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Sarah Gavin believes she has left her dark past behind. Successful in her current position as a 9ll dispatcher, she now has a college diploma in hand and is aiming for acceptance into the FBI Academy. Her future seems promising. But as a volunteer search and rescue canine handler, ghosts from her former

Release dateApr 29, 2024

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    Book preview

    Payback - M.C. Hillegas


    The vacant skiff floated on the quiet waters of Lake Marburg. A fishing pole lay limp and unused in the hull. Slowly, the skiff made headway toward the earth-filled dam that blocked Codorus Creek.

    Birds called cheerfully to one another, hidden among the colorful tree leaves lining the shore. Late autumn sun spilled across the dam’s lengthy concrete barrier, promising a beautiful day.

    The boat’s small motor sputtered, then died as it maintained its neutral position. A peaceful calm radiated from the craft.

    At the same time, a lone hiker made his way along the soggy trail to the edge of the shore. A sharp reflection caught his attention. The intense eastern rays stung his eyes as he peered across the lake. He spotted the boat as it bumped and bounced along the dam’s wall.

    Squinting, he strained to make certain the skiff was unmanned before alerting authorities. Convinced no one was onboard, he decided to report it.

    Hopefully, the boat just got away, and the owner’s along the shore somewhere, he thought optimistically. If someone had fallen into the spring-fed waters of the lake, there’d be little chance of survival before hypothermia set in.

    Chapter 1


    Sarah jogged along the wet trail. Overcast skies created a gloomy, gray setting above the lake. Sweat ran down her forehead and into her eyes, which burned from the salty mix. She swiped a hand across her damp brow to clear her vision at least momentarily.

    Son of a bitch, she murmured. She wiped the same hand on her shorts and kept moving. At least the forecast promises a fall change for the better soon. The thought gave her inspiration as she sprinted up the last hill.

    Topping the peak, she noticed a sole figure perched on the concrete bench overlooking the lake. It appeared to be a man. Her thoughts automatically turned to protection mode. His hoodie was pulled tight over his forehead, throwing his face into shadow, giving him an ominous look.

    Sarah wasn’t startled though. She often saw hikers sitting on that bench taking a break and enjoying the view. A hitching post stood beside it where horseback riders could tie their mounts, or cyclists might lean their bikes. That was a normal stopping point, halfway along the main trail, which wound through the forest and around the lake. But a man with a hoodie in this weather? At this time a day? What’s he hiding? Something didn’t feel right.

    When Sarah moved past him, her heart skipped a beat. There was a familiarity about him. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. The hairs rose on the back of her neck. Breathe deep, she told herself, trying to calm her body’s reaction. Sarah pushed on harder to put distance between her and the seated figure.

    Convinced it couldn’t be who she thought it was, that it wasn’t possible, Sarah dialed back her tempo and continued at a jog. She headed toward a meadow that would drop her back onto the asphalt a few miles away from home.

    Sarah liked to run. It kept her physically fit, but it also helped her decompress, relieving the built-up tension that accumulated in her life.

    The stresses of her daily situation were catching up with her. She had been working diligently for the last several years between a full-time position with the county and going to school. Finally, all the hard work was paying off. Graduating near the top of her class with a B.S. in criminal science, her dream of entering the FBI Academy might actually become a reality. Sarah had done well on the examinations so far and hoped to be one of the nine hundred accepted out of nearly fifty thousand who applied each year.

    In the next few weeks, she would take the last two tests required by the academy. Sarah thought they were the toughest out of all of them: the physical fitness assessment and the psychological evaluation. The first one she knew how to prepare for, but not so much the latter. I’ve seen more in my twenty-four years than most will ever see in a lifetime. Her mind raced with thoughts of her upbringing in the foster care system. Nothing will stand in my way. Sarah was determined that no matter what, she was going to make it work.

    Thankful her workout was almost done; she began her cool down and pondered plans for what was left of the day. Her dogs still needed to be worked and fed. Obedience training was on the schedule. They ought to be brushed and have their nails trimmed as well, she realized. Their summer coats were starting to shed and be replaced by a denser winter coat.

    Those were responsibilities she deeply enjoyed. She started a mental checklist as she walked the last quarter-mile home. Time management was always a challenge, and there was much to do before she returned to work later that night.

