the werewolf multiverse.
Together, they must navigate a web of political intrigue and ancient enmities that threaten to unravel the fragile peace. With the fate of both human and werewolf realms in their hands, Kiara, Kayden, and Jayden will determine the future of their species.
Can they navigate the complexities of their unconventional situation and fulfill their destiny as leaders of the wolf population in the human and werewolf multiverse?
Join Kiara as she ascends to her rightful place, not just as a queen, but as a legend within the werewolf multiverse, inspiring all with her determination and wisdom.
Book 3 of “Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate” will captivate your heart, leaving you eagerly flipping through the pages to uncover what lies ahead. Don't miss out on this enchanting tale of soulmates, fate, and true love that will leave you breathless!

Release dateMay 13, 2024
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: The Reign of Luna Queen

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    Book preview

    Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate - H.A Shah

    H.A Shah

    Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate

    The Reign of Luna Queen

    Chapter Seventy-Three: What Happened?

    Kiara's POV:

    Dipping in and out of consciousness was a weird sensation. It felt as if I was floating in a vast ocean, the surface glimmering with the touch of sunlight just a little out of my reach. Each time I nearly broke through, it danced away, teasing me, tantalizingly close yet so far. My senses were muted, my thoughts garbled, but I was vaguely aware of the fact that I was not alone.

    The first thing I heard was a voice, a comforting and familiar sound that pierced through the heavy shroud of darkness. 

    Sweetheart, it resonated, each syllable drenched with a cocktail of emotions—despair, urgency, fear. Kayden.

    I’d know his voice anywhere. The gentle baritone brought a sense of familiarity in the midst of my confusion. It called out to me, urging me to wake, to respond.

    Another voice joined in, softer yet firm.

    Kiara, we need you to open your eyes, love. Jayden. 

    His voice, usually so steady, was laced with an undercurrent of anxiety. It reverberated around me, weaving its way through the nebulous void, promising safety.

    Their words, tinged with fear and desperation, were a beacon in the all-consuming darkness. Their hands, firm yet gentle, held mine, their touch serving as an anchor, connecting me to the world I so desperately wanted to return to.

    I tried to respond, to give them some sign that I was still fighting, still there. But my body was heavy, unresponsive, as if I was trapped within a shell of lead. The more I strained against the fog of unconsciousness, the more it seemed to close in, pushing me back down into its depths.

    A harsh sound cut through the silence—the sound of an animal defending its territory. A low, deep growl. My mates. I felt a shudder of fear. The growl was protective, a warning sign to any who dared to encroach upon what was theirs. 

    The door to the room creaked open, a chilling interruption to the tense silence. Voices I didn't recognize filtered in, their tone invasive, eliciting louder, more threatening growls from my mates. Panic gripped me, the fear for my mates overshadowing my own confusion and pain.

    As the darkness threatened to pull me under again, their voices rang in my ears, repeating like a litany. 

    We love you, Kiara. Stay with us...we need you... Their plea was a siren's song, an anchor in the stormy sea that I was adrift in. 

    But the exhaustion was too great, the siren's call too weak against the relentless tide pulling me under. With a final, desperate surge of effort, I tried to reach out to them. But the darkness closed in, swallowing my weak cry as everything faded away once more.

    Riding the edges of consciousness was like being caught in a perilous dance between two worlds. But, there was a pull from deep within, a desperate call to arms that was urging me to fight the sedative haze clouding my senses. It felt as if I was clawing my way up from a dark abyss; every inch won with sheer force of will.

    My heart pounded like a drum in my chest, its rhythm echoing in my ears. Gradually, the world came into focus, the ominous shapes coalescing into the dimly lit hospital room. My throat felt raw, and my body is heavy, as if leaden weights were tied to my limbs.

    Blinking sluggishly, I tried to comprehend the scene unfolding before me. The sight that greeted me jolted me to my very core, the fear spiking through me stronger than any drug-induced stupor. My mates, the very epitome of calm and composure, were anything but. Their faces were masks of unadulterated fury, golden eyes blazing with a deadly fire that had even the bravest of wolves cowering.

    They had Rex and JJ pinned against the wall. Their usually friendly faces contorted in pain. Kayden and Jayden's auras rolled off them in menacing waves, a tangible force that made the air itself seem heavy. It was an elemental display of power and authority, a stark reminder of their dominance and why they held their title as Alpha Kings.But the disturbing sight was quickly replaced by a wave of panic. 

