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Great Cosmic Buster
Great Cosmic Buster
Great Cosmic Buster
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Great Cosmic Buster

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Being in the universe, the universe is in the heart! Meteorites fall from the sky, foreign invasion, the protagonist was awarded the mysterious cosmic scroll, develop human potential, unveil the mysteries of the universe, rise from the Earth, conquer the Milky Way, dominate the universe! The epic chapter of the grand universe begins on Earth!

PublisherDonna Gaskin
Release dateJan 10, 2024
Great Cosmic Buster

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    Great Cosmic Buster - Andrew Passaro

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    Great Cosmic Buster

    Copyright © 2024 by Andrew Passaro

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-2142-8

    Cover designed by Andrew Passaro

    Edited by Andrew Passaro

    Great Cosmic Buster

    Chapter One: A Meteorite Hits the Earth

        Galaxy, Earth, December 22, 2022, morning, windy, sunny, ordinary day, no different from any other day.

        However, for the Chinese stock market, this day is not ordinary, from 9:30 in the morning, the market is like a big bucket of stimulants, all the way to the red, soaring high, over the top, from the 20,000-point mark is also close at hand, at any time may break through the city!




        Countless stockholders crazy for it, the exchange is crowded, waving the flag, looking forward to the stock market to create another brilliant!

        For the first time, the Chinese stock market so lived up to its name, and by the close of the morning, the Shanghai Stock Exchange managed to stand at 20,000 points, with more than 2,000 stocks up!

        It's    20,000 points. It's finally broken 20,000 points! The market capitalization of the Huaxia stock market has surpassed that of Rice in one fell swoop, becoming the largest capital market in the world in terms of market capitalization.

        Thinking back to a few years ago, the stock market is still more than 2,000 points wobbling, a depressed look, so how many shareholders bitter tears, stock market crash after stock market crash, so how many of the old stockholders cut meat bankruptcy, pain in the neck!

        Can't imagine ah, China's stock market actually also have to keep the clouds to see the moon!

        Countless old stockholders cried out in pain and relief!

        Countless new stockholders are spirited and pointing!

        Some of the men and women who haven't had a chance to get into the market yet are beating their chests and hating the fact that they can't get a piece of the action!

        Sub-Oh, the old man's funds finally broke a million again, back to the well-off, go and have a cup of coffee to suppress the shock!

        As the stock market closed at noon, Li Jin walked out of the stock trading hall and walked toward the Star Cafe across the street.

        Li Jin, not too old and not too small, more than 20 years old, 30 not yet, but already has ten years of age of the old stockholders, less than 20 years ago, in the stock market to earn ten million assets, known as the small stock god, spirited, but the crash also gave him a head start, due to the use of leverage is too large, he was in the stock market crash in the bankruptcy, and now counts barely back to the He is now barely back to the middle class.

        Once in the cafe, there were groups of people discussing stocks, a lively scene I hadn't seen for a long time.

        Li Jin casually ordered a cup of coffee, sitting outdoors, years of stock market fluctuations, long ago let him spoiled!

        Just as he was leisurely sipping his coffee, he suddenly noticed a fireball streaking across the clear sky!

        Several huge objects broke through the atmosphere and pounded toward Earth with long, flaming tails across the sky!

        That aura is truly destructive!

        Is it a hallucination?

        Li Jin rubbed his eyes, the fireball was still flying at great speed, it was obviously not an illusion!

        Is it a meteor shower?

        Apparently not, this fireball isn't that romantic.

        Was it a meteorite that hit the earth?

        Li Jin was startled as he thought of a line from a game - The sky is raining fire!

        It's not an alien army invading Earth, is it?

        It was too late to think about it, and a moment later, the earth shook violently, followed by the whole earth shaking three times, all the glass was shattered, the ground shook, Li Jin coffee could not hold it, and the whole person was smashed by something and flew out!

        At this time, a golden light flew from the sky, rushing toward Li Jin's location, Li Jin was shocked, before he could react, the golden light disappeared into his body.

        Li Jin's brain hurt and he directly fainted.

        I don't know how long it took before Li Jin woke up leisurely.

        My head hurts, what is that golden light? It seems to have run into my brain.

        Li Jin scratched his head and looked around again, only to see the devastation of the earth, large trees falling to the east and west, cars strewn across the ground, human figures falling one to the east and one to the west, as well as many people panicked, their heads broken and bleeding ......

        The city was ravaged by an earthquake for a while!

        Thinking of the huge fireball that crossed the sky earlier, could it really be a meteorite hitting the earth?

        The great extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago is said to have been caused by a meteorite hitting the earth!

        Could Earth's human population also become extinct because of a meteorite hitting the Earth?

        Li Jin's heart trembled, then he shook his head again, it shouldn't be that serious, otherwise the destruction of the Earth would not be possible for him to stand there unharmed again.

        It should be that the straight warp of the meteorite was not big enough to destroy the earth, and the meteorite did not land in his city of Ningzhou, otherwise the killing power would be more than that.

        Li Jin in a trance touched out the cell phone, broadcast the 120 emergency call, but a occupied line blind sound.

        After that he picked up a couple of passersby who had fallen to the ground, all of whom were breathing and, thankfully, had only fainted and were not dead!

        Li Jin took out his cell phone to broadcast 120 again, or blind tone, it seems that the phone should be blown up, the affected people are quite a lot.

