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Consequences of Vain People
Consequences of Vain People
Consequences of Vain People
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Consequences of Vain People

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Wilhelmina is a spoiled brat. Her parents spend thousands of dollars for her to get cosmetic surgery, She wants to look similar to her twin sister, Alicia. Wilhelmina is happy with the results.

Alicia is living outside on the streets of Washington D.C. with her buddy, Norman Berri. They steal pizza, mozzarella sticks, and drin

Release dateApr 23, 2024
Consequences of Vain People

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    Consequences of Vain People - Rachelle R Lavender


    Chapter One Life is not Fair……………………………………………………………………………………..04

    Chapter Two Wilhelmina Enters a Beauty Pageant……………………………………..25

    Chapter Three The Funeral…………………………………………………………….35

    Chapter Four Mac and Buddy……..…………………………………………………………………………..43

    Chapter Five Miguel Marcos………………………………….…….……………………………..59

    Chapter Six The Adversity that went Away……..……………………………..76

    Chapter Seven Miguel Becomes a Star…………………………………………………….……………….90

    Chapter Eight Alicia Meets the Grown Mariah….……………………………………....102

    Chapter Nine Wilhelmina’s Crooked Life………………….……………………117

    Chapter Ten Norman and Alicia…..………………………………………………………………………….133      Chapter Eleven Roger…………………………………………………………………………....….149                                                                  Chapter Twelve The Disaster Between the Love of a Man and a Woman….. 164                                                             Chapter Thirteen Junior High School Sweetheart Dance……….….……………………….178                                                                  Chapter Fourteen The Homeless Shelter….………….…………………………………….190                                                                        Chapter Fifteen Israel………………………………….…..……………………………203                                                             Chapter Sixteen Trying to Stay an Attractive Woman…………………………………217                                                                        Chapter Seventeen A Troubled Boy Becomes a Man……………………..229

    Chapter Eighteen His Life is Playing Basketball..……………………………………………………..242                                                                  Chapter Nineteen Bras that Fit………………………….………….……………………………256                                                                        Chapter Twenty Supreme Furniture Invention………………………………282                                                             Chapter Twenty-One Problems with Law and Order………………………..…………………….294                                                                  Chapter Twenty-Two A Fine Time Oversea………………………..………………………317                                                                        Chapter Twenty-Three Alicia is Ending up on the News..…….…………335                                                                  Chapter Twenty-Four A Romance Between a Man and a Woman….…………..317 Chapter Twenty-Five The Honeymoon………………………………………………………….…………347                                                                        Chapter Twenty-Six Wilhelmina Goes into Labor…………………………358

