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Poisonous Passion
Poisonous Passion
Poisonous Passion
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Poisonous Passion

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Dexter Crane and Carmen Haines were the envy of many for their relationship. They seemed like the ideal couple, the stars of the prom, and the pair that everyone anticipated to last forever. Their connection was solid, rooted in a shared history and a similar understanding of each other's dreams and fears.


Carmen sees people in a good light. She's kind, diligent, and very loyal. She cherishes love and loyalty, and she planned her future with Dexter as her partner. They had aims for education, work, and eventually, a family.


Dexter, on the other hand, is charismatic and passionate, with a zest for life that draws people to him. He loves Carmen deeply, but his restless spirit sometimes gets the better of him. He's the life of the party, and someone who thrives on the adoration he receives.


Their relationship was built on a foundation of mutual respect and affection. They supported each other's endeavors, celebrated each other's successes, and comforted each other through hardships. However, Dexter's one-night stand with Carol Avery introduced a crack in that foundation, one that threatened to grow into an insurmountable chasm.


Carmen's trust in Dexter is shaken, and the betrayal cuts deep, not just because of the infidelity but because it was with Carol, her rival. The dynamics of their relationship are now fraught with insecurity, hurt, and the daunting task of forgiveness.


As Dexter tries to mend what's broken, Carol's obsession adds a dangerous element to the narrative. Her refusal to let go sets the stage for a tumultuous journey that will test Dexter and Carmen's love and the strength of their bond.

Release dateMay 10, 2024
Poisonous Passion


Who says I can't control destiny? I guide every destination between the flaps. Come with me. Let's take an adventure. 

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    Book preview

    Poisonous Passion - MARY DUNCAN


    Dexter Crane was well-known and liked by most who knew him. He was content with his small country way of living. He had no plans to pull up his roots in Felton, Georgia, where he had lived his entire life, and planned to stay there until he died.

    Dexter was the head mechanic at a small shop in Cedartown, the next town from Felton. He began working during high school, working only evenings and weekends, but his passion eventually grew, and he stayed full-time after graduation. Dexter’s handsome physique could have quickly landed him a modeling career, but he was a mechanic through and through.

    He was easy on the eyes, to say the least, with sleek brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. Every inch of his gorgeous body was well-defined, with sexy smooth muscles and an equally attractive personality.

    Dexter was in a monogamous relationship with Carmen Haines, his high school sweetheart, and loved her profoundly but wanted to sew a few wild oats. Though he felt they would eventually end up at the alter one day, they were too young to marry. Carmen disagreed.

    Carmen, like Dexter, was a picture of absolute beauty. She had medium brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes. She was 5’6", and her figure was flawless, causing the boys to flock to her side eagerly to win her affection. Though Carmen was the captain of her high school cheer team, she was never unfaithful to Dexter. She was hopelessly devoted to him. He owned her whole heart and soul.

    The couple had never shared their love with another. They gave their virginity to each other at eighteen. The bond between them had seemed unbreakable until lately. Dexter grew restless, and his eyes began to wonder. He had an overwhelming desire to taste a stranger’s forbidden fruit. He didn’t know how much longer he could overcome the urge.

    Carmen, on the other hand, felt the opposite. She knew without a doubt how strongly she cared for Dexter. She had no desire to be with someone else. Inside her was an endless longing to feel the warmth of his breath as he eagerly explored her body. He completed her.

    It’s Friday night, and as usual, Dexter and Carmen have plans to meet at The Border, but it wasn’t just another Friday. This one was Dexter’s twenty-first birthday. Carmen planned a surprise party for him. She invited their closest friends and somehow managed to keep it a secret.


    As Dexter pulled into the parking lot at work, his phone rang.

    Don’t forget our date tonight, and don’t be late, Carmen said.

    I know; I won’t forget.

    I love you, she blew him a kiss and drove away.

    Devious thoughts of betrayal roamed through Dexter’s mind. He bitterly thought that tonight was my twenty-first birthday; I should be getting drunk. He would rather be with buddies; given that chance, it could be his opportunity to explore the forbidden territory. His and Carmen’s sex life lacked spontaneity. He wanted to park on a dirt road and make passionate love. Carmen didn’t do anything without planning it first. Where’s the excitement in that?


