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Mages of Xirogor
Mages of Xirogor
Mages of Xirogor
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Mages of Xirogor

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About this ebook

Prince Wilhelmius was still very young when Tormellia invaded and annexed his Kingdom. Tormellians killed his parents, brothers and sisters; destroyed and defiled his home. He lost everything.


After that black day he lived incognito in Gerrath'Illith and studied battle magic in hope of one day take his Kingdom back.


How an outlaw mage, known only as Kain, he amassed an organisation full of various rouge sorcerers and warriors. 


He is finally ready to strike back.

PublisherJJ Master
Release dateMay 9, 2024
Mages of Xirogor

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    Mages of Xirogor - JJ Master

    The Long Awaited Meeting

    ‘I s that Reilos?’ Asked mage clad in dark but expensive and elaborate cloth.

    ‘Yes, it’s him.’ Replied his puzzled companion, Tirion.

    They travelled for days through hostile Tormellian lands to meet Reilos.

    However, they were far from happy now that they finally saw him.

    The longer they looked at their companion, the more they were getting anxious.

    Something clearly was not right.

    ‘Why is he not moving? Who are these people with him? Where are Gestalt and Yenny?’ Asked the dark clad mage.

    ‘That is what I want to know myself, Kain.’ Replied Tirion. ‘Also that Core thing, Allarin mentioned.’

    ‘Don’t talk about Core.’ Said Kain. ‘Enemy should never learn about it.’

    ‘What if they know already?’ Asked Tirion.

    Kain is the last remaining successor to the throne of the fallen Kingdom of Ethram. He is still young and full of strength, but already very savvy and experienced.

    A perfect future King who is on the quest to reclaim his Kingdom.

    Tirion was one of few people who was with him when Ethram fell. He have been supporting his current King ever since.

    Kain and Tirion kept discussing the situation they found themselves.

    The two talked quietly. They suspected some foul play and wanted to be discreet.

    However, not all their companions shared this sentiment.

    ‘Hey Reilos.’ Yelled Leeran, one of their companions. ‘We are finally here. We are not Tormellians. We are ...’

    ‘Shut up, Leeran.’ Interjected Tirion. ‘Don’t you see that there is a ...’

    Leeran was one of the new recruits. So far he did not showed any particular talents.

    Suddenly a loud voice interrupted them.

    ‘Your companions are finally here, it seems.’ Said the shadowy figure close to Reilos.

    He spoke is such a loud voice that everyone in Kain’s group could hear that. Was he actually trying to get their attention?

    ‘Now that they are finally here we don’t need you anymore.’ Continued the voice. ‘I will kill you first and then finish them off.’

    The shadowy figure pulled out a sword and got it close to Reilos neck. There was no time to think or plan. Kain jumped into action.

    ‘Wait, it’s a...’ Tried to stop him Tirion.

    That was too late.

    Kain used his magic to fly as fast as he could towards Reilos and the shadowy figure. He casted several high accuracy spells in an attempt to knock down the enemy before he could kill Reilos.

    The spells almost reached the shadowy figure, when suddenly... they started flying in the opposite direction.

    There was too little time to react. The spells treacherously attacked their own caster. Simultaneously two more attacks landed on him from the back.

    ‘The bastards just killed Kain.’ Yelled Leeran. ‘We have to flee.’

    ‘No way.’ Said Weiss. Another of Kain’s companions.

    The rest of the group were also shocked.

    Only Tirion looked more puzzled then amused.

    ‘I told you they are too got for that kind of primitive ambush.’ Said one of the mages who attacked Kain from the back. ‘We should have gone with my plan instead.’

    Weiss and Leeran looked surprised and Tirion relieved.

    ‘Fuck you, Sebastian.’ Replied the other enemy mage, Faustus. ‘Who knew he would use Mana Shield instead of a Spell Shield. Our attack would have got him then.’

    ‘If he was that kind of mage he would long be dead by now.’ Said Sebastian. ‘It is obvious if you think about it.’

    ‘Nothing obvious about that.’ Bitterly replied Faustus. ‘We had no time for your plan anyway.’

    The two arguing mages could not be more different from one another. Faustus was southern looking tanned human. Brash and hot headed; a very unusual recruit in the ranks of Tormellain military, who rarely rely of foreign talents.

    However, his counterpart was even more unique. A literal dark elf. Dark elves are calm and calculated. They have both manners and sophistication of most refined aristocrats. Some say they even resemble vampires.

    Most importantly, they also have great talent in magic and therefore a very dangerous enemy for any mage.

    ‘You were supposed to kill them all.’ Protested the shadowy figure. ‘Who of you archmages will take responsibility for that?’

