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Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024
Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024
Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024
Ebook210 pages1 hour

Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024

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Dive into the vibrant world of Ruby programming with "Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024", your comprehensive guide to mastering Ruby packages in just one hour. This meticulously crafted eBook is tailored for developers of all levels, aiming to enhance your Ruby projects with the top 100 gems of the year. Whether you're a beginner looking to get a solid start or an experienced developer seeking to expand your toolkit, this guide provides valuable insights into each gem, including installation, usage examples, and expert tips. Navigate through the Ruby ecosystem with ease and discover tools that will elevate your coding efficiency, software quality, and project versatility. Start your journey towards Ruby mastery today and unlock the full potential of these essential packages.

Release dateMar 24, 2024
Ruby Gems Mastery: 100 Essential Packages for 2024

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    Book preview

    Ruby Gems Mastery - Kanto


    Chapter 1  Introduction

    1. Purpose

    Chapter 2  standard library

    1. Net::HTTP

    2. CSV

    3. StringScanner

    4. Rinda::TupleSpace

    5. Logger

    6. YAML

    7. Benchmark

    8. Find

    9. Prime

    10. Mutex

    11. Tempfile

    12. OptionParser

    13. SecureRandom

    14. Psych

    15. Set

    16. OpenStruct

    17. Date

    18. Digest

    19. FileUtils

    20. Pathname

    21. JSON

    22. ERB

    23. Socket

    24. Matrix

    25. PP (Pretty Print)

    26. Zlib

    27. Enumerable

    28. Thread

    29. Time

    30. URI

    Chapter 3  external library

    1. Nokogiri

    2. Pry

    3. Ferrum

    4. RubyXL

    5. Puma

    6. Rouge

    7. Rack

    8. Dalli

    9. Rmagick

    10. EventMachine

    11. Mechanize

    12. Redcarpet

    13. Dry-RB

    14. Celluloid

    15. Octokit

    16. FastImage

    17. Net::HTTP

    18. CSV

    19. HTTP

    20. redis

    21. RSpec

    22. Sidekiq

    23. HTTPClient

    24. Gosu

    25. Shrine

    26. Grape

    27. SassC

    28. Guard

    29. Roda

    30. Sequel

    31. MiniMagick

    32. Faraday

    33. Typhoeus

    34. VCR

    35. RSpec Rails

    36. Cucumber

    37. Rouge

    38. Resque

    39. Sinatra

    40. Sequel

    41. Capybara

    42. FactoryBot

    43. Sidekiq

    44. Paperclip

    45. Capybara

    46. FactoryBot

    47. Rspec

    48. Capybara

    49. SimpleCov

    50. RuboCop

    51. RGeo

    52. Sequel

    53. Reek

    54. Bullet

    55. Capistrano

    56. Sinatra

    57. Rspec

    58. Guard

    59. Capybara

    60. Sinatra

    61. Savon

    62. HTTParty

    63. Roda

    64. Sequel

    65. Resque

    66. Roda

    67. Sinatra

    68. Sequel

    69. RuboCop

    70. CarrierWave

    71. Faker

    72. RubyXL

    73. ActiveRecord

    74. ActiveSupport

    Chapter 1  Introduction

    1. Purpose

    In an age where technology evolves at a breakneck pace, mastering the tools that shape the digital world is more crucial than ever. Among these tools, the Ruby programming language stands out for its elegance, simplicity, and powerful capabilities, particularly in web development and software engineering.

    This book is crafted for those eager to deepen their understanding of Ruby and its ecosystem. Whether you're a novice programmer taking your first steps in software development, or a seasoned developer looking to expand your skill set, the structured approach of tackling 100 essential Ruby packages will provide you with a comprehensive and practical learning experience.

    Through concise examples and clear explanations, you'll explore the versatility and efficiency of Ruby packages. Each chapter is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in the previous ones, ensuring a gradual and solid mastery of the language and its tools.

    As you embark on this journey, remember that the path to mastering any skill is paved with practice and perseverance. The knowledge contained within these pages is a gateway to unlocking your potential in the world of programming. Welcome to a resource that not only teaches you about Ruby but also inspires you to explore the endless possibilities it offers.