    Chapter Twenty-Seven Rosa Jeanie Harrison…………………………………………………………..359

    Consequences of    vain people

    By Rachelle Lavender

    Chapter One

    Life is Unfair

    Wilhelmina is a stupid self-centered young girl. She is very conceited. She cannot see what others need when they need help from her. Wilhelmina only cares about herself. She thinks that she deserves everything that she wants. Since her life is not perfect, she is determined to change that.                                      In a selfish way, she wants her parents to spend over ten thousand dollars on her for plastic surgery. The girl thinks that if she changes her looks, she will be a happier girl. She will only be happy with her new body parts.                               Wilhelmina is a twin. She has a sister that almost looks identical to her. They are both seventeen years old. Even though they are identical, Alicia has a better body than her. Wilhelmina looks like the big version of Alicia. Also, Alicia looks better than her twin sister because she has a smaller nose. Wilhelmina wants to look like her sister. If she looks like her sister, her life might be better.                                                              The kid wants her thighs and stomach to be smaller. She wants Botox injections for the upper lips. The final change that she wants to make by getting plastic surgery is a nose job. This daring teenager is determined to beg her parents for support. She wants to go under the knife. She does not even think about the consequences.                                                        If she decides to get plastic surgery, the decision would not be fair to her family. They decide to work overtime so that Wilhelmina can get successful plastic surgery. Wilhelmina’s parents should eventually ask her to pay for the surgery that she will get if they are in their right minds.                         Anyway, the nose job costs no less than $10,000.00. The Botox injections of the upper lips can cost from $500.00 to $2,000.00. The liposuction of the stomach will cost no less than $4,000.00. The liposuction of the thighs will cost no less than $7,000.00. The grand total of the plastic surgery adds up to $23,000.00.                                                  Along with her used car that her parents will buy for her, it will be overwhelming for her parents to spend this kind of money on their daughter. William does not want to do it. Teresa does not want too either.       Because Wilhelmina is demanding of her parents, her sister, Alicia, will go into despair for a while. Teresa and William will not be able to afford anything expensive for Alicia. It is not fair.       Wilhelmina is going to eventually pay back the money that she owes her parents. The expectations are high for the girl who wants too much. She does not want to pay her parents back because she is a spoiled brat. With hundreds of types of effort, her parents will force her to get a job that she will have to go to every day after school.                                            Let her find out what a fool she is. Let her see what a stupid idiot she is, William is being mean.       We can’t afford to pay for all of this! Teresa shouts.      Where there is a will, there is a way, Wilhelmina convinces her parents to do what she wants them to do for her. It is not right for her parents to spoil her so much.              Wilhelmina wants to look like her sister. Her sister has the perfect body. She has the perfect face too. Alicia has excellent features. Wilhelmina thinks that if she must look ideal. If she does, she thinks that she will be popular.       Wilhelmina is so selfish. She only cares about herself. Wilhelmina believes that she deserves ten times more attention than her sister because of her straight A’s. She was born a spoiled brat who feels like she deserves everything she wants from her parents, Teresa, and William.       Alicia is pretty, but there is no reason for Alicia to be a snob. In fact, Alicia is quite humble. She is a good sister. Alicia is one of the nicest people that her younger sister knows.                    The reason Wilhelmina wants plastic surgery is because she has low self-esteem. She believes what the kids say at school about her body. They call her fatso. She decided that she is the ugliest girl that is living on this planet. After she gets her plastic surgery, she will only feel good about her new improved body parts.                               Alicia is an incredibly beautiful girl. She is sexy. She is stunningly attractive. If she is not careful, she will get into trouble with boys because of her looks. Alicia is tall and slim. Because she is beautiful, she has a boyfriend. In fact, the boys from Woodfield High School love her. Whenever she walks by, the boys turn their heads since she is so attractive. Wilhelmina wants to have a body like her sister’s body.       Alicia is different from her younger sibling. She has more self-respect. She is more mature. She is not a spoiled brat like her sister. She does not ask her parents for too many things from her parents. Alicia is sensible, sophisticated, and highly intelligent. Her mind is highly creative and inventive. Alicia has a longing to become an inventor of new kinds of furniture. She takes cabinet making at Woodfield High School which makes her an ambitious teenager. Wilhelmina is lazy compared to her sister. Wilhelmina is lazy in her mind and with her achievements.             William is going to put his daughter on YouTube so that he can get donations for himself. He wants to raise money so that he can pay for his daughter’s plastic surgery. After he gets the money from his followers, he must pay them back. That is what he promised them on YouTube. If he does not pay them back, there are going to be fourteen broken bones in William’s face. There will be bruises on his body too. He will be a sorry soul if he does not pay the followers back thousands of dollars.       