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Alone With God : How To Have An Effective Quiet Time With God Every Day
Alone With God : How To Have An Effective Quiet Time With God Every Day
Alone With God : How To Have An Effective Quiet Time With God Every Day
Ebook75 pages56 minutes

Alone With God : How To Have An Effective Quiet Time With God Every Day

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About this ebook

Step into a realm where stillness speaks volumes and the divine whispers echo in your soul. "ALONE WITH GOD" is your personal invitation to a daily rendezvous with the Creator, an oasis of tranquility where the cacophony of life fades into a hallowed silence, and you stand in the awe-inspiring presence of the Almighty.

 "ALONE WITH GOD" is not just a book; it's a journey into the heart of spiritual practice. This transformative guide invites you to establish a daily routine of quiet time with God, offering practical steps and profound insights that lead to true inner peace and spiritual rejuvenation.

Imagine starting each day with a soulful encounter with God, where every whisper of your heart is heard, and every silent prayer is answered. Envision a life where each day begins with a sense of purpose, clarity, and an overwhelming feeling of divine love and acceptance. "ALONE WITH GOD" makes this vision a reality, providing you with the tools to:

Create a daily devotional habit that fits seamlessly into your life.

Understand the biblical foundations of spending quiet time with God.

Discover meditation and prayer techniques that open the door to divine communication.

Learn how to read and reflect on Scripture in a way that speaks directly to your life.

Find solace and strength in moments of solitude with the Creator.

Don't let another day go by feeling disconnected from your spiritual source. Take the first step towards a fulfilling and empowering daily walk with God. Embrace the wisdom within these pages and transform your quiet time into a heavenly experience.

Release dateMay 9, 2024
Alone With God : How To Have An Effective Quiet Time With God Every Day


T. T. Jato is the Senior Pastor of Great Grace Assemblies of God, a Glorious Church in the city of Wa. Pastor Jato is a revivalist with uncompromising message on righteousness, holiness, discipline, Holy Ghost and order in the body of Christ. His meetings are characterized by a heavily saturated presence of the Almighty God, who saves, heals delivers and restores human destinies and dignities. His driving passion is to see souls saved into the kingdom of God and to see the earth filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters covers the sea. His messages are aired on radio networks in the upper west region eight times per week. He also ministers in prayer conference across the northern Ghana with a heavy Apostolic, prophetic and teaching mantle.

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    Book preview

    Alone With God - T.T JATO


    Step into a realm where stillness speaks volumes and the divine whispers echo in your soul. ALONE WITH GOD is your personal invitation to a daily rendezvous with the Creator, an oasis of tranquility where the cacophony of life fades into a hallowed silence, and you stand in the awe-inspiring presence of the Almighty.

    ALONE WITH GOD is not just a book; it’s a journey into the heart of spiritual practice. This transformative guide invites you to establish a daily routine of quiet time with God, offering practical steps and profound insights that lead to true inner peace and spiritual rejuvenation.

    Imagine starting each day with a soulful encounter with God, where every whisper of your heart is heard, and every silent prayer is answered.

    Envision a life where each day begins with a sense of purpose, clarity, and an overwhelming feeling of divine love and acceptance. ALONE WITH GOD makes this vision a reality, providing you with the tools to:

    Create a daily devotional habit that fits seamlessly into your life.

    Understand the biblical foundations of spending quiet time with God.

    Discover meditation and prayer techniques that open the door to divine communication.

    Learn how to read and reflect on Scripture in a way that speaks directly to your life.

    Find solace and strength in moments of solitude with the Creator.

    Don’t let another day go by feeling disconnected from your spiritual source. Take the first step towards a fulfilling and empowering daily walk with God.

    Embrace the wisdom within these pages and transform your quiet time into a heavenly experience.

    Chapter one

    Adaily Time Alone With God -Benefits of Quiet Time

    1.A daily Time alone with God prevents hurts and and reduces pain in this life

    Must of the troubles of this life would have been avoided if we had used the light of life.

    John 8:12 KJV

    [12] Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

    When a man gropes in darkness he easily hurt himself by bumping into the unexpected. Much of the pain we have in life is because the light of life has been ignored.

    The Bible say the lamp on our path is the word of God. You can't sail through smoothly in life with lights.

    Psalm 119:105 KJV

    [105] Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

    Every time we allow God's word in our lives, we access light.

    Psalm 119:130 KJV

    [130] The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

    There is an ordained lamp for every child of God. This lamp is to help us not to hurt ourselves because of the darkness in the world.

    Psalm 132:17 KJV

    [17] There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed.

    The sorrows many experience in life is because the lamp for their guidance has been ignored.

    Many go through sorrows in marriage because they did not use the lamp of God to guid them.

    Also many picks up the lamp after they have been severely injured by life experience. Understand this, a lamp is not meant to soothe your pain but to prevent you from getting hurt. 

    How much better we will be if we would pick up the lamp of God on daily basis. 

    It is only in time alone with God that can provides us with constant illumination.

    If you live in darkness from Monday to Saturday and only receive a little light on Sunday, surely your life will not be the same as someone who lives in constant illumination. 

    Do you want constant illumination for life? do your quiet time regularly. This will reduce the sorrows in your life.

    John 1:5,9 KJV

    [5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. [9] That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    2.A DAILY TIME ALONE with God guarantees a good harvest of nice things.

    A daily time alone with God sowing of spiritual seeds into your spirit man. The word of God is the great seed that you plant in your heart when you have time alone with God.

    The bible say the the seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11

    It was by this seed that we were born again. 

    1 Peter 1:23 KJV

    [23] Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

    So every time

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