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The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon)
The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon)
The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon)
Ebook350 pages4 hours

The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon)

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In a world torn by ancient grudges between the kingdoms of dragons and trolls, two young heroes, raised in the shadow of their royal destiny, each grow up on quests that forge their courage and identity. Rathuria, heir of the dragons, and Branok, future leader of the trolls, develop an unlikely friendship that defies the boundaries of their worlds. As an ancient dark magic awakens, sowing discord and suspicion, they must overcome the prejudices of their peoples to reveal the truth. This epic tale of courage, betrayal and unbreakable friendship tests whether the light of unity can pierce the darkness of division.

PublisherYohann Martin
Release dateMay 8, 2024
The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon)

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    The Convergence of Kingdoms (Troll & Dragon) - Yohann Martin

    Chapter 1: Broken Innocence

    In a remote valley, where rivers meander through lush green meadows and mountains rise majestically to the horizon, lies a place of rare beauty. It was here, on a sunny afternoon, that two young creatures played in the carefree spirit of their childhood.

    The first, a dragonet named Rathuria, sported deep red scales, speckled with touches of gold that glistened in the sunlight. Her large, inquisitive eyes sparkled emerald green. At his side was a young troll named Branok, with rough forest-green skin and small eyes sparkling with mischievous intelligence.

    Rathuria rose into the air, flapping her tiny wings enthusiastically, and let out a joyful cry. Look, Branok! I can almost touch the sky! he exclaimed, twirling in the air.

    Branok, more grounded to the earth with his robust stature, laughed and brandished a stick. And I can make the world go round! he retorted, twirling his stick deftly.

    Their laughter echoed through the valley, a pure, joyful sound, testimony to their budding friendship. They talked about everything and nothing, about the softness of the wind, the changing shapes of the clouds, and the stories their parents told them at night.

    But their carefree spirit was about to be shattered. Beyond the mountains, in the realms of dragons and trolls, murmurs of distrust and anger were beginning to rise. Adults, steeped in ancestral traditions, did not look kindly on this forbidden friendship.

    One day, as Rathuria and Branok were secretly meeting in their favorite hiding place, a conversation between two adult dragons pierced the air. This friendship between the dragonet and the troll can’t bode well. We’ve got to intervene before it causes chaos, growled one of them.

    Branok frowned, a feeling of sadness and incomprehension washing over him. Why can’t they understand, Rathuria? Why is our friendship a problem? he asked, his heart heavy with fear.

    Rathuria, with the innocent wisdom of a child, replied, Maybe the world isn’t as big as our hearts, Branok. But we can make it a better place, together.

    Their conversation was interrupted by a roar in the distance, heralding the beginning of an era of unrest. The two friends looked at each other, knowing that the carefree days were over.

    In the valley, where wildflowers danced to the rhythm of the wind, Rathuria, the young dragon with flaming red scales, was playing with Branok, the little troll with deep green skin. Their laughter resounded, innocent and joyful, contrasting with the worried murmurs of their respective clans.

    Rathuria, with her small, still-fragile wings, took to the air, creating a gentle breeze. Look, Branok! I’m mastering my flight better and better! he exclaimed proudly, performing an aerial pirouette.

    Branok, ever cheerful, looked up and applauded. One day, you’ll fly higher than the highest mountains, Rathuria! he shouted, a broad smile lighting up his face.

    Their games often led them to explore hidden places in the valley, from secret caves to sparkling waterfalls. They shared stories of their families, their dreams, even their fears.

    One evening, as Rathuria and Branok gathered in their secret lair, a place where the trees formed a natural dome, the reality of their situation hit them hard. Branok, his eyes filled with sudden sadness, turned to Rathuria. "They’ll never understand, will they?

    Our families, our clans… they’ll never see what we share," he says, his voice shaken with emotion.

    Rathuria, looking at her friend with new determination, replied softly, Maybe they don’t understand now, Branok, but one day they’ll see that our friendship is stronger than their old quarrels. We’ll show them.

    As they spoke, a distant cry rang out, a cry that heralded the start of an imminent conflict. The two young friends hugged, knowing that the days ahead would test their friendship, and perhaps even the fate of their worlds.

