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HIP #2: Summer Of Love
HIP #2: Summer Of Love
HIP #2: Summer Of Love
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HIP #2: Summer Of Love

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"""He only loves me because he's drunk.""

In the squad, there is a summer camp tradition that Britney, Charlie, Peter, and Shane always do every year at Mancheston Beach in Paris, France as bonding for the group of best friends.

Everyone's life is different. Sometimes we encounter conflicts that are too comple

Release dateNov 16, 2022
HIP #2: Summer Of Love

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    HIP #2 - Jyerrmou



    hey say, life is a never-ending roller-coaster ride, that's right. I can prove it in my own words because I experienced it. I'm a human living on earth. But, I'm so sick and tired of this.

    I'm tired of rising after falling and falling after rising. That routine happens over and over as if we're robots. If I can only control the way this roller-coaster goes, then I'll make it a flat trail. So that happiness would be straightforward until the end, thus I don't have to drown and fall. Not anymore.

    What do you mean, you're not coming this summer? I abruptly asked Britney over the phone, keeping it beneath my ear and shoulder while putting all my clothes in my luggage. Today's the day. Every summer, me and my best friends: Britney, Shane, and Peter get together as a tradition. We usually go to Manchester beach which is a little farther from our city.

    It started when we were in 6th grade. That was the first time we spent summer together and after that, it became our routine. We enjoy it, we bond and get along because we are best friends. I know that I am one of the million people who are lucky to have nice and kind friends like them.

    I'm sorry, I promised mom and dad that we'll be on our own summer together. This is the first time in seven years that we'll be spending time together on a road trip. Right. Ever since 6th grade, she never got to spend summer with her family. Same to me, Shane, and Peter as well.

    Umm, with your real parents or adoptive ones? Well, here's the deal. I hesitated a lot to ask her that. But I was just so curious about it. Britney told me a lot about what happened. The truth that she also didn't see coming. I feel bad for her. Because she fell in love with Nate who is her older brother and she didn't even know it. She also told me her real name: Macey. Now I really don't know what she's going to do next to hide and kill whatever she's feeling.

    Adoptive, she quickly responded.

    But Shane just told me that she also can't come because of some family stuff too, I demanded.

    Peter. Maybe you can ask him. I'm sure he'll come, she said as if she was being chased by a thousand horses. Bye Charlie, see you soon! She quickly ended the call as I rolled my eyes. Guess, it's just me if Peter won't come as well.

    There's a possibility that he won't come. His father might stop him. After zipping the zipper of my luggage, I immediately looked for Peter's number. Once I found it, I clicked the call button. Hey, Peter! You'll come right? My eyes were barely open and I was sweating. I hope that he would come. I don't want to go to the beach by myself. It would be too weird for me. I won't be able to enjoy it that way.

    His cold and manly voice appeared from nowhere over the phone. Oh, yeah. I am coming, I'll pick you up is that okay? Finally! Someone I would go with. But it's just me and him. Darn it.

    Britney isn't coming so as Shane. Ugh!

    Oh, okay. I'll be waiting for you, I smiled though I know he didn't see me. At least his dad didn't stop him or do anything wrong which I was already imagining in my mind. I ended the call and picked up my luggage from the bed. For three months, I would leave this house, this room, and the people. That's it! I almost forgot one thing...

    I rushed to my bookshelf and grabbed one of my unread books. All Your Perfects by Collen Hoover. Shane recommended it to me saying it's one of the best books she read in her entire life. I couldn't argue because it was from her, I trust her when it comes to literature. That's what she's good at. So sad she won't be coming this summer.

    Charlie Brahms!!! I heard my dad screaming from the staircase. Oh no! He never screams my full name unless he is mad. This means... I probably did something wrong which he found out. I'll be losing my phone again if it has to do something about one of his stuff.

    Last month I accidentally poured his shampoo on the toilet. I didn't mean it, I was halfway asleep and so I thought it was water. Stupid I know. He kept my phone away for three weeks and I got it just last Saturday. I am so not going to lose it again.

    Yes, dad? Everything- alright? I was sweating and too nervous to speak right. Then, from nowhere, I saw him standing in front of me beside the door of my room. I awkwardly smiled to hide the nervousness I was feeling. What is it this time?

    No, he grabbed something from his pocket and it made me gulp. No way. I think I already know what is it. He crossed his arms and eyed me. This is making me more uncomfortable. What was Mr. Anshan doing on the sink?

