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Loving a Santini
Loving a Santini
Loving a Santini
Ebook198 pages2 hours

Loving a Santini

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About this ebook

Being the youngest in my Marine family hasn’t always been easy. There’s a lot of expectations when your last name is Santini. And I was living up to that name, until my last deployment. I’ve been suffering from nightmares and insomnia and it’s gotten to the point I will do anything, including massage therapy.

Almost from the moment I meet Sunshine, it’s like I have found something I didn’t know what missing. One kiss and we’re both falling, and soon we’re in the middle of a red hot affair.

Only, she’s keeping a big secret from me, one she thinks will ruin our relationship. Once I discover what she’s been hiding, I have to prove to her that once a Santini falls in love, there is no changing his mind…or his heart.

Release dateMay 7, 2024

Melissa Schroeder

From an early age, USA Today Bestselling author Melissa loved to read. First, it was the books her mother read to her including her two favorites, Winnie the Pooh and the Beatrix Potter books. She cut her preteen teeth on Trixie Belden and read and reviewed To Kill a Mockingbird in middle school. It wasn’t until she was in college that she tried to write her first stories, which were full of angst and pain, and really not that fun to read or write. After trying several different genres, she found romance in a Linda Howard book. Since her first published book, Grace Under Pressure, Mel has had over 60 short stories, novellas, and novels published. She has written in genres ranging from historical to contemporary to futuristic and has worked with 8 publishers although she handles most of her publishing herself. She is best known for her Harmless and Santini series. After years of following her military husband around the country and world, Mel happily lives with her family in horse and wine country in Northern Virginia.

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    Book preview

    Loving a Santini - Melissa Schroeder


    Nando came awake in a rush, his lungs on fire. He gulped in huge breaths as he tried to calm his racing heart. He didn’t even try the breathing and counting exercises his doctor had given him. He was concentrating on trying not to pass out.

    His heart began to calm, and his brain caught up with the panic attack he had been having. He started using the counting exercises—counting numbers in the wrong order—to get his brain back on track. The one thing he had learned in the last few months was that he could deal with just about anything if he took a moment and remembered where he was.

    PTSD. It wasn’t something the Santinis were unfamiliar with. His sister-in-law had dealt with it, as had his brother Carlos. They each had different experiences with it. Madison hadn’t been able to work as a Marine anymore, and his brother…well Carlos became a thrill junkie. Thankfully, Carlos had found his mission in life and now operated the ranch in Arizona that had helped him. Madison was a yoga instructor and had even given Nando a few helpful routines. The routines had helped, but every now and then, he’d have a nightmare that he couldn’t truly remember, except for the panic that forced him out of it. It was bad but wasn’t severe enough that Nando felt he had to leave the Marines.

    He glanced toward the window. It was still dark outside, so he knew it was the middle of the night. Night was always one of the best times in Hawaii. Of course, his brother Anthony said anytime was always a good time in Hawaii, even in a hurricane.

    With a chuckle, he slipped out of bed. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he grabbed some water and headed outside. He was lucky enough his cousin Marco had married a local girl, one with a stunning home right on the water. There was a guest house that various Santini friends and family had rented from her throughout the last few years. Hoping he didn’t disturb anyone, he walked past the front door and headed to the pool behind the house.

    His senses went on alert as he saw a figure by the pool.

    Alana. His cousin’s wife had been having a hard time since Marco had deployed. He thought about leaving her alone, but he must have made a noise and she turned around.

    Nando, she said, a welcoming smile. His cousin had definitely hit the jackpot with Alana. She was sweet, smart, and beautiful. It also helped that she didn’t put up with any crap from Marco. He knew it wasn’t easy being married to a Santini.

    Hey. Do you want me to leave you alone?

    She shook her head. No. Eddie had a nightmare and I couldn’t get back to sleep afterward.

    He nodded and joined her at the table. She sat down, and he took the opposite chair. There was a baby monitor on the table.

    Does Eddie have them often?

    She shook her head. Not too often, but they were pretty bad right after Marco left.

    I know my mother had a time of it with us when Dad was gone.

    She rolled her eyes. All the Santini cousins act as if their mothers are the strongest women on earth.

    Because they are, including the current generation.

