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Path to the Darknet
Path to the Darknet
Path to the Darknet
Ebook61 pages27 minutes

Path to the Darknet

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About this ebook

With this book, 'Herr Meier' wants to clear up the fantasies and sensationalism that have been circulated by parts of the media. It clarifies what the 'Darknet' really is and how it works. (Note: In the printed editions, images and illustrations have been kept in black and white for cost reasons).

What the 'Darknet' really is. Facts instead of the usual chimeras.

(Translated from German by 'bmg' with the help of an A I.)

Release dateMay 13, 2024
Path to the Darknet

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    Book preview

    Path to the Darknet - 'Herr Meier'

    Path to the Darknet

    and on the Darknet

    'Herr Meier'


    Texts:   © 'Herr Meier'

    Cover:   © 'Herr Meier'

    Publisher:   bmg-new-media

    Ludwig-Zeller-Str. 24

    83395 Freilassing/Germany

    E-Printing:  'bmg' for 'D2D'

    Translated from the German by:

    ‘bmg’ with the help of a AI



    The 'terrible' Darknet !!!

    You have to laugh? - Me too. But that's exactly how some contemporaries in the writing profession like to see it, or at least how they want it to be portrayed.

    Why?  Well, the sensation is only given when something is terrible, monstrous, supernatural.

    Sensation should and must exist, because it earns more money.

    From the point of view of the state authorities, things look somewhat different:  Terrible things can and must be monitored. Some things cannot be banned, either because they are not fully understood or because the less well-read users of the forbidden thing can be taken out of circulation sooner or later by setting traps for them, as is also the case on the darknet.

    Darknet. Why is the darknet called that? Because people do forbidden things in the dark?

    Because the darkness looks scary and is supposed to be a deterrent? Again, I see the same reason for this naming. Dark, black, underground. All terms that are supposed to suggest a negative meaning. Why? Why can't the darknet be called Freenet, as it gives some people the freedom to communicate with other people and escape surveillance by a totalitarian state. Of course, only the others are totalitarian.... Of course, things look quite different for us, don't they.....????

    Oh yes, it looks very different. In these 'totalitarian' states, people know that they are being monitored. Very few people here know that. Very few people realise why Microsoft Windows is being forced on them and made palatable. I dare to predict that if people do start to switch to Linux on a large scale at some point, Windows will even be given to them for free. Governments will finance it. Why? Because of surveillance, of course! Microsoft and three major telephone and Internet giants in Germany (and Europe) have agreed to give the respective state authorities any information they want, whether or not it complies with the law.

    This means that the people in our country are not being spied on openly, but secretly.

    That is why the darknet, which can evade such surveillance, is something undesirable and evil and must be named

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