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The Origins of Cancer: A Russian Researcher's Astonishing Discoveries
The Origins of Cancer: A Russian Researcher's Astonishing Discoveries
The Origins of Cancer: A Russian Researcher's Astonishing Discoveries
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The Origins of Cancer: A Russian Researcher's Astonishing Discoveries

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Cancer research is at a standstill. Contemporary scientists are taking non-proactive approaches, leaning on chemotherapy and radiation for standard of care. The incurability of this disease seems to have become tacitly accepted dogma, and the quest for a definitive cure is gradually being abandoned. Research appears to be focused solely on finding drugs that will alleviate the symptoms. Russian chemist and author Tamara Lebedewa is offering an alternative theory, one that has been disregarded by Establishment science. But when sorting through the landfill of hastily and ruthlessly dismissed scientific ideas, Ms. Lebedewa's theory is one that actually looks plausible. Doctors presume that cancer cells originate from the body itself and that cancer risk cannot be completely eliminated. But her experiments confirm the opposite: the cancer pathogen is a parasite. More specifically, the aggressive trichomonad, a parasitic, widespread single-celled organism that disguises itself as the body's own cell. Now, if cancer is indeed caused by parasites, then it can be treated preventively! Lebedewa is fighting science with science! The mountains of researched information and empirical evidence part to reveal an insightful work that resurrects the debate, restores credibility to stalled research, and subverts the authority of orthodox medicine. But what Ms. Lebedewa really wants most of all is to help. Based on her findings, she has developed a therapy regime which will reduce the risk of cancer, support healing, and above all, combat the fear of this threatening disease.
Release dateMay 14, 2024
The Origins of Cancer: A Russian Researcher's Astonishing Discoveries

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    The Origins of Cancer - Tamara Lebedewa

    Tamara Lebedewa

    The Origins of Cancer

    A Russian Researcher’s Astonishing Discoveries

    The primary objective of this book is to suggest a new theory of how cancer develops, and offer evidence for it. The author describes some causes of cancer, supporting her statements with experimental findings. It will be left to the alternative medicine practitioners, doctors and researchers to design integrative therapy. The authors are not prescribing any treatment, nor do they recommend any treatment be undertaken without medical advice. If the information in the book is used for treatment without consulting a doctor, this falls under the rubric of self-treatment, to which everyone has a right. However, the publisher and author shall assume no responsibility.

    Tamara Lebedewa (Таmara Yakovlevna Svishcheva)

    The Origins of Cancer

    [German title:] Krebserreger entdeckt!

    Title of the original Russian edition: Вы cможете победить рак [You Can Beat Cancer]. From the Russian by Elvira Driediger

    © Driediger, 2024

    Translated into American by Elizabeth Griffin

    Editing: Heather McCrae

    The publisher reserves all rights, including those of reprinting, reproduction in any form and translation. It is not permitted to reproduce and distribute the book or parts of it without the publisher’s written consent.


    Prof. [Dr. of Med.] Charles McWilliams

    While in medical school in the 70s, I was taught many falsehoods like: blood is sterile; microorganisms can be (conveniently) categorized into monomorphic genera which in turn dictates their genetics and identification; the mammalian cell is bound by a double lipid layer, and its watery sac suspended by an endoplasmic reticulum; and that cancer is the result of endogenous cells gone genetically awry. In today’s world, however, myths are being dispelled faster than profound discoveries are arising in the field of medicine.

    I have been examining blood, both live and stained, in patients for more than twenty years. I purchase microscopes like most people shop for new automobiles. Live blood mounts, dried blood mounts and smears are equally useful, as the interpretation lies in the eyes of the beholder. At the outset, I tell medical students that peering down the tube of the microscope is the same as looking up to the stars in the telescope because the beauty, order, disorder, and prognosis lie in the eyes of the beholder.

    I have had the esteemed pleasure of corresponding with Ms. Tamara Lebedewa and, more recently, during a ninety-minute zoom interview. She graciously addressed some questions about her works in which we take an avid interest. Ms. Lebedewa’s books have taught me to look deeper and deeper, and lo and behold, live protozoa and pleomorphic forms appear and cannot be discounted as artifacts or, as we called them – UFO’s (unidentified floating objects).

