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C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition
C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition
C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition
Ebook240 pages1 hour

C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition

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Dive into the world of C# programming with our comprehensive guide, "C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition". Designed for developers of all levels, this ebook is your quickest route to mastering C# packages. Whether you're a beginner looking to get a solid foundation or an experienced programmer aiming to brush up on the latest in C# packages, this guide has everything you need. With concise, straightforward explanations and practical examples, you'll explore a hundred essential packages that will enhance your programming toolkit, all within the span of an hour. From data manipulation and web development to advanced algorithms, each package is presented in a digestible format, allowing you to learn efficiently and effectively. Start your journey towards C# mastery today and unlock the full potential of your software projects with this indispensable resource.

Release dateApr 4, 2024
C# Package Mastery: 100 Essentials in 1 Hour - 2024 Edition

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    Book preview

    C# Package Mastery - Tenko


    Chapter 1  Introduction

    1. Purpose

    Chapter 2  standard library

    1. System.Linq

    2. System.IO

    3. System.Text.Json

    4. System.Text.Encoding

    5. System.Drawing

    6. System.Net

    7. Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

    8. NUnit

    9. System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles

    10. System.Diagnostics.Process

    11. System.Buffer

    12. System.GC

    13. System.TimeSpan

    14. System.Guid

    15. System.Configuration

    16. System.Collections.Specialized

    17. System.Numerics

    18. System.Security.Principal

    19. System.Threading

    20. System.Threading.Timer

    21. System.Random

    22. System.Array

    23. System.Collections.Generic

    24. System.Text.RegularExpressions

    25. System.Uri

    26. System.Xml.Serialization

    27. System.Threading.Tasks

    28. System.Net.Http

    29. System.Math

    30. System.Diagnostics

    31. System.Console

    32. System.Environment

    33. System.Xml.Linq

    34. System.Globalization

    35. System.DateTime

    36. System.Convert

    37. System.Security.Cryptography

    38. System.Xml

    39. System.Collections

    40. System.Reflection

    Chapter 3  external library

    1. Dapper

    2. Serilog

    3. MediatR

    4. SignalR

    5. StackExchange.Redis

    6. Octokit.NET

    7. AutoFac

    8. XUnit

    9. MathNet.Numerics

    10. RabbitMQ.Client

    11. Avalonia

    12. ScottPlot

    13. BenchmarkDotNet

    14. Polly

    15. Akka.NET

    16. Topshelf

    17. NodaTime

    18. DynamicExpresso

    19. GraphQL.Client

    20. AngleSharp

    21. FluentFTP

    22. Spectre.Console

    23. Newtonsoft.Json

    24. AutoMapper

    25. FastReport

    26. Mono.Cecil

    27. TinyCsvParser

    28. Octokit

    29. EPPlus

    30. Selenium WebDriver

    31. ZeroFormatter

    32. CS-Script

    33. Roslyn

    34. System.Memory

    35. Json.NET

    36. LiteGuard

    37. Nancy

    38. OxyPlot

    39. DotNetZip

    40. ImageSharp.Web

    41. SixLabors.Fonts

    42. CommandLineParser

    43. HidLibrary

    44. NLog

    45. Hangfire

    46. CsvTextFieldParser

    47. SharpZipLib

    48. LiteX.Cache

    49. HtmlAgilityPack

    50. FluentAssertions

    51. CsvParser

    52. Accord.NET

    53. NReco.PdfGenerator

    54. MimeKitLite

    55. SSH.NET

    56. Refit

    57. Refit.HttpClientFactory

    58. Entity Framework Core

    59. Moq

    60. Humanizer

    61. FluentValidation

    62. CsvHelper

    63. LiteDB

    64. ImageSharp

    65. Quartz.NET

    66. RestSharp

    67. MailKit

    68. MoreLINQ

    69. ClosedXML

    Chapter 1  Introduction

    1. Purpose

    In a world where software development continues to evolve at a rapid pace, mastering a programming language is more than just understanding its syntax; it's about knowing how to effectively leverage its libraries and packages to build efficient, robust applications. C#, with its powerful features and extensive .NET ecosystem, stands as a pivotal language for developers aiming to excel in creating applications for Windows, web, mobile, and gaming.

    This book is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding of C# and its practical applications, offering a hands-on approach to learning that is both engaging and informative. With a focus on real-world utility, it introduces a hundred essential packages, guiding readers through their integration and usage in various projects. Each chapter is crafted to enhance your programming skills, enabling you to master the art and science of C# development within an hour.

    Whether you are a novice eager to dive into the world of C# programming or an experienced developer looking to broaden your toolkit, this book promises a journey of discovery and learning. Through practical examples and clear explanations, it aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the C# landscape with confidence and creativity. Welcome to an enriching experience of learning C# like never before.