    Mr. Anshan. That's one of his toys, which he calls figurines. And he gets mad when we call it toys. I think he even loves that more than he loves me as a daughter. He's so obsessed with it that he takes care of it like a pet. Keeps it in safe places, he never lets anyone touch it even visitors. He says that it shouldn't be touched because it's a for your eyes only item. Seriously? I don't even see anything special with that silly little toy except that it's more expensive than a car. I don't know, ask mom maybe, before I could get in trouble, I tried my best to run as fast as I could to the front door of our house after I heard a beep. Probably Peter's car.

    Come back here, Charlie Brahms! I heard him screaming and I could even afford to laugh as I rushed into the car, opened the door, and hopped in.

    The real thing that happened to Mr. Anshan is that I made a bet with Britney that if I could show her something more expensive than a car that I own, she would give me thirty bucks. And she did after I showed her a picture of dad's toy which I took in the kitchen.

    Chapter 1


    was still heavily sighing in repeat when Peter tried to speak, are you okay? I could sense the laughter in his voice. He is probably already aware of what is going on. I turned to look at his deep blue eyes. Long story, was all I said as he laughed along with it.

    He nodded, and I fixed my seat. I can smell the scent of his perfume. Are we going to pick up Shane and Britney or we'll wait for them in Mancheston? So, they didn't tell him?

    Umm, they told me they ain't coming. I shook my head, still disappointed that they decided not to come this year. I mean, seriously? This is the only time for us to bond with each other in a year of spending our lives in school. Well, I and the girls go to the same campus and even have classes together while we're always apart from Peter.

    Oh, so it's just you and me? The way he speaks... it's like he is not even sure of what to say. And I know what is the reason for it.

    Yeah, pretty much like that, said only me and him. I nodded. We're close, but not like how I'm close to Britney. I tell her every single detail about me. Even when I broke my dad's hockey stick. But Peter, we talk, we joke, we tell secrets to each other but not like how we should do it. So I don't think this summer would be the best. Shane always brings the fun to our camps so now that she's not here with us, I guess this would be the worst summer vacation ever.

    As he started the car, he turned on the radio and Olivia Rodrigo's song came playing. Wow. Olivia is one of my favorite singers in the world. Her songs are usually about to break up. Though I have never been into one, I love them so much even if I can't relate to them. Coincidence that her name is similar to Nate's girlfriend's name. Who is Britney's rival. Not literally but she low-key hates her.

    I found myself tapping my lap using my fingertips while dancing around and narrowing through the window. You're... like, a fan? He asked. He didn't even have to. From the stickers on my suitcase, some shirts I got, and the way I act, it's very evident that I am a Livi.

    Isn't it obvious? I joked as it made him giggle.

    He didn't say a word next to that. Instead, he focused on driving and kept his wide blue eyes on the road. I've been passing here many times before. This is my hometown. Paris. So I'm used to every road I encounter here. But I don't get bored when I watch the houses and trees I see as we drove through.

    How long would we be there? I actually didn't get his question right. But I tried my best to understand what he was saying.

    Summer this year is just for three months, so I'll be there for three months or less. I don't know about you, at least I could answer.

    Same, our summer is also just for three months so I'll get back home before that three-month vacation time ends so I can prepare for the next school year, I smirked. I know that isn't the reason.

    Really? Or is it because Britney isn't here with us? Because you know you'll miss her so you'll come back early to see her? Don't get me wrong, Peter, he rolled his eyes and laughed. But even with his laughter, I could see the pain. The pain he hides for a long time and waits for someone to adopt it.

    Seriously? I don't even like her! She's just a best friend, like you... he narrowed at me for a second but immediately looked back at the road.

    You don't like her because you love her, right? I just realized like is different from love, I teased.

    No! Come on! Either way, it's a no, he lied. It was obvious he was lying.

    Are you sure? Then why did you cry when you saw Nate kiss her forehead when he won against you in a basketball match? Charlie Brahms, what the heck was that? I asked myself. I really didn't want to ask him that but I was too curious. I hope I didn't remind him of anything bad.

    I moved on... already. I already moved on. I'm okay now, I understand, he pressed his lips together and sighed heavily. A sign of acceptance. I wonder how hard is it for him to accept that Britney is not for him. I don't know if I could still live if I found out Chance is not for me.

