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Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications
Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications
Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications
Ebook156 pages1 hour

Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications

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Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications

Master of Vue.js Series

Learn to build modern web applications using Vue.js with Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications. This comprehensive guide teaches you core principles, best practices, and techniques to build fast, maintainable web applications. Leverage custom components, powerful features, and modern tools to create efficient, reusable web features. Take your development skills to the next level with Mastering Vue.js today.

PublisherPedro Martins
Release dateMar 21, 2024
Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications

Pedro Martins

Have an extensive experience in analyzing, designing, implementing, and managing systems. Participated in a variety of commercial and industry projects, including healthcare consulting, construction industry solutions, financial institutions, banking, ticketing, interactive television, competitiveness analysis, business analysis, and others. Creator of the website to help the coding community grow and to share insights about coding. The website includes opinion articles, practical examples, all with the goal of encouraging the development of technical solutions for information systems architecture across various domains, programming languages and on-premises and cloud solutions.

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    Mastering Vue.js - Pedro Martins

    Mastering Vue.js: Building Modern Web Applications

    Master of Vue.js Series

    short line

    Pedro Martins

    4th June, 2023

    Introduction 9

    Course Outline: 9

    Module 1: Introduction to Vue.js 9

    Understanding the philosophy and benefits of Vue.js 10

    1. Simplicity: 10

    2. Component Reusability: 10

    3. Performance: 10

    4. Extensive Documentation: 10

    5. Flexible Ecosystem: 11

    6. Scalability: 11

    7. Integration Capabilities: 11

    8. Strong Community Support: 11

    Setting up a Vue.js development environment 12

    a. Install Node.js and npm: 12

    b. Install Vue CLI: 13

    c. Create a new Vue.js project: 13

    d. Run the development server: 13

    2. Using CDN 14

    a. Include Vue.js in your HTML file: 14

    b. Start coding your application: 14

    3. Manual Setup 14

    a. Install Node.js and npm: 15

    b. Install a code editor: 15

    c. Set up a project folder: 15

    d. Initialize the project: 15

    e. Install Vue.js: 15

    f. Start coding your application: 16

    Exploring Vue.js directives and templates 16

    1. v-text: 16

    2. v-html: 16

    3. v-show: 17

    4. v-if, v-else, v-else-if: 17

    5. v-for: 17

    6. v-on: 17

    7. v-bind: 17

    8. v-model: 17

    Building your first Vue.js application 18

    1. Learn the basics of Vue.js: 18

    2. Set up your development environment: 19

    3. Understand Vue components: 19

    4. Experiment with directives and data binding: 19

    5. Work with Vue router: 19

    6. Manage application state with Vuex: 20

    7. Expand your knowledge: 20

    Module 2: Vue.js Components 20

    Understanding the component-based architecture in Vue.js 20

    Creating and using single-file components 22

    1. Template: 23

    2. Script: 23

    3. Style: 23

    Creating and using single-file components sample code 25

    Working with props and custom events 28

    Working with props and custom events sample code 31

    Utilizing computed properties and watchers 33

    Computed Properties: 33

    Watchers: 34

    Module 3: Vue.js Directives and Filters 36

    Exploring built-in directives (v-if, v-for, v-bind, v-on, etc.) 36

    v-if: 37

    v-for: 37

    v-bind:class: 37

    v-on:click: 38

    v-text`: 38

    Creating custom directives 38

    Explanation 38

    Creating a custom directive in Vue.js 41

    Using filters for data formatting and transformations 42

    Explanation 42

    Sample code 45

    Enhancing UI with transition and animation directives 47

    1. Transition Directive (``) 47

    2. Animation Directive (``) 49

    Module 4: Vue Router and Navigation 51

    Implementing client-side routing with Vue Router 51

    Step 1: Install Vue Router 51

    Step 2: Create a Router File 51

    Step 3: Configure Vue App 53

    Step 4: Add Router Links and Views 53

    Step 5: Test and Navigate 54

    Creating routes and nested routes 55

    Step 1: Set Up Vue Router 55

    Step 2: Create a Router File 55

    Step 3: Configure Vue App 57

    Step 4: Add Router Links and Views 58

    Step 5: Create Component Views 58

    Step 6: Test and Navigate 59

    Handling route parameters and query strings 60

    1. Route Parameters: 60

    2. Accessing Route Parameters: 60

    3. Query Strings: 61