    In the heart of a clearing bathed in golden light, under the benevolent shade of ancient trees, Rathuria and Branok shared moments of innocence and complicity. Their friendship, free and sincere, was a treasure hidden in the green folds of their secret valley.

    Rathuria, the dragonet with scales glittering like rubies in the sun, watched in admiration as Branok, with his natural troll-like agility, climbed with ease up the sturdy trunks. You climb like you were born in the trees, Branok! exclaimed Rathuria, her eyes sparkling with joy.

    Branok, descending from a tree with a mischievous grin, retorted: And you, Rathuria, you fly as if the sky belonged to you! Show me again how you can turn so fast in the air!

    Rathuria, delighted by the invitation, took off in a series of loops and twists, her wings creating a melodious whistle in the cool morning air. Branok laughed and applauded, his laughter echoing like a melody in Rathuria’s heart.

    After their games, they would lie on the grass, watching the clouds transform into fantastic shapes. Look, Rathuria, that cloud looks like a dragon wearing a crown! exclaimed Branok, pointing.

    And this one looks like a troll holding a magic spear! replied Rathuria, laughing. Together they imagined epic stories, where dragons and trolls were not enemies, but allies fighting side by side against evil forces.

    One day, Rathuria proposed an idea. Branok, do you want to train together? I could teach you to fly, and you could teach me to climb trees!

    Branok, his eyes shining with excitement, accepted without hesitation. It would be great! We’d be invincible together! he exclaimed.

    So they spent their days training. Rathuria taught Branok the secrets of flight, how to catch air currents and navigate between branches. Branok, for his part, showed Rathuria the techniques of climbing, how to get a grip on rough bark and move with agility.

    These moments of pure happiness were their little daily miracles. In the naive world of their childhood, they didn’t see differences as barriers, but as opportunities to learn and grow together.

    But as they forged their friendship in joy and innocence, whispers of discord and conflict began to rise beyond the mountains. The elders of both clans watched this forbidden friendship with growing concern, fearing it would upset the precarious balance between their worlds.

    In the green folds of the forest, Rathuria and Branok continued their games and training sessions, bathed in the carefree spirit of childhood. One day, while Branok was trying to teach Rathuria the subtleties of climbing, an unexpected incident sparked an explosion of laughter.

    Rathuria, clinging awkwardly to a branch, tried to follow Branok’s instructions. Be careful of the bark there, it’s a bit slippery! advised Branok, watching from the ground.

    Despite her caution, Rathuria slipped, her tiny claws scraping the wood, and landed in a bush below with a thud. Branok burst out laughing as he saw the dragonet emerge from the bush, covered in leaves and berries. Looks like you’ve decided to become a bush dragon! he taunted, helping Rathuria get rid of the leaves.

    Rathuria, though slightly embarrassed, couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Well, I guess I’ve still got a lot to learn about climbing, he admitted with a smile.

    Another day, as they ventured near a lake, Branok proposed a race. I bet I can beat you to the other side of the lake! he declared confidently.

    Rathuria accepted the challenge, and off they went. Branok ran along the shore while Rathuria took off over the water. Everything seemed to be going well for Rathuria until a startled bird flew directly into her path. With a cry of surprise, Rathuria hit the bird and plunged into the water.

    Branok, having reached the edge of the lake, burst out laughing as he saw Rathuria emerge, soaked and bewildered. Maybe you should concentrate a little more on your flying, and a little less on running! he laughed, reaching out to help Rathuria out of the water.

    The two friends spent the afternoon gently bickering and laughing about their misadventures. You know, Branok, I’m really glad to have you as a friend, said Rathuria, her gaze serious for the first time all day.

    Branok, touched, replied with a rare sincerity: Me too, Rathuria. I wouldn’t change these moments for the world.

    These moments of joy and sincere friendship were bubbles of happiness in their world, a world that, unbeknownst to them, was about to change forever.

    As the days passed, Rathuria and Branok continued to meet in secret, sharing adventures and moments of complicity. One afternoon, they decided to practice the art of stealth, an essential skill for a young troll like Branok.

