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The Cautionary Heart Betrayed
The Cautionary Heart Betrayed
The Cautionary Heart Betrayed
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The Cautionary Heart Betrayed

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About this ebook

Hi, I'm Devoria, a published author residing in Georgia. Before putting my vision of writing in motion, I worked several years in the corporate sector and higher education. Writing has been my passion for over two decades. I would write down thoughts of stories, but never followed through. At the beginning of my retirement is when I decided to begin this desired journey. My advice, do what makes you happy to fulfill the desires for your life.

Release dateApr 1, 2024
The Cautionary Heart Betrayed

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    The Cautionary Heart Betrayed - Devoria Reynolds


    Running late this morning, Kim rushes to shower and dress in the outfit she pulled from her closet the night before. There was no time to make coffee, so she grabbed her keys and quickly ran out the doors of her condo. Kim was excited she had landed this beautiful, picturesque condo. It overlooked beautiful views of Chicago and Lake Michigan, with its sky-scraping architectural structures in the downtown and Loop areas. Kim felt blessed to find such a lovely place about thirty minutes from her office with its high ceilings and lots of natural lighting that she admired. It’s a cold and snowy day in the windy city. When she arrives at her office building, she stops in the coffee café for a chai latte in the lobby before going to work.

    While standing in line, someone taps her on the shoulder. It was Thomas Eric Harris, one of her classmates from college, known by the name, Eric. They exchanged pleasantries and chatted as they stood in line. As she’s hurrying to pay for her coffee, at that moment Eric asks if he can call her sometime to catch up. Kim is hesitant, while the cashier is handing her change. She nearly stutters her words, but thought, He seems nice and harmless, not the Jack the Ripper type. Sure, she replied. She was cautious, though. Kim quickly writes down her work number on a napkin and hands it to him. Once she received her order, she turned to him and said they would talk later as she needed to get to work and sprinted out the café door. Eric stands there with the napkin, turns, and smiles as he watches her leave. Kim gets to her office in Willis Tower, Designs, etc., and finds Xander, as usual, hard at work. She walks on to her office, and Monica, her administrator, presents her with the agenda of the day and alerts her that the first appointment had arrived early, and was in the conference room awaiting her arrival.

    Kim blurts, damn, with a smile as Xander peeks into the office. Slow down, lady, he says. knowing that look he’d seen all too often, he rushes in to help her off with her coat, takes her tote and puts it in an empty chair, then gives her the folder with the artwork designs and other pertinent information for the meeting. She quickly takes a few sips of coffee and races to the conference room meeting. After the meeting, Kim and Xander sit to discuss the meeting details and how the client was pleased with the designs and ideas she had created for his business, but more importantly, the green light to move forward. She requested Xander draw up the costs involved in their venture discussion. He quickly pulls together everything on the table and tells her he will have them for her the following day. After Xander leaves, Kim returns to her office, checks her messages, and sees a missed call and a voicemail message. She believes that it’s a client trying to reach her, and listens. It turns out it was not from a client but Eric Harris. He is persistent, she thought. She was too busy to return his call, but made a note to return the call later that afternoon, because of the busy day ahead. Kim requested her receptionist hold her calls until after 12p. She then sits and prepares herself for the next meeting scheduled two hours later.

    Business was good, and Kim smiled imagining how important her quiet weekends would be, and exhaled. Xander was the only one allowed to contact her, but only if necessary. That was the understanding they had. She never took her good fortune for granted and thanked God daily for her gift of designing and pleasing customers by bringing their visions to life. Her second meeting was swift, as she pitched her vision regarding designs to a new client, which was always the highlight of the job. Later that afternoon, Kim conducted her usual weekly employee meeting and answered any questions or concerns. The remainder of the day was business as usual. As the day came to an end, Kim felt it was a successful one. She treated Xander, and Monica, to dinner at the restaurant located in the Congress Plaza Hotel. She did this every so often to show her appreciation and the hard work they performed. They shared a couple of drinks, and a few laughs, ending the evening with smiles a few hours later.


