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Empowered by Tarot
Empowered by Tarot
Empowered by Tarot
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Empowered by Tarot

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Empowered by Tarot is a comprehensive guide that transcends fortune-telling, serving as a catalyst for self-discovery and growth. It delves into the rich history and myths of tarot, covering deck preparation, card meanings, intuitive development, and various spreads. Emphasizing personal empowerment, it nurtures intuition, explores mediumship, mindfulness, and psychic protection. Beginners benefit from detailed explanations of Major and Minor Arcana, including the Rider-Waite deck, along with insights into reversed cards and card suits. The guide extends to diverse spreads like Celtic Cross, Relationship, and Career, and introduces astrology, numerology, and color symbolism. Thoughtful exercises aid in card connection and daily practice, while ethical reading guidelines ensure respectful engagement. Ultimately, it beckons readers to seize control of their lives, fostering intuition and wisdom to live authentically and fully through tarot's insightful lens.

PublisherNadia Cardoso
Release dateMar 23, 2024

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    Empowered by Tarot - Nadia Cardoso


    To my dear children - Edielzinho, Bruninho, Felicidad, and Tali - you fill my heart every single day. I miss those of you who are far away, and cherish every moment spent with those who are close. You are all so precious to me, and I wish you nothing but love, happiness, and success as you journey through life.



    Thanks to my loving Source for inspiring this tarot book, Archangel Michael for protecting me and my ancestors for guiding me.

    Grateful for your love and support.


    Every one of us has a unique journey to undertake in this lifetime. We navigate through it with different challenges, joys, ups, and downs. As we live through this journey, there comes a point where we feel stuck, lost, uninspired, or even disconnected from ourselves and the world around us. These moments can be challenging to navigate, often leading to uncertainty, feelings of despair or anxiety, and a sense of emptiness.

    What if we could reconnect with ourselves and regain clarity and direction in our lives? What if there was a tool that could guide us through these difficult moments and lead us toward a path of self-discovery and personal growth? What if we can access a deeper understanding of who we are, what drives us, and how we can manifest our full potential?

    This is where the tarot cards come in. The Tarot is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries to provide insight, guidance, and wisdom. Tarot cards can help us to navigate through different situations in our lives, gain clarity on what we're experiencing, and connect with our innermost selves. They can help us to better understand our inner motivations, overcome our fears and limiting beliefs, and see the bigger picture of our lives.

    The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, with each card carrying a unique meaning and symbolism. These cards are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards represent major life themes, such as life lessons, spiritual growth, and psychological transformation, while the Minor Arcana cards represent situations and experiences that we encounter daily.

    While the Tarot is often associated with divination and fortune-telling, it is much more than that. The Tarot can help us tap into our intuition and our subconscious minds, where our deepest desires, fears, and hopes reside. They can help us uncover our blind spots, reveal what's hidden from our conscious awareness, and bring light to the areas of our lives that need attention.

    Tarot doesn't provide easy answers or quick solutions. Instead, it invites us to explore our lives and ourselves more deeply. It provides us with a mirror that reflects who we are and what we're experiencing. It helps us to face our emotions, to embrace our vulnerabilities, and to accept ourselves fully.

    This book will explore how we can use tarot cards for self-discovery and personal growth. We'll dive into each of the 78 cards and discover their meanings, symbolism, and how they can relate to our lives. We'll explore different tarot spreads, from a simple one-card spread to more complex ones and learn how to interpret them.

    But this book isn't just about learning tarot spreads and meanings. It's about using Tarot as a tool for personal growth and transformation. It's about discovering who we are, what we want, and how we can create a life that aligns with our deepest values and desires. It's about facing our shadows and fears and embracing our light and strengths.

    We all have the power within us to create the life we want. Sometimes we just need a little guidance and insight to help us on our way. Tarot offers us that guidance and insight. It can help us to navigate through difficult moments, gain clarity and direction in our lives, and become the person we want to be.

    So, let's dive in and explore the Tarot as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Let's embark on a journey of exploration and transformation and discover the power that lies within us. May this journey bring us closer to ourselves and our deepest truths.

    History of Tarot

    The history of tarot cards is a complex and fascinating one, with known roots in both ancient and medieval cultures. The origins of Tarot can be traced back hundreds of years, and its transformation over time has led to the modern-day versions of tarot cards that we see today. Here, we will explore the history of tarot cards, tracing their evolution from their early beginnings to contemporary interpretations.

    Tarot cards, as we know them today, have their roots in medieval Europe. In the late 14th century, the first tarot deck was created in northern Italy. These earliest tarot cards were known as tarocchi, and they were intended not as a divinatory tool, but rather as a game. The tarocchi deck consisted of 78 cards divided into four suits, each with 10 numbered cards and four court cards.

    Over time, however, tarot cards began to be used for divination, and their symbolism and meaning became more complex. In the late 18th century, French occultist Antoine Court de Gébelin published a book called Le Monde Primitif, in which he argued that tarot cards were descended from the ancient Egyptian book of Thoth. According to Court de Gébelin, the symbols and images on tarot cards represented the esoteric knowledge of the Egyptian priests and could be used to unlock hidden secrets about the universe and the human soul.

    This idea of Tarot as a repository of secret knowledge was further developed by another French occultist, Eliphas Levi, who wrote extensively about the symbolism of tarot cards in the mid-19th century. Levi believed that tarot cards represented the fundamental forces of the universe and that their intricate symbolism could be used to understand the workings of the world and the human psyche.

    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several groups of occultists and mystics began to develop their systems of tarot interpretation, based on the symbolism and meaning of the cards. Perhaps the most well-known of these groups was the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric society founded in England in the late 19th century. The Golden Dawn's tarot system was based on the Kabbalah, a mystical framework of Jewish origin that maps out the structure of the universe and the human soul.