        After that he logged on to his cell phone page to see if there were any reports of a meteorite hitting the earth.

        There were no official reports of a meteorite hitting the earth, but instead the forums exploded with many people claiming to have seen a meteorite hit the earth, and more than one, and some netizens even captured the video!

        The rolling ball of fire cut through the sky, shocking to the eyes!

        Meteorite hit the earth, this kind of natural disaster once in a million years actually met, I do not know whether to sigh lucky or unfortunate.

        Fortunately the diameter of the meteorite was not very large and did not cause a global catastrophe of destruction, unfortunately the place hit by the meteorite must have been in a bad way!

        It is not yet possible to estimate how heavy the damage is.

        Panic is spreading in the forums, many are anxious because they can't contact their loved ones! Many people are scared because of the meteorite hitting the earth! Some even say it's the apocalypse coming and it's going to be the end of the world ......

        Li Jin was also lost in thought for a while, the meteorite hit the earth, this kind of thing is still the first time encountered, I don't know this time in the end will bring what effect to the earth!

        Suddenly, Li Jin remembered something, and hurriedly used his cell phone to log on to his stock account, which had already opened, and hurriedly sold all the stocks in his hand at a low price.

        In the event of a major uncertainty, rush to sell stocks at the first opportunity, as an old man in the stock market, this is instinctive.

        Since the stock market was up like crazy in the early morning, it was only a slow pullback in the afternoon just after the market opened, and that's when it was still possible to ship.

        However, experience tells him that when encountering such a major natural disaster as a meteorite hitting the earth, when stockholders react and panic spreads, the stock market will definitely plummet, and if he doesn't sell early, a stampede will definitely occur at that time, and he will even be trapped.

        Li Jin doesn't have much family either, so he dumps his stocks and goes to aid those who are injured.

        Rescue people while keeping a close eye on the news!

        Official reports were slow to come out, but something this big certainly couldn't be covered up, there was more talk on the internet, more and more people were affected, all sorts of rumors were flying, panic was spreading, catastrophe theories, and eschatology was circulating!

        After 2 p.m., the global stock market changed from a slow decline to a sharp turn down, and by the end of the day, the Chinese stock market plummeted 2,000 points, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange closing at 18,000 points and more than 3,000 stocks falling!

        Global stock markets plummeted!

        The stock market is the fastest source of information, and the panic selling of stocks is indicative of the uncertainty surrounding the global disaster.

        Official reports have since come out identifying multiple meteorite strikes around the globe and heavy damage, the exact cost of which cannot be estimated at this time!

    Chapter 2: Abandonment of the pen and the sword

        For the next week, the world was covered in dust from the impact of the meteorite, and daylight was barely visible in all parts of the globe.

        Tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters follow!

        More and more reports about the meteorite hit the earth out, the world's five continents are attacked by meteorites, smashed into the Australian continent of the largest meteorite, but fortunately the meteorite smashed in the desert area, the direct impact of the people less, the most unfortunate is the islands of the East Japan, the meteorite impact, coupled with subsequent tsunamis and storms, resulting in a number of islands of the East Japan sunk.

        The border between Huaxia and Vietnam was hit by a meteorite, creating a huge crater.

        Initial estimates put the global economic losses at more than a trillion dollars!

        Global panic is spreading and doomsday theories are rampant!

        Global stock markets plunged for a week, and for the first time in history, the world temporarily shut down stock markets and suspended trading!


        A month later, hundreds of millions of people around the world died because of inexplicable reasons, scientists claimed to have been subjected to cosmic radiation, at the same time, hundreds of millions of people because of cosmic radiation, the body mutated, survived, the physical quality of the people, the physical quality of the people has become significantly better, almost everyone's physical strength, speed, cellular activity, neural response ability and so on are significantly improved! Even an ordinary person can easily break the world records of running and weightlifting before the disaster.

        Even more frightening was the discovery that the beasts were beginning to mutate as well!

        There are even reports that alien life has been found near the crater, and that the first scientists and soldiers who rushed to the crater were killed or injured.

        There are also reports that the U.S. has captured an alien spacecraft that landed on Earth and captured unconscious aliens, although the U.S. has denied this! It is not possible to confirm the authenticity of the news.

        All kinds of news are coming out, both true and false, and it's making a lot of noise!


        These days, Li Jin had been amazed at the great changes that had happened to him, the most obvious was that his five senses had become stronger and he was as light as a swallow, feeling that his body was full of surging power, and there was also an increase in the amount of meals and his metabolism had become faster!

        Perhaps this is due to the influence of unknown cosmic rays!

        In the park, Li Jin stood in front of a willow tree that was as thick as an adult's waist, took a deep breath, and then threw punches at the willow tree at great speed, and within a few seconds, he continuously threw hundreds of punches, each punch left a mark on the tree, each punch shook the tree with a loud rumbling, and when the last elbow strike went down, the waist-thick willow tree fell down with a sound!

        Then he rushed to a row of stone chairs, raised his foot and made a downward chop, and the stone chairs, which were more than ten centimeters thick, directly snapped into several sections!

        What a strong power, the power in these fists and kicks surely exceeds the power of the former world boxing champion, it's a cow in front of me, I can knock it down too!

        Li Jin surprised at the destructive power caused by his own fists and feet, he has been following the master since childhood to practice martial arts, but limited to the limits of the human body, the destructive power that can be caused by the physical body is very limited, the so-called martial arts again, a shot dry, resulting in his entry into the community slowly deserted martial arts, only as a body refining to be used as a strong body, and now he sees that he is far from the limit of his own physical ability, rekindled the hope of practicing martial arts.