The O’Neill family are Irish looking Irish Catholics. The four of them have black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. William and Teresa look very much alike. Opposites do not always attract.       Someday, Wilhelmina will have a great body and a boyfriend. She has a one-track mind. She only wants to look good and have a boyfriend right now.                               Alicia wants to become as independent as possible. Unlike her younger sister, she does not ask for extra help from her parents. Alicia owns fifty possessions. She worked for them with a part time job that she went to during the summer vacation. It is a shame that William and Teresa do not see the great qualities that their daughter has.                               William asks his youngest daughter to get a job over the summer. He talks her into getting a job at a clothes store. She surprisingly does as she is told.       Even though the girls have various kinds of moods and various levels of maturity, they get along well. To their parents’ surprise, Wilhelmina and Alicia seem to love each other a little. Wilhelmina really needs her sister to teach her how to be more mature.                                                 A beauty pageant is coming up. Wilhelmina decides that she wants to compete in it. First, she needs plastic surgery so that she will look beautiful.                               On Saturday, June 27th, Wilhelmina gets her ten-thousand-dollar nose job. She lies in a hospital bed. She will only be there for the day. Nervously, she worries about how her nose is going to look after she goes under the knife. Also, she worries about how she will react to the anesthesia. She has heard stories of people not waking up after their surgery. Then she wonders what she has gotten herself into. Everyone thinks that she wants to go through with the nose job. She is terrified. She did not consider the consequences that could happen after the nose job. She hopes that she will have a cute nose after the surgery.                                  Dr. Epstein is her surgeon. Dr Epstein has is an excellent plastic surgeon. Three hundred sixty-four of his patients had difficulty breathing from their nose. Dr. Glen Epstein is the absolute best plastic surgeon. He is like an artist with a knife. He is skillful and careful. He removes the sides of the nose that makes her nose look wide. Like an artist, he sculpts the nose until it looks narrow. After Wilhelmina wakes up after the surgery, she is pleased with the results. She wants to shout out that she is joyful.                            This is Maria. She had appendicitis. She has just had her appendix taken out. Isn’t she adorable? Wilhelmina asks her sister.                          There are balloons in the hospital room. They are colorful and cheerful. They float around the room on strings. Maria also received a bouquet from mums.       Maria is bouncing around the hospital room. She appears ecstatic. She is so joyful and lovely. Before Maria leaves with her mother, she gives Wilhelmina a hug.       Wilhelmina’s nose is under bandages with a nose underneath which is healing into a piece of art. She is anxious to take the bandages off from her nose. Alicia thinks that her younger sister looks pathetic with her bandages. It looks like her younger sister has been in a bad accident. Underneath the bandages, a beautiful nose is going to make Wilhelmina happy about her new nose. Her new nose will make her more popular.       About three weeks later, the spoiled brat is ready for her stomach reduction. She is having her flab cut off. After the surgeon cuts fourteen inches from her waist, she has a small waste. The results almost satisfy her. She is incredibly grateful for what her parents let her get done for herself.                                                                                                                                                                            On August 2nd, she got her thigh reduction. Those thunder thighs are now slender because of Dr. Martin West. The goal of the surgeon is to make Wilhelmina look like a ballet dancer. It takes the rest of the summer vacation for Wilhelmina to recover from her plastic surgery.                                                                              On the first day of twelfth grade, the selfish young sister looks in the mirror at her lips. She decides that her lips are too thin. She wants her upper lip to be fuller. Wilhelmina decides to get the lip Botox that she has been waiting for.                                                      Wilhelmina gets lip Botox on a Friday afternoon. She wants to look good for the cutest and sweetest boy from Woodfield High School. Her lip Botox is successful. It makes her look like a Greek goddess. She is satisfied with the latest look when she looks at herself on Monday morning. Wilhelmina is not afraid to go to school.                               Alicia helps her younger sister put on her makeup. Even Alicia loves Wilhelmina’s new slender face. Now she has a terrific looking sister to go to school with her fresh look.       Wilhelmina wears glasses. She decides that she wants contact lenses. She wants brown ones to go with her hair. They cost $300.00. Her parents pay for them.                                     Wilhelmina needs a used car to drive. Since she just got her driver’s license, her parents believe that she deserves a car. She will use it to drive to school and work. A new car will make the spoiled brat more independent.                                                      William and Teresa buy Wilhelmina a car for $22,000.00. They made a foolish mistake by buying Wilhelmina a white Chevrolet. It is a four-door car. It is in good taste. The condition of it is satisfactory. This makes Wilhelmina decide that she has gotten everything that she wants from her parents this year.                                                                          Look what we have here. Wilhelmina, you look like a fox, the cutest boy from the twelfth-grade complements Wilhelmina.                                                  