    The Golden Dawn's tarot system was further popularized in the early 20th century by writer and occultist Arthur Edward Waite, who commissioned artist Pamela Colman Smith to create a new tarot deck based on the Golden Dawn's symbolism and meaning. The resulting deck, known as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, is now one of the most widely used and recognizable tarot decks in the world.

    Since the creation of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, hundreds if not thousands of different tarot decks have been created, each with its unique style and interpretation. Some decks focus on a particular theme or culture, such as the African American Tarot or the Tarot of the Cat People. Others are designed to be more abstract or minimalist, emphasizing the symbolism and meaning of the cards rather than their visual appearance.

    In recent years, the popularity of tarot cards has continued to grow, with more and more people turning to Tarot as a tool for self-discovery and spiritual insight. While there is still much debate over the origin and purpose of tarot cards, their enduring appeal and rich cultural history make them one of the most fascinating and complex divinatory tools in the world.

    Purpose and Significance of Tarot Readings

    The purpose of tarot readings is to gain insight, guidance, and clarity into various aspects of life. Tarot cards are a powerful tool that can help individuals connect with their intuition and receive guidance from the universal energy.

    Tarot readings can provide valuable information about relationships, career choices, personal growth, and spiritual development. These cards offer a symbolic language through which individuals can explore their subconscious thoughts and emotions, uncover hidden patterns, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their circumstances.

    By interpreting the cards and their symbolism, tarot readers can tap into their intuition and provide guidance and advice to those seeking answers. Tarot readings can empower individuals to make informed decisions, navigate challenges, and find a sense of direction and purpose.

    Furthermore, tarot readings can serve as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth. The process of engaging with the cards encourages individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, fostering self-awareness and promoting personal transformation.

    Common Myths And Misconceptions About Tarot

    There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding Tarot that often create misunderstandings about its purpose and significance. In this section, we will debunk some of the common myths associated with tarot readings.

    Myth 1: Tarot Predicts the Future

    One of the most prevalent misconceptions about Tarot is that it has the power to predict the future with absolute certainty. However, Tarot is not a crystal ball that can foretell specific events or outcomes. Instead, it offers insights and guidance based on the current energies and influences at play. Tarot readings can provide a glimpse into potential outcomes, but they are not set in stone.

    Myth 2: Tarot is Associated with Dark Magic or the Occult

    Another common misconception is that Tarot is synonymous with dark magic or the occult. While Tarot does have esoteric origins, it is primarily a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and gaining clarity. Tarot readings are not inherently evil or dangerous. They are simply a means of tapping into our intuition and exploring our subconscious mind.

    Myth 3: Only Psychics or Gifted Individuals Can Read Tarot

    Contrary to popular belief, reading tarot cards is not limited to psychics or individuals with special gifts. Anyone can learn to read Tarot with practice and dedication. While some people may have a natural inclination toward intuitive abilities, Tarot is a skill that can be developed by anyone willing to invest time in studying and understanding the cards' symbolism and meanings.

    Myth 4: Tarot is Solely Based on Luck or Chance

    Many people mistakenly believe that tarot readings are solely based on luck or chance. However, Tarot is a combination of intuitive interpretation and the symbolic meanings behind the cards. It requires the reader to analyze the cards' imagery, apply their knowledge and intuition, and consider the querent's specific situation. Tarot readings are not random; they involve a deliberate process of interpretation.

    Myth 5: Tarot is Associated with Evil or Negative Energies

    Some individuals associate Tarot with evil or negative energies, assuming that using tarot cards can invite malevolent forces into their lives. In reality, Tarot is a tool that can be used for positive purposes, such as self-reflection, personal growth, and gaining insight into various aspects of life. The energy and intention behind the tarot reading determine its overall impact, and it can be a valuable tool for personal empowerment and transformation.

    By dispelling these common myths and misconceptions, I hope to provide a clearer understanding of what Tarot truly represents. It is an ancient practice that offers valuable insights, guidance, and self-reflection, empowering individuals on their spiritual journeys.

    Why Learn Tarot?

    The decision to learn Tarot can be both exciting and intimidating. However, the benefits that come with learning this mystical art are numerous, making it a worthwhile investment of time and effort. Whether you are looking to tap into your intuition, gain insight and clarity into different aspects of your life, or engage in self-reflection and personal growth, Tarot can serve as a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. In this chapter, we will explore some of the key reasons why learning Tarot can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

    One of the key reasons to learn Tarot is for personal growth and self-reflection. Tarot cards can serve as powerful tools for self-exploration, helping individuals gain deeper insights into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

    By using tarot cards, individuals can tap into their intuition and connect with their inner wisdom. The imagery and symbolism within the cards can act as a mirror, reflecting aspects of ourselves that we may not be fully aware of. Through this self-reflection, we can gain a better understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears.

    Moreover, Tarot can provide guidance and support in navigating life's challenges and making important decisions. These cards can help us gain clarity, explore different perspectives, and uncover hidden influences that may be affecting our situation. This process of self-reflection and introspection can lead to personal growth, increased self-awareness, and enhanced decision-making abilities.

    Learning Tarot allows individuals to develop a deeper connection with their intuition and inner wisdom. As we become more attuned to our intuition, we can learn to trust ourselves and make choices that align with our authentic selves. Tarot cards can serve as a tool for accessing our inner guidance and finding answers within.

    Additionally, Tarot can provide a means for exploring and understanding our subconscious mind. The archetypal imagery and symbols within the cards can trigger insights and awaken hidden aspects of our psyche. This exploration of the subconscious can lead to greater self-awareness, healing, and personal transformation.