    What had led to such a terrifying showdown? 

    Why were my friends the targets of my mates' wrath? 

    As the questions whirled around my mind, my instincts kicked in, a primal urge to protect those I cared about.

    Summoning every ounce of strength, I attempted to swing my legs off the bed. But the sudden movement overwhelmed me. My body swayed precariously, my vision spinning as my balance faltered. With a gasp, I pitched forward, gravity pulling me down, my breath hitching as I braced for the impact.

    But the crash never came. Instead, the room went dead silent, the brewing confrontation forgotten as all eyes turned to me. A horrified gasp pierced the tense silence, my hasty tumble from the bed effectively capturing my mates' attention. The room, which just moments ago reverberated with the threat of violence, now held its breath, the silence echoing louder than any words.

    A sudden wave of vertigo gripped me, pulling me down into the harsh, cold reality beneath me. My limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated, failing to keep me upright. My heart hammered against my ribs as my vision blurred, threatening to pull me back into unconsciousness. The room spun around me as if I were at the center of a violent whirlwind.

    But just as I felt my knees buckle under the weight of my own body, strong arms swooped in, gathering me up. Kayden and Jayden were at my side in an instant. They seemed to have materialized out of thin air, their quarrel with Rex and JJ abruptly ended as their attention zeroed in on me.

    A deafening crash echoed through the room as Rex and JJ were forcefully thrown aside like ragdolls, their bodies colliding with the wall with such force that cracks sprawled across the previously unmarred surface like an intricate spiderweb. I felt a pang of guilt and anger bubble up inside me for their blatant disregard of our friends.

    Their hold on me was like a lifeline, steadying the chaos within me. Their touch was gentle, completely contrasting the brutal display of power they had shown moments ago. However, my anger wasn't extinguished so easily. Gathering the remnants of my strength, I pushed against their chests, demanding an explanation.

    What the hell were you thinking? JJ is my friend, your brother's beta! Rex is your little brother! You can't just— My words were cut short as another wave of dizziness washed over me. 

    I wobbled in their arms, my eyes fluttering shut. Their firm yet careful grip kept me from collapsing, their faces contorting with worry. They pulled me closer, their soothing murmurs attempting to pacify my swirling emotions.

    Kiara, we're relieved you're awake. Please calm down, love, Jayden's voice cooed, the gentle tone at odds with the situation.

    Awake? What... what are you talking about? I stuttered out, confusion muddling my thoughts.

    Their identical golden eyes bore into mine, emotions swirling within them like a tempest. Kayden gulped audibly, his hand tenderly cupping my face as he asked, 

    Kiara, sweetheart, what's the last thing you remember?

    His question echoed in my mind, sparking a search within the cavernous expanse of my memory. And then, as if a dam had been breached, the memories surged forward in a torrential flood. The pulsating music and kaleidoscope of lights at the club, the euphoria of dancing and laughing with my friends. Then, the dizziness, the world tilting on its axis, and my horrifying collapse in the bathroom.

    I sucked in a sharp breath as realization dawned, my eyes widening in horror. Their faces softened at my sudden epiphany, their hands tenderly brushing away the hot tears welling in my eyes.

    Kiara, it's okay, Jayden whispered, his strong arms enveloping me protectively. You're safe now, love. We've got you.

    Reality felt like a vortex, pulling me into its merciless depths. The room spun around me, the cold, sterile walls of the infirmary seeming to close in. My breath hitched as I felt the relentless tremors wracking my body, echoing the throbbing fear that was relentlessly pounding in my chest.

    A maelstrom of questions roared in my head, demanding answers, vying for attention. 

    How did this happen? 

    What actually happened? 

    Where am I now?

    Why did this happen to me?

    To my surprise, it wasn't my mates who responded to my unspoken questions. Instead, it was Rex and JJ. Their faces were etched with a combination of guilt, worry, and anger, their eyes reflecting a depth of regret I hadn't seen before.

    Kiara... Rex's voice was a mere thread of sound, a whisper riding on the crest of tension in the room. You were drugged. His gaze met mine, the deep green of his eyes clouded with remorse.

    Drugged? The word slid off my tongue, filling the silence of the room with its chilling implications.