    Watch and learn, Rathuria. A good troll must know how to move without being seen or heard, Branok explained with a serious air, moving silently forward between the trees.

    Rathuria, curious, watched attentively. Branok seemed to melt into the shadows, his light footsteps leaving no trace. Suddenly, a frightened squirrel leapt from a bush, crossing Branok’s path. Startled, Branok stumbled over a root, making a noise that echoed through the forest.

    Rathuria burst out laughing. Ah, I see! Is that troll stealth? he mocked, helping Branok to his feet.

    Branok, blushing slightly, replied with a smile, Even the best trolls can be surprised by spy squirrels!

    Their training continued with Rathuria trying to teach Branok the basics of flight. You have to feel the wind under your wings, like a caress, Rathuria explained, spreading her wings to demonstrate.

    Branok, though unable to fly, launched himself from a small hill, imitating Rathuria’s wing movements with his arms. On one of his attempts, Branok took off a little too enthusiastically, landing in a pile of leaves with a laugh. I think I’ll leave flying to experts like you, Rathuria!

    These moments of mutual learning were tinged with laughter and joy, reinforcing the unique bond between dragonet and troll. They learned not only from each other, but also to accept each other’s differences and limitations.

    But beyond their isolated valley, rumors of discontent and fear continued to grow. The elders of both clans, increasingly alarmed by this unexpected friendship, began to consider measures to put an end to it.

    Summer stretched on, painting the valley in warm, golden hues, while Rathuria and Branok continued to play and learn. One day, Rathuria had the idea of building them a little shelter in the trees, a place all their own, away from the prying eyes of their clans.

    With enthusiasm, they gathered branches, leaves and vines. Rathuria, for all her strength, had trouble weaving the vines properly. Branok, observing the dragonet’s clumsy attempts, couldn’t help but laugh. Let me do it, Rathuria. You’re an excellent dragon, but a poor shelter builder! he said, taking over.

    Branok, with his natural skill, quickly managed to weave a solid, comfortable shelter. They settled in, proud of their work. This is our little kingdom, declared Rathuria, a broad smile lighting up her face.

    As the sun’s rays filtered through the intertwined branches, bathing their shelter in a soft, golden light, Rathuria and Branok sat down to contemplate their work. Their eyes shone not only with pride but also with a glimmer of hope. In this place, they felt far removed from the prejudices and conflicts of their worlds. It was a sanctuary, a little corner of paradise where their unusual friendship could flourish freely.

    Can you imagine if everyone could see what we see? If everyone could understand that differences are not barriers, but bridges to new friendships? whispered Branok, his voice carried on a breath of wind.

    Rathuria nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon where sky and mountains met. One day, perhaps. But for now, this is our secret, our story to tell. And every story has its trials.

    Their conversation was interrupted by a rustle in the leaves. With surprising agility, a small, agile creature emerged from the shadows. It was a fox with eyes sparkling with curiosity, its flaming coat almost blending with the orange hues of the twilight.

    Look, Rathuria! A visitor! exclaimed Branok, a smile forming on his lips.

    The fox approached, intrigued but cautious. Rathuria and Branok remained motionless, allowing the creature to gain confidence. Finally, the fox ventured close enough for Branok to extend his hand. With surprising delicacy, the fox sniffed, then gently accepted Branok’s caresses.

    It’s amazing, isn’t it? Even forest animals can see what others can’t, says Rathuria, a tender smile lighting up her face.

    The fox, after sharing a quiet moment with the two friends, slipped away as silently as he had come, leaving behind a sense of magic and connection.

    It was like a sign, Rathuria murmured thoughtfully. Maybe the world is ready to change after all.

    But the reality of their situation soon dawned on them. As night began to fall, shrouding the valley in a veil of mystery and uncertainty, Rathuria and Branok knew they would soon have to face difficult choices. Rumors of discontent and fear could not be ignored forever, and the decisions of their clan elders threatened to drive them apart.

    Yet, under the protective shadow of their shelter, Rathuria and Branok made a promise to each other. No matter what the future held, they would remain united, defending their friendship against all adversity. This pact, sealed in the heart of their little kingdom, would become the light that guided them through the trials to come.

