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Heart In Pieces: The Men of Shadow Surveillance
Heart In Pieces: The Men of Shadow Surveillance
Heart In Pieces: The Men of Shadow Surveillance
Ebook321 pages4 hours

Heart In Pieces: The Men of Shadow Surveillance

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"Curiosity is a dangerous game, Mr. Reed. Especially when one doesn’t know the rules—or all the players.”

In the small town of Eagle Lake, retired FBI profiler Jake Reed seeks refuge from a near-fatal encounter with a sadistic serial killer. But tranquility is short-lived when The Wolf, a twisted nemesis, resurfaces with a new set of victims and cryptic clues. Enter the beautiful and resilient Alexis Forrester, who becomes entangled in Jake's dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. As they delve deeper into The Wolf's depravity, both Jake and Alexis are forced to confront their own personal demons and past traumas. But as the body count rises and secrets are unearthed, they must also confront a shocking truth: The Wolf may be closer to them than they realize.

Can their fragile alliance withstand the darkness that surrounds them? Will they be able to defeat The Wolf before it's too late? Get ready for a thrilling and adrenaline-fueled ride through the world of BDSM as Jake and Alexis battle against time and treachery.

Fans of gripping and electrifying thrillers won't be able to put this book down! If you enjoyed books like "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," you'll love this heart-pumping novel.
Release dateMar 29, 2024
Heart In Pieces: The Men of Shadow Surveillance

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    Heart In Pieces - Montana Rivers

    Five years ago …

    Monsters were everywhere. A hideous truth that I was all too familiar with. From the depths of our souls they lurked until, one day, their monstrous claws and teeth came to take away our innocence.

    As an FBI profiler, my job was to hunt these monsters down, to know the twisted minds behind the organized killers, disorganized- killers, and those who combined them both. This time, it was The Wolf, so nicknamed by the media due to the red cloaks his victims were found in. He also had a weapon of choice—a Scottish Dirk, a long dagger designed for slicing through flesh and soul alike.

    You see, death by stabbing isn’t as common as dying from a gunshot wound or a car accident, and definitely not like dying a horrible death from, say, poisoning or decapitation. Many victims describe it as a punch or a slap feeling. The excruciating pain only surfaces once they realize they’ve been stabbed. A pain I never thought I’d experience.

    Until that night.

    That crisp, clear October night.

    The leaves crunched under my feet as I climbed the stairs of our new home, excited to have a night off and to finally be able to unwind. But as I opened the door, I felt a sharp punch to my stomach. The cold, hard stab of the blade ripped through my skin like a hurricane tearing through a city. Pain surged through my veins as I felt the piercing steel slice further into my flesh. The next thing I remembered was hanging suspended from the ceiling by my wrists in our bedroom as my vision blurred—my hearing diminished. The metal cuffs dug into my wrists. I felt the wound now, but not directly. The dripping liquid felt like warm water running out of me. The realization setting in that blood was leaving my body. A feeling of sharp needles blossomed from the wound and traveled through every nerve.

    There was a weird mix of feelings that occurred—adrenaline, pain, exhaustion. My brain tried to rationalize that this wasn’t happening. I was trained in knife combat.

    I tried to speak, but it came out as a gasp.

    Shh, he whispered in my ear. It’s time for you to pay attention, Special Agent Reed. I have quite the show for you tonight. A scenario that I’m sure has already played out in that brilliant mind of yours. I’ve been waiting a very long time for this.

    I tried quickly to survey the room as someone grabbed my hair and forced me to look at the man who stood before me. He was wearing an intricate masquerade wolf mask that had a rich black and silver coloring effect. The soft latex material molded to his face. His chin was smooth and strong, and two almond-shaped holes were visible above the snarling mouth.

    One blue eye.

    One brown.

    Melody's body was exposed and vulnerable, stretched out on a cold steel table with her wrists and ankles pulled taut and secured with leather straps. Her eyes were wide with terror as she trembled and sobbed, tears slipping down her face as she thrashed against her binds. The men on either side of the table wore ominous dark masks, and the room was lit only by the soft glow of candles that reflected off the mirrors placed around the walls—ensuring that each of us would have an uninterrupted view of every moment. I couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t help her as her cries filled the room.

    I don’t know how much time had passed. How much blood I’d lost. No, I sputtered as blood trickled from my lips. Melody’s body lay lifeless on the table as they covered her in a hooded red cape. I felt the knife as it dug in again.

    The voice of my perpetrator seemed to come from all directions. I felt my muscles as they became heavy, and my body slowly relaxed. Don’t fight it, the voice whispered. Just sink into that warm bath and let yourself drift away.