    Chapter 2  standard library

    1. Net::HTTP

    Net::HTTP is a Ruby standard library that provides a way to send HTTP requests from your Ruby application. It supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other HTTP methods.



    require 'net/http'

    require 'uri'

    uri = URI('')

    response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

    puts response.body


    The actual output depends on the requested URL's response content at the time of the request.

    This code example demonstrates how to use the Net::HTTP library to make a GET request to a web page and print its content. Here's a step-by-step explanation:require 'net/http': This line loads the Net::HTTP library, which contains classes and methods for making HTTP requests.require 'uri': This line loads the URI module, which is used to parse URIs. URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) are strings that identify resources on the internet.uri = URI(''): Here, we create a URI object from a string. The URI object makes it easier to work with parts of the URI, like the host, port, and path.response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri): This line sends a GET request to the URL defined by the uri object and stores the response in the response variable. The get_response method automatically handles the creation of an HTTP connection and sends a GET request.puts response.body: Finally, this line prints the body of the response to the console. The body contains the actual content of the web page.This example is a basic demonstration of how to use Net::HTTP to make simple HTTP requests. The Net::HTTP library is capable of much more, including handling HTTPS, setting request headers, working with query strings, and making POST requests with form data.

    2. CSV

    The CSV (Comma-Separated Values) library in Ruby is a standard library that provides functionality to process data in CSV format. It can be used to read from and write to CSV files, supporting custom column separators, quote characters, and line endings.



    require 'csv'

    CSV.foreach(path/to/file.csv, headers: true) do |row|

    puts row[HeaderName]



    The actual output depends on the content of file.csv and what HeaderName contains.

    In this example, we use the CSV library to read data from a CSV file and print the values of a specific column. Here's a detailed breakdown:require 'csv': This line loads the CSV library, which gives you access to methods for reading and writing CSV files.CSV.foreach(path/to/file.csv, headers: true) do |row|: This line iterates over each row in the specified CSV file. The foreach method is a convenient way to read a CSV file line by line. The headers: true option treats the first row of the CSV file as headers, allowing you to access the values by their header names.puts row[HeaderName]: Inside the block, row represents the current row of the CSV file, and row[HeaderName] accesses the value under the column HeaderName. This line prints the value of the HeaderName column for each row.This example illustrates how to process CSV files in Ruby, focusing on reading files and accessing data by column headers. The CSV library also supports writing to CSV files, customizing separators and quote characters, and even working with CSV data as strings or IO objects, providing a versatile toolset for data manipulation in Ruby.

    3. StringScanner

    StringScanner provides lexical scanning operations on a string. It's useful for parsing and tokenizing strings without explicitly managing indices.



    require 'strscan'

    scanner = is an example string 12345)

    puts scanner.scan(/\w+/)  # Scan for the first word

    puts scanner.scan(/\s+/)  # Scan for spaces

    puts scanner.scan(/\w+/)  # Scan for the next word

    puts scanner.scan(/\d+/)  # Scan for numbers






    Here's a breakdown of what's happening in the code:Require 'strscan': First, we need to include the StringScanner library using require 'strscan'. This makes the StringScanner class available in our script.Create a new StringScanner instance: We create a new instance of StringScanner, passing a string as an argument. This instance is what we'll use to scan through the string.Scan for the first word: Using the scan method with a regular expression (/\w+/), we look for one or more word characters (letters, digits, underscores) from the current scanning position. It returns This, the first word it encounters, and moves the scan pointer right after it.Scan for spaces: Next, we scan for spaces (/\s+/). This moves the scan pointer past the spaces to the next non-space character.Scan for the next word: We again use scan with /\w+/ to find the next sequence of word characters, returning is.Scan for numbers: Finally, we scan for a sequence of digits (/\d+/). It finds 12345, demonstrating how StringScanner can be used to tokenize a string into meaningful parts like words and numbers.This example shows how StringScanner can be a powerful tool for parsing and processing strings, especially when dealing with complex patterns or tokenizing input.

    4. Rinda::TupleSpace

    Rinda::TupleSpace is a distributed tuplespace implementation for Ruby. It allows multiple distributed processes to coordinate and communicate through a shared, associative memory space.



    require 'rinda/tuplespace'

    # Create a new TupleSpace

    ts =

    # Write a tuple to the TupleSpace

    ts.write([Hello, World, 42])

    # Take

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