    ‘Don’t worry, your Excellency. We will defeat them in no time.’ Replied the third enemy mage, Gryff de Vres. ‘We can easily defeat them here. With the numbers we got, they got no chance.’

    Unlike the other two, Gryf was a typical Tormellain noble: snobbish asshole who does not even understand any other forms of human interaction other than kiss up and kick down.

    The Excellency was of same mould. He was clearly the superior of the other three.

    ‘That is right, you losers.’ Shouted Faustus. ‘Simple mages like you are no much to the archmages we are.’

    Kain looked around and noticed more enemies all around their group. They were completely surrounded. There seemed to be no way out of it.

    What was meant to be a long awaited reunion suddenly turned into life and death situation.

    Their long track through the inhospitable lands of a tyrannical Tormellian Empire ended up in an ambush.

    Kain prepared himself for the last stand. There were hundreads of enemies all around them. It was not a battle they could win. Best they could do is to make some sort of surprise attack and then flee alive to fight another day.

    Kain looked around for any weaknesses in the surround that could allow them to escape. Everything looked tight and break-proof.

    Weiss and Impsy also prepared for a fight. Kain was glad to see them share the burden. Only Leeran seemed to panic.

    ‘There is nowhere to flee.’ Said Weiss. ‘Let’s try to get that leader of theirs. May be that will put them in disarray.’

    ‘Good thinking.’ Replied Kain.’ I and Impsy will attack from different sides and you snatch Reilos while they are busy.’

    ‘Let’s go.’ Replied Weiss.

    Three of them begun their attack.

    ‘Do something, you imbeciles.’ Shouted His Excellency.

    Gryff tried to calm him down.

    ‘No matter what low life mages like you do, it is useless.’ Shouted back Faustus.

    Kain and Weiss begun casting their spells, when suddenly space around them turned eerie. Their enemies somehow disappear in the mist. They felt as if they were being transported somewhere.

    ‘What the...’ Asked Weiss.

    ‘Tirion saved us once again.’ Said Kain.

    ‘What do you mean?’ Asked Weiss.

    Meanwhile on the battlefield.

    ‘Where are they?’ Said His Excellency. ‘You let them get away, you brain-dead imbeciles.’

    Excellency continued shouting insults at his subordinates.

    ‘That is not our fault they got a Teleportation spell of some sort.’ Protested Faustus.

    ‘Then whose fault it is.’ Replied Excellency. ‘You were supposed to be some great mages or something like that. How you let these losers get the best of you.’

    Faustus wanted to punch the Excellency but Gryff stopped him.

    ‘Do not worry, Your Excellency.’ Said Gryff. ‘They merely used a Recall Scroll to teleport themselves to border caves, west of here.’

    ‘They will be in Horsillor by the time we get there.’ Replied His Excellency. ‘Emperor will get my head for this.’

    Faustus and even Sebastian smirked. Only Gryff remained unmoved.

    ‘Do not worry, Your Excellency.’ Said Gryff. ‘They will not exit these caves alive. I have taken care of everything.’

    Turning Point

    ‘W here are we?’ Asked Weiss.

    ‘In caves on border between Tormellia and Horsillor.’ Replied Kain. ‘Tirion’s Recall Scrolls managed to pull us out that mess.’

    ‘We still have to save Reilos.’ Protested Weiss.

    ‘The way we are now, we have no chance.’ Said Tirion. ‘You saw their numbers.’

    ‘As much as I don’t like it, we have no choice.’ Soberly summed up Kain. ‘We have to get to Oakenree and meet up with the rest of Mages of Xirogor. Only then we will be able to do anything.’

    Reilos was one of the new recruits. Kain did not knew him well, however he still felt sorry for him.

    ‘For all we know, they could have killed Reilos already.’ Said Leeran.

    ‘Shut up.’ Sternly replied Weiss. ‘There is no way I will forgive those bastards if they killed him.’

    Weiss joined at the same time as Reilos, however Kain did not knew they were close in any way.

    ‘Either that of Weiss is very emotional and can’t accept loss.’ Thought Kain. ‘Perhaps it is the first time he saw a companion killed before his very eyes.’

    Everyone went silent for a moment.

    ‘That is ignoble to leave allies behind like that.’ Said Tristan.

    ‘What is the alternative?’ Asked Tirion. ‘Charging blindly and getting yourself killed stupidly. You can’t even call it bravery, much less strength. Strength is when you actually can win.’

    Tristan sniffed in disagreement. Tristan and Tirion never got along due to their differences in values. Here again these differences showed themselves.

    ‘For now we can only hope that he is alive and we will save him later somehow.’ Finally broke the silence Kain. ‘For now we need to get out of Tormellia as fast as we can, before these goons managed to catch up with us.’

    ‘Horsillor is on the other side.’ Said Tirion.

    All 6 of them entered the

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