    Developing Intuition and Psychic Abilities

    One of the key reasons to learn Tarot is to develop and enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. Tarot cards act as a tool to tap into your innate intuition and connect with your higher self or the universal consciousness. Through regular practice and study of Tarot, you can strengthen your intuitive abilities and expand your psychic awareness.

    Here are a few ways in which learning Tarot can help you develop your intuition and psychic abilities:

    Heightened Awareness: By working with tarot cards, you become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and energies. This heightened awareness allows you to better perceive and interpret subtle signs and symbols in your daily life.

    Trust in Intuition: Tarot encourages you to trust your intuition and rely on your inner wisdom. As you practice interpreting the cards and making connections between them, you learn to listen to your gut feelings and trust the messages that come through.

    Symbolic Language: Tarot utilizes a symbolic language that taps into the collective unconscious. By learning the meanings and symbolism of the tarot cards, you train your mind to think symbolically and make intuitive associations.

    Expanded Perception: Tarot readings often involve exploring different perspectives and seeing beyond the surface level. This helps you develop a broader perception of situations and people, fostering your psychic abilities to see the unseen or perceive hidden truths.

    Intuitive Decision-Making: As you become more intuitive through Tarot practice, you can apply this heightened intuition to various aspects of your life. Tarot can assist you in making intuitive decisions, guiding you toward the best possible outcomes.

    Remember, developing intuition and psychic abilities is a journey that requires patience, practice, and an open mind. Tarot can serve as a powerful tool to support you on this path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    Gaining Insight and Clarity in Various Life Aspects

    One of the reasons why learning Tarot can be beneficial is that it allows you to gain insight and clarity in various life aspects. By using tarot cards, you can explore different areas of your life and receive guidance and understanding.

    Relationships: Tarot can provide valuable insights into your relationships, both romantic and platonic. It can help you understand the dynamics at play, identify any challenges or conflicts, and offer guidance on how to improve communication and connection with others.

    Career and Finances: When it comes to your career and finances, Tarot can offer guidance on potential opportunities, obstacles, and the best course of action. It can help you make informed decisions, navigate challenges, and explore your professional and financial growth.

    Personal Development: Tarot is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-reflection. It can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal development. It can also guide how to overcome obstacles and align with your true purpose.

    Health and Well-Being: Your physical and emotional well-being are important aspects of your life. Tarot can offer insights into your health and highlight any areas that may need attention. It can also guide you toward practices and habits that promote overall well-being and balance.

    Decision-Making: When faced with important decisions, Tarot can provide clarity and guidance. By tapping into your intuition and interpreting the cards, you can gain valuable insights that can help you make informed choices and navigate through uncertainties.

    Importance of Intuition

    Intuition is a powerful and innate ability that can enhance our understanding of the world and ourselves. In the context of tarot readings, intuition plays a crucial role in interpreting the cards and providing meaningful insights. By learning to develop and trust our intuition, we can tap into our inner wisdom and unlock deeper levels of insight and connection within our Tarot practice. This book will explore various techniques and exercises to help you develop and trust your intuition, enabling you to fully embrace and unlock the power of the Tarot.

    Definition and Understanding of Intuition

    Intuition is a powerful and innate ability that resides within each of us. It is often described as a deep knowing or a gut feeling that arises without logical reasoning or conscious thought. In the context of tarot reading, intuition plays a crucial role in interpreting the cards and providing meaningful insights.

    Intuition can be seen as a form of non-verbal communication between our conscious and subconscious minds. It is a way for our higher self or inner wisdom to communicate with us. When we tap into our intuition, we can access information beyond what our logical mind can comprehend.

    There are different ways in which intuition manifests itself. Some people experience it as a physical sensation in their body, such as a tingling sensation or a feeling of warmth. Others may receive intuitive insights through visions, dreams, or even auditory messages. It is important to note that intuition is a personal and unique experience for each individual.

    Developing and trusting your intuition is a skill that can be cultivated through practice and self-awareness. By learning to quiet the noise of the mind and connecting with your inner guidance, you can strengthen your intuitive abilities. Tarot serves as a powerful tool to enhance and validate your intuition, allowing you to tap into the collective wisdom of the cards.

    It is worth mentioning that intuition should not be confused with wishful thinking or personal biases. Intuitive insights are often accompanied by a sense of clarity and resonance. They may provide guidance and understanding that goes beyond our conscious understanding.

    Role of Intuition in Tarot Readings

    Intuition plays a vital role in tarot readings. It is the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing us to tap into our innate wisdom and connect with the deeper meanings behind the tarot cards. By harnessing and trusting our intuition, we can unlock the true power of the Tarot.

    When conducting a tarot reading, intuition acts as the guiding force that helps interpret the cards and deliver insightful messages. While the tarot cards themselves hold symbolic meanings, it is through intuition that we can interpret these symbols and apply them to the specific context of the reading.

    Intuition allows us to go beyond the surface-level interpretations of the cards and delve into the rich layers of symbolism and personal meaning. It helps us connect the dots, uncover hidden patterns, and make sense of the messages that the Tarot is trying to convey.

    By relying on intuition, we can tap into our inner knowing and access the collective wisdom that the Tarot represents. It enables us to perceive the subtle energies and vibrations surrounding a situation, person, or event, and gain deeper insights that may not be readily apparent.

    It is important to note that intuition is a skill that can be cultivated and developed. Through regular practice and engagement with the Tarot, we can strengthen our intuitive abilities and enhance our connection to the cards. This involves trusting our instincts, listening to our inner voice, and being open to receiving the messages that arise during a reading.

    Intuition is not limited to just the reader; it also plays a significant role for the querent, the person seeking the tarot reading. The querent's intuition can guide them in selecting the questions to ask, interpreting the messages received, and applying the insights gained from the reading to their own life.