    Okay, all the best for you... I looked at him and watched the smile grow on his face as he continued on driving. Lovely how he can drive like this at a young age. I don't even know how to cook an egg right. Every time I try to cook an egg, I end up making a big mess in the kitchen. Maybe cooking is not really for me. When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a chef. But then I realized I'm not good at it.

    So instead, I stopped. Now I dream of becoming a singer-songwriter though I also know it's not for me. I write lyrics, beats, and melodies sometimes but I can't sing that well. Dad always says I sound like a dying seal. I expect him to praise my voice but instead, he always tells the truth. He is always brutally honest especially when it comes to judging.

    Are you alright? I even hesitated to ask, but I still did. Because I saw that the smile on his face vanished and that he looked like he remembered something he didn't want to remember.

    Umm, yeah. He responded. He's a professional when it comes to lying about what he's feeling. I guess that's what it takes to be always hit by your dad and get scared that if you tell someone, he'll hit them too. That's the problem Peter had to live in his life which he also didn't try to get out of. He was scared. Scared of his psychopathic dad. 

    Chapter 2


    eter carried our bags as we walked through the same place where we've been a few months ago. Nothing changed about this place. Except for the unfamiliar crews who I don't recognize. There's still the white wooden gate with the blue paint sign saying Mancheston Beach and a surfing board beside it. The white sands I can feel under my shoes are still the same ones ever since the first time we've been here. And of course, the orange polo-shirt uniform of the crew is still the same.

    The chimes hanging from the roof were rumbling because of the strong wind that was slapping us. I smiled and took a deep breath. Summer of 2024, here I come!!! I told myself. But then I realized it was just me and Peter. I really hope this vacation will be happy and peaceful with one of my best friends.

    I glanced at him and smiled. He did the same thing. I know we both feel the same way. He pushed open the gate and entered. I followed in his big footsteps and smilingly entered the entrance where we saw a woman wearing an orange polo shirt and looking at a blue notebook. Amber. That's her. That's her name. In the years that we spend our summer here, we already figured out the names of some crew and some of them even became our friends. They are very nice to us. Probably because we are visitors.

    The usual rooms please, I smiled at her as I saw her smile grow when she saw me.

    Oh, hey there Charlie! What's up Peter? She greeted. We both kept silent and just laughed at her.

    Where's Shane and Britney? She eyed me. She even reminded us? Darn it. I was already trying to forget that they're not here but this girl just reminded me. Game over.

    Didn't come. Said they have some other stuff to do this summer, I rested my arms on the table as Peter clanged the keys of his car beside him.

    Oh, let me just check on your rooms... she left a smile and a wink at us before facing the notebook. When she looked back, her face was a little suspicious. As if bad news just came. What's the matter? I frowned. She sighed and pressed her lips together.

    Sorry, but rooms 205 and 206 are already taken, what the heck?

    Umm, what do you mean, Amber? You know that on the 5th of May, we usually go here and take those two rooms! Why didn't you reserve it for us? I demanded. I'm actually not always this hot-tempered but I can't believe that someone took our rooms which are the ones we usually take.

    Because you didn't make a reservation, through my screams, she remained calm. Right. I forgot to make a reservation. I forgot that this resort strongly has a first-come, first-serve reservation policy. You can't just walk in here and demand your room like what I'm doing right now. When I heard the other people around murmuring and looking at me, I was left to do nothing but cover my face and look at her. We'll take the available rooms. Whatever they are, I whispered.

    I almost heard Peter's laughter in the back but it was obvious how he was trying to hide it and focus. Even I would laugh about this stupidity of mine. Walk in here and demand your usual room without making a reservation? My future kids would laugh at this crap when they notice.

    The only rooms available are rooms 23 and 24, how many rooms do you need? I looked at Peter to remind myself that it's only the two of us here.

    We'll take two rooms. That 23 and 24 you just mentioned, we'll take a look, I smiled to avoid feeling annoyed one more time. I'm done embarrassing myself in front of a lot of people. I looked back at him to check if he is okay. He is standing and smirking fine.

    Please follow me, she grabbed two keys from the brown cork board and we followed her walk through the rough staircase. The chilly familiar wind was blowing us away as we got higher with every step we took. Guess they painted the walls from blue to white now.

    I scattered my eyes to scan some changes but I saw nothing unfamiliar except for the people walking around. This place is more crowded than ever. Not as crowded as a public beach but it's not like this most of the time. Because back then, this place used to look like a ghost town for only a few people are here but right now, seems like it's full of strangers already. at least not as crowded as the places in the school. "Here

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