    4. Accessing Query Strings: 62

    Implementing navigation menus and active links 62

    1. Set up your router: 63

    2. Create a navigation menu component: 63

    3. Include the navigation menu component: 64

    4. Styling the active link: 65

    Module 5: State Management with Vuex 66

    Understanding the need for state management 66

    General explanation 66

    1. Centralized Data: 66

    2. Shared State: 66

    3. Component Decoupling: 66

    4. Complex Interactions: 67

    5. Time Travel and Undo/Redo: 67

    6. Performance Optimization: 67

    7. Asynchronous Operations: 67

    Explanation in Vue.js 68

    1. Centralized Data: 68

    2. Shared State: 68

    3. Component Decoupling: 68

    4. Complex Interactions: 68

    5. Time Travel and Debugging: 69

    6. Performance Optimization: 69

    7. Asynchronous Operations: 69

    Implementing Vuex for centralized state management 69

    1. Install Vuex: 70

    2. Create a Vuex Store: 70

    3. Integrate the Store with the Vue.js App: 71

    4. Accessing State, Mutations, Actions, and Getters: 72

    Defining actions, mutations, and getters 73

    1. Actions: 73

    2. Mutations: 74

    3. Getters: 75

    Connecting Vue components to the Vuex store 76

    1. Accessing state: 77

    2. Accessing getters: 77

    3. Dispatching actions: 78

    4. Committing mutations: 78

    Module 6: Forms and User Input 79

    Handling form data and user input in Vue.js 79

    1. Binding form inputs: 79

    2. Handling user input events: 80

    3. Using form submission: 82

    Implementing form validation and error handling 83

    1. Define form data and validation rules: 83

    2. Displaying form validation errors: 85

    Utilizing Vue.js form libraries (e.g., VeeValidate) 87

    1. Install VeeValidate: 87

    2. Configure VeeValidate: 87

    3. Create a form component: 88

    4. Add form instance: 90

    Working with form components and input controls 91

    1. Create a form component: 91

    2. Handling user input: 93

    3. Form submission: 93

    4. Validation: 93

    Module 7: Vue.js and RESTful APIs 93

    Making HTTP requests in Vue.js using Axios or Fetch 94

    Using Axios: 94

    Using Fetch API: 95

    Handling asynchronous data fetching and rendering 96

    Implementing CRUD operations with RESTful APIs 99

    Handling loading and error states 102

    Module 8: Vue.js and Component Communication 104

    Understanding component communication patterns in Vue.js 104

    1. Props and Events: 105

    2. Custom Events and Event Bus: 105

    3. Vuex (State Management): 105

    4. Provide/Inject: 106

    5. $refs: 106

    6. Global Event Bus: 106

    Using props and events for parent-child component communication 106

    1. Parent Component: 107

    2. Child Component: 108

    Implementing component communication using Vuex 109

    1. Set up Vuex store: 109

    2. Parent Component: 110

    3. Child Component: 111

    Exploring other advanced techniques (provide/inject, event bus) 113

    1. `provide`/`inject`: 113

    Parent Component: 113

    Child Component: 114

    2. Event Bus Pattern: 115

    Event Bus: 115

    Parent Component: 115

    Child Component: 116

    Module 9: Vue.js and Advanced Topics 117

    Working with computed properties and watchers 117

    Implementing transitions and animations 121

    1. Transition Components: 121

    2. Animation Classes: 123

    Optimizing Vue.js applications for performance 124

    1. Use Production Mode: 125

    2. Use Async Component Loading: 125

    3. Optimize Template Rendering: 125

    4. Use Key Attribute for List Rendering: 125

    5. Optimize Computed Properties: 125

    6. Use Object/Array Change Detection: 126

    7. Limit Reactive Data and Components: 126

    8. Implement Server-Side Rendering (SSR): 126

    9. Use Performance Monitoring Tools: 126

    10. Code Splitting and Lazy Loading: 127

    Testing Vue.js components with Jest or Vue Test Utils 127

    Module 10: Deployment and Advanced Vue.js Concepts 131

    Deploying Vue.js applications to different hosting platforms 131

    1. GitHub Pages: 131

    2. Netlify: 132

    3. Vercel (formerly Zeit Now): 132

    Optimizing and bundling Vue.js applications for production 134

    1. Eliminate Development-Only Code: 134

    2. Minify and Bundle JavaScript: 135

    3. Enable Production Mode: 135

    4. Tree Shaking: 135

    5. Code Splitting: 135

    6. Lazy Loading: 135

    7. Optimize Images: 136

    8. Enable Caching: 136

    9. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): 136

    10. Performance Monitoring and Optimization: 136

    Exploring advanced Vue.js concepts (e.g., render functions, mixins) 137

    1. Render Functions: 137

    2. Mixins: 137

    Exploring Vue.js ecosystem and additional libraries (Vue CLI, Vue DevTools) 138

    1. Vue.js: 138

    2. Vue Devtools: 138

    3. Vue CLI: 139

    4. Vue Router: 139

    5. Vuex: 139

    6. Additional Libraries: 140

    Conclusion 140

    About Author 141

    Bibliography 142



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