    JJ nodded solemnly, a grim look on his face. 

    Yes. With Wolfsbane. It was... most likely spiked in your drink.

    The name of the poisonous plant made my heart drop, an icy chill crawling up my spine. Wolfsbane. Infamous for its lethal impact on werewolves, capable of inducing agonizing pain and even death. The enormity of the situation hit me, nearly taking my breath away.

    The low, guttural growls of my mates echoed through the room, an ominous soundtrack to the terrifying realization. 

    If you two hadn't been so distracted, ogling those girls, or thinkiong with your dicks, she wouldn't be in this condition! Jayden's voice cut through the tense air like a whip, anger evident in his every word.

    A sudden surge of exhaustion washed over me, making my head swim.

    Stop, I croaked, pressing a hand to my forehead. I don't need this right now.

    A barrage of questions assailed me again, each one gnawing at my sanity. 

    Who would do this? 

    Why would they target me? 

    Was it a random act or a calculated move?

    In response to my escalating distress, my mates pulled me closer, their warm presence a soothing balm on my frazzled nerves. "

    We promise, sweetheart, Kayden murmured against my hair, his voice thick with unspoken vows of retribution. We will find out who did this. And they will pay dearly."

    Their promises were a fragile lifeline that I clung onto, their determination offering me a semblance of comfort. But for now, amidst the swirl of confusion and terror, their embrace was my only refuge.

    Chapter Seventy-Four: I Can't Be In Bed All Day

    Kiara's POV:

    Underneath the well-illuminated chandelier, I sat quietly ensconced between Riley and Cathy on the lavish comforter that adorned my bed. The heady mix of antiseptic and the fresh scent of blooming roses from the nearby vase permeated the room, each a sharp contrast to the other – one a grim reminder of my recent brush with danger, the other a testament to the love and concern that surrounded me.

    My heart pounded a syncopated rhythm, the echo of my mates' overbearing insistence on rest still resounding in my mind. Their concern was as real and solid as the room around me, their voices a constant melody in my mind. And yet, it felt smothering, suffocating, their protective instincts tightening around me like a well-meaning yet unwanted cocoon.

    Running my fingers through my tangled locks, I shifted my gaze to the ornate mirror, catching sight of my reflection. The girl looking back at me bore a haunted look, her skin paler than ever, her eyes holding a touch of fatigue. But beneath that weariness, there was a spark, a glimmer of determination that not even the darkest storm could snuff out. I yearned to regain my routine, to get back to my responsibilities. I was a queen, after all, and it was high time I started acting like one again.

    Taking a deep breath, I connected to my mates through our mind link. The mental embrace enveloped me with warmth, the familiar sense of belonging comforting me in its familiarity.

    'I'm resuming my queen lessons today,' I declared with an air of finality.

    The protest that followed was as immediate as it was predictable.

    'Kiara, sweetheart, you should rest. You've been through a traumatic experience,' Kayden's voice echoed in my mind, worry threading through his every word.

    Annoyance flared within me at their over-protectiveness. 

    'If I spend another day confined to these four walls, I might lose my mind,' I shot back, my words laced with firm resolve.

    There was a heavy pause, the silent seconds stretching into what felt like hours. Tension crackled within our shared space, filling every corner until I felt their reluctant acceptance. 

    Alright, love. But you have to promise us that you'll take it easy, Jayden eventually conceded, his voice heavy with concern.

    A sigh of relief escaped my lips, the promise tumbling from my mind with a renewed sense of determination. As I took a mental step back, I couldn't help but be reminded of the balance I needed to keep, a thin line between perseverance and recklessness. The path ahead wasn't easy, but I was ready to face whatever came next.

    The atmosphere in the bedroom was filled with an anxious sort of energy. The mere thought of returning to my lessons stirred an undercurrent of excitement that reflected on the faces of my two companions, Cathy and Riley. Their joy was palpable, a gentle happiness radiating from their beings, a stark contrast to the unease that had settled over us during the past few days.

    Finally! Cathy exclaimed, her green eyes sparkling. I thought they'd never let you out of their sight again.

    I eyerolled my eyes. 

    You got that right sista!

    Ever the quiet one, Riley offered a gentle nod of approval, her soft features animated with delight. Yet, a shadow of worry passed over her delicate features, a residual unease from the recent incident.