    I’d spent the last year tracking down The Wolf, the most despicable serial killer this country had ever seen. We knew he had accomplices—a following who helped capture and torture his prey—and that knowledge had played out in perfect detail in my home.

    My partner, Bodhi, shook his head as I dropped my badge and gun on the desk. Don’t quit, Jake. You’re just giving the bastard what he wants. Take some time. Heal. It’s only been a few months.

    You saw the scene. I’m lucky to be alive, and Mel...

    Bodhi placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. It wasn’t your fault, he growled at me, hung his head, and took a deep breath. Nothing you could have done, he said calmly, crossing his arms. Stay, he demanded.

    I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Director Benz took me off the case. It’s policy, Bodhi. I can’t work it. I’m one of his victims.

    Not a victim. A survivor, he said forcefully. So, he paused as he leaned against the door frame to my office. You know where you’re going? he asked as I picked up my box of belongings from my desk.

    Not sure. I’ve got a contact that has his own construction business. It’d be nice to stay busy and keep my mind occupied. I grabbed my keys and paused at the door. I’ll touch base when I land somewhere. Keep your head on a swivel, man.

    You, too, he replied, giving me a quick salute.

    Present Day ...

    After scalding my skin in a long, punishing shower, I hastily shoved the bare essentials into a duffle bag. My body collapsed onto the bed, my shoulder blades digging painfully into the stiff mattress. As I stared up at the ceiling, attempting to will myself to sleep, Bodhi's unexpected call shattered any chance of rest.

    The memories flooded back all at once—crashing into me like a tidal wave. They were unstoppable and overwhelming, tearing through me with the strength of a mudslide, threatening to wipe out everything in their wake.

    Melody's terrified screams echoed in my mind, sharper and more piercing than before. The blood-soaked red cape draped over her lifeless body filled my vision even as I closed my eyes, tormenting me in my dreams.

    Once again, I felt utterly powerless. The stench of blood and sweat hung heavily in the air, suffocating me. The one-sided conversations between The Wolf and his cohorts taunted me from the shadows of my mind. His cruel laughter reverberated through every fiber of my being—his empty promises still echoing in my ears hours after I woke up screaming from yet another nightmare about that fateful night.

    For five long years, this was my existence – nights consumed by vivid terrors, plagued by cold sweats and trembling hands each morning when I awoke. Fear had become a tangible entity, its sharp claws sinking deep into my shattered psyche every time I closed my eyes.

    I clawed desperately at the shattered remains of my life, seeking help and guidance from therapists who only offered empty words and hollow promises. The darkness that consumed me was relentless, lurking in every corner, waiting for its next chance to ravage my mind and soul.

    Months passed in a blur, plagued by endless nightmares that refused to let go. Each night brought a new onslaught of terror, like an army preparing for war. And yet, I pushed through, learning to cope with the pain and slowly healing from the trauma.

    But the scars remained … reminders of everything I had lost that fateful night. Love, family, friends … all gone in an instant. My world reduced to dust in the wind.

    Maybe Bodhi was right all along, and this is what I needed. Maybe by working together again, we could finally put our demons to rest—discovering what truly mattered to us amidst the chaos.

    I had no idea what was about to appear on the horizon. A shining beacon. A breath of fresh air. My world was about to get turned upside down again.

    Future … meet my past.

    The sun dipped low over Eagle Lake, casting fiery hues across the glassy surface that mirrored the sky in a breathtaking display. The scent of freshly mown lawns, lake water, and earth blended with the distant sound of laughter from families gathering around barbecues—their joyous chatter blending into the gentle lapping of water against the shore. This was a place where nature's embrace was tight, where every tree and stone seemed steeped in a sense of belonging. It was a town where the whispers of the past echoed through streets lined with quaint shops that had stood the test of time.

    There was a time in my life when I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. When I felt like my world was full of endless possibilities. The memories of Eagle Lake were like old lovers—intense, intimate, and impossible to forget.

    As I savored those carefree days of my youth, I remember dreaming of one day mastering every position of the Kama Sutra like it was a badge of honor. Of course, I had no idea what those positions actually were, but my best friend Kayla seemed to know… or at least she said she did. She'd regale me with wild stories of her supposed sexual conquests, and I'd listen wide-eyed and envious. She had wanted me to experience everything, and high school paled in comparison to the antics of our college years together. But I would learn that experience … it came at a cost. A cost that would change my future.