        The bones have become tighter and harder, the muscles are firmer and more developed, the dermal membrane has become more resilient, and the agility of the body has increased, so that if one continues to practice martial arts, the potential will be better developed!

        The stock market closed, Li Jin went to the park every day to practice martial arts and boxing, slowly get used to and master the body's power, now every punch and every kick are tigerish, can cause a gas explosion!

        The effects of the meteorite hitting the earth are still festering, some people are excited because their bodies have become stronger, some are sad because their loved ones have died, and some are panicking because they are afraid that the world is coming to an end! Some are mad because of genetic mutations!

        In short, because of the meteorite hitting the earth, the whole country and city was in a state of uneasiness and dreariness, and there was a sense of a storm coming!

        Panic and crime spread through the city!

        It is no exaggeration to say that if the State fails to take measures as soon as possible, the population will go into complete panic and madness, and civilized order will collapse.

        After another three days, the Chinese government finally took a series of measures to pacify the people and sent troops into the city to maintain order.

        Moreover, it was publicly announced that powerful xenomorph creatures had been found at the meteorite's landing site, that the country's danger level had entered the highest red alert level, that the country had entered a state of wartime, and that the entire population had been conscripted into the army!

        The state calls for citizens with evolved bodies to enlist in the military and offers incomparably generous conditions to encourage citizens to go into battle to kill xenomorphs and alien beasts!

        Conscription? Xenomorphs?

        Did a meteorite hitting the earth really bring in alien life, and xenomorphs at that?

        Li Jin was shocked in his heart and then quickly made a decision - to abandon his pen and join the military!

        Ancient national crisis, the scholar can abandon the pen to the military, on the battlefield to kill the enemy, modern alien alien invasion, as a good man, more should be on the battlefield to kill insects, to defend the earth.

        The country has entered a wartime state, a person is absolutely difficult to be alone, rather than waiting for the alien insects to kill in front of the eyes, it is better to take the initiative to attack on the battlefield, in addition, in order to better hone martial arts, develop potential, must also be carried out in real combat!

        Li Jin simply packed his bag and took down a Tang sword left to him by his master, and set off to report to the conscription office.

        Coverage will be at the City Gym!

        The conscription office at the stadium was already filled with thousands of citizens ready to be drafted into the military. Thousands wasn't a small number, but it wasn't much compared to the city's population base of several million.

        In extraordinary times, the conditions of enlistment are all but simplified, and the newcomers are mainly tested on their punching power and speed!

        Punching power of 200 kilograms or more and speed of 100 meters and 10 seconds are considered to be up to standard.

        The punching power and speed was almost at the level of a pre-cataclysm world champion, though more than 80% of the members on the scene were up to par due to the cosmic rays.

        Most of the citizens are in the 200 to 500 kilogram class of punching power, with a speed of 6 to 10 seconds for 100 meters.

        Li Jin also began his test.

        In front of a fist power target machine, Li Jin clenched his fist and struck it with all his might on top of the target with a loud bang, as if a huge hammer had smashed on top of the machine.

        818 kilograms!


        So strong.

        A gasp came from the crowd, even though his body had evolved due to the effects of cosmic rays, having a punching power of over 800 kilograms right now was still extremely rare, and even the eyes of the testing officers lit up.

        After that, Li Jin came back to the stadium to run to test the 100 meter speed.

        the start of a race

        Li Jin flew out like an arrow off the string, his feet were windy, and he soon rushed to the finish line.

        5.8 seconds for 100 meters.

        Wow, flying man, far beyond the previous world record!

        Another gasp of surprise came from the crowd, although everyone's abilities had increased, it was amazing to see someone easily break the previous world record and leave it far behind.

        A meteorite hits the Earth and a new era is ushered in.

        These are the times of disaster!

        Also the time of Superman!

    Chapter Three: One Star Warrior

        Li Jin, 818 kilograms of fist strength, speed 100 meters in 5.8 seconds, excellent results! Enlisted in the Special Warfare Unit, current rank is one-star combat soldier.

        An officer from the conscription office announced, very appreciative of Li Jin.

        Wow, I've been selected for the special operations unit, I can only join a normal unit, I'm so envious!

        This is the second one to be directly selected for the special operations unit, it takes thousands of soldiers to produce one or two, that's the elite!

        Elites are just different, as soon as they enlist they have the rank of one-star combat soldier, our ordinary soldiers are reserve combat soldiers and don't even have a rank.

        The stronger the ability, the more contribution, the higher the rank level, now the rank level of the military department is very reasonable also motivate people, in order to promote the rank just work hard to improve the ability, kill the enemy and make more contribution.


        Numerous citizens and recruits were talking about it, with envy and jealousy.

        After a full day of drafting, only three people, including Li Jin, were selected for the special operations unit.

        The war was urgent, and the three Li Jin were sent to the front on the same day.

        Inside the helicopter gunship, several special operations recruits were unusually excited.

        Wow, the inside of this helicopter is so spacious, it's my first time to ride in this kind of helicopter gunship! So excited!

        A young man with an inch head and a muscular body said excitedly, looking left and touching right from the beginning of boarding, it is difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

        It's my first time flying in a helicopter too, let alone an armed helicopter! We're all from the same place and will be comrades in arms, so let's get acquainted first.