    Cultivating and Trusting Your Intuition

    Intuition is an innate gift that we all possess, although it may be stronger in some individuals than others. It is the ability to tap into your subconscious mind and access information beyond what your rational mind can comprehend. When it comes to tarot readings, intuition plays a crucial role in interpreting the cards and providing insightful guidance.

    Embrace Your Inner Wisdom

    To cultivate your intuition, it's essential to trust in your inner wisdom. This means acknowledging and embracing your unique insights and gut feelings. Pay attention to any hunches or intuitive nudges you experience in your daily life. These subtle messages are often your intuition guiding you toward the right path.

    One way to tap into your inner wisdom is through meditation. Set aside quiet time each day to sit in stillness and tune into your thoughts and feelings. Allow any intuitive messages to surface without judgment or analysis. Over time, regular meditation practice can enhance your intuition and help you trust your inner voice.

    Develop Your Intuitive Senses

    Intuition can manifest through various senses, commonly known as the clairs. These include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), and clairalience (clear smelling). Take the time to explore and develop each of these senses to strengthen your intuitive abilities.

    For example, to enhance your clairvoyance, practice visualizing images or scenes in your mind's eye. Allow the images to flow freely and observe any symbols or messages that come through. Similarly, to develop your clairaudience, pay attention to any subtle sounds or voices that you may hear during meditation or throughout the day.

    Practice Trusting Your Intuition

    Trusting your intuition takes practice and self-belief. Start by making small decisions based on your intuitive guidance and observe the outcomes. As you see your intuition proving itself, your trust in it will grow stronger. Remember that intuition is not always logical or rational, but it often leads us to the most authentic and empowering choices.

    In the context of tarot readings, trust that the insights you receive while interpreting the cards are valid and meaningful. Avoid second-guessing yourself or seeking external validation. The more you trust your intuition, the more accurate and insightful your readings will become.

    Create a Supportive Environment

    Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who value and appreciate intuition can significantly enhance your intuitive journey. Seek out communities or discussion groups where you can share your experiences and learn from others. Engage in conversations that explore intuition and its role in tarot readings.

    Additionally, keep a journal or notebook dedicated to recording your intuitive experiences and insights. This practice allows you to reflect on your progress and recognize patterns or themes that emerge over time.

    Unlocking the Power of the Five Clairs

    The five clairs are an essential aspect of psychic development and intuition. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairalience are the five clairs that we use to communicate with the spiritual realm and interpret messages from the universe. Understanding these clairs and learning how to use them can help you cultivate your psychic abilities, deepen your intuition, and enhance your spiritual journey.


    Clairvoyance translates to clear seeing and is one of the most known clairs. It refers to the ability to see visions or images that are beyond our physical perception. A clairvoyant person may receive insights or symbols in their dreams, meditative states, or spontaneous moments throughout the day. They may see spirit guides, angels, and other transcendent beings during their practice.

    Clairvoyant visions can come in various forms, including flashes of images, a sense of déjà vu, and hallucinations. Individuals with this gift may also see energetic auras, which reflect a person's emotional, physical, and spiritual state. For instance, an aura might reveal a person's chakra imbalances or give clues about the energy levels of a place.

    Developing clairvoyance requires discipline, focus, and practice. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to hone your clairvoyant skills. Start by sitting in a comfortable position and breathe deeply. Bring your awareness to your inner senses, noticing any images, colors, or shapes that come to your mind’s eye. Don’t judge or analyze what you see, instead let the images unfold naturally. With time, you may find that you can see more vividly and gain greater clarity from your vision.


    Clairaudience translates to clear hearing, and it refers to the ability to hear messages from the spirit realm. A clairaudient person may hear voices, sounds, music, and other auditory signals that are not audible to the human ear. The messages they receive could come from a spirit guide, angel, or other sources of divine intelligence.

    This gift can also be incorporated into your daily life by paying attention to the things you hear around you. For example, you may hear a song on the radio that speaks to your current situation, or you may overhear a conversation that gives you an answer to a problem you've been struggling with.

    To enhance your clairaudient abilities, start by setting the intention to hear the messages of the universe. When you begin to hear things that are beyond your physical hearing, ask yourself what the message could mean. Trusting in what you hear without being influenced by your ego is essential in developing your ability to hear messages from the spiritual realm more clearly.


    Claircognizance translates to clear knowing and it refers to the ability to receive messages or information instantly without any prior knowledge or external cues. It is an innate sense of understanding about a specific thing or situation, like knowing someone is lying or what the outcome of a situation will be.

    Claircognizant messages might come in the form of sudden insights, premonitions, flashes of inspiration, or a deep sense of intuition. These messages are often difficult to explain because there are no clear pathways of thinking or reasoning that lead to this knowing.

    Learning how to recognize and trust your claircognizance can be a challenge as it involves having faith in your intuition. Meditation, mindfulness, and journaling can help strengthen your claircognizance. In essence, try to stay present in your daily life and trust your inner wisdom when you receive an insight or intuitive hit.


    Clairsentience is also known as clear feeling and is the ability to sense and feel energy and emotions. People with clairsentience can often detect the presence of beings, entities, and spirits. They can also tune in to the emotions of people around them and feel their physical or emotional pain.

    Clairsentients might experience empathic reactions when in crowds or around individuals with a lot of emotional charge. Their energy might suddenly feel drained, or they may start experiencing physical sensations. These sensations might feel visceral, such as becoming hot or cold, tingly, or tight.

    To improve your clairsentience, start by tuning in to your feelings. Practice grounding exercises like nature walks or meditation to connect with the environment or your inner self. You can also work with crystals to enhance your energetic sensitivity. Black tourmaline is a powerful ally for grounding, while clear quartz helps amplify your intuitive abilities.


    Clairalience translates to clear smelling and refers to the ability to smell scents and odors from the spirit realm that are not present in the physical world. Clairalient people may smell flower essences, incense, perfumes, or other strong, unfamiliar scents.