    It had been a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon. Kayla and I had spent a day on the lake with our friends. We were all going to a party at Brad Sax’s house. Brad was the high school quarterback when we were seniors and every girl's dream. Toned. Tan. Messy chocolate brown hair and blue eyes that could devour you whole. And he’d only gotten more gorgeous, if that were possible, while we were all off at college. Brad had never shown any real interest in me, although he had led me on and then broken my heart so many times in high school, I couldn’t count. So, I was excited when he called and asked me to be there. Kayla, of course, was over the moon and decided to treat me to a special spa day in preparation for the party.

    How did you find this guy? I asked as we anxiously waited for the massage therapist to arrive at my house.

    I found him online. Five-star reviews. He’s the only one in the area that makes house calls. I thought it would feel more special this way. And don’t argue. This is my treat, she grinned. We want you glowing when Brad sees you tonight. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you.

    I don’t know, Kayla.

    Trust me.

    Trust me. Two words I didn’t think I’d ever believe in again. I could still feel his hands on my body. His breath in my ear. Even though I was paralyzed and couldn’t move. Couldn’t scream.

    Earth to Alex.

    I jumped when Hayes’ voice boomed through the car speakers. I was losing it. Slowly losing my sanity ever since I’d come back here.

    Are you there, sweetie, or have I already lost you in the cornfields? Hayes asked. I could almost see her raising her eyebrow at me.

    Sorry, I’m here. Just had a rough day.

    How rough can designing houses be? she laughed. People throwing their money at you to do their bidding?

    "Yeah. It’s just like that. I’m the spender of other people’s money. How're Reese and EJ?" I asked, trying to deflect.

    Pumped! They can’t wait to see you tomorrow night. This will be so much fun, Alex. I know I say this a lot, but I’m so happy you’re here.

    The memories flooded my vision, and I tried to fight back the wetness welling in my eyes.

    Alex? You there? Is everything okay? she asked. I could hear the all-too-familiar concern in her voice.

    Yeah, I replied, trying to sound cheerful and convincing. The move just happened so fast. I’m a little exhausted. I was doing my best to disguise the hitch in my voice as I turned the corner toward my parent’s home.

    Eagle Lake. God, it was beautiful. A vast expanse of green—flush with abundant, flourishing oak trees, nestled in the heart of northern Iowa. The massive lake, so serene and calm, was nestled on the south edge of the city—the almost twenty-eight miles of shoreline donned by quaint vacation homes and large permanent dwellings. Growing up in this perfect little vacation town was like a romance movie. Days at the beach. Small-town carnivals and winter fests. Epic sunsets. Everyone here knew everybody and everyone’s business.

    I pulled my black ’67 Mustang into the drive and cut the engine. Home, I murmured to myself, my voice barely a whisper. Stepping from the car, I took several deep breaths, letting the warm air fill my lungs, tasting the freedom it promised. With each step, my heels clicked assertively as I jogged up the massive stone steps of my parent’s home. I moved with purpose, my posture straight yet tense, an armor against the prying eyes that might recognize the girl I once was.

    Victoria … no, not anymore, I scolded myself silently. I was here to reclaim my story, to weave a new tapestry from threads of courage and desire. My past traumas, though never forgotten, were now merely shadows that fueled my resolve.

    Alex! a passerby called out, a friendly nod accompanying the greeting.

    I returned the gesture, my lips curling into a practiced smile that belied the nervous flutter in my stomach. New start, new rules, I reaffirmed internally, feeling the weight of my decision to return settle firmly upon my shoulders. Eagle Lake was now the stage for my rebirth, the backdrop against which I’d dance with destiny—and perhaps, with danger. Let’s hope the wolves are just in fairy tales, I mused darkly. A shiver ran down my spine, but I quickly suppressed it. Can’t be scared of shadows when you’ve walked through fire, I whispered fiercely to the fading light.

    As I stepped into the foyer, the warm, earthy sweetness of Chicken Tikka Masala wafted through the air from the slow cooker I had turned on this morning before I left. I walked to the kitchen, threw my purse and keys on the kitchen island, and paused to look around at my dated surroundings—kitchen cupboards circa the early eighties, the beige Formica countertop with everything in its place, including the faded elephant cookie jar, with its sailor hat lid, that had held thousands of my mom’s chocolate chip cookies since I was a little girl. I could still see the chip in the Formica from the night my dad slammed his half-filled coffee cup down, arguing with me over breaking my curfew. Nothing had changed since I’d left.

    This house was once the beacon of wealthy homes on the lake—the home everyone coveted and wanted to emulate. As an interior designer, I really needed to clean up my own backyard and bring this baby back to life, preferably something fitting of this century. Maybe it would help to bury the past once and for all.