        A young man with glasses and a refined appearance said.

        Let's start with myself, my name is Sun Xing, I was a program ape before I enlisted!

        My name is Wang Manglong, and I was a college student before, a special enrollment for sports! My ideal is to be a general!

        The muscular man said, his voice booming.

        Brother Raptor has ideals, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good student.

        Sun Xing laughed, pushed up his glasses, and looked at Li Jin again.

        My name is Li Jin, I was a professional stockbroker before!

        Li Jin said simply.

        Brother Li, help ah, I big market broke 20000 points when the market, bought 10,000 shares, the result of the meteorite in the sky, the stock market fell for a week, and now the damned simply do not open the market, the set me so miserable ah, God, save me, that's all my pocket money!

        Wang Manglong, who was on the side, directly cried out loudly after hearing Li Jin's introduction.

        The stock market is suspended, what else can be done, kill the enemy first, maybe when you retire back to the stock has been unlocked big profits, of course, provided that the earth is preserved, the economy does not collapse, otherwise all things become empty.

        Li Jin said, if the Earth is destroyed or occupied by an alien alien race, then stocks, making money and what not are all floating clouds.

        En, I heard that we will be sent directly to the front line to kill the alien bugs, alien bugs, ah, not the Earth species, I do not know what kind of bird looks like, will not be the Starcraft inside the insect race, before playing Starcraft game is too exciting, now we are also a war soldier, my machine gun has long been hungry and thirsty!

        Wang Manglong said.

        Brother Raptor, you're too optimistic, the insect race is terrifying, when you encounter a praying mantis, the scythe inserts into your head and sucks out your brain paddles in three seconds, your little life is important, I'd rather choose to be a blocking gunner and hide from a distance to let off cold shots!

        Sun Xingdao, he was more cautious, after all, fighting with a foreign race is not a joke.

        Fear not, I, Raptor, am now a little superhero, with a punch of 780 kilograms, I can smash the eggs of a xenomorph with one punch, provided, of course, that the little bugs also have eggs!

        Wang Manglong laughed, heartlessly.

        Just blow it off, I hope you can still laugh when you see the bugs.

        King's Walk.

        When playing the game I like to kill bugs the most, I just didn't expect ah, one day, I Wang Manglong can also personally go on the battlefield to kill the alien alien bugs, to say that a little bit of fear that is not true, but the heart of the sense of excitement a little more.

        Wang Manglong continued.

        I've heard that the Rice people got lucky when they picked up a spaceship and captured unconscious aliens, I wonder if that's true! That said, are there really aliens in the universe?

        Sun Xing Dao.

        I'm sure there's other alien life in the universe, do you know how many planets there are in the Milky Way? Do you know how many galaxies like the Milky Way there are in the universe?

        Li Jin took over the conversation.

        I don't know, the sky is either hazy or dusty, you can't even see the stars, and astronomy is bad, so how do you know how many stars there are in the universe!

        Wang Manglong shook his head straight, and at a glance, he knew that he did not study well in school.

        There are countless stars in the universe, right, it's really hard to say exactly, mankind's understanding of the universe is already very limited, the Milky Way Galaxy has hundreds of millions of planets anyways, right?

        Wang Xing pushed his glasses.

        En, the Milky Way has more than 200 billion stars like the sun, and the solar system has nine planets and hundreds of satellites, so the Milky Way alone has more than a trillion stars, and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies like the Milky Way in the universe, and that's still something that humans on Earth can observe, and there are many planets, galaxies, and stars in the universe and many more that are currently unobservable by people on Earth and understand. The stars of the universe are infinite and simply uncountable!

        Li Jin said.

        So it is really arrogant and ignorant to think that only the Earth has intelligent beings and civilization, and human beings are really too small in the universe. The ants are busy on the mound, they think that the small mound is the whole world, human beings think that the world can be observed is the whole universe, in the earth this acre of land inside the fight, in fact, and the ants have what difference!

        Sun Xing exclaimed.

        In fact, I have a guess, the direction of the development of the earth's human beings is simply wrong, technology is only an auxiliary means, and relying on science and technology can not exhaust the universe, even if the human invention of the speed of light of the spacecraft so what, the diameter of the Milky Way is more than 100,000 light-years, the speed of light of the spacecraft across the Milky Way in the past 100,000 years, the yellow flowers and vegetables have cooled down, the people have also turned into a withered bone.

        Li Jin Dao, the universe is too vast, technology is too powerless.

        What if people hibernate while traveling through the universe? Or what about mastering space jumps, wormhole travel?

        Wang Manglong said.

        Dormancy is really low level, it really can't get on the stage in the universe, and it's useless even if you have mastered space jumping or wormhole shuttling, the universe is too vast, hundreds of billions of galaxies, infinite stars, even if you keep jumping and shuttling for a hundred million years, you won't be able to understand the truth of the universe!

        Li Jin said.

        I seem to understand a bit when you say that, technology seems too powerless in the face of the endless universe, so what would it take to understand the truth of the great universe?

        Sun Xing was puzzled.

        That's a question no one can answer right now, and I'm just a guess, perhaps the truth about the universe can be learned through means other than technology. The vast mystery of the universe can only be known when we have the ability to leave Earth and enter the cosmic stars!

        Li Jin Dao, how many secrets does this universe have? Is the invasion of extraterrestrial beings the beginning of Earthlings' contact with the universe?