    She laughed but it faded. You look tired Nando.

    He shrugged and took a big drink of water.

    You know I’m always here to talk to if you need.

    Her voice was filled with understanding, making him feel like a heel. She was only trying to help, and he knew from what his therapist told him that he needed to stop internalizing.

    I appreciate that, although I’m still seeing my therapist.

    That’s one thing I appreciate about your family. There’s no shame in saying you need help.

    It comes from one of our dad’s uncles. He returned from the Korean war not quite right. Committed suicide.

    Oh. I don’t think Marco ever told me that. She sat back in the seat and studied him. I have a friend who might be able to help you.

    No dates.

    She laughed. I think that you should definitely take any woman I throw at you. Look at what happened to Anthony.

    True, he said. His oldest brother had fallen for another military brat with local ties. Alana took full credit since she’d introduced them.

    But I’m talking about my friend, Sunshine.

    Sunshine? What kind of name is that?

    She named herself.

    He rolled his eyes.

    But, she’s very good at what she does. She works with a lot of people who suffer from PTSD.

    What is it that she does?

    Mainly, a massage therapist, but she is also a Reiki master.

    I’ve heard of that. They’re using it in some research for PTSD. How did you meet her?

    We’ve known each other for years. I think we first met at a benefit for the women’s shelter. She worked with domestic violence victims, giving free Reiki and meditation lessons.

    He thought about it. It wasn’t like it would hurt, and, at this point, he’d try anything. It wasn’t affecting his work, but Nando was sure if he let it go too long, it would. Okay. I’ll give it a try.

    She smiled. Good.

    Then she looked in the direction of the beach. He knew she was probably thinking about Marco. Since his cousin was a SEAL, they never really knew where he was in particular. Alana had been strong, but he knew the nights could be tough.

    "Do you need to talk?"

    She smiled and rubbed her belly. She was just starting to show with their third child. That’s sweet. She looked at him. Why don’t you have a woman?

    Because I take my role as the last free man in my family seriously.

    She giggled, then it faded again.

    Really, Alana. I know it can be bad at night.

    She looked at him again. How do you know that?

    Common sense. Also, I was the kid in a Marine home. When all my siblings started running off to join the military, I was left at home with Mom. Dad might have been retired from the military, but Mom had kids to worry about. She would pace the floor at night.

    Your mother must have a spine of steel.

    Takes one to know one.

    She smiled, and this time it reached her eyes. Again, why are you single?

    I haven’t met the right woman.

    Because you are always deployed.

    I’ve been here for three months.


    Okay, I’m sort of out of practice. It’s been so long since I’ve been on a regular date, I wouldn’t know what to do.

    She rolled her eyes. Show me a Santini who says he can’t romance a woman, and I say you’ve shown me a liar.

    He chuckled, but he hadn’t been lying. He hadn’t really had a date in almost a year. He didn’t count hookups. A bona fide date with dinner or something.


    He looked at Alana, who was staring at him. Sorry. My mind was wandering.

    She nodded. I know the feeling. But really, I think a date or two wouldn’t hurt.

    Probably not. He cocked his head to the side. Are you sure this Sunshine idea isn’t a date setup?

    Absolutely not. She’s got a thing about dating military men.

    And what kind of thing is that?

    She doesn’t do it.


    Alana rolled her eyes. No. Date military guys. Plus, you would be a client, and she’s kind of a stickler about that.

    He grunted. Good because things should just happen organically.

    Organically? she asked, her voice quivered.

    He studied her and even in the dim light, he could see her eyes were dancing.


    It’s just an odd choice of words for dating.

    It was his turn to roll his eyes. I mean, I don’t want a setup. I never do well with those.

    Again, you’re a Santini, so I know you’re lying.

    He shrugged. He’d had his share of dates in high school and throughout the academy. There was one girl he even talked marriage with, but for some reason, nothing stuck. At the moment, he wasn’t even worried about marriage. Sure, he was close to thirty, but he still had time—a lot of time. Also, there was the problem with his career. While his PTSD didn’t keep him from serving, he wasn’t sure he wanted to spend twenty years in. He’d started to enjoy the work he was doing right now, even though he knew he was expected to go back into the field. Without a secure future, he couldn’t get serious about any woman.