    Ms. Lebedewa’s observations, research, and disclosures are equally as profound and thought-provoking as those of Gunther Enderlein, Gaston Naessens, Alfons Weber, and of late, Ana Mihalcea, and others. What is important to understand is the great diversity of parasitic infections, and further understanding that the microparasites of the protista kingdom are the most elusive and difficult to treat. The protozoa, in terms of biologic evolution, are single cell eukaryotes that can exist in full stages, with flagella, or go stealth as cystoids or even amoeboid life forms as Ms. Lebedewa points out. Their parasitic capabilities are extensive, adaptive, stealthy, etc. and is why effective vaccines have never been developed. Malaria has been extensively studied as a devastating, ancient protozoal disease and has required a vast number of compounds both natural and synthetic for its treatment and eradication. However, it is the trichomonad species of anaerobic, excavate parasites of vertebrates that Ms. Lebedewa brings to our drastically needed attention. Trichomonads are found throughout the animal kingdom and, of course, humans. Infected humans are carriers of trichomonads and remain mostly asymptomatic until malignancy strikes.

    Trichomoniasis is associated with an increased risk of cervical or prostate cancer, yet more than 70% of those previously infected have no symptoms. Among the acknowledged parasitic trichomonads, several species inhabit the oral, digestive, and urogenital tracts of invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, including livestock, pets, and humans. What was not generally recognized is what Ms. Lebedewa has brought to light, the grossly underestimated pervasiveness of this both overt (in the infectious stage) and stealth (pleomorphic) stages of this microorganism. It is truly an endogenous infection, causing disease arising from infectious agents and microflora already present in the body but previously unrecognized and asymptomatic in a wide range of chronic illnesses. By addressing protozoal infections, and in particular trichomonads, easily evidenced by a single drop of blood under a standard microscope, a host of difficult illnesses are ameliorated, cured, or put in remission. This book, to a practicing physician, is more than an interesting read, it should be taken to heart and mind, and I urge all thinking doctors to read this book.

    The history of these parasites has, until Ms. Lebedewa, been languishing in the background, discounted by the vast majority of medical adherents. The article¹ that I published in 2023 covers this history. A brief summary is given here for clarification and in support of Ms. Lebedewa’s discoveries:

    In this article, I delved briefly into the history of parasites and how observations were initially misconceived because cell samples were usually examined when dead and stained. Greater accuracy was achieved during the 20th Century beginning with Sir Butlin’s Bradshaw Lecture of November 1905, which took the novel viewpoint that the carcinoma cell is an independent organism like many a protozoon; that it lives a life which is wholly independent and proper to itself; and that it lives as a parasite….

    Even though most scientists believed that cancer was caused by DNA degeneration and malignant changes in human cells, Henry Butlin was on the right path; in 1912, he again stated: Implant the normal cell, and you cannot make it live. Implant the cancer cell, and you cannot kill it…

    The medical establishment also ignored Weber in 1962 when he recorded that in every tumor tissue there are microparasites and that these fissioned, grew and burst cells to then multiply wildly, i.e. acted like parasites within the body.

    Bert Vogelstein at Johns Hopkins University, who was ranked as the most highly cited scientist in the world during the previous twenty years, helped to shape and then ultimately destroy the image of cancer as a genetic disease. In 2006, as the massive sequencing machines sprang to life, constructing cancer genes bold new atlas, Vogelstein became the voice of the colossal project. Vogelstein wanted to demonstrate that cancer was a step-by-step process driven by a progressive series of endogenous genetic mutations nicely graphed out by Papanikolaou. As the data from TCGA poured in, researchers worldwide expected to see Vogelstein-like models for each form of cancer, a tidy sequence of mutations, a distinctive signature defining the transformation of a human cell from a normal cell to a killing cell. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA, 2006), supervised by the National Cancer Institute, was a project initiated to catalogue the genetic mutations responsible for cancer using genome sequencing and bioinformatics, with which Vogelstein hoped to demonstrate that cancer was a step-by-step process driven by a progressive series of endogenous genetic mutations.

    In late 2006, Vogelstein’s independent lab published their initial results. As the data from TCGA were analyzed, researchers quickly realized that a tidy series of mutations simply wasn’t there, even though Vogelstein’s model suggested that it should be and hypothesized what they should see. More alarming, the data failed to reveal any sort of consistent genetic pattern at all. It contained a degree of randomness that caught everyone by surprise, causing sixty-plus years of endogenous speculation, tedious research and billions of dollars to go up in speculative smoke. Cancer was always characterized by its complexity, but researchers thought that at the fundamental level of mutations, that the genomic cause of chaos would turn to clarity and understanding would prevail and lead to cures. Decades of work had led to this moment, all of it collapsing on the dogmatic beliefs that cancer was a genetic disease. Just as it appeared that the tide was turning in the researchers’ favor and they would know cancer in its entirety – one year into the largest government project ever to elucidate the nature of the disease—cancer collapsed their microscopic dreams. It took what they thought they knew about the genetics of cancer and scattered it into the ether like a bad dream. Back to day one, time to critique Virchowian cell biology, and maybe what the humoral and alternative doctors had been saying for decades, that some who sacrificed their reputations if not their lives, had had elements of truth and common sense.