    I froze as a loud, aggressive knock on the door shattered the silence. Every nerve in my body ignited with fear and paranoia—had they found me? Had they finally caught up to me after all these years? With trembling hands, I approached the door, my mind racing with a million frantic thoughts. As I opened it, my blood turned to ice at the sight before me. Brad Sax. Well, Deputy Brad Sax now—the one who had led me on, ripped out my heart, and left it in scattered ruins in high school more times than I could count—stood on my doorstep. He was even more handsome than I remembered, his piercing blue eyes searing through me like white-hot coals. My voice caught in my throat as he spoke, every word dripping with icy politeness. Hello, Ms. Forrester. Do I have that correct? His gaze held mine like a vise grip, and I knew this encounter was far from over.

    Call me, Alex, I demanded, my voice dripping with tension. The Deputy's eyes flicked nervously to mine as he shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable being in my presence.

    I received a report of suspicious activity at the Gibbons house, he stammered, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun. That there might have been a break-in?

    My stomach twisted into a knot at the mention of that name.

    "It’s my property, Deputy Sax, I bit out, barely able to contain my anger. And as you can see, there’s been no break-in."

    The Deputy's eyes narrowed—his suspicion evident. Can I see your paperwork? he demanded abruptly.

    I could feel my temper rising as I forced myself to remain calm. Don't you dare insinuate anything about my ownership, I seethed through gritted teeth. Talk to my loan officer and real estate agent if you want proof. They'll confirm everything.

    I watched with clenched fists as the Deputy hesitated, no doubt assessing whether to push me further. But his lingering gaze over my body made me feel sick with disgust rather than flattered like I would have in high school.

    That won't be necessary, he finally conceded with a smirk that made my blood boil. Welcome to Eagle Lake, Ms. Forrester … sorry … Alex, he said, emphasizing my name with obvious disdain.

    Ignoring his derogatory tone, I plastered on a fake smile and replied, Thank you for your warm welcome. As soon as he turned to leave, memories from that fateful night flooded my mind, sending shivers down my spine. What had possessed me to return to this cursed town?

    Eagle lake. located just ten miles from the nearest city, and according to my best friend, Bodhi, there was no better place to relax and unwind than this quaint little town that exuded Americana. Visitors were lured in by adorable antique shops, cute cafes, beautiful bakeries, and fantastic art galleries. Not that I gave a shit. It’d been a long, hard two days. I craved a hot shower to wash away the grime, a stiff drink to numb my senses, and a bed to collapse into for sweet oblivion, no matter what order I chose. Every inch of my body longed for the comfort only those three things could provide.

    Ahead of me in the dusk, I caught a glimpse of a ghostly SUV. The black and white bodywork was always the first warning flash. I checked my speed. The last thing I wanted was a run-in with the locals. As I passed, I took a glimpse at my mirrors. Fuck. The blue and red lights were little more than smudgy illuminations, but sure as shit, those yellow-white headlights were coming up on my tail. Breathe, Jake. Just breathe.

    People were constantly debating whether there was good or bad within the police force. But for me, that was an oversimplification of the truth. Law enforcement officers could be brave, honest, crooked, sly, wise, or foolish. It depended on their unique combination of character traits and the context around them—like a chameleon changing color to blend in with its environment. With my experience in law enforcement, I had seen it all and knew that any officer could exhibit these characteristics depending on the right mix of circumstances.

    Pulling over to the side of the road, I cut the engine. I waited as the officer exited his SUV and approached, looking at my plates and giving me the once-over. Well, if my buddy sent a welcoming committee, I expected a bigger party, I grinned.

    I’m sorry, no party here, he replied, his hand resting on the piece at his hip.

    Am I breaking some law here?

    Nah, he said as he checked out my bike. You’re a long way from Arizona.

    Death in the family, I replied, keeping it short and sweet and hoping that would get him to move along.

    That so. Who died? This is a small town. I know everyone that lives here.

    My aunt, Cheryl Reed, lived in River City. I'm just stopping by a friend’s house first, I stated, keeping my eye on his movements.

    "Sweet lady, she owned The Sidewinder, correct? I didn’t know she had any next-of-kin. Well, just a friendly heads-up, then. You’re in Eagle Lake now. That’s my jurisdiction."

    Well, now that I know how big your stick is, may I go, or have I done something to upset the mighty Eagle Lake police department?

    He paused and looked me dead in the eyes. I don’t know how they do things in Arizona, but we don’t take kindly to gangs.

    Just because I ride a motorcycle doesn’t mean I belong to a gang, I replied, growing a little irritated with the smug asshole.

    Don’t really care. Just don’t want any ... what do you call them … cuts … showing up all over our quiet little town. We clear?

    Barney Fife here clearly sucked at profiling, especially since I wasn’t wearing a cut, but I needed to

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