    Thank goodness, Carmen thought. Another work week behind me. Her adrenaline raced as she pictured the look on Dexter’s face when she gave him the black leather cowboy boots he wanted so badly. He would be pleased. She hurried home to prepare for the occasion.


    Meanwhile, Dexter was busy cooking up a few plans, but they didn’t involve Carmen. He and some friends were meeting after his engagement at The Border and doing their own partying. He had heard that Carol Avery would be there. He hadn’t seen her since high school, but she was stunning if she still looked the same. She had attempted to hook up with him once before, but back then, he was committed to Carmen; he turned her down flat.

    Just thinking about Carol was building excitement for Dexter. He could envision their bodies lying parallel on the ground as they enthusiastically discovered each other. He had no way of knowing if her desire for him still burned but was hopeful it did.

    When Dexter pulled into the parking lot at The Border, he noticed Carmen’s car out front. He parked beside her and went inside. A host of people loudly shouting surprises bombarded him at the door. He realized that Carmen had planned a party in his honor. He knew she had the best intentions, but he was secretly displeased. The celebration would only hold up his plans at the lake.

    Happy birthday; I love you, Carmen said as she warmly kissed him.

    Thank you; I love you too. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me.

    I know, but I wanted to.

    Three long hours of mingling and catching up with friends had finally brought the party to an end. Everyone was leaving, and Dexter was relieved to see them go. He walked Carmen to her car and kissed her goodbye. He watched her taillights fade out of sight and eagerly headed to the lake. His good friend, Henry, approached him upon arrival.

    You finally made it, Henry pointed beyond the lake. Someone is waiting for you on the other side.

    Who is it? Dexter slid both hands into his pockets. Who’s waiting for me?

    Go; see for yourself. I think you’ll be pleased.

    Dexter’s heart pounded as he shuffled through the vines and thick, tall grass to the other side of the lake. It had to be Carol Avery, he thought. Maybe she wouldn’t notice his trembling knees or his profusely sweaty palms. He’d known her his entire life, yet it seemed like a blind date. It suddenly entered his mind: What if this was a setup? Maybe she only wanted to embarrass him, get revenge for the rejection he’d shown her in high school.

    There she stood, blonde wavy hair, golden brown complexion, and long slender legs. Just the way Dexter remembered her in high school. She hadn’t changed a bit. He waited for her to speak first as it would make her intentions clear.

    Hey, handsome, you’re still yummy, as always. How’s life been treating you? Carol asked as she examined him from head to toe.

    Been good; how about yourself? Dexter replied shakily.

    Carol had been waiting for this moment for as long as she could remember. Dexter was everything she wanted in a man; this was her opportunity to make him love her finally. The feelings she had for him weren’t just a crush. She’d had crushes before; this was something entirely different. She had a burning desire deep inside to give him herself. Her marriage had even failed as a result. She tried redirecting her feelings for Dexter toward her husband, but it never happened. There’s only one Dexter Crane, and no one could replace him.

    So, what brings you to town? Dexter asked.

    I just wanted to see some old friends; I’ve missed you. My husband and I are in the process of divorce, so there's nothing to keep me there. How about you? Where’s Carmen?

    She’s at home. She doesn’t know I’m here. If she found out, she would have a fit, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right? Dexter replied with a wink.

    Right. Besides, she shouldn’t let a fine man like you out of her sight for a minute.

    The moon cast a beautiful glow on the lake’s surface, and the wind was almost nonexistent. Carol slowly moved closer to Dexter, teasing him with the pressing touch of her soft, delicate body against his. His hormones wildly raged; he couldn’t resist temptation. He gave into her seduction. There was silence between them, except for the heaviness of their breathing. Their bodies became one, quenching their scorching desire, leaving them drained and sweaty from head to toe. They lay on the ground next to each other, utterly exhausted.

    The night was a dream come true for Carol. She felt complete in a way that she never had before. Until now, she hadn’t realized how great making love could be. This is how it should be every time, and she was unwilling to settle for anything less from now on. Dexter Crane would soon be hers.


    The bright sunlight on Dexter’s face woke him. He rolled over and looked at his clock; it was seven a.m. He scrambled back under the covers despite having to be at work by eight this morning. What have I done, he thought. Carmen will never forgive me. I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t kill me. He lay there until the very last moment in dread. Finally, when he had no choice, he threw the covers back and got out of bed.

    As he headed for the shower, last night weighed heavily on Dexter’s mind. He felt terrible for

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