    Peter Duesberg, Professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California in Berkeley showed cancers in a new light in 2011: he declared that cancers are parasitic organisms which represent a newly evolved parasitic species. This reflected Butlin’s view back in 1912 that the cancer cell has become an independent creature, a new creation of a living thing.

    And in the meantime, a female Russian chemist, Ms. Tamara Lebedewa, was observing the deaths of family due to cancer and thinking about the causes. Lebedewa became convinced that so-called cancer cells are actually unicellular parasites, of the protozoal family Trichomonas. She stated: The flagellates have exactly the properties of so-called cancer cells and will eventually be identified as such by every oncologist. Lebedewa, like Weber, found out that certain triggers let the microparasites proliferate. These included poisons, drugs, radiation, and a suppressed (lowered) immune system. Her book Cancer pathogen unmasked, first published in German in 1996, discussed the causes, triggers and treatment of these cancer parasites.

    We are grateful to Ms. Lebedewa for her research, time and her insights. Following in the footsteps of Sir Butlin, Weber, Duesberg and other like-minded researchers, we will continue to drive the research to uncover parasitic mysteries and save people’s lives.

    Prof. [Dr. of Med.] Charles McWilliams

    Sacred Medical Order Knights Hospitaller (

    PanAmerican University of Natural Medicine

    Nevis, West Indies

    April, 2024

    ¹ UNICELLULA CANCRI: Sir Butlin’s Parasite of Cancer – A Once Lost Perspective, Regained and Confirmed, by Prof. Charles McWilliams, ©2023


    Russia is a nation that is truly invested in finding a solution to the cancer scourge. After the Chernobyl incident, the consequences of which were played down within the country, large segments of the population became afflicted by numerous diseases, in which cancer played a leading role. Russians currently have an average life expectancy of 65 years. Against the backdrop of an enduring economic crisis, the quality of medical care in what was once a global powerhouse has plummeted.

    All these elements combined have led to an intolerable state of misery in the nation. Research organizations are suffering from lack of funding caused by the current financial crisis, leading to brain drain as hordes of scientists flee the country. Research institutes that once boasted a world-renowned reputation are losing their luster.

    However, it is no coincidence that Russia is still where the most rigorous investigation into the mysteries of cancer is being carried out. It’s a law of nature: urgent problems demand urgent solutions.

    The prophet has no honor in his own country – Tamara Lebedewa, the author of this book, who has mapped out a possible cause of cancer, can truly identify with this statement. For over ten years, her discovery has fallen on deaf ears in her own homeland. The funds for cancer research were allocated a long time ago, and no one is willing to give up even a fraction of it to someone else, she says. My discovery, after all, could lead to many of these researchers becoming unemployed. This is also the reason why every attempt to bring the new results to the public’s notice failed. "All correspondence and requests addressed to the Ministry of Health or other health organizations are simply shunted over to the National Oncology Center in Moscow, which never fails to respond dishearteningly that the findings do not merit further investigation.

    But Lebedewa is not one to give up. She wrote a book summarizing her discoveries and is hoping that mounting pressure from below, that is, from those who are affected, will compel her country’s decision-makers to verify the new findings and then make them available to cancer patients.

    In essence, the author is experiencing the same thing as many academics who made groundbreaking discoveries in the past. Advocates of fresh ideas are frequently branded as crazy or even charlatans, removed from their positions, or committed to mental institutions if public opinion is not yet ready for them. It was not too long ago that people were burned at the stake for no other reason than that they did not wish to change their newly-gained insights simply to conform to the dominant orthodoxy.

    Anyone who studies the history of medicine will know that many important discoveries were not recognized at the time they were announced, but rather only properly acknowledged and put into practice many years, sometimes decades, and even centuries, after they were initially published. There are plenty of examples of this.

    Example No. 1:

    As early as the Middle Ages, Girolamo Fracastoro asserted that diseases could be caused by tiny animals that were invisible to humans. The proof of this would have to wait until the 19th century, though. This topic was covered by Erwin H. Ackerknecht in his History of Medicine: The idea that epidemic diseases were transmitted through contagion and caused by microorganisms, seeds or tiny animals, had actually taken hold by the mid-19th century. This was nothing new for that era. The theory had already been proposed by Fracastoro in the 16th century. It was put forward and championed by Kircher in the 17th century, and by Lancisi and Linnaeus in the 18th century. Despite the theory being at the nadir of its respectability, Jacob Henle advocated for it again in 1840; as a result, his contemporaries considered him not as a trailblazer, but rather a gallant defender of an outmoded idea.

    Example No. 2:

    The use of ether anesthesia in surgical procedures had three promoters: Horace Wells, William Thomas Morton and Charles T. Jackson. But they became embroiled in a nasty battle over priority rights. All three died tragically, Wells by suicide, Jackson as a mental patient, and Morton in poverty.