    Take it easy, though, Kiki. You know better than anyone else the last effects of wolfsbane. Riley said as she squeezed my hand. 

    I nodded, smiling. 

    I was absolutely blessed with amazing friends, mates and family.

    Their joy was infectious, a soothing balm to my restlessness. Yet, as much as I craved the return to my routine, I had to address another matter, one that had been gnawing at me for a while.

    Just as Riley was reaching for her phone to summon Christian, my newly appointed personal assistant, I halted her action. 

    Riley, wait, I said, my voice carrying an unusual seriousness that caught her attention.

    Riley turned to me, her violet eyes filled with surprise and confusion. What is it, Kiki? she asked, her hand still hovering mid-air, paused in its trajectory towards her phone.

    Gathering my thoughts, I took a deep breath before declaring my decision. 

    I want you to be my personal assistant, Riley, I stated, maintaining steady eye contact with her.

    The room fell into a stunned silence. Riley's eyes widened as her phone slipped from her grip and clattered onto the carpeted floor. 

    You want…what? She stammered, shock colouring her features. 

    It was clear she hadn't seen that coming.

    Unfazed by her surprise, I reaffirmed my declaration. 

    I want you to be my PA. I trust you, and I can't think of anyone better for this role. I'll ask Christian to guide you and get you up to speed with everything.

    Riley looked taken aback, but I could tell the happiness that hid underneath. 

    Kiara, are you sure about this? Maybe you should discuss this with the former queen or maybe your mates? She suggested her voice a murmur of uncertainty.

    I shook my head, dismissing her worries. 

    Riley, it's my decision. And I don't think anyone will have an issue with it. I slightly chuckled, Besides, JJ and Rex also think it's a great idea. It's high time we take matters into our own hands.

    The room fell silent once more as my words hung in the air, the enormity of what I had just proposed sinking in. The atmosphere grew tense as Riley considered my words, the weight of the decision pressing down on all of us. But I felt confident in my choice. I was ready to move forward, ready to take control of my life, and there was no one else I would rather have by my side than Riley. It was a new chapter in our lives, and it was time to take the first step.

    I emerged from my walk-in closet feeling lighter, ready to face the day. I had made my decision, and it was time to set the wheels in motion. A sense of purpose enveloped me, and I found myself almost giddy with anticipation.

    Awaiting me outside the closet was Christian. The woman who had served as my personal assistant wore a perfectly tailored business suit, her blonde hair drawn back into a tight bun, and her eyes, a frosty blue, met mine with a cool, unyielding stare.

    Good morning, Queen Kiara, Christian said.

    Her voice was as icy as her gaze, a stark contrast to her pleasant greeting. Her words, though well-phrased, were laced with a frosty hostility that couldn't be overlooked.

    I responded with a polite smile, keeping my unease at her demeanour tucked away. Now was not the time for confrontations. I had more important matters to handle.

    As Christian embarked on outlining the day's schedule, her words crisp and practiced, I cut her off. 

    Christian, I interrupted gently, meeting her icy gaze with a steady one of my own. There's something we need to discuss.

    Christian's eyebrows arched up, surprise momentarily crossing her otherwise stoic features. 

    I have decided to have Riley take over as my personal assistant, I announced. You have until the end of the week to bring her up to speed with my schedule and duties.

    The reaction was immediate. Christian's face twisted, her icy composure shattering as the rage she had kept so well hidden came bubbling up. 

    You can't do this! she shrieked, her voice echoing harshly in the room. The former queen selected me for this role. I've earned my position. This isn't fair!

    My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline surging as I watched the woman before me unravel. I remained quiet, letting her vent her anger. But then, her next words struck me like a bolt of lightning. 

    Even Kayden loved me before you came along.

    A guttural growl erupted from my throat, resonating throughout the room. It was a primal sound, one that even surprised me. The mere suggestion that Kayden could have shared an emotional connection with her... it sent waves of anger coursing through me.

    My vision blurred with the intensity of my fury, and the following words I spoke were no longer mine. They were the words of a queen, of a mate protecting what was hers.

    Watch your words, Christian. Loyalties can be changed, and so can loyalties.

    And with that, I stood there, ready to face whatever confrontation would follow, my heart pounding in my chest as the echo of my growl still hung

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