    This gift may also be used to receive messages from spirits who once had a strong connection to a particular scent, such as your grandmother's perfume or your grandfather's cigar smoke.

    To develop this ability, practice focusing on deeper inhalations while sniffing sensory stimuli, such as aromatherapy oils. From here, notice any distinct smells or sensations that arise, and take note of any possible interpretation that comes to mind.

    In conclusion, each of these gifts can help you to perceive the world beyond your physical reality. Understanding and practicing them can help you enhance your psychic abilities, deepen your intuition, and connect with your spiritual journey. With discipline, dedication, and an open mind, anyone can develop the five clairs and create a more profound understanding of the world around them.

    Exploring the Practice of Mediumship

    Throughout history, humans have looked to communicate with spirits and the afterlife. With the development of mediumship, many have found a pathway to connect with the other world, allowing themselves to channel messages, wisdom, and healing come through.

    Mediumship is the practice of communicating with spirits and loved ones that have passed away. It's a gift that has been in existence for centuries, and it's believed that many cultures were familiar with the practice, yet it's regarded as a new-age practice.

    Mediums are gifted individuals who can receive and interpret messages from spirits. There are different types of mediumships, such as mental, physical, trance, and channeling, but all of them are designed to connect the living with the dead, providing closure, healing, and peace.

    The history of mediumship can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed in the afterlife and found a way to communicate with spirits through rituals, oracles, and magic. However, it wasn't until the 18th and 19th centuries, during the rise of Spiritualism, that mediumship was recognized as a legitimate practice worldwide.

    The birth of Spiritualism began in 1848 in Hydesville, a small village in New York, when two sisters, Kate and Margaret Fox, claimed to communicate with the spirit of a murdered peddler. The sisters became famous and were followed by many people interested in mediumship, leading to the rise of Spiritualism as a religious movement.

    Spiritualism was defined as a belief system that combined the idea of the afterlife, the importance of moral living, and the need for communication with the beyond. Mediums became part of the religious practice, and Spiritualist churches were founded, providing a place for people to practice their skills, receive healing, and connect with loved ones.

    Mediumship has been known to bring a sense of peace to people who have lost loved ones. They help the living to understand that the deceased continues to exist; they continue to love and support us beyond the physical realm. This knowledge has a therapeutic effect, lessening feelings of grief and loneliness that often accompany death.

    Mediumship is widely accepted today, as individuals seek a connection to something beyond the physical world or are searching for answers to life's most pressing questions. With the help of modern communication technology, mediums can transcend borders and provide their services worldwide.

    Today, many mediums work professionally, offering personal readings, hosting workshops, and retreats, and connecting with people through television and social media. Some have become celebrities and household names, taking mediums to new heights.

    Mediumship: How it Works

    How mediumship works remains a mystery. Some people believe that mediums are gifted, while others consider it an acquired skill. Many see it as a combination of both, where individuals have a natural ability to connect with spirits and can also develop their skills over time.

    The process of mediumship often involves sitting in a quiet space and having the medium (the person who receives messages from the spirit world) go into a meditative state. The medium then becomes a vessel, allowing spirits to communicate their message through them.

    The information shared can be in the form of visions, feelings, and messages, which the medium is asked to interpret. Mediums can receive messages from a specific person or from various spirits who wish to convey a message.

    Practice requires tremendous discipline and dedication to understand and develop. It is not as simple as turning the ability on or off. Because the practice is built on trust and the open interpretation of signs from those on the other side, mediums must always be open to receiving and interpreting messages.

    When working with mediums, an open heart and mind are necessary. It's essential to understand that the messages from spirits are not crystal-clear and require interpretation. Mediums do their best to deliver the message, though due to the nature of the spirit realm, it will not always be an exact match of communication.

    Types of Mediumships

    Mental mediumship and physical mediumship are the two primary mediums through which mediums connect with spirits. Mental mediumship focuses on the receiving of messages directly in the mind of the medium, while physical mediumship is when the receiving is through the senses outside of the body.

    Trance mediumship occurs when the medium goes into a deep trance and communicates with the spirit world. The medium acts as a messenger, relaying the messages from the spirits without interpreting them.

    Channeling is a modern type of mediumship that involves the medium receiving messages from a higher source or an ascended master, for example. The messages shared can be for personal growth and spiritual development, or they could be for collective humanity.

    Mediumship can also be demonstrated through psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience. These abilities help mediums to receive messages from spirits through visualization, hearing, or sensing the presence of the spirits.

    Mediumship is often facilitated by a spiritualist church or spiritual center. These spacious, quiet environments allow mediums to connect with spirits, focusing on messages of wisdom, guidance, and support for those who seek this knowledge and connection.

    Mediumship: Can it be trusted?

    The power of mediums, while supported by faith and belief, comes under great scrutiny in today's world. Involving communication with the afterlife is often a grey area with many people questioning the legitimacy and accuracy of those who work tirelessly to decode these messages.

    Certainly, some charlatans have tarnished the integrity of mediumship. It's important to note that mediums should be approached with healthy skepticism and caution, especially those who claim to be able to conjure and communicate with spirits.

    The famed mediumship of fraudulent mediums like the Fox sisters has haunted the practice for decades. There have been numerous accounts of fraudsters who have duped the vulnerable, profiting from the grief and confusion surrounding death.

    Numerous skeptics have also criticized mediumship, calling it a farce, and labeling it the work of those desperate for attention or money. However, for those who have genuine experiences, there is no doubt about the legitimacy and importance of mediumship.

    The world of mediumship, though shrouded in mystery and skepticism, remains an essential aspect of life for many. It offers a sense of comfort for those who have lost loved ones, and for many continues a tradition of communication with an afterlife that has existed for centuries.