Fredrick Cunningham and Wilhelmina walk together to the McDonalds restaurant. They are dating each other. They are holding hands while they walk to the fast-food restaurant.            While the spoiled brat is with her new boyfriend, Alicia is making love in the park.                                                        Alicia is having unprotected sex with Bart Levine. He is a nice orthodox Jewish boy who is unzipping his pants. Alicia is pulling up her skirt. The mood is scary. The sex is quick. Bart and Alicia do not even think about the sexually transmitted diseases that they can get. Alicia does not consider the fact that she could get pregnant. They do it so that they can get an orgasm. They do not successfully get an orgasm at all. Bart is happy. Alicia thinks that it was a waste of time. The sex is consensual. Alicia’s underwear is wet. They are humiliated because they are young and inexperienced.                               Alicia, you have not been getting your period for two months. Are you okay? You should go to the gynecologist, Teresa advises her daughter to get checked out by a professional.                                                                                  I guess that it is just stress, Alicia reasons with her mother.                                                                  Okay, Alicia. You should get one hundred percent rest, Teresa agrees with her daughter.                                                  A third month goes by with Alicia missing her period. She tries to make it look like she is getting her period by using red nail polish on sanitary napkins. Then she throws them away. Alicia has eighty-two bottles of red nail polish hidden in her bedroom.                                                                                                                                                Alicia knows that she is pregnant. This makes her feel dirty. She is not ready to become a mother. She is a minor. She does not want to take care of her newborn. Alicia isn’t ready.             Do you know how to French kiss?  Alicia asks her sister.      Wilhelmina knows what French kissing is. She thinks that it is wet and gross. She is not interested in becoming a sexual being.       Now, Wilhelmina has a sexy body. It is slender and firm. Her legs are shapely. Her body looks like a ballerina’s body. She could win a beauty contest. She could become the next Miss America. She looks like a tiny dancer with successful plastic surgery. Someday, her successful plastic surgery will make her vain, snobby, and loved by everyone except for her sister, Alicia.                                              It is sad that Alicia does not love her sister. It is sad that Wilhelmina does not love her sister either. They just like each other. They have no affection for each other. They could care less about what happens to each other.                         Wilhelmina is daft and can be narcissistic. She is not independent for now. She does not reach her potential. She is the laziest person in the neighborhood. If she got more surgery, she would be the talk of the town. All of the boys will whistle at her. They will love her like they love super models.                         Now, she feels beautiful. Now, she feels sensual. She feels like a fox. The boys will turn their heads when she walks on by. This means that she must learn how to protect herself. She must be on the lookout for sexual predators because she has sex appeal. Grown men find her very desirable. They want to touch her. She is aware of that. It scares her. She knows how desirable she is. Because she is desirable, her life is in danger. She must be overly cautious because she is the prettiest girl in the world.                        Her beauty is not natural. Her beauty is fake. She is a mean girl on the inside. On the outside, she is stunningly attractive. Looks can be deceiving.                                                                              Alicia is also attractive. She is naturally good looking. Because she is pretty, she is not a virgin like her younger sister.       Wilhelmina will always learn from Alicia’s mistakes. Alicia cares less if she makes three hundred careless mistakes. Alicia has made hundreds of bad mistakes, but she is bright. Alicia takes chances and fails, but she has potential. Alicia has an inventive mind. Her mind is inventive. She can do thousands of inventions with her mind, but she has not put it to use yet. Since she is highly intelligent, she might put her mind to use so that she will become the most productive teenager in the world.                                                        There are consequences that Alicia will discover because of Alicia’s actions. She is worried about venereal disease because of the unprotected sex that she has engaged in with her nerdy boyfriend. What a fool she was to do it with that pimply faced skinny short miserable kid. She will go to school when it shows that she is pregnant with Bart’s baby. Wondering if the baby will be a boy or a girl, she must decide if she needs to give her baby up for adoption or take care of her baby by herself. Alicia is a poor girl who is facing a tough decision. Her parents might get mad at so mad at her that they might decide to kick her out of the house. The future seems grim. She may never see her home again if her parents kick her out because of the way she showed that she is a bad influence on her sister, Wilhelmina. Bart would never let Alicia marry him so that she could become Alicia Levine.             It has been three months since Alicia had her period. She knows that she is pregnant. It is so obvious because her stomach is bulging more than it was thirteen days ago. Alicia is embarrassed and happy about what is in her womb. The girl feels kicking in her insides. Now she knows the joy of making life.            Alicia finds herself on the subway during the cold month of February. This is because her parents kicked her out of their house. Alicia’s parents are narcissists. That is what she believes her parents are. This causes Alicia to feel a rage that she is trying to hide.                                                            