    Example No. 3:

    It was not until the 18th century that the West began to adopt a smallpox prevention strategy that the East had already been using for many centuries: vaccination with real live smallpox.

    Example No. 4:

    Robert Koch identified the pathogen that causes tuberculosis. Experts at the time disagreed with his teachings, among them the renowned Virchow.

    The most dramatic example was Ignaz Semmelweis. In 1847, he carried out an empirical investigation discovering that cleansing might prevent traumatic fever. He ordered all medical staff, including students, to wash their hands with chlorinated lime solution before examining or treating any patients. As a consequence, the mortality rate in his department at Vienna General Hospital was drastically reduced in just two years.

    But practical success is not always enough to convince the medical establishment. A well-known gynecologist said mockingly at the time, I prefer to attribute puerperal fever to providence, of which I can form a conception, rather than to a contagion of which I cannot form any clear idea. Semmelweis, like many other geniuses born before his time, never received rightful recognition, went mad out of despair, and died a painful death in a lunatic asylum. (You can read about this in the book Cultural History of Medicine, by René Fülöp-Miller.)

    The concept of a parasitic cause for cancer is not new in and of itself. Numerous scientists had already suggested it over a century ago. Unfortunately, however, none of them were able to describe the exact mechanism by which the cancer develops or identify the parasite responsible.

    Even though Russia is particularly hard hit, the cancer epidemic affects the entire world. The statistics [in 1996] on this are sobering: around 350,000 people developed malignant tumors or systemic diseases every year in Germany alone. Every year, around 220,000 people died from cancer in Germany. Patients receive far superior medical care there than they would in Russia. But even so, people still consider a cancer diagnosis to be a death sentence. Because, as everyone is aware, people still treat their cancer status like a dirty secret. Anyone who is actually cured of cancer is considered to have been resurrected from death.

    In an effort to aid other cancer patients, these survivors pen books and offer advice. In oncology terms, however, a patient is deemed cured if they are still alive five years after treatment. Speaking with people who are directly affected, though, you’ll frequently hear that people would not see them as complete individuals if they disclosed that they had cancer. Society’s reactions to the diagnosis range from pity to spontaneous distancing to disgust.

    After this unsparing description, I have one question: if someone walked in right now and said that they know how cancer develops and how it might one day be cured, aren’t they worthy of our full attention? To put it another way, if someone tells people dying of thirst in the desert that they know where water in the ground is located, shouldn’t everyone start pitching in and dig?

    Or are you of the opinion that it is better to remain skeptical and languish of dehydration, since this theorist could also be wrong, and it is better not to raise false hopes and waste our efforts? How much would it cost for humanity to examine Lebedewa’s claims, in a manner that is unbiased, neutral, and without reservations? It will take money, maybe six or seven figures, and a few months’ worth of time. But these inputs seem disproportionately small considering the huge potential benefits. Why not just do it? These are the arguments that motivated me to print Lebedewa’s book in my publishing house.

    The book is divided into six chapters. In Chapter 1, the author outlines her theory of how cancer develops. She describes the results of her experiments in great detail, supported by drawings and photos. These descriptions require a lot of patience and concentration for laypeople, so I did consider leaving them out and just giving a brief summary. Ultimately, however, I decided to publish it in whole. This book presented Lebedewa’s theory outside of Russia for the first time in 2001. If the specifics of her experiments were to be omitted, the entire concept would be much more difficult to comprehend and would possibly therefore not be given the respect it deserves.

    Chapter 2 contains a Russian journalist’s summary of the concept. This summary is useful for getting an overview of the theory without immediately diving into all the evidence.

    Following the public release of her groundbreaking hypothesis, Lebedewa was the object of both praise and condemnation. She faced numerous attacks, leading her to ask herself: why should I be the one to discover this novel theory of cancer development and feel obliged to defend it to the public? In Chapter 3, she explores this question and explains her motivation for unraveling the enigma of cancer. Cancer has been killing my family members off for generations now. I reasoned that it would soon catch up to my son and myself as well… if nothing ever changes.

    After the author completed her investigations and found proof of a parasitic origin for cancer, she started wondering whether the identified parasite might also be responsible for other diseases. In Chapter 4, she explores how this parasite might cause heart disease.

    Following the publications and TV appearances, Lebedewa was contacted by a number of physicians who work closely with cancer patients. Some of these supported their patients in their desire to experiment, while others reported on their experiences or developed new treatment methods based on the theory. This is what we discuss in Chapter 5, where we also examine reactions by the Russian press and oncologists to Tamara Lebedewa’s discovery.

    Finally, in Chapter 6, the author offers fresh approaches to treating the disease of the century. These were developed by

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