    Hey, Nando?

    He finally focused on his cousin. Sorry. Just thinking about the future and things like that.


    He nodded. So, this Sunshine woman?

    She smiled. I’ll call Sunshine and set it up.

    Sounds good.

    I think I’m going to turn in and try to get some sleep. Those boys of mine will be up at the crack of dawn.

    Hey, I’ll hang out and help. I got my PT done yesterday, so I don’t have to be in until seven-thirty.

    That would be wonderful, she said as she stood up. She stopped by his chair and leaned down to brush a kiss on his cheek. You really are a good man, Nando.

    Then she walked off. He watched as she disappeared into the house. He turned to look out to the ocean. The house sat close enough to hear the surf, and he liked that. He liked a lot of aspects of Hawaii, more than he had expected to. He was enjoying this assignment, so there was no reason to screw it up with dating. Right now, he was happy just to be the way he was.

    Serious relationships and dating could come later.

    SUNSHINE FOSTER SIGHED as she parked her car behind her shop. Nothing like a car wreck at the turnabout to cause her to run forty minutes behind. If she had gone with her instincts and taken Haleiwa Road, she would have avoided it. Once she got stuck there, there was no moving anyone. Throw in the fact that she had overslept, and it was not a good start to the day.

    Hey, Sunshine, Mary, her receptionist, said as Sunshine blew into the room.

    She was an older woman, Hawaiian in blood, and always seemed to know just what Sunshine needed. Of course, that probably came from being what Sunshine considered her second mother—or auntie as they called women like her on the island. She had been the one who took her in when her mother had been hospitalized. Her husband Vincent and the rest of the brood were the only family Sunshine had. Mary was also the only one who could put up with Sunshine and her crazy schedule. Tina just said to call her to arrange her appointment.

    Was she angry?

    Mary rolled her eyes. Of course. She said she never wanted to see you again.

    She stopped what she was doing and stared at Mary. Really?

    No. None of your clients get mad at you.

    There was that one guy I turned down for a date.

    Haole, Mary said, using the term Hawaiians used for newcomers.

    I’m a Haole.

    You were born here. You’re Hawaiian.

    Mary was Hawaiian and was convinced Sunshine was too; although, she was as white as a girl could get. With her red hair and freckles, she was probably the furthest thing from Hawaiian. Still, Mary refused to let her think anything else.

    Any other messages?

    Yes, that man called again.

    What man?

    The one you’ve been avoiding.

    She sighed. Of course. Her father. I have nothing to say to him.

    Mary sniffed. You should show your father respect.

    The old argument was getting worse now that her father was stepping up his calls. She didn’t know why it was so important for him to see her now. He’d never seen her in her entire life, so there was no reason to start now that she was twenty-six.

    He had a chance at being more than a sperm donor a long time ago, and he gave it up. She knew Mary would argue until the end of time if she didn’t push her along. Anything else?

    Before Mary could answer Sunshine, Sunshine’s phone buzzed. When she saw Alana’s face on the screen, she smiled. Give me a second.

    Mary nodded, and Sunshine headed back to her office. Hey, Alana, what’s going on? she asked as she closed the door and dropped her purse on the chair next to her desk.

    Nothing much. I’m calling to see if you can fit one of Marco’s cousins in for a session?

    I’m sure I can find time. What for?

    He’s dealing with PTSD, although the case is mild. It’s causing him to lose sleep. I thought maybe you could work some magic on him.

    She snorted. I don’t know magic.

    I disagree.

    I have never pulled a rabbit from a hat. As she hoped, her friend laughed. How are things without Marco around?

    The same. But different. This pregnancy is throwing me out of whack.

    I think he should go on more deployments. That way, you might not get pregnant so often.

    Probably, she said, a smile in her voice. Sunshine felt like a heel. She should have been checking up on her friend. Being pregnant and having two young kids was hard enough. Being left for a few months because her SEAL husband had been deployed made it difficult.

    Should I come out there? I can do it today after I close up.

    I think that would be fantastic. I’ll double check and text you if there’s an issue.

    Great. And I get to see the munchkins. Oh, shoot, I didn’t have time to make them cookies.

    I think they’ll survive.

    I have a feeling Jon would disagree. When does Marco come home?


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