    Chapter 2


    Autumn whispered lightly on the breeze that wound its way through a stand of trees. The old house had settled years ago and, though solidly built, it still creaked and grumbled with flexing temperatures. As evening drew closer, a chill and recent heavy rainfall took a toll on the integrity of the foundation. It was as though nature and the house were having a private conversation.

    Eva’s thoughts and schemes skirted through her determined head. She sat unmoving, transparent, as though she was just another piece of furniture. Blending into her surroundings and avoiding attention was important; she was just part of the graying background. Calculating that the timing was right, she contemplated her next move.

    Now that the opportunity had finally arrived, allowing her to put her strategy in motion, it was time to take action. It felt like an eternity of waiting, but in fact, had only been a handful of years. Remaining in the shadows, fully aware that someday there would be a perfect chance, Eva had tendered her time. Patience and maintaining silence were crucial. The mere thought of her imminent triumph allowed her to stay under complete control while she waited mutely. She wasn’t about to let anything—or anyone—block her.

    Conniving, she had formed a flawless plan, a deserving plan. Even so, she couldn’t force it. Timing was everything. She had to move forward cautiously with considered actions. Finally, she could repay debts long overdue.

    Eva treaded lightly in stockinged feet, moving with careful, deliberate steps. She avoided any loose hardwood floorboards to keep them from squeaking with dreaded opinion, revealing her location. She wanted to stay un-evident, anonymous, and not disturb her roommate. Although it was already late evening, Sarah was still soundly asleep before waking for her night-shift job, and Eva meant to keep it that way.

    Quietly, she crept by her roommate’s slightly ajar bedroom door. As she tiptoed past the opening, she peered in to see two large German Shepherds curled up in their sheepskin dog beds against the far wall. Both canines raised their substantial heads and turned to look at the hall where she stood, unmoving and rigid just outside the shadow of the doorjamb.

    Sam and Gunner emitted low, guttural tones of dislike and uneasiness.

    She stood frozen and stared at them, lying there in the obscure light of sundown which streamed in from a large window above their beds. Impressed with their size and regality, she also felt disdain and apprehension for the dogs. Cautiously Eva retreated down the hall.

    The dogs always seemed to know exactly where she was in the house, regardless of her attempt to stay silent. Neither dog cared for Eva, and they made it known. Sometimes, they growled and raised a lip at her, exposing large, white canines. But mostly they just tried to avoid her at all costs. The dogs seemed perplexed and confused about her, always apprehensive and uneasy in her presence.

    Eva’s feelings about them were mutual. Generally fearful of all dogs, she avoided interacting with them no matter what she had to do to keep her distance.

    The end of the short, narrow hallway spilled into a proportionately small kitchen. The diminutive two-bedroom home sat back off the quiet and less traveled Pine Tree Road. At the rear of the house was a small lawn, surrounded by tall, mature trees that backed up to the local state park. There were insignificant trails forged by deer through the park that dropped into the rear yard. On occasion, a handful of deer could be found in the backyard eating acorns from one of the old, established oak trees or raiding the bird feeders hanging on shepherd’s hooks near the edge of the deck.

    Partially opening the side door from the kitchen to the breezeway, Eva continued to keep her movements slow and contained. She wanted to make sure the old hinges of the heavy wooden door wouldn’t groan as she pushed it the rest of the way open. Still trying to be cautious about drawing attention, she kept her actions deliberate and measured. She pushed the screen door gently and leaned out into the breezeway, scanning the concrete flooring of the covered space, searching for just the right pair of athletic shoes.

    Her eyes finally settled on the ones she was looking for. They were an older, well broken-in pair of Merrill hiking shoes that belonged to her roommate. Both women wore close to the same size and the shoes wouldn’t be missed for the short time Eva intended to borrow them. They were well worn from years of hiking the park’s trails. It would be difficult to tell when they were last used.

    Fetching them, Eva took note of the cool air coming through the passageway and inhaled deeply. She accepted the change of weather as a positive sign of readiness. An earlier thunderstorm had cleared the humidity and left behind clean, crisp, drier air in its place.