    Though it can never be a substitute for a warm hug or a human touch, mediumship provides a level of connection and closure that can help individuals work through feelings of grief, sadness, and even guilt.

    For those seeking answers to pressing questions in life, mediumship can also provide guidance and wisdom that can help people move forward. With the proper care and caution, mediumship has the potential to reveal a greater understanding and connection to the world beyond the physical realm.

    The Power of Mindfulness

    Emotions are a fundamental aspect of our human experience, and they can serve as guideposts through the twists and turns of life. They can motivate us to action, alert us to danger, and inspire us to create meaningful change. However, emotions can also be painful and overwhelming, causing us to withdraw or act out in ways that may harm ourselves or others. To heal emotionally, we need to learn how to connect with our feelings, reflect on their meaning, and write down our thoughts and experiences to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

    To begin, we must allow ourselves to feel. It can be easy to fall into the trap of suppressing or avoiding our emotions, especially when they are difficult to sit with. We may turn to distractions like excessive work, social media, or substance abuse to numb ourselves to pain. However, this approach only leads to further disconnection and emotional distress. To truly heal, we must learn to sit with our feelings and allow them to flow.

    Once we have connected with our emotions, we can reflect on their meaning. What do our emotions tell us about our deepest desires, needs, and intentions? How do they shape the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us? By reflecting on our emotions, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and see more clearly the root of our pain.

    The third step in this process is to write down our thoughts and experiences. Writing can be an incredibly powerful tool for emotional healing. It allows us to externalize the swirling thoughts and feelings in our minds, providing us with a tangible record of our inner world. By writing, we can process our emotions more thoroughly, gain new insights into our experiences, and navigate our way toward greater clarity and peace.

    However, it's important to remember that when writing about our emotions, we are not our thoughts. We are witnesses to them, observing and recording them without judgment or attachment. This process of detachment allows us to see our emotions more clearly, without being consumed by them. It's okay to feel angry, sad, or anxious, but we don't have to identify with these emotions as a core aspect of our identities.

    Finally, it's essential to focus on our behavior, desires, needs, and intentions. Our emotions are powerful motivators, but they do not dictate our actions. By gaining a better understanding of our underlying motivations, we can make conscious decisions that align more closely with our deepest values and beliefs. We can set boundaries that safeguard our well-being, communicate our needs more effectively, and cultivate relationships that nurture and support us.

    Grounding Through the Root Chakra

    Tarot readings are an excellent way to gain insight into our lives and the world around us. The tarot cards are a symbolic representation of the human experience and can give us guidance and clarity in times of uncertainty or confusion. But with any spiritual practice, it's essential to ground yourself before diving into the energetic realms. One common way to ground yourself before practicing tarot readings is by focusing on the root chakra.

    The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It's associated with our foundation, stability, and primal needs, such as food, shelter, and safety. By grounding through the root chakra before a tarot reading, we can bring a sense of stability and balance to our energetic body, making it easier to connect with the cards' energy and meanings.

    To ground through the root chakra, start by finding a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, focusing your attention on the base of your spine. Imagine a red light glowing at your root chakra, growing brighter with each inhale. With each exhale, release any tension or stress you're holding in your body.

    As the red light grows brighter, imagine roots extending from your tailbone, rooting you deep into the earth. Visualize these roots growing stronger and deeper, connecting you to the earth's energy and stability. Allow the earth's energy to flow up through the roots, filling your body with a sense of grounding and stability.

    Once you feel grounded through the root chakra, you can begin your tarot reading with a grounded and centered energy. As you shuffle the cards, focus on your intention for the reading. Whether you're seeking clarity, guidance, or insight, hold that intention in your mind as you lay out the cards and interpret their meanings.

    By grounding through the root chakra before a tarot reading, you're cultivating a sense of stability and balance that can help you connect more deeply with the cards' energy. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced reader, grounding can help you remain centered and present during your reading.

    The Power of Psychic Protection

    Psychic protection is a term used to describe techniques and methods used to protect an individual's energy and aura from negative energies and entities. In simpler terms, it refers to ways that a person can shield themselves from psychic attacks, negative thoughts, and emotions.

    Psychic attacks can come from a variety of sources including negative people, negative entities, and even negative thoughts or emotions from within oneself. These types of attacks can drain a person's energy levels, leave them feeling exhausted and can even affect their physical health.

    The good news is that psychic protection can be easily learned and practiced without any special training or equipment. The key is to be aware of one's own energy field and to take steps to protect it from intrusions.

    One of the simplest methods is to envision a protective shield around oneself. This shield can be created through visualization, as well as by using physical objects such as crystals, amulets, and talismans. When creating the shield, it is important to focus on positive intentions and to make it impenetrable to negative energies.

    Another aspect of psychic protection is keeping one's energy levels high. This can be achieved through meditation, regular exercise, eating healthy foods, walking in nature, and getting enough sleep. High energy levels enable an individual to repel negative energies more easily and to remain in a positive state of mind.

    Being in control of one's own thoughts and emotions is also key when it comes to psychic protection. Negativity, fear, and anger attract and amplify negative energies, making an individual more susceptible to psychic attacks. By cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, one can create a protective barrier against such attacks.

    Finally, it is important to surround oneself with positive people and environments. Negative people and environments can sap an individual's energy and leave them vulnerable to psychic attacks. By cultivating positive relationships and spending time in positive environments, an individual can create a sense of safety and protection against negative energies.


    Preparing your tarot deck is an essential step in any tarot practice. Before buying your deck, it's important to consider factors such as the intent of use, design, symbolism, type, creator, card size, accessibility, and price. Once you have your deck, consecrating and cleansing it can help align it with your energy and ensure accuracy in readings. This can be done through grounding, clearing, communicating, transforming, connecting with divine energy, and setting intentions. Taking the time to prepare your deck can greatly enhance your tarot practice.