    Chapter 4: Dragon Teeth Special Forces

        It's still too far to say the universe, we are just poor wretches cowering in the earth, sometimes I wonder if the earth is a cage, why there are so many stars in the universe, and we earthlings can't be integrated into the cosmic family in our whole life until we die, we can only be spinning around on an earth, just like ants may only be spinning around on a small mound in their whole life, and then think that the small mound is the whole world, the How much beauty, how much splendor is missed then!

        Sun Xing also sighed, the universe this topic does not talk about nothing, a talk about let the human heart yearning, just like the frog in the well, know the well outside there is a wide world, then always think of one day can jump out of the small well.

        My journey is to the stars, and one day I will jump out of this tiny world of Earth!

        Li Jin swore that he was a young man with a dream and a brain.

        Brothers, the universe is too vast, too mysterious and too far away, let's talk about the immediate future, I, for one, just want to kill more bugs, make more contributions, build a career, increase my rank, marry a rich white woman, and go to the peak of my life!

        Wang Manglong is also a hot-blooded young man with ideals, becoming a general and marrying a rich white woman is already the peak life he wants.

        Talk about the immediate words, then try to live! Live so you can talk about everything else!

        Li Jin Road, now has not really entered the battlefield, you can talk about ideals, talk about life, when the real battle begins, perhaps just the cruelty left!

        Since ancient times, wars have been brutal, and how many people can survive to the end? Not to mention a war with an unknown alien race.

        A few of the recruits chatted for a while, but they quickly became acquainted and established an initial comradeship.

        The time passed quickly and the helicopter gunship took them to the military base ahead.

        The base has just been built is still very simple, but you can see a cross-country locomotive, on which there are rows of rocket launchers, as well as tank units, etc., the weapons of war are waiting for the battle, and the meaning of the battle is strong.

        The military department did not give Li Jin and the others much time to rest, and they were urgently assembled just ten minutes after arriving at the base.

        A tigerish instructor began to lecture:

        Do you guys know what my name is? My name is Stone, in fact I'm a man harder than stone, so don't you guys try to pull any tricks in training, don't ask for trouble.

        The fighters, however, were all unimpressed, it's the same old thing again, can't we be a little creative? At least we are all special forces members, how can we treat us as ordinary soldiers.

        One of the soldiers in particular was not very convincing, cross-eyed and a prick at first glance.

        Instructor Stone then pointed at the soldier and said, What's your name? Trick or treating on purpose aren't you?

        The soldier proudly replied, My name is Hammer, and I can break even the hardest stone.

        All the war soldiers laughed out loud, this hammer bull, specializing in smashing rocks.

        Instructor Stone had a blank, expressionless face and droned, Iron Hammer, right? Step out!

        Hammer wasn't afraid, and stood out with his chest puffed out and his feet in the air.

        Hammer, what's your punching power?

        Reporting to Instructor Stone, my Iron Hammer's fist strength is 905 kilograms! The power is so strong that it can be used as a weapon!

        Iron Hammer proudly said, domineering, comparing himself to the King of Chu.

        Very well, 30 meters to your right there is a stone that weighs a thousand pounds, you Iron Fighter go lift that stone and do deep squats a thousand times, no eating or sleeping if you can't complete the task.

        Stone drank without expression.

        The crowd looked to the right stone, only to see that the boulder was a meter square, and they could only sympathize with the real man of the hammer.

        So the Hammer went off to lift rocks for a deep squatting bully with the crowd watching resentfully.

        The hammer stone didn't make it, but had to lift the stone, it's really sad, it's called officialdom.

        Anyone else who is not convinced, all come forward!

        Instructor Stone droned again.

        The crowd was silent! Who's stupid enough to make trouble for themselves at this time.

        Seeing that the effect of establishing authority had been achieved, the instructor added: You are all one in a thousand Special Warfare Soldiers, with abilities far exceeding those of ordinary people, so the training requirements for you are likewise greater than those of ordinary people! You don't need to learn how to fold a quilt, but you must learn how to kill bugs. My requirements for you are simple, obey orders, complete the mission, and live!

        Instructor Stone swept a glance at the crowd and said, This is the frontline of killing xenomorphs, people die every day, surviving is the only way to defend China and build a career! Therefore we must first learn the survival skills and then kill the bugs to make a contribution!

        You are Special Warrior Soldiers with the rank of one-star Battle Soldier, the latest rank system is divided into Battle Soldier, Battle Lieutenant, Battle Colonel, Battle General, and Battle Marshal! Each rank is divided into one to five stars, every bug you kill and every mission you complete has a contribution value, as long as you have enough contribution value, you can all become war generals or even war marshals!

        War Soldier, War Lieutenant, War Colonel, War General, War Marshal!

        That's a bit of an interesting rank distinction!

        The war soldiers were all rubbing their fists, itching to get into battle and kill the bugs right away to earn contribution value!

        There are many other functions of contribution value, the specifics of which you will know later! What I must tell you guys is that war is brutal, especially the war with alien xenomorphs! You are Special Warfare Vanguard Soldiers, you are on the front line of the battle against the Xenomorphs, you will be in danger of losing your lives at any time, there are a total of 100 people on your side, and those who still survive after three months will become members of the Dragon Tooth Special Warfare Team!

        Dragon Teeth Special Forces!