    Eric finished up his final meeting of the day. He requested from Tom, his admin, any messages that needed his attention or issues requiring an immediate response before leaving for the day. Tom told him there was nothing important that couldn’t be handled the following day and everything was under control. He assured Eric anything that was within his authority he had taken care of, and there was nothing further that needed attention this late in the evening. Eric gave him a nod, then checked his cell as he walked into his office for a return call from Kim, but there was nothing. He was curious to know if she was married or involved with someone. During their conversations at the café, he didn’t get a chance to see if there was a ring on her finger, nor did he have time to ask her about it, because she was in a hurry that morning.

    He leaned back in his chair, recounting the day’s events. Eric began to reminisce about the nightmare of his past relationship while working in Kalamazoo, Michigan as a Biology Professor at West Michigan University, and the repercussions he dealt with at the end. He remembers everything the judge ordered, including therapy for the anger after the incident with his ex-girlfriend, Angela. West Michigan parted ways with him and his contract quietly, and allowed him to resign. His tenure and life in Michigan were done, and his file with the University was sealed as part of the agreement.

    This was one of the darkest days of Eric’s life. The incident began when he saw Angela in the hallway talking to one of her coworkers, and how furious he became, although he had no knowledge of the conversation. He later walked up to her in the parking deck to make plans for the evening, and she asked where he wanted to go for dinner. He gave her the cold shoulder, and sarcastically asked her why it took so long to get to the parking lot instead. Angela explained she was giving instructions on a presentation for the following day. Her response did not seem to sit well with him, so he replied with an attitude that he was tired and would be turning in early. Angela tilted her head to the side, with a puzzled look on her face, and in a low voice, said We just talked a few minutes ago, and you never mentioned being tired. Eric remembers snapping his head around in anger, and asking her right out, Are you sleeping with him? She was confused at what he was asking because he had never accused her of anything like this before. She was also surprised at his demeanor, and answered, What are you talking about? Because of the response she gave him, his anger brewed, and out of nowhere, and with no control, raised his hand back, without responding, and slapped the right side of her face so hard that she fell to the ground. After realizing what he had done, he stared at her on the ground, looking dazed, and panicky. He started apologizing and sweating profusely. Angela screamed for him to stay away from her. Others in the parking lot witnessed what had occurred, and immediately started running to her aide. As they tried to grab Eric, he performed like a madman snatching away from them, jumping into his car, and leaving the parking deck, screeching his tires. Police were immediately called to the scene; statements were taken from Angela before EMTs rushed her to the ER for emergency treatment. X-rays revealed several small fractures and broken bones in her face, and jaw, as well as bruises from the fall. Statements were taken from all the witnesses. Two officers were dispatched to Eric’s home. When the police arrived, he appeared calm, and dumbfounded as though nothing had occurred. When questioned, he was in complete denial. The police explained he was being arrested. They placed him in handcuffs, read him his Miranda rights, followed by replying to his question to call someone after he was processed. He was taken to police lock-up after being fingerprinted and photographed. Two days later, he was given bond, told by the judge to stay away from Angela, and that if he didn’t, the consequences would be far more severe. On the day of trial, to be avoided, a deal was struck between his attorney with defense counsel. After a review of the agreement, the judge tacked on additional judgment orders. He ordered Eric to pay Angela $100,000, pay all of her medical bills, stay a distance of 300 feet from her, and go into 6 months of psychological counseling and anger management classes set up by the court, and 500 hours of community service. His attorney thought the sentence harsh, but it kept Eric out of jail, which was the most important thing, but the University thought otherwise. So, he was on the road to finding new employment. Inside, Eric wanted to yell at the top of his lungs for the harsh punishment, and his attorney sensed his reaction to the judge’s orders. He held on tight to his client’s right arm, aware of previous anger issues noted in his records. Eric responded to the judge with a simple yes, sir and the gavel was struck.

    To this day, Eric continues to cringe and envision how all of it was behind him now, and his life anew. This was about 10 years or so ago. He was now a lot better due to controlled medication, and therapies. He was in a good place, in a healthy environment, and had a rewarding position. All was well as he smiled at the thought. He happily got up from his desk, and with his briefcase and phone in hand, left the office for the day.


    Kim wrapped up her day, loading her sketchbook, pencils, and folders of potential clients who left messages requesting her services. She wanted to review and get a head-start before morning and her meeting with Xander to decide on scheduled appointment times. Kim was always up- front, giving her honest opinion regarding the color scheme, and vision of the customer to create their masterpiece, and potential completion time. Her day had been a busy one, and she stopped for a yoga class about two blocks from her office. Whenever she had a tense and busy day like this, she would go and take a class of yoga at Danielle’s Yoga & Gym studio two blocks away. Kim kept a gym bag in the car for days like this. After gathering everything she needed, Kim headed to the elevator to drop off her art portfolio and grabbed her bag from the car. Kim preferred walking in the cold air, and given it was the Windy City of Chicago, it was that time of year when hardly a day went by when it didn’t snow. There was a prediction of 4–5 inches later that evening, late into the night. She hurried as the wind was hitting her face, and arrived at the studio in record time, shaking off the cold as she walked in. As she checked in, she looked at the schedule and changed for the class that was to begin in 30 minutes. There was enough time for her to stretch before the class began. While she changed, Danielle, the owner of the gym, walked up. She said, Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while. Kim responded that she had been swamped, but was glad she came today because her day was busy, and she had tension to release. Danielle facetiously said, All work & no play, huh? They laughed. Danielle then excused herself and said, I’ll see you in the yoga room. Kim nodded with a smile and continued to change into her yoga gear, pulling out her water bottle to fill it. After completing her stretches, she proceeded to the yoga room. It was an intense session, but Kim was energized afterward. As she picked up her mat, Danielle ran over to her to see how she was feeling, and Kim responded, This was great! I feel so much better after my long day. Danielle said, Good, I’m glad. She then asked Kim if she would like to join her for a smoothie from the Tropical Smoothie next door before her last session of the evening in an hour. Kim was ready to head home, but said, Oh, why not, I probably need to replenish my immune system anyway, since I didn’t have time to eat much at lunch today. As they stood in line to place their order, Kim opted for Immune Builder Mixed Berry with some added chia seeds and some protein, and Danielle, since she became vegan a couple of years ago, ordered the Vegan Mixed Berry. Vegan, huh? Kim asked. Danielle replied, yeah, I started a while back, and got addicted. Now, I indulge in only a few types of fish, lots of veggies, lots of green salads, and some plant-based items, depending on what it is. I’ve only tried a few, and some have been to my liking so far. But I am an all-out green salad girl, she smiled. They continued to laugh and talk for another 20 minutes before Danielle rushed off to conduct in her final class of the day. Kim headed to the parking lot to get in her BMW and head home. She checks her phone on the way and sees that Eric had called again. While driving home, Kim has Alexa place a reminder to return his call when she arrives home. When she gets home and puts the key in the door, her home phone is ringing. Kim runs, so as not to miss the call, and it’s her mother, Janie, and father, James. They catch up on what’s happening in the big city of Chicago, and talk about Kim’s work.

    She’s excited to tell them that all is well and the fact business is pouring in almost every day. Janie questions if she’s eating and getting enough rest. Kim smiles and says that her right hand, Xander, is a real jewel, and is there when things get a little crazy. How about eating Kim, her mother firmly asked. Oh yeah, Mom, I’m eating, and believe it or not, I’m also cooking some days. Janie asks with motherly concern, Are you sure, you’re okay? Just a bit tired, Kim said, and I plan to retire a little early tonight. Okay, well, take care of yourself, and don’t work too hard, which I know is an understatement, joking with her daughter. Then James chimed, girl, how’s it going? Great Daddy, I heard you’ve been under the weather for a while. He replies, Oh, it was just a little cold and Janie quickly took the phone from him, and told Kim, no, it was a bad case of the f lu, but he was doing a lot better now. Mom, why didn’t you call me, because you know I would have taken the first flight to San Diego to see him! Kim, calm down, your father is fine, and out trying to play basketball again, smiling. She reassured her things were fine with them both. They chatted for a few minutes, more about what was going on in all their lives, then said their goodbyes.

    Kim went to the kitchen to make some of her favorite herbal tea to complete her evening, and could not resist pulling out her sketch pad & pencils. While the kettle is heating water, she changes out of her sweaty gym wear and takes a quick warm shower. She sat in her sun room overlooking Millennium Park and took out her cell to call Eric. He picks up after two rings, and they exchange their hello’s. They talk about their day, years after college, what he does for a living as Chair at USC, and her position as an Interior Designer. The kettle starts whistling, and she prepares her tea while she continues her talk with him. After nearly an hour of conversation, Eric asks her out for dinner the next day. Kim declined due to her schedule and told him it would be better for her on Saturday afternoon. He replied, Great! then we can meet at this little café in downtown Chicago called Meli. Oh, I saw it while looking for small cafés when I first moved to Chicago, but have never been there. Eric described some of the food choices on the menu that are served at any time of the day and that it was a great place to have brunch! Kim said, sounds good. Can we meet, say around noon? Sure, that will be good, Eric replied. After their pleasant and lengthy conversations, Kim politely excused herself, stating she had some work to do before retiring for the evening. Eric replied he understood, and would see her on Saturday. Kim finished her tea as she sketched some designs for a client, using her colored pencils. She seemed to be pleased with her work but rocked her head back and forth at the colors she’d chosen. She decided to add and mix more colors while keeping a list of the current ones. Sleep was creeping in, and she yawned a few times, then decided to call it a night, and went to bed, but not before teasing her goldfish in the aquarium, setting the alarm, so she wouldn’t repeat this morning’s event the following day.


    The sound of her alarm awakens Kim. She slowly gets out of bed with the rising morning sun peeking through the floor-to-ceiling windows covered with beautiful cream-colored sheers. The sun’s rays highlight the spectacular designs and pop the colors she created for her bedroom. She put on her robe and strode by the aquarium, tapping on the glass of her goldfish smiling as they slumbered. Taking her time, she goes to the shower and turns on the water to start warming. She makes her bed, places Mr. Wiggles, whom she’s had since college, and a reminder of her time there, then toss the throw pillows.

    She has plenty of time and decides to make some decaf coffee and a couple of pieces of toast and sit in the sunroom. Then she goes to the door for the morning paper and scans while finishing her breakfast. Afterward, Kim checks the calendar on her phone to confirm her first appointment, and everything looks to be in order. She gets dressed, grabs her purse, keys, and portfolio, and goes to the office. Fortunately, the distance to the office is short, and traffic is cooperating in the snow-falling weather.

    Kim steps off of the elevator and walks through the glass doors of her beautifully lit office. Cathy and Monica greet her with a good morning. She requests Monica come to her office for about 15 minutes to discuss any additional day-to-day details. Once in her office, Kim sits at her desk as Monica knocks and enters. They discuss the remaining agenda items from the previous day, and she then prepares for her meeting. While doing so, Xander walks in to greet her with the numbers promised for the client from the previous day. She thanks him as they walk over to her office table. She reviews costs and makes minor changes to some of the line items as they discuss. Once completed, she requests Xander make the necessary changes and give it to Monica for completion of the final document for her signature. He replies, Okay, will do, see you later in the meeting. He leaves and closes the door behind him because he knows the ritual of Kim gathering her thoughts before any meeting.

    That went well, Xander expressed to Kim, and she nodded, Yes, it did. As they enter her office following the meeting with the new client, she admits to him that she couldn’t believe the good fortune she’s had in the business and is so appreciative. Xander replies, Amen to that’, then questions if she had given further thought to hiring another designer to assist her. She said she hadn’t had the time lately, but she did plan to have Monica advertise for it once she had completed a full description of the position. It’s just finding the right individual who will understand the vision and have the drive, and motivation, as the rest of the staff in the company. We

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