    She sat on an ancient wooden bench placed by the kitchen door for the sole purpose of putting on and taking off shoes. As she pulled the faded, tan hiking shoes on and tied them precisely, she paid close attention to the hour and estimated how long before complete darkness settled in. The sun was descending in the western sky. Long shadows already cast themselves among trees, which would make the forested park dimmer and more difficult to navigate. It would also mean the park would soon be empty of most of the daytime hikers, bikers, and horseback riders. Park hours were from dawn to dusk as it was a day-use only resource. But that didn’t mean all the park-goers left by dusk. Sometimes, there were stragglers.

    She did a few leg stretches to flex her calves and thigh muscles before standing up. In the breezeway, she made one more quick check of the contents in the little fanny pack she wore around her waist. Satisfied she had exactly what she needed, a quick, wicked smile flitted over her lips as dark thoughts raced across her increasingly malicious mind. It was time to get moving; daylight was getting short.

    Eva patted her cropped black hair with the palms of her hands and strode down the breezeway steps at the back of the house. She crossed the rear deck and headed across the lawn toward the nearly hidden deer trails leading directly into the state park land.

    Starting into the woods, she took one last glance over her shoulder at the back of the house. She was alarmed when she saw eyes tracking her. The dogs stood rigid, gazing through the bedroom window. They continued to observe her as she disappeared into the greenery and slipped into the covered forest.

    When she took off at a slow jog and headed deeper into the park’s forest, her thoughts shifted to what may lie ahead. She hoped her opportunity was waiting for her.

    Chapter 3


    A soft hum interrupted the solitude. It was Thursday morning, and Sarah was caught somewhere between dreams and reality. She had left the York County Communication Center around 0800 hours after finishing the third shift. Once arriving home and taking care of Gunner and Sam, she’d fallen into a deep sleep on the living room couch.

    Something was pulling her from her slumber, interrupting her fitful sleep. It felt like she had just drifted off. Lately, nightmares of the past had reawakened in her dreams. Things she hadn’t thought of in years resurfaced, and she didn’t understand exactly why. Horrible things. Things she wanted to forget.

    Could it be her job and some of the awful situations she handled? Many calls dealt with domestics, abuse and violence—high-pressure situations. Could one of her more stressful calls have triggered the deep, dark memories to come beckoning? Sarah tried to push her past behind her, but it was always just a breath away. Sometimes a physical scar brought back memories like dirty, open wounds, savage and raw.

    She didn’t want to dwell on it at the moment and pushed them from her mind. There were other, more pressing matters to contend with.

    She shifted, and her two faithful German Shepherds heard her stir. They were soon up from where they had been sleeping near her on the cool hardwood floor. The dogs were by Sarah’s side in an instant.

    They whined and stretched, looking at Sarah with great anticipation. Gunner, the larger of the two, laid his bulky, sable head on the edge of the couch, close enough for his nose to touch the back of her arm.

    Gunner! she spat, reacting to his cold, wet nose on her bare skin. The dog sat back on his haunches and looked at her with his best impression of What’d I do? She was used to her dogs pushing her to move or play, to do anything with them. Both were always on and ready to go.

    The annoying humming continued. Finally, Sarah pulled herself from the comfortable confines of the worn sofa and realized her phone was vibrating on the table. She had switched the ringtone off when she got home from work.

    Without getting up, she grabbed the phone. Glancing at the screen, she didn’t recognize the number but tapped the talk button.

    Hello, she answered in a groggy, irritated voice.

    In response, the caller stated, Oh hey, Sarah. This is Trooper Dave Graves. She knew right away who it was. He was with the Pennsylvania State Police, and the liaison for the York County Communication Center.

    For hell’s sake, Sarah thought to herself. She had only been home from work for a few hours.

    Sarah bolted upright to a sitting position. Is there something I can help you with?

    I’m hoping you, or at least your dogs, can help.

    She knew the trooper professionally. They had attended a few emergency preparedness classes together and chatted, but they were really only acquaintances until a few weeks ago.

    Dave had recently been accepted into the canine division. The state outfitted him with a black and tan bloodhound for tracking suspects. He came from a non-dog background, though. The officer had a lot to learn—not only about canine detection training, but about dog behavior as well.