        Now I'm going to teach you a set of Military Physical Fist, which is a simple and direct fighting art, and at the same time can effectively develop human potential!

        After saying that, Instructor Stone simply practiced military boxing!

        A punch and a kick are direct and powerful.

        Simply put military boxing is a combination of punches, kicks, slams, knife and gun grabs and other fighting maneuvers.

        Li Jin grew up learning martial arts, this kind of military boxing is nothing to him, one look and he can get started.

        Practicing military boxing for a long period of time can really stimulate potential.

        After boxing it was weighted running, then pushups, squats ......

        Thanks to the fact that all the people had evolved genetically, otherwise this kind of intense training on the first day would have been too much to bear.

        After a tiring day, at night the war soldiers slept in simple military tents.

        The next day was the exhilarating firearms training.

        As a Special Warfare Soldier, it is important to be familiar with a variety of firearms, or you can choose your favorite firearm for specialized training.

        The man with glasses really chose the latest model of the blocking gun, Wang Manglong chose the pulling Barrett, and Li Jin chose an ak-based prominent rifle.

        Due to the influence of cosmic rays, the five senses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body became very strong, practicing guns was not that difficult, and soon Li Jin was able to skillfully use all kinds of firearms and shoot accurately.

        However, Li Jin still preferred cold weapons like swords, and practiced sword techniques whenever he had free time, practicing splitting and chopping hundreds of thousands of times a day!

        Soon in the special forces Li Jin has a knife crazy nickname!

    Chapter 5: War Soldier Fighting Tournament

        After three consecutive days of intense training, Instructor Stone suddenly announced a hand-to-hand combat tournament for one hundred combat soldiers, from which the strongest five would be selected.

        A fighting match, yes, I haven't fought to my heart's content since the awakening of my Hammer Buster power, and my Iron Fist has long been hungry for more!

        Hammer excited simmering call, his person horse big, tiger back and bear waist, more than one meter nine tall, was born with God's strength, by the cosmic rays to strengthen the body is more perverted, is the only one in the hundred special forces members of the fist power to break through the 900 kilograms, it is said that before enlisting in the black market to fight black boxing masters, no wonder that before the courage to talk to the instructor to call the shots.

        According to Ironhammer's boast, he could fight 30 alone before the disaster, and even more so after the disaster, he could fight 50 without taking a breath.

        Of course, he fought at the level of ordinary combatants, if he said that he could fight dozens of special combatants alone, he would have been held down and beaten wildly.

        The special operations team was a crouching tiger and hidden dragon, everyone with a fist strength of around 800 kilograms was not a regular person. But Iron Hammer clearly had cocky capital for being the first combat soldier to break 900 kilograms of fist strength.

        There's no first in literature and no second in martial arts, they're both special warriors, so let's have a match to see who's first in terms of force value!

        Another member of the team jumped at the chance, clearly not convinced by the Hammer.

        They're all little superheroes, and the fights are sure to be exciting!

        Many of the players were fist pumping and were excited.

        I play with guns, can I stay out of the ring in unarmed combat and just be a spectator?

        Of course, there are those who play 13 low.

        Overall, the crowd also wanted to compete to see who was the king of fighting among the war soldiers.

        Finally Instructor Stone announced:

        Fighting rules are as follows, one hundred people are divided into two groups, each group of fifty people, the winner of the fifty people and then two two fights, two fights down, I will select five players as seeded players, the remaining twenty people two against two, the winner of the ten people and then face each other, the winning five people are free to challenge the five seeded players, the winners that is, the top five, and then from the top five to decide the king of the fight! Is that clear?


        Wait, it's a bit complicated, let me wisp first!

        Some understood the rules as soon as they were heard, and those who didn't did the math on the side.

        Okay, split into two groups by number, than the losing group will have to carry the winner in a thousand deep squats!

        The instructor added another jolt to galvanize the war soldiers!

        Instructors are ruthless, and in order to ride someone without being ridden, you absolutely cannot lose!

        They were all young and energetic special warriors, and none of them were willing to give in.

        Soon, the two groups were divided, No. 1~50 was divided into one group, No. 51~100 was divided into two groups, and Li Jin, No. 16, was divided into one group.

        Li Jin's opponent is No. 66 Wang Li, a muscular man of more than six-foot-tall who was a bodybuilding instructor before enlisting in the army.

        Li Jin, I advise you to give up, my name is Wang Li, nicknamed the King of Force, I can lift barbells over 1,000 kilograms, your little body isn't enough for me to lift with one hand!

        Wang Li saw that Li Jin had an ordinary figure, not very tall or robust, and was a bit disdainful.

        Come over here and try lifting it!

        Li Jin faintly said, this douchebag treats fighting as weightlifting.

        Then I'll be polite and show you my Wang Li's divine power!

        Wang Li rushed over and pulled Li Jin's arm, his hands powered up to lift Li Jin over his head in one fell swoop.

        Li Jin deliberately didn't dodge and let him catch it.

        Wang Li used his milk strength, but Li Jin did not move like a mountain, as if the ancient pines were rooted in the earth, he froze and failed to shake the slightest bit.

        My turn!

        Li Jin swept the heel of Wang Li's leg, while Wang Li's lower plate was unsteady to fall, he directly launched his hands, grabbed Wang Li's neck and directly lifted his entire body over his head and threw him out more than ten meters away.

        Wang Li fell and couldn't get up for a long time.


