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The Power of the Cross: Beating Cancer Twice and God's Plan for My Life
The Power of the Cross: Beating Cancer Twice and God's Plan for My Life
The Power of the Cross: Beating Cancer Twice and God's Plan for My Life
Ebook146 pages1 hour

The Power of the Cross: Beating Cancer Twice and God's Plan for My Life

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The Power of the Cross is a jaw-dropping true story about beating cancer not once, but twice. At just two years old and again at seventeen, Cross Kubik faced the fight of his life. With his family

Release dateMay 14, 2024
The Power of the Cross: Beating Cancer Twice and God's Plan for My Life

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    The Power of the Cross - Cross Kubik


    God is a master storyteller. He loves to weave His power and work into the fabric of our lives. Yet, knowing that does not mean it is always easy to trust Him as the story unfolds.

    The journey through life is filled with mountains and valleys. The narrative that God is weaving may take us through what the Bible calls the valley of the shadow of death, and yet even then, we can anticipate seeing God’s goodness and mercy in the most unlikely places (Ps. 23:4–6 ESV).

    The Power of the Cross is permeated with the conviction that God is always at work in our stories. Against all odds, Cross Kubik is convinced we can face every moment of our lives with the confidence that God is doing something far greater than what we can see.

    As a pastor, I love watching God-stories being written through people’s lives. In every story, there are surprises, but if we look closely enough, the hand of a loving God can always be seen. The God who loves us more than we can imagine is at work in our lives in ways that we cannot imagine. That is part of the reason why Cross is sharing his story with you. He put his life and his future in God’s hands again and again. Instead of trying to figure things out on his own, he chose to rely on God even when the days were seemingly beyond what he could handle.

    The journey these pages recount is nothing short of amazing. In many ways, this is not simply the story of a young man’s faith-filled fight against cancer; it’s the story of a family’s battle to trust God in the face of adversity.

    When children suffer, their parents suffer. Brian and Ashley didn’t sign up for the battle they faced, but they fought it with a strong faith that stood firmly on the promises of God. In that sense, this book is not only written for people who are personally hurting but also for those who have chosen to be present in the midst of other people’s pain.

    Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble, but He followed that statement with the clarion call to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33)! All of us will encounter trouble in our lives, but with every challenge we face, Jesus has promised to be with us and to empower us to overcome. The Power of the Cross is a book about Jesus being with us, for us, and helping us.

    I am so proud of Cross for putting his journey on paper. As you read this book, be encouraged that the God who loved and helped Cross is the same God who loves you and is with you in the midst of your trial.

    If you have found yourself wondering how you are going to make it, if you have received news that threatens to upend life as you know it, if hope is hard to come by, if the odds are stacked against you, if people you love are hurting, then these words will strengthen you and give you hope. Cross wrote this book for you because there is power in the name and presence of Jesus to see you through this storm and to fill your heart with peace and hope.

    —Pastor John Lindell, James River Church


    In the face of cancer, I discovered a story of resilience that defied all odds. This book recounts my journey of triumph over the disease—not once, but twice. It is a testament to the extraordinary power of miracles and the unwavering strength that emerges when faith and hope intertwine.

    My battle with cancer was not fought alone. It was a collective victory that included my dad, Brian; my mom, Ashley; my sisters, Creighton and Crosby; and a steadfast circle of friends and family who stood alongside me. The consistent support of my coaches, teammates, and a remarkable team of medical professionals also played a crucial role in our shared success.

    Throughout my journey, the prayers, encouragement, and generosity of so many people gave us the strength to persevere even when everything seemed bleak.

    Above all, this is a story about the divine. God, the author and hero of my narrative, walked by my side every step of the way. He wielded His healing power through the hands of skilled physicians, ultimately saving me from the clutches of despair. God’s presence was not confined to the realm of physical healing: It also awakened my soul and gave me a strong sense of purpose.

    I feel a deep, undeniable calling to share my story and breathe life into others. It is my belief that by sharing our testimonies, we take our stories away from the enemy and give the glory to God, where it belongs. However, a testimony cannot happen without a test, and the tests I’ve gone through have provided countless examples of the grace of a loving God who cares for His children.

    The story I am about to share is as astonishing as it is true. Surviving stage 4 cancer at the tender age of two and later defying the odds at seventeen, I have been likened to a lightning-strike survivor or a lottery winner, triumphant not once but twice. As one of my coaches aptly remarked, You can’t make this story up.

    My intent in sharing this journey is to demonstrate the existence of miracles. It is a testament to the Holy Spirit’s ability along with our individual faith that God can overcome any adversity, be it medical, mental, or circumstantial.

    I implore you to believe that not only can you survive, but you can thrive, embracing the gift of a renewed existence. However, no matter the outcome, my goal is to remind you that regardless of the tests you are facing in this life, it is possible to honor God in the midst of them and to turn your negative experiences into a positive testimony for the glory of His name.

    To the tireless medical professionals, this account is dedicated to you. While you may not be the ones stricken by illness, I know that your relentless efforts to heal can leave you feeling powerless at times. I want to encourage you that all of your hard work matters.

    To all the parents, family members, and friends who offer constant prayers for help and restoration, know that healing is not an intangible dream but a tangible possibility. This story is also for those who are new in their faith or who go through life as lukewarm Christians. May this story help you grasp the beauty of walking side by side with God.

    Lastly, this story is for those who find themselves engulfed in hopelessness. I have stood in the shadow of imminent death, confronted with the chilling reality that my time on this earth may be fleeting. It forced me to mature beyond my years, questioning the very essence of life. Yet, within the depths of that darkness, I discovered a flicker of light, a glimmer of hope that propelled me forward—times two.

    This, my friends, is my story.

    Chapter 1

    An Invisible Threat

    Like all great stories, mine doesn’t begin with me. It starts with my parents, Brian and Ashley Kubik. I am forever grateful for their perspective on my journey because, as fate would have it, I was too young to remember the intricate details of my first cancer diagnosis. Nevertheless, I do know that this life-altering event turned their expectations upside down, both in the most devastating and uplifting ways.

    As high school sweethearts, my parents were the embodiment of young love. Dad, charismatic and driven, held the coveted position of captain on the football team, while Mom, graceful and radiant, reigned as the captain of the dance team. Yes, it may sound like a fairy tale, but I

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