    As the sun rose, the world seemed to awaken a new promise, tinting their secret shelter with shimmering hues. That morning, Rathuria had a surprise for Branok, an idea that had come to her in a dream.

    Branok, I’ve thought of something incredible that we haven’t tried yet, began Rathuria, her excitement palpable in the cool morning air.

    Curious, Branok tilted his head, his eyes shining with interest. Oh? And what’s that? he asked.

    What if we explored the Echo Cavern? proposed Rathuria. It’s a place my father told me about. They say the walls reflect light in a magical way.

    The Cave of Light was legendary, a place shrouded in mystery and said to be difficult to find. For Branok, the idea of such an adventure was irresistible. So, what are we waiting for? he exclaimed enthusiastically.

    The journey to the Cave of Light took them through dense forests and winding paths never before explored. Rathuria led the way with confidence, motivated by his father’s stories and the secret directions he had learned.

    Along the way, they encountered challenges that tested their ingenuity and strength. At one point, a tumultuous stream blocked their path. Rathuria, using her flying ability, carried Branok over the water, a feat that brought them even closer together.

    Finally, after several hours of adventure, they found the entrance to the cavern, hidden behind a dazzling waterfall. The interior of the cavern was breathtaking: natural crystals embedded in the walls captured the light, diffusing it in thousands of colors.

    Look, Branok! It’s even more beautiful than in my dreams! marveled Rathuria, her eyes not knowing where to rest.

    Branok, amazed, added: It’s as if we’d discovered another world. A world where anything is possible.

    They spent hours in the cave, playing with the light, creating memories that would become the cornerstones of their friendship. It was a moment of pure joy, a timeless moment where nothing existed but their complicity and shared wonder.

    On the way home, bathed in the afterglow of their Echo Cavern adventure, Rathuria and Branok engaged in a discussion that made them laugh out loud, revealing their innocence and playfulness.

    You know, Rathuria, I had a thought watching you fly today, Branok began, a mischievous smile on his lips. You’re pretty graceful for a dragonet. But have you ever tried flying upside down?

    Rathuria raised an eyebrow, amused by the question. Flying… upside down? You mean, with my belly facing the sky? Why would I do that?

    It’s simple! See if you can! It’s a challenge! declared Branok, his infectious laugh filling the air.

    Accepting the challenge with a smile, Rathuria took to the air, attempting to turn around in mid-air. After a few clumsy attempts, which earned him more than one unexpected pirouette, he finally managed to stabilize himself… briefly. His laughter echoed through the air, a pure sound that reflected the happiness of the moment.

    Branok clapped from the floor, hilarious. Not bad, Rathuria! But I think you’ve still got some work to do before you become our valley’s first dragon acrobat.

    Laughing at her own performance, Rathuria landed next to Branok. And you, did you manage to move without cracking a single twig? he asked, teasingly.

    Branok puffed out his chest with pride. Almost! I was as quiet as a shadow. That is, until I met this spy squirrel. I’m sure he’s working for you.

    Their joyful exchange was punctuated by laughter and teasing, each challenge and game revealing the depth of their complicity. They talked about everything and nothing, sharing their wildest dreams and most absurd plans.

    Imagine if you could teach me to fly for real, and I could teach you to climb trees like a troll. We’d be invincible! exclaimed Branok, his imagination running wild.

    Or at least, we’d be the best at escaping our lessons and exploring even more secret places! added Rathuria, her mind already wandering to future adventures.

    The sun began to decline, painting the sky in vibrant colors, reminding the two friends that the time to return was near. Their day of adventure was coming to an end, but their spirits remained free and wild, fueled by laughter and shared lessons.

    As they walked side by side towards their secret shelter, a feeling of mutual gratitude enveloped them. They knew that, whatever challenges lay ahead, their friendship would give them the strength to overcome them, together.

    Tomorrow, we’ll try something new. Something even crazier! declared Rathuria, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

    I’d expect nothing less from you, Branok replied, his smile as wide and bright as the twilight sky.

