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The Mystery of the Missing Howler
The Mystery of the Missing Howler
The Mystery of the Missing Howler
Ebook49 pages34 minutes

The Mystery of the Missing Howler

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School spirit has hit rock bottom at Elmwood Elementary. The annual Elmwood Bulldogs basketball championship is just days away, and their mascot, Howler, has vanished! Can fifth-grader Maya and her best friend, Leo, crack the case and find Howler before the big game?

Their hunt leads them on a trail of cryptic clues left by the mascotnapper, from the dusty attic to the mysterious janitor's closet. Will Maya and Leo be able to save Howler and reignite school spirit in time for the championship? Or will the Elmwood Bulldogs take the court mascot-less, facing certain defeat? Find out in this wacky, fast-paced mystery perfect for young sleuths!

Release dateApr 15, 2024
The Mystery of the Missing Howler

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    Book preview

    The Mystery of the Missing Howler - Ellyn Clarkson

    Chapter 1: The Howling Silence

    The air in Elmwood Elementary crackled with electricity. Not the kind that sparked from frayed wires, but the thrilling kind that buzzed with anticipation. It was a few days before the annual Elmwood vs. Oakhaven basketball championship, and school spirit had reached a fever pitch. Posters plastered the hallways, each featuring a cartoon bulldog with a perpetually wagging tail and a toothy grin. This wasn't just any bulldog, it was Howler, the beloved mascot of Elmwood Elementary.

    Leo, usually content in the quiet company of a good book, found himself swept up in the excitement. He couldn't deny the infectious energy that thrummed through the halls. Even Maya, his best friend whose social battery seemed perpetually charged, had an extra spring in her step. She'd been relentlessly practicing her loudest Go Elmwood! cheers during lunch and recess, leaving Leo both amused and slightly deafened.

    As the final school bell rang, Leo tucked his well-worn copy of The Mystery of the Missing Manuscript under his arm and prepared to face the post-school stampede. But before he could join the throng of students rushing out, a booming voice echoed through the hallway.

    Attention, Elmwood Bulldogs! Principal Perch, a man whose stern demeanor rivaled that of a particularly grumpy gargoyle, stood at the entrance of the gymnasium. Despite his usual frown, a flicker of excitement momentarily replaced it. Tonight is the pep rally! We need everyone there to cheer on our mighty Elmwood team! And remember, he continued, his voice dropping to a low growl, a school without spirit is a school without victory!

    Leo winced. Principal Perch's pep talks were legendary for their intensity, bordering on the slightly terrifying. But tonight, even Leo felt a surge of excitement. The championship was a big deal, and the sight of Howler, their beloved bulldog decked out in the mascot costume, was an annual tradition.

    He and Maya headed towards the gym, the rhythmic chant of Go Elmwood! echoing around them. As they reached the double doors, a wave of disappointment washed over Leo. The gym was dark.

    Huh, that's strange, Maya muttered, peering through the cracked door. The lights are supposed to be on for the pep rally.

    Just then, a loud crash erupted from inside, followed by a flurry of muffled curses. Leo and Maya exchanged a nervous glance.

    Maybe someone tripped over a chair? Maya suggested, pushing open the door cautiously.

    The first thing that hit them was an unexpected wave of heat. Then came the smell – the pungent aroma of burnt popcorn mixed with something vaguely like singed fur. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they saw a scene of utter chaos. Chairs were overturned, popcorn littered the floor, and a microphone lay abandoned on the stage. But what truly sent a shiver down Leo's spine was

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