        A muscular man like Wang Li, who had no real combat ability and was not useful to look at, was not a match for Li Jin at all.

        Looking to the other special warriors, some were dragons battling it out, and some were so strong that they were separated early on.

        Li Jin sat on the mountain and watched the tigers, realizing that several of the combat soldiers were very capable of fighting, and their fighting skills were impressive, so it was true that this place was still a place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons!

        In the second match, Li Jin takes on Lin Feng, who has also already won one match. Lin Feng was a sparring athlete before enlisting in the army, and specializes in fighting, and also has a strong punching power of over 800 kilograms.

        Both sides do not nonsense, the fight began, Lin Feng began to Li Jin attack, he punched fast and fierce, each punch with the sound of the wind, especially his legs full of force, side kicks, whip leg is very threatening.

        At first, Li Jin was just passive and defensive, but after half a minute, he caught Lin Feng in a break after he threw his leg.

        Lunge Punch!

        Li Jin's right fist violently spun forward from his waist and rushed out with the center of his fist downward, while his left fist was closed at his waist, forming a left bow stance.

        A punch like a cannonball blasted at Lin Feng's chest, Lin Feng's body was extremely resistant to blows, and this punch of over 800 kilograms was only able to cause him to take a few steps back without immediately losing.

        However, Li Jin did not intend to give him a chance to catch his breath, after a punch, his feet immediately followed, and in one breath he threw a dozen punches one after another, with a terrifying speed of punching, the only thing left in the air were the shadows of the punches and the sound of the strikes, so that Lin Feng could only take the beating without the ability to fight back.

        This was the high frequency of punches that could only be achieved after genetic evolution, to describe it as a raging storm was not an exaggeration, the end was already obvious, Lin Feng fell to the ground!


        This battle makes Li Jin very enlightened, after the genetic evolution, both the body strength and the speed of punches have had a qualitative change, the previous body can not make the fighting skills can now be realized, such as combinations in the fighting game, the previous body simply can not do combinations of consecutive punches, one is not fast enough to react to the Divine Essence, the second is not enough force to punch, and the third is the speed of punches can not be kept up with.

        And after the genetic evolution, the reaction is quick, can seize the first line of opportunity, quickly make a counterattack, punch power, and punch speed is extremely fast, a second can easily blast a dozen or so punches, can completely in a hit after making is a horrible combination of techniques, to the opponent to cause a succession of fatal blows.

        Li Jin fell into contemplation and gained further knowledge and understanding of fighting martial arts.

        Perhaps the fighting techniques can be perfected over the next few hours of actual combat.

        After the evolution of genes, martial arts were no longer chicken ribs, but a very powerful and practical discipline of combat.

        Other special combat soldiers fighting is also very intense, emerged a number of masters, such as the hammer force is as strong as a mountain, punching and kicking raw, and resistance to blows is very strong, he is in the second fight with one hand to easily file the other five minutes of attack, and deliberately not make any counterattack, let the other party to hit, and then suddenly force, a punch ko opponent.

        There is also a master boxer who is flawless in both attack and defense.

        Even better is a Wing Chun master, a real practitioner.

    Chapter 6 - Terrifying Continuous Technique

        Now I'm announcing the top five seeds, Iron Hammer, Lin Qitian, Hong Wu, Li Jin, and Zhang Yang.

        Instructor Stone has a keen eye, and after a few fights, he basically establishes the fighting strength of the team and picks the five seeded fighters.

        The other ten winners were not selected as seeded players, their hearts were very unconvinced, but the instructor's decision they did not dare to disobey, they could only wait to challenge the seeded players after defeating their opponents, so they were all holding their breath in their hearts.

        Brother Li, congratulations on being seeded, so you can fight so well!

        Wang Manglong congratulated Li Jin, not to mention that he was a special enrollment in sports and was eliminated from the first round of the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon's Special Warfare Team Fighting Tournament, so he had a little more respect for his hometown friend Li Jin, who had been selected as a seeded player!

        Li Jin nodded to Wang Manglong, but in his heart he was thinking about the fighting combination technique, originally he wanted to fight a few more matches to confirm what he thought in his heart, but he knew that he was directly selected as a seeded player, so he had no choice but to wait for the other members to finish their fights.

        Soon, five more winners were decided among the ten competitors.

        Next up is the Top 5 Battle of the Bulge.

        Each of the five winners will have one chance to challenge for seeding.

        The favorites to win the title in the seeded field are the monstrously feisty Hammer and Wing Chun master Lam Man Tin.

        As for Li Jin, who looked ordinary and plain, he was the target of the crowd's challenge.

        Li Jin was worried about not having an opponent to practice against, so he naturally begged to see a challenger!

        For the first challenger, Li Jin used the military boxing that he had just learned a few days before.

        Lunge Punch.

        Throat-piercing kick.

        Horse stance horizontal strike.

        Inside the hook.

        Staggered side kick.

        Li Jin will be a set of military boxing makes the flow of water, each hit seems ordinary, but direct, infinite power, let a person overwhelmed, the first challenger can catch five moves military boxing will fall.

        Military style boxing was nothing more than an ordinary boxing style in the military, everyone practiced it, nothing extraordinary, so after Li Jin defeated the first challenger with his military style boxing, there was still someone who was unconvinced and came up to challenge him, only to be defeated by his three punches.