    He had always been friendly, asking her questions about her German Shepherds, the scent work they did and how her job was going at the 911 center. Dave had made her workstation a daily stop on his way out as she headed in for third shift. He peppered her with questions about scent training and working canines. He seemed to hold her opinions in more regard than others, who also showed interest. Sarah looked forward to their conversations.

    Still trying to clear her sluggish head, Sarah apologetically asked him to repeat himself while she grabbed a notepad and pen from the coffee table drawer.

    Sure, we’re available. What do you need?

    Well, we’re not quite sure yet. Possible missing person case.

    Possible? Either you’re missing or you’re not. Sarah grinned to herself.

    Well, yeah, I know, Dave slowly replied. It was as if he was trying to concentrate on his wording. A hiker spotted an empty boat early this morning out at Lake Marburg. Boat was caught up along the dam, halfway across the lake with an electric motor that had run out of juice.

    I wonder how long one of those motors will run, Sarah thought. She had limited boat experience and didn’t have much knowledge when it came to their mechanics. Do you know who the boat belongs to? Has a cursory inland search been done?

    Park rangers are still trying to identify the vehicles in the parking lot with empty boat trailers and are working on finding out who owns the boat. Rangers have also visually checked along the shorelines without success. It’s been a few hours since it was found, and no one has come forward to claim it. Right now, we have a few agencies responding... local dive team and a small ground-pounder unit. We’d like to get your canine team out there as well. They’re certified for water searches, right?

    Sarah cringed at the mention of the local dive team. They had been difficult to network with on earlier experiences. Pretentious bastard, Sarah thought as she remembered her encounter with the dive team’s commander. Not a thought she wanted to convey to Dave, though.

    Oh yeah, both of my dogs are certified for water recovery as well as a few other handlers and canines on my team. She looked on as her dogs stretched and yawned continuously as though trying to defuse a tense situation. They watched her from the corners of their eyes. Their behavior perplexed her, but she put it off, thinking they were feeding off her energy. What’s base camp’s coordinates? she asked.

    Dave read off the location, and Sarah copied it down, along with a few additional notes in her waterproof notepad.

    Can I also get a contact number for you and base camp? Once I find out how many team members are available and their ETA, I’ll call you back.

    Dave gave her his cell number and that of the lieutenant managing the search. Really appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

    Sarah ended the call. Her mind raced with thoughts of all that needed to be done. Her pulse quickened, and her anxiety level pushed higher.

    Stop it. Just chill out, she told herself. One deep breath, and Sarah began to make mental notes. First, she texted her teammates to see who was available. She typed in the code for the deployment and the search type.

    Once Sarah sent the call-out, she got herself and her dogs, Gunner and Sam, ready. Like the majority of first responders, she kept most of her equipment stored in the vehicle to make preparation fast when time was short. But before she could move out, she needed to wait on responses from her team members.

    The reality of it all dawned on her. This would be the first time she personally acted as the lead team member to an agency request for the canine organization. Although she had been on numerous past searches in a supporting role, she had never actually deployed with her own dogs. Newly certified, they had only passed all their evaluations in the last month.

    But we train like we’ve been deployed, she thought. She took a deep breath, trying to control her excitement and nerves. A lot would ride on this call-out.

    First things first, she thought. She’d only had a couple of hours of sleep. Coffee. Strong coffee. She filled the carafe to the top with water, doubled up on the grounds, and flipped the switch.

    The dogs picked up on her heightened anxiety. Energy radiated from Gunner and Sam. The more boisterous of the two German Shepherds, Gunner, ran laps between Sarah and the front door. Sliding to a stop, he almost knocked her over. Sam had pretty much glued himself to Sarah’s side and wouldn’t take his attention off her.

    Settle! she yelled. They both looked at her numbly. How do you guys even know what’s going on? It was like they read her mind.

    Both Gunner and Sam were search and rescue canines skilled in the art of air-scenting to locate lost people. The public normally referred to them as sniffer dogs. They were certified in wilderness and urban settings to search for live humans. Both dogs were also certified in recovery, or as some handlers classified it, human remains detection. And that past summer they had passed their evaluations in water recovery.

    The dogs were obsessed with their noses and scenting. Anything and everything

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