    Before Buying Your Deck

    If you're considering buying a tarot deck, there are several factors that you should consider before making your purchase. Here are some of the most essential things to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best out of your tarot deck.

    The Intent of Use

    Before purchasing your tarot deck, it's essential to determine the intent of use. Tarot can be used for various reasons, such as personal growth, spiritual insight, or even entertainment. Understanding the goal of using a tarot deck helps in selecting a deck that matches your needs.

    For example, if you plan to use the deck for entertainment and fun, such as at parties, you need to choose a deck that fits the atmosphere. On the other hand, if you plan to use the deck for spiritual insight or meditation, you may want to look for decks that have a more spiritual or sacred feel to them.

    The Design

    There are countless tarot decks available in the market, and each deck has its unique artwork, design, and symbolism. These features play an essential role in choosing a tarot deck that resonates with you.

    Some decks are more traditional and have classic symbols and illustrations, while others are more modern with abstract art and minimalistic designs. It's crucial to choose the deck that appeals to you visually, as the illustrations will help you connect with the cards' meanings.

    The Symbolism

    The symbolism of the tarot deck is an essential factor to consider when deciding on a deck. Each card in the deck has different meanings and symbols, and it's important to pick a deck that connects with your intuition.

    Some decks come with a booklet or guidebook that explains the symbolism, while others may require an in-depth knowledge of Tarot basics and numerology. It's important to find a deck that resonates with you and has symbols that you can intuitively read and interpret.

    The Type

    Different types of tarot decks cater to different preferences and interests. Choosing a deck that matches your interest is important to ensure that you enjoy using it.

    Some of the popular tarot decks include the Rider-Waite Tarot, Marseille Tarot, Thoth Tarot, and the Osho Zen Tarot. Each deck has its unique features and can cater to different types of readers.

    The Tarot Deck Creator

    When purchasing a tarot deck, it's important to research the creator of the deck. Many tarot decks are created by authors, artists, or tarot experts who have a unique perspective on Tarot.

    It's essential to look into the creator's background and reputation to ensure that the deck you purchase is authentic and reliable. Understanding the creator's vision and intention behind the deck can also help you connect better with the cards.

    The Card Size

    The size of the tarot cards is also an important consideration. While most tarot decks come in a standard size, some decks may have smaller or larger cards.

    A standard tarot deck is 2.75 x 4.75 inches, but some decks may also come in larger sizes. It's essential to consider the size of the deck, as larger cards may be more comfortable to read, but harder to handle.

    The Deck's Accessibility

    Accessibility is another crucial consideration when purchasing a tarot deck. Some tarot decks may have complicated symbolism and meanings that may be challenging for beginners to understand.

    Choosing a deck that is accessible and comes with a guidebook or booklet can help you learn the basic interpretations and meanings of each card. It can also help you develop your intuition and understanding of the deck.

    The Price

    Tarot decks can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars, depending on the quality, rarity, and popularity of the deck. It's essential to set a budget and choose a deck that fits your financial plan.

    It's important to note that the price of the deck does not necessarily indicate its quality or authenticity. Some beginner tarot decks may also be affordable, while other expensive ones may not be suitable for a beginner reader.

    By following these guidelines, you can find a tarot deck that connects with your intuition.

    Consecrating Your Deck

    Before you can begin to use your tarot deck to its fullest potential, it is essential to consecrate it. Consecration is a sacred act of purifying and dedicating an object or space to a specific purpose. By consecrating your tarot deck, you are infusing it with magical energy, setting it apart from your everyday life, and aligning it with the spiritual forces that govern the universe.

    Consecration is important because it sets the tone for your relationship with your tarot deck. By dedicating it to your spiritual growth, you are opening yourself up to a higher level of consciousness and inviting divine guidance into your life. Consecration also helps you to establish a link with the elements and the four cardinal directions, creating a sacred space for your tarot readings and spiritual practice.

    One powerful way to consecrate your tarot deck is by invoking the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Each of these elements represents a different aspect of the universe and carries unique energy that can empower your tarot readings and help you connect with your intuition. Now, we will explore how to consecrate your tarot deck with the five elements and the benefits of doing so.

    Earth: Grounding and Stability

    The first element to invoke when consecrating your tarot deck is Earth. This element represents grounding, stability, and the physical realm. To invoke Earth, find a patch of earth or sand and place your tarot deck on it, or use a crystal and place it on top of your tarot deck. As you do so, say the following words:

    Element of Earth, I call upon you to bless and consecrate this tarot deck. May it be grounded in your stable energy and connected to the physical realm. May it carry the energy of abundance, growth, and fertility. So mote it be.

    As you recite these words, imagine the powerful energy of Earth filling your tarot deck and grounding it in the physical realm. This will help you to connect with the energy of the cards and the essence of the universe.

    Air: Clearing and Communication

    The second element to invoke when consecrating your tarot deck is Air. This element represents clear communication, mental clarity, and the power of the mind. To invoke Air, wave your tarot deck gently in the air or incense and recite the following words.

    Element of Air, I call upon you to bless and consecrate this tarot deck. May it be filled with the energy of mental clarity, communication, and inspiration. May it help me to see clearly and to communicate my thoughts and feelings with ease. So mote it be.

    As you recite these words, visualize the energy of Air or incense cleansing your tarot deck and filling it with the power of inspiration and mental clarity. This will help you to receive accurate and insightful readings from your tarot deck.

    Fire: Passion and Transformation

    The third element to invoke when consecrating your tarot deck is Fire. This element represents passion, transformation, and the power of will. To invoke Fire, light a candle and hold your tarot deck over the flame, reciting the following words:

    Element of Fire, I call upon you to bless and consecrate this tarot deck. May it be filled with the energy of passion, transformation, and the power of will. May it help me to transform and grow into my highest self. So mote it be.