        Ordinary military boxing by Li Jin make out more and more master style, is a fist and a foot is natural, flowing, the key is to hit the effect of a series of strikes, the first strike after a few consecutive moves to kill the style of successive, so that people can not cope with.

        No one dared to challenge Li Jin again after defeating the second person.

        The top five players were soon decided, and among the seeded players, only Zhang Yang was defeated.

        I announce the top five battle soldiers as Iron Hammer, Lin Qitian, Hong Wu, Li Jin, and Zhou Tai. Now for the championship match.

        The championship match pits two out of five with the final winner being the champion.

        Li Jin took a turn in the first round of matchups and had no choice but to wait for the others to face each other, and in the end, Iron Hammer defeated Hong Wu and Lin Qitian defeated Zhou Tai.

        Next up was Li Jin vs. Iron Hammer, with the winner finally facing off against Lin Qitian.

        Fighting began, the hammer deserves his nickname, the force is as strong as a mountain, every blow down really like a hammer down.

        This hammer's attack is so powerful that its punching force definitely breaks through a thousand kilograms!

        Li Jin was secretly surprised in his heart, through a few days of training, everyone's punching power has increased, it is no longer the level of the original test, but to say that the punching power to break a thousand, may now also be able to achieve the hammer, Li Jin estimated that his own punching power can now reach more than 900 kilograms.

        Iron Hammer is worthy of playing black boxing origin, each strike is vicious and tricky, but Li Progress method is agile, although it is defense, but does not fall into the wind.

        Watch out, you're the first one to force me to use my mastery!

        Iron Hammer suddenly let out a fierce chorus of whistles, and his fist path changed drastically.

        A tiger descends from the mountain.

        A tiger's heart.

        The Tiger Whistles in the Mountains

        Iron Hammer's set of Tiger Fist fight ferociously abnormal, tiger tiger, really is amazing momentum! However, in Li Jin's opinion, this set of Tiger Fist has its own form, but not the essence of it, and there are many flaws.

        It's my turn to strike!

        His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, catching a break in the hammer and decisively using military style fists!

        He was seen turning right into a bow stance, while his right arm splashed backward and swung and struck from backward to forward and upward, with his fist at the same height as his jaw!

        Inside the hook.

        A vicious hook, the powerful punch directly knocked Hammer's entire body floating in the air.

        What followed was Li Jin's wild storm of combo combos.

        Throat-piercing kick.

        Lunge Punch.

        Turn away from the arm.

        False Step Chop Waki

        Straight punches in a chain.

        Left and right hooks.

        The Hammer was subjected to a succession of catastrophic and violent blows!


        Outer frame, inner hook.

        Horse stance horizontal strike.

        Bouncing sideways.

        Step up and smash the elbow.


        Military boxing plus a simple straight punch hook composed of a set of continuous skills, so that the hammer was hit by the first punch floating in the air after the ground over, fist ** plus, such as the storm, the horror of continuous skills in a short period of time to play 36 moves, hit the hammer can not distinguish between the east and west and south and north, to see all the people dumbstruck!

        It turns out that military boxing can be so strong!

        It turns out that boxing can be used in this way!

        This was a continuous technique that could only appear in a fighting game entirely, and it was actually used by Li Jin in reality!

        Everyone was wide-eyed and in awe.

        Continuous technique out of the box, the winner is already divided, and the Hammer loses miserably!

        Of course Li Jin was merciful and only used Iron Hammer as a target for practicing continuous techniques, he didn't hit hard, so although Iron Hammer lost, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

        Li Jin's set of combination continuity techniques struck out the style of a martial arts master, and after closing his fist, he felt that his entire essence had been sublimated!

        Next up was a title fight with Wing Chun master Lam Man Tin.

        Lam Tong Tin's Wing Chun Inch Punch is very threatening!

        However, at this time, Li Jin had already fought out his momentum, and his Military Physical Fist contained a great momentum, a forward-looking and majestic atmosphere!

        Before the fist arrives, the soul is broken!

        This was martial arts that had reached another level, where the fist could shock the opponent's spirit, or even scare the hell out of them!

        Lin Wenzhang puts on his best effort and is still defeated by Li Jin's combo sequences!

        Since then, Li Jin has become famous among the special operations soldiers, and a set of combination continuity skills is scary!

        I announce that Li Jin has won the championship in the military fighting tournament, rewarding him with 100 contribution points, and the other top five finishers are Iron Hammer, Lin Qitian, Hong Wu, and Zhou Tai, each receiving 30 contribution points each!

        I can't imagine that you can get contribution points for winning the championship!

        Li Jin was naturally happy to get the Fighting Champion, master the Combo Fighting Technique, and have contribution points to take!

        I just don't know how many contribution points are needed to ascend to a two-star war soldier?

        In the group fight, one group wins and the second group loses! The entire second group packs a group to do a thousand deep squats!

        Haha, some people laugh, some people cry!

        It's really a joy for some and a sorrow for others!

        Punishment is nothing more than a flavoring relative to fighting matches!

        After the deep squat punishment was over, the crowd was dismissed, with only the combat soldiers who had won the top five fights being left behind.

        Instructor Stone had a serious face and said:

        Do you know why the fighting tournament is being held? Because there's a dangerous mission coming up for you, the best of the best war soldiers!

    Chapter 7: Alien Insects

        What mission?

        The crowd was amazed!

        Instructor Stone explained:

        "Protect two scientists to enter the alien bug area to collect samples! When the meteorite landed on Earth, the

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