On the subway, a man with a beard is shaking and looking fearful. His body looked strong even though he looked like he was homeless and hungry. Alicia has food in her backpack.                   She also has $500.00 that she has saved in her backpack too, but that is not enough to get her through the frigid winter that she will go through. She is going to be homeless longer than she expects.                                                       The homeless man does not want to strike up a conversation. Alicia starts minding his business. To start, she taps him on his shoulder. Norman disappoints her by not responding to her question about whether he is homeless or not.                  Hi. My name is Alicia. Do not be afraid. I am a gentle person. I will not hurt you. Are you homeless? Alicia is curious.      Of course. I feel insulted. Who are you? A runaway?             I was kicked out of my parents’ house.                        It is your house too, Norman knows how to respect rejected kids.                                                        We can be a pair while surviving this tough winter. I do not know how to survive the elements, Alicia admits that she needs assistance.                                                             What a silly girl. She is showing trust to a strange man who can have bad intentions. She has no choice in deciding whether she will get help from Norman, or she will be his next meal. Norman does not trust Alicia, but he puts her arm over his shoulder. Alicia woke up at 4:20 am warmest part of Washington D.C.       Because Alicia woke up extremely early, which caused her to be highly stimulated for a brief time because of the extremely freezing air which caused her to feel the biggest chill of her life. Norman and she looked for a warmer grate. It was four blocks away. Since Alicia was exhausted and fell back asleep, he dragged her to the grates that have the warmest heat rising from the ground. When he gets her there, she is still fast asleep. He knows that he needs to also depend on Alicia to help him through the bitter blizzard which he fears that he and his new friend will not survive. Norman has been homeless so long that he might make it through the horrible winter with the help of Alicia and her money.       The people that have the least are the people who give the most to others. Norman is a generous man who wishes that he could give more than he has. He is such a good person. Norman leads Alicia to a gate to sleep on that he wants to share with her. He gives her a warm blanket. He gives her a hat because Alicia has forgotten to put a hat on her head so that she can keep warm.                                                                                                                                  Burr! The warm heat from the grates is keeping Alicia comfortable. The grates from the ground are not enough to keep her happy. Norman is sleeping next to her on the grate that she is on top of.                                                                                                                    Norman is affectionate in all ways, but he is not the type of man that would take advantage of a teenager. He is just sleeping close to Alicia so that he can help her stay alive in this extremely wintry weather. The warmth from his body is helping Alicia survive the brutal winter night. As the snow falls, Norman rubs his back on Alicia’s back. He also does this because he is lonely and cold. After Alicia falls asleep, he kisses her on the cheek.                                    All public bathrooms are unavailable at every nearby store at three thirty in the morning. That is when Alicia tells Norman that she must urinate. She wets her pants. That is the best that she can do. The urine makes her cold. The urine covers the back of her thighs, but Norman has seen this happen to a homeless woman that he tried to help before. Norman has seen a woman wet her pants hundreds of times since he has been living outside for eighty-four months.                                                            In the morning, he gives his new girlfriend five distinct types of food and water. He bought the food with money that he had received from panhandling. There is food for her and for him, but it is not enough food. They are very hungry.                                                                                    Norman wants to tell Alicia his story. He had a divorce from his first wife. He lost sixty of his possessions after the crazy divorce. He tells Alicia how he has lost his Father when he was ten. He also tells Alicia how he spent time in prison for five years.              Alicia is not that friendly. She is private. Alicia does not share anything about herself so far except that she is pregnant with Bart Levine’s baby. That is the reason she was removed from her house before she met Norman. She is mysterious. She is clueless. Norman does not even know her real identity. He also does not know her name.                                                                                                                                  The snow outside makes the children happy because they do not have to go to school. It is February fourteenth. The snow makes Alicia scared of slipping on ice. She is constantly aware of the snow outside.                                                                                                Suddenly, Alicia slides on the snow. She was walking around in her sleep. She fell onto her rump. Her leg is in pain. It hurts from a scale of one to ten, a nine. She pulled a muscle in her leg. The injury is not bad enough for her to go to the emergency room, but it really hurts. Norman helps Alicia stumble back to the warm grate by having her put her arm over his shoulders. He acts like a crutch for her.                                                                                                                                