    Chapter 2  standard library

    1. System.Linq

    The System.Linq namespace provides classes and interfaces that support queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).



    using System;

    using System.Linq;

    class Program


    static void Main()


    int[] numbers = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };

    var squaredNumbers = numbers.Select(x => x * x);

    Console.WriteLine(Squared numbers:);

    foreach (var n in squaredNumbers)







    Squared numbers:






    This example demonstrates the use of the Select method from the System.Linq namespace, which is a part of LINQ (Language Integrated Query). Here’s a breakdown of what the code does:Namespace Import: The using System.Linq; statement imports the System.Linq namespace, enabling access to LINQ query capabilities.Array Definition: An array of integers numbers is defined with the elements { 2, 3, 4, 5 }.LINQ Query: The numbers.Select(x => x * x); line is where the LINQ magic happens. The Select method applies a function to each element of numbers. In this case, it squares each number (x => x * x is a lambda expression that takes x and returns x*x).Output: The foreach loop iterates over squaredNumbers, the result of the Select method, printing each squared number to the console.This example showcases the power of LINQ for transforming collections with concise, readable code.

    2. System.IO

    The System.IO namespace enables working with files and directories; reading, writing, and updating files.



    using System;

    using System.IO;

    class Program


    static void Main()


    string path = example.txt;

    // Write text to a file

    File.WriteAllText(path, Hello, file!);

    // Read text from the file

    string text = File.ReadAllText(path);





    Hello, file!

    This example demonstrates basic file operations using the System.IO namespace, illustrating how to write to and read from a file. Here’s a detailed explanation:Namespace Import: The using System.IO; statement is necessary to use classes for file operations.File Writing: File.WriteAllText(path, Hello, file!); writes the string Hello, file! to a file named example.txt. If example.txt doesn't exist, it’s created; if it does, it’s overwritten.File Reading: string text = File.ReadAllText(path); reads all the text from example.txt into the variable text.Output: The content of the file is printed to the console using Console.WriteLine(text);, which in this case, outputs Hello, file!.This snippet is a straightforward example of how to perform file I/O (Input/Output) operations in C#, demonstrating the simplicity and power of the System.IO namespace for handling files.

    3. System.Text.Json

    This library is used for parsing and generating JSON data, offering high-performance, low-allocating, and standards-compliant tools to work with JSON.



    using System.Text.Json;

    var jsonString = {\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30};

    var person = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(jsonString);

    Console.WriteLine($Name: {person[name]}, Age: {person[age]});


    Name: John, Age: 30

    In this example, we are using the System.Text.Json namespace to deserialize a JSON string into a Dictionary. This allows us to dynamically access the properties of the JSON object without creating a predefined class. The JsonSerializer.Deserialize method takes the JSON string and returns a dictionary with string keys and object values. We then use these keys (name and age) to access the corresponding values from the dictionary and print them out. This approach is useful for dealing with JSON data structures where the schema is not known in advance or for quick parsing of JSON without creating specific classes.

    4. System.Text.Encoding

    This library provides functionality to convert between different character encodings, such as ASCII, UTF-8, and Unicode, which is essential for text data processing and interoperability.



    using System.Text;

    var originalString = Hello, World!;

    var utf8Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalString);

    var decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8Bytes);



    Hello, World!

    Here, we demonstrate how to use the System.Text.Encoding class to convert a string into an array of UTF-8 encoded bytes and then back into a string. Initially, we have a string Hello, World! that we want to encode in UTF-8. The Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes method is used to convert the string into UTF-8 encoded bytes. This is particularly useful when you need to ensure your string data is in a specific encoding format for file writing, network transmission, or compatibility with external systems. After converting to UTF-8 bytes, we use Encoding.UTF8.GetString to convert the byte array back into a string. This process is crucial for decoding received data that is in UTF-8 format or after reading byte data from files that are encoded in UTF-8, ensuring the correct representation of the original string.

    5. System.Drawing

    The System.Drawing namespace provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More advanced than directly working with pixels, it enables the drawing of shapes, text, and images.



    using System;

    using System.Drawing;

    class Program


    static void Main()


    using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(100, 100))


    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))


    // Draw a red rectangle

    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, 0, 0, 50, 50);

    // Save the bitmap to a file




    Console.WriteLine(Bitmap saved as example.bmp);




    Bitmap saved as example.bmp

    This C# program uses the System.Drawing namespace to create a simple bitmap image of size 100x100 pixels. Here's a step-by-step explanation:Using System.Drawing: This namespace is essential for working with graphics in C#. It is used to create and manipulate images, graphics, fonts, and colors.Creating a Bitmap Object: new Bitmap(100, 100) initializes a new bitmap with the specified width and height in pixels. Here, it's 100x100 pixels.Graphics Object: Graphics.FromImage(bmp) creates a new Graphics object from the bitmap.

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