    As you recite these words, imagine the powerful energy of fire empowering your tarot deck and transforming it into a tool for your spiritual growth. This will help you to tap into your inner power and align your will with the universe.

    Water: Emotions and Intuition

    The fourth element to invoke when consecrating your tarot deck is Water. This element represents emotions, intuition, and the power of the unconscious mind. To invoke Water, pour a small amount of water onto your tarot deck, reciting the following words:

    Element of Water, I call upon you to bless and consecrate this tarot deck. May it be filled with the energy of emotions, intuition, and the power of the unconscious mind. May it help me to connect with my deepest feelings and tap into my intuition. So mote it be.

    As you recite these words, visualize the energy of Water infusing your tarot deck with the power of your emotions and intuition. This will help you to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings and to receive intuitive insights from your tarot deck.

    Spirit: Divine Connection

    The final element to invoke when consecrating your tarot deck is Spirit. This element represents divinity, connection to the universe, and the power of the soul. To invoke Spirit, hold your tarot deck up to the sky (or ceiling, but you can have a living plant close to you as it represents the Spirit as well), reciting the following words:

    Element of Spirit, I call upon you to bless and consecrate this tarot deck. May it be filled with the energy of divine connection, spiritual guidance, and the power of the soul. May it help me to connect with the universe and receive the guidance that I seek. So mote it be.

    As you recite these words, feel the powerful energy of Spirit infusing your tarot deck with divine light and guidance. This will help you to tap into the universal energy and receive the guidance and wisdom that you need to move forward in your life.

    Consecrating your tarot deck with the five elements is a powerful practice that can help you connect with your intuition, receive guidance from the universe, and tap into your inner power. By invoking the energy of the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, you are creating a sacred space for your Tarot practice and empowering your readings with divine energy. Remember that a consecrated tarot deck is a precious tool that requires respect and care. Use it wisely, and it will guide you on your spiritual journey for years to come.

    Cleansing Your Tarot Deck

    Like any other tool, tarot cards require proper care and maintenance to ensure that they remain effective and accurate. One of the most important aspects of tarot card care is cleansing, which involves removing negative energy and restoring the deck’s energy and vitality. Let’s explore different ways to cleanse a tarot deck to keep it functioning at its best.

    Why Cleanse Your Deck?

    Before we delve into the different methods of cleansing a tarot deck, it’s important to understand why it’s necessary in the first place. Tarot cards are essential tools of energy and intuition; they provide a connection between the reader and the divine or higher self, allowing for insights, guidance, and revelations. However, like any conductor of energy, tarot cards can pick up residual energies from previous readings, the environment they’re stored in, and even the energy of the reader themselves. This can lead to a clouded deck that may provide inaccurate or confusing readings.

    Cleansing a tarot deck is the act of removing these old, stagnant energies and restoring the deck’s natural state. This helps to ensure that the cards are clear and receptive, allowing for accurate interpretations and insights. Cleansing your tarot deck regularly can also help you establish a deeper connection with your cards and enhance your intuitive abilities.

    When to Cleanse Your Deck

    There are several situations in which it’s recommended to cleanse your tarot deck. Here are a few examples:

    You’re working with a new deck: When you first acquire a new deck, it’s a good idea to cleanse it before using it for the first time. This helps to remove any lingering energies from previous readings or handlers and establishes a fresh, new energy for you to work with.

    You’ve had a difficult reading: If you’ve had a particularly intense or emotionally charged reading, it’s a good idea to cleanse your deck afterward. This helps to remove any residual energy from the reading and prevent it from influencing future readings.

    Your deck feels off: If your tarot deck feels heavy, sluggish, or unresponsive, it may need a cleanse. This is especially true if you’ve been using the deck frequently or in stressful or negative environments.

    You’re switching readers: If you’re lending your deck to someone else or borrowing a deck from someone else, it’s a good idea to cleanse the deck before and after the exchange. This helps to remove any energy imprints from the other person and establishes a fresh slate for you to work with.

    How to Cleanse Your Deck

    There are many different methods for cleansing a tarot deck, each with its benefits and limitations. Here are five popular methods to try:


    Smudging involves using smoke from burning herbs, such as sage, palo santo, or cedar, to purify and cleanse the deck. To smudge a tarot deck, light the herbs until they produce smoke, then hold the deck over the smoke and wave it back and forth. You can also fan the smoke over the deck using a feather or your hand. As you do so, visualize the smoke purifying and cleansing the deck of any negative or stagnant energy.

    Smudging is a popular and effective way to cleanse a tarot deck, as it not only clears the cards but also the surrounding environment. However, it’s important to use herbs that you’re familiar with and to be mindful of fire safety and air quality (especially if you’re smudging indoors).


    Moonlight/Sunlight is another powerful way to cleanse a tarot deck. Simply place the deck in a window or outside under the light of the full moon/sun (or any other phase of the moon, if a full moon isn’t available). Leave the deck there overnight/daylight, allowing the moon/sun’s energy to recharge and rejuvenate the cards.

    Moonlight/Sunlight is a gentle and natural way to cleanse a tarot deck, and it doesn’t require any additional tools or materials. However, it may not be as effective for heavier or more stubborn energies, and it’s important to be mindful of weather conditions and the safety of the deck (especially if it’s a valuable or delicate deck).


    Crystals have powerful energetic properties that can be tapped into for cleansing and purifying purposes. To cleanse a tarot deck with crystals, simply place the deck on top of or near a cleansing crystal, such as selenite, clear quartz, or amethyst. Leave the deck there for at least 24 hours, allowing the crystal’s energy to clear away any negativity and restore the deck’s vitality.

    Using crystals to cleanse a tarot deck is a

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