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Glitch of the Heart
Glitch of the Heart
Glitch of the Heart
Ebook53 pages45 minutes

Glitch of the Heart

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In the not-so-distant future, the virtual matchmaking service LoveSync will dominate society, dictating romantic relationships based on algorithms and compatibility scores. Everyone trusts LoveSync for its precision in ensuring lifelong happiness, making any form of organic romance a thing of the past and socially unacceptable.

Ava, a 28-year-old systems analyst for LoveSync, believes in the system's perfection until she stumbles upon an unusual glitch during routine maintenance. This glitch allows her to connect with Eli, a man who, due to a rare error, has lived outside the bounds of LoveSync's influence. Intrigued and drawn to Eli's world, where relationships are formed naturally, Ava begins to question the very system she upholds.

As Ava and Eli's connection deepens, they must navigate the treacherous waters of a society where unsanctioned relationships are not only frowned upon but also illegal. LoveSync's enforcers soon become suspicious of Ava's behavior, putting her under scrutiny. The more Ava learns about the world outside LoveSync, the more she uncovers its darker sides, including manipulation and control under the guise of optimization and happiness.

Confronted with the harsh realities of the system, Ava becomes the face of a growing underground movement challenging the status quo. Her struggle turns into a fight for personal freedom and the right to love without constraints.

As the climax approaches, Ava must make a critical decision: return to the safety and predictability of LoveSync, or risk everything for the uncertain, wild terrain of genuine emotion and the chance at true love with Eli. Her choice will not only determine her own fate but could also ignite a revolution to redefine human connection in her world.

Glitch of the Heart explores themes of autonomy, the nature of love, and the courage to pursue truth in the face of overwhelming opposition, offering a poignant look at the future of relationships in an increasingly technological society.

PublisherOlivia Harper
Release dateApr 14, 2024
Glitch of the Heart

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    Book preview

    Glitch of the Heart - Olivia Harper

    Chapter 1

    The Perfect Match

    The soft glow of her monitor bathed Ava Brooks’ face in a cool, artificial light as she meticulously inspected line after line of code. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, her brow furrowed in concentration, as she performed the routine maintenance checks that were the backbone of her job as a systems analyst for Love sync.

    Ava had always taken pride in her work, reveling in the precision and order that permeated every aspect of the LoveSync system. To her, it represented the pinnacle of technological innovation - a virtual matchmaker that had revolutionized the way people found lasting love and happiness. Through a proprietary algorithm that analyzed a vast trove of data, LoveSync could predict compatibility with uncanny accuracy, ensuring that each pairing resulted in a harmonious, lifelong union.

    Just the way it should be, Ava murmured to herself, her eyes scanning the lines of code with the practiced efficiency of someone who had dedicated countless hours to mastering her craft.

    The Love sync headquarters bustled around her, a hive of activity as other analysts and technicians tended to the intricate workings of the system. Ava glanced up periodically, but her focus remained steadfast. After all, her work was the foundation upon which the company’s mission rested - to guide the world’s population towards a future where love was no longer left to chance, but carefully curated through the infallible logic of algorithms.

    As the morning wore on, Ava methodically checked each subroutine, verifying that every component was functioning within acceptable parameters. It was a task she had performed countless times, a well-worn ritual that had become as natural to her as breathing. Yet, today, something seemed different. A subtle anomaly caught her eye, a tiny glitch in the otherwise seamless flow of data.

    Ava paused, her fingers poised over the keyboard, as she studied the irregularity. Brow furrowed, she swiftly isolated the affected module, running a series of diagnostics to pinpoint the source of the disturbance. Her heart raced with a mixture of trepidation and professional curiosity, for a glitch in the Love sync system was a rare and unsettling occurrence.

    After what seemed like an eternity, the analysis revealed the nature of the problem. Ava’s eyes widened as she read the results, her lips parting in a silent gasp. This was no ordinary glitch - it was something far more complex and, potentially, dangerous.

    Swallowing hard, Ava cast a furtive glance around the bustling office, as if the walls themselves might somehow detect her discovery. Love sync’s algorithms were infallible, the very cornerstone upon which the company’s success rested. A glitch of this magnitude could have far-reaching consequences, both for the individuals whose lives were entangled in the system and for the reputation of the company itself.

    Ava’s mind raced, weighing the implications of her finding. Should she report it immediately to her superiors? Or perhaps there was a way to address the issue discreetly, without drawing unwanted attention? She chewed on her lower lip, her fingers tapping nervously against the desktop as she weighed her options.

    Ava? Is everything okay?

    The sound of her colleague Lily’s voice startled Ava, causing her to jump slightly in her chair. Quickly, she minimized the offending code, plastering a reassuring smile on her face as she turned to face her best friend.

    Oh, hi Lily. Yes, everything’s fine - just a minor hiccup in the system, nothing to worry about. Ava hoped her voice sounded as nonchalant as she intended, but the slight tremor betrayed her unease.

    Lily’s brows knitted in concern, her gaze narrowing as she studied Ava’s expression. You sure? You look a little...unsettled. Is there something I can help with?

    Ava hesitated, tempted to confide in Lily about her discovery. Lily, with her unwavering faith in the

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