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Grocery Store With Needles
Grocery Store With Needles
Grocery Store With Needles
Ebook105 pages31 minutes

Grocery Store With Needles

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About this ebook

A children's fairy tale about how a hedgehog named Meir became a builder and began building food stores for animals in the forest
Tyler the hedgehog lives in the forest and wants to create his own food store. He knows how to build buildings and develop infrastructure.
Hedgehog Tyler hires builders to build a large food store with groceries.
Brian the bear helps Tyler and his builders build a store. He carries large logs and stones for the store.
A two-storey grocery and food store is built in the center of the forest. The hedgehog calls all the animals to look at him. None of the animals come because they don't know.

PublisherMax Marshall
Release dateApr 7, 2024
Grocery Store With Needles

Max Marshall

Max Marshall creates stories that transport readers to far-off lands, immersing them in rich cultures and inviting them to experience the full spectrum of human emotion. Nestled within the pages of countless masterpieces lies a writer whose name evokes thoughts of passion, creativity, and boundless imagination. With an elegant command of language and a deep understanding of the human soul, this writer creates characters whose triumphs and struggles resonate deeply with readers of all ages.

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    Book preview

    Grocery Store With Needles - Max Marshall

    Chapter 1: The Hedgehog Builder

    There lived a little hedgehog named Tyler. Now, Tyler was not your ordinary hedgehog. While most hedgehogs spent their days rolling into tight balls or scurrying through the underbrush, Tyler had a special talent – he was a builder.

    Tyler's tiny paws were adept at handling tools, and his sharp mind was filled with ideas of grandeur. But unlike other animals who dreamed of adventures or riches, Tyler had a different dream altogether. He longed to create something that would benefit all the creatures of the forest – his very own food store!

    With a determined gleam in his eyes, Tyler set out to make his dream a reality. He scurried through the forest, inspecting every nook and cranny until he found the perfect spot – a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight, nestled between ancient oak trees.

    - This is it,- Tyler declared, his voice filled with excitement.

    - This is where I'll build my store!

    And so, with a flurry of activity, Tyler began his work. He gathered branches and twigs, stones and moss, fashioning them together with a skill that belied his small stature. Soon, a sturdy structure began to take shape – a humble abode that would one day house the forest's bounty.

    But Tyler didn't stop there. Oh no! He had big plans for his store. He envisioned shelves filled with fruits and nuts, vegetables and seeds – a veritable feast for all who roamed the forest. And he knew just how to make it happen.

    With each passing day, Tyler toiled tirelessly, his determination unwavering. He dug trenches for irrigation, planted seeds for future harvests, and even installed solar panels to power his store's lights. Nothing could deter him from his goal – not even the occasional setback or mishap.

    And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the forest, Tyler stood back and admired his handiwork. His store was finally complete – a testament to his ingenuity and perseverance.

    - Now,- Tyler whispered to himself, a smile playing on his lips, - let the forest feast begin!-

    Chapter 2: The beginning of the construction of the store

    With his food store blueprint firmly in mind, Tyler the hedgehog wasted no time in bringing his vision to life. Excitement thrummed through his tiny frame as he scurried through the forest, seeking out helpers to aid in his grand

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