    In the comfortable silence that followed, an unbreakable bond grew stronger, a bond woven of shared laughter, accepted challenges, and lessons learned together.

    After their adventure in the Cavern of Light, Rathuria and Branok had to make their way back to their respective homes, taking with them the luminous memories of their day of exploration. Their separation, though temporary, was tinged with the nostalgia of shared moments, but also with the excitement of future reunions.

    Rathuria returned to the dragon kingdom, nestled deep in the mountains, where every stone and flame told the story of an ancestral line of dragon kings. Her parents, King Varithrax and Queen Selenia, ruled their people with wisdom and strength. Rathuria’s return was greeted with a gentle reverence, typical of the royal court.

    My son, tell us of your adventures, asked King Varithrax, his voice ringing with authority but tinged with paternal tenderness.

    Rathuria shared the story of the Echo Cave, but it was when he spoke of Branok that her eyes began to shine with a particular light. Branok teaches me the value of the land and the small beings of the forest. Together, we’re learning more than I ever imagined.

    Queen Selenia, with her radiant beauty and acute intelligence, listened attentively. Your friendship with the young troll heir is rare, Rathuria. She can teach you compassion and understanding, essential qualities for a future king.

    The sovereign and sovereigness shared a look, understanding the importance of these lessons, but also aware of the challenges their son would face as a result of this unusual friendship.

    On the other side of the valley, under the immense tree that sheltered the troll kingdom, Branok found his parents, King Thorgest and Queen Maelinna. Their home was a living tangle of roots and branches, vibrating with nature’s ancient magic.

    My son, welcome home, greeted King Thorgest, his deep voice revealing a wisdom born of age and experience. Your exploits with the young dragon have become the subject of much conversation.

    Branok smiles, sharing his discoveries and admiration for Rathuria. He sees the world from above, Father. He’s teaching me to look beyond the shadows of the forest.

    Queen Maelinna, whose beauty was said to have inspired the flowers of spring, added softly: Your friendship with Rathuria is a bridge between our worlds, Branok. It testifies to your greatness of soul.

    The king and queen listened to their son with pride, aware that his friendship with the future king of dragons had the potential to change the ancient history of mistrust between their peoples.

    Night had enveloped the dragon kingdom in a tranquil veil when King Varithrax and Queen Selenia summoned Rathuria to the great hall, where the walls were adorned with frescoes recounting the history of their people. The flames in the fireplace danced, casting moving shadows that seemed to bring to life tales of battles and ancient magic.

    My son, began King Varithrax, his deep voice echoing in the silence, it’s time for you to learn a part of our history that every future king must know.

    Queen Selenia, in a soft but firm voice, added: It’s a story that has shaped our kingdom and determined our relations with the outside world, especially with the trolls.

    Rathuria settled down, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew this moment was a rite of passage, a step towards understanding the responsibilities that would soon be his.

    Many generations ago, Varithrax began, our kingdom and that of the trolls were in harmony. Our peoples traded, shared knowledge and magic. But this peace was shattered by a betrayal.

    Selenia took over: A precious relic, the Fire Crystal, symbol of our strength and source of much of our magic, was stolen. The evidence, skilfully manipulated, pointed to the trolls.

    The anger and pain of this loss blinded us, Varithrax continued with a shadow of regret in his eyes. A war broke out, cruel and devastating, leaving deep scars on both sides. Only after years of conflict was the truth revealed. The relic had been stolen by a third party, seeking to sow discord between our peoples.

    The war ended, but trust had been eroded, Selenia concludes. We’ve worked hard to rebuild, but mistrust still lingers in the hearts of many dragons and trolls.

    Rathuria listened, absorbing every word. What about the Fire Crystal? he asked, curiosity outweighing concern.

    He was recovered and now rests safely in our kingdom, Varithrax replied. But his flight is a constant reminder of the fragility of peace.

    The lesson was clear. Your friendship with Branok, Rathuria, carries the hope of a new era for our peoples, Selenia said gently. But be careful, for old wounds take time to heal.

    As Rathuria left the room, his parents’ words weighed heavily on him. He realized that his friendship with Branok was not only

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