In the morning, Alicia and Norman are hungry again. They have nothing to eat. No one offers them any food even though it is so obvious that they are homeless.                                    Norman is looking for food in the trash. He finds his breakfast in the trash. The food is unhealthy and disgusting because it can cause Norman and Alicia to get hepatitis. There must be germs on the food.                                                        Alicia has three hundred dollars leftover for emergencies in her backpack. She had a job that she worked at to earn that money. Hundreds of times, she worries that a thief will steal that money. She does not trust Norman. Alicia is plotting ways so that Norman will not find out that she has over three hundred dollars in her backpack, but she trusts that Norman will not take it from her. Although Alicia believes that he is respectful to young women who are in unfortunate, she acts like she has no money.                                                                    Alicia will not leave Norman because she loves the attention that she gets from him. The attention that she receives from Norman is what she never had before. He gives her his one hundred per cent undivided attention. He is such a good listener.              Norman looks like a homeless man. He is unattractive. He wears a long beard that he has not trimmed in months. He is dirty and straggly. Alicia can tell that Norman used to be attractive before he was homeless, but now it is exceedingly difficult for him to keep clean looking because he has no place to take a shower. He looks pitiful and horrible, but he does the best that he can to look decent. Even though he is unattractive, he has a strong beautiful muscular body. He has a very sexually appealing body even though he does not have the resources to make himself look presentable.                                                                                            Alicia washes her hair in the public bathrooms with shampoo that she put in her backpack. Even though it is cold outside, she wants clean hair. She dries her hair by putting her hair under the hand dryer in the public restroom. The kid would do anything to keep herself presentable looking.                                                                                                Every day, Alicia brushes her teeth in public restrooms. The kid did not give up her good grooming skills and habits from what she learned at home. She does not want to lose her teeth.      There is a pizza place that opens at 1:30 pm every day. The Italian restaurant with delicious food is called DeAngelo’s. The owner is stupid. I want you to get a pizza from that restaurant for myself and you, Norman orders her around.       You want me to steal a pizza. I, Alicia do not want to be arrested for stealing. I don’t want to think of myself as a criminal or thief, Alicia wants to keep her pride.             You are a thief. You stole from me. If you want me to stay with you, you must get me a pizza. Do you understand? He threatens her.                         Okay. I will get you a pizza if you help me get it. I won’t do it alone, she asks him to do her a favor. She is surprised about his meanness.                                                                                  When I came over from Lebanon to the United States, there were hundreds of nerdy Americans that called me a terrorist. They did not trust me because of my appearance. I was born in Lebanon, and I have lived in Lebanon for thirty years. That is why I have such a thick accent that is hard to understand. I am grammatically correct all the time because I am a bright man. Never underestimate the homeless people, Norman tries to impress Alicia because she is young and pretty.                                                                      He touches her face gently. He massages her back because he was a massage therapist before he was homeless. He made millions of dollars doing it too, but he lost it all because of a divorce. Norman’s ex-wife, Lizzy and his client, Martha Stern, who he used to give professional massages for their back pains. She sued him until he was homeless. The angry customers sued them for the same injuries for two million dollars that he had earned for himself because he accidentally injured their shoulder blades. Now he is in a budgetary crisis because the crazy unsatisfied customer who sued him for a ridiculous selfish amount of money is now a rich woman, and he is dirt poor.       Alicia has pride. She has plans on how to make money if she gets out of this homelessness. It is a possibility that she will be homeless for an exceptionally long time. This fact makes her feel depressed. The experience is making her humble, but she still has self-respect and self-esteem. Even though she knows that she is full of potential and ambition, she is living a humbling life. The fact that she only wants extraordinarily little help from people makes her feel humiliated.       At 8:00 pm, Alicia and Norman haven’t eaten any food all day. This is when they go to the pizza place called DeAngelo’s because of the extreme malnutrition that Alicia and Norman are experiencing. At that pizza place, there is a Sicilian man named Emilio Levi. He tries to make his pizzas Greek because he is the owner, and he has a Greek Mother named Anastasia. Anastasia birth name changed from Ms. Anastasia Stamos to Gino Levi because she got married to an Italian descent man. He is proud to own a restaurant with pizza with Greek olives on it. He makes the best pizzas in the world according to Norman. Norman wants a weekly supply of pizzas. Norman has a plan.             Can I help you? Emilio rudely asks Alicia and Norman. He does not like their appearance. He is so disrespectful to his new customers.                                                                                          We want twenty-one large pizzas, two hundred and fifty mozzarellas stick and